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  wraith89 said:
Usually I don't relegate Surf and Waterfall to HM slaves because both are usable... although the latter only became usable starting from D/P because before that Surf overshadowed it.

I have two HM slaves:


- Cut

- Rock Smash

- Fly

- Defog


- Strength

- Surf

- Waterfall

- Rock Climb

That's all I need.

This. Four Pokemon and two HM slaves are more than enough to get you through Platinum. Of course, at the beginning of the game, you have to use something like Starly and/or Kricketune before you get to the Great Marsh.

  wraith89 said:
Usually I don't relegate Surf and Waterfall to HM slaves because both are usable... although the latter only became usable starting from D/P because before that Surf overshadowed it.

I have two HM slaves:


- Cut

- Rock Smash

- Fly

- Defog


- Strength

- Surf

- Waterfall

- Rock Climb

That's all I need.

:eek: Those are my exact same HM slaves! The only difference is that Tropius knows strength and Bibarel knows Rock Smash.


i have 2 mules that are almost always in my team

Name: Blue Mule

Pokemon: Dragonite

Moves: Surf, Waterfall, Fly, Defog

Name: Red Mule

Pokemon: Rampardos

Moves: Rock Smash, Rock Climb, Strength, Cut

then i use only 2 poks for all the HM`s and they are named after the type/colour moves they have (sort of)

  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be unorignal and say that my Bibarel (Rock Smash, Strength, Rock Climb, Cut) is my HM Slave, but to be fair, I also used a shiny Golem (with the exact same moveset, but replace Cut with Rock Blast, lol) when I got to the middle of the main story of Platinum. I used a random Starly for Fly and Defog, though.


Bibarel, Golduck and Staraptor are my HM slaves.

I don't really need Golduck now that I can fly anywhere, but I choose to have it anyway.


i just got from GTS "hacked" legendaries, i made these two as my current HM slaves :)


- surf

- waterfall

- strength

- rock smash


- cut

- fly

- defog

- rock climb

cool :)


This was after the elite-four and all the events (eg. Stark Mountain, etc.). They're all lvl 100, and yes, even my bibarel!

Garchomp - none

Weavile - none

Kingdra - none

Staraptor - Fly, Staraptor isn't really HM Slave, I use Fly as an attack

Gliscor - Cut, Strength, Defog

Bibarel - Surf, Waterfall, Rock Smash, Rock Climb


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It's terrible because it seems that nearly every area in the game you need to be requires an HM slave. It's so bad that instead of having a traditional 6 party team I've dropped to 4.

My main HM Slaves are Geodude and Scyther.

My Staravia handles fly and my Empoleon Surfs.

Every now and then I'll drop Scyther for Gyarados in order to use waterfall.

  • 2 weeks later...

I use 2 Mews XP

Mew@ Life Orb (Nickname: Field Slave)

~ Cut

~ Fly

~ Defog

~ Waterfall

Meant for Out of Cave uses

and my other Mew

Mew@ Life Orb (Nickname: Cave Slave)

~ Rock Smash

~ Flash

~ Strength

~ Rock Climb

Meant for Cave use.

As for Surf I always have a Pokemon already know it, like Suicune.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have the PERFECT SLAVES Muahahahah!

Lol Jk but Ya I use the Following:









Rock Climb

Rock Smash

All the HM's in a two-for-one bundle =)


I keep 4 main pokemon to have to battle:

In platinum I use a Bibarel for Surf/Waterfall/Cut/Defog and something else and a spare Geodude for Strength/Rock Cimb/Rock Smash


In Platinum, my in-game trade Chatot takes care fo Defog and Fly, whereas Quagsire and Steelix take care of the other six. In Emerald during my Six Pokemon challenge (which was easy and I only ever used starter and Castform) Swampert took care of Dive, Strength, Rock Smash and Surf and took Waterfall after 8th badge, and he still did pretty good as a fighter.

  wraith89 said:
Ouch. I wonder how you fly with a Starly. Do you grab on to his legs?

Trainer: "Starly, fly!"

*grabs legs*

Starly: "AIEEEEEE!" *Ow my legs!!!*

Tropius is more reasonable to fly with because you can ride on him :D

You silly, silly man. A 5 ounce bird cannot carry an 80 pound Pokemon Trainer. Not even if it grasps it with its talons. And no, not even if two of them carried it using a string.

  • 6 years later...

My main HM slave is my Diamond starter, Empoleon. Its moves are all HMs. It is also my best Pokemon at level 100, can beat nearly all others, and can 1-hit KO most Pokemon with just one Surf. In my list,cIconly show HM slaves and their HM moves.

Empoleon: Surf, Rock Climb, Rock Smash, Cut

Staravia (lvl 22): Defog, Fly

Giratina (lvl 70): Strength

Mewtwo (lvl 75): Once knew strength

Typhlosion (lvl 100): Once knew strength

Celebi (cannot remeber level): Flash

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