Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted August 9, 2010 Posted August 9, 2010 Where do you go to create a Group like in D/P/PL?
kristof.barstof Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 anyone have a foreign ditto nature/ivs/whatever doesn't matter I just want it to breed a shiny eevee i don't have much to trade but I'll trade you just about anything I do have. fc is 4555 4821 6398
Shinra Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 I have a question of my own. Where's the best place to train? I'm stuck at the Goldenrod Rocket takeover scenario, and I just can't beat the admin at the top of the tower. I forget his name, but the highest leveled Pokemon of mine is a Quilava at Lv.33. I'm considering catching Lugia to beat that Admin.
Lucario Posted August 14, 2010 Posted August 14, 2010 Shinra said: I have a question of my own. Where's the best place to train? I'm stuck at the Goldenrod Rocket takeover scenario, and I just can't beat the admin at the top of the tower. I forget his name, but the highest leveled Pokemon of mine is a Quilava at Lv.33. I'm considering catching Lugia to beat that Admin. you should consider leveling it up more so you can evolve it. when i played the old silver version and up until now, i make sure to make my pokemon "at least" 10 levels higher than the gym leader i'll face(true). so by leveling your pokemon drastically, you will be able to get rid of future problems such as that. and about lugia. i'm sorry to tell the lugia in the game cannot face them. because lugia cannot be caught until after the 8th gym. because for some reason the remake of the game added up certain spices on catching the legendary of the game respectively. the kimono girls are needed to dance for them. what a let down huh? anyway, just level it up like what i said ok.
ayumifan Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 i have a question.(questions actually) Ive beaten the game and defeated red, and i havent caught suicune. i did the event where suicune runs toward cianwood, i seen it at cianwood, it ran off. and ive been looking for it ever since. it wasnt @ mt mortar, or vermillion. what do i do? and 2: i got the legit event pichu via AR, and did the event, and i was wondering, if i delete my gamefile to start a new game and activate the event, will i still be bale to do the event with the pichu?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 After you see Suicune at Cianwood City, you must go Surf east of Mt. Mortar until you reach a small path on Route 42. You will see Suicune near three Apricorn Trees. Yes, you can still use the same Pikachu Color Pichu when you start a new game.
ayumifan Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 hmm. ok thx! im sorry another follow up question. excuse me if its similar to my other question lol. if i delete my file with the event pichus, and start a newgame can i still activate the event? sorry im asking questions even though i played pokemon games since they came out lol.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 Yes, but you will need the Pikachu Color Pichu in your first slot of your party.
Lucario Posted August 17, 2010 Posted August 17, 2010 ayumifan said: i have a question.(questions actually) Ive beaten the game and defeated red, and i havent caught suicune. i did the event where suicune runs toward cianwood, i seen it at cianwood, it ran off. and ive been looking for it ever since. it wasnt @ mt mortar, or vermillion. what do i do?and 2: i got the legit event pichu via AR, and did the event, and i was wondering, if i delete my gamefile to start a new game and activate the event, will i still be bale to do the event with the pichu? ok so so suicune runs then goes to cianwood as you said and goes to mt. mortar as riolu said. then after that it will leave johto and be in vermillion near the port where you first arrived with SS.ship thing. when it will head to route 14 it is somewhere near the roads south of lavender and east of fuschia or's south of those unnecessary fences. then head to misty in cape coz she's out on a date and not being a gym leader. then after you battle her go back to where you found her suicune will be there.(disclaimer-this info is not my own and it is based on this well know site) and your other question....i'm not suggesting you repeat your game again coz it's tiring. so don't miss encounters like suicune or this before ending the game so it won't bother you. so yeah if you start a new game green man will be at your nearest pokemart. so you have the shiny pichu and went to ilex shrine to get notched ear pichu right?
Shinra Posted August 17, 2010 Posted August 17, 2010 Lucario said: you should consider leveling it up more so you can evolve it. when i played the old silver version and up until now, i make sure to make my pokemon "at least" 10 levels higher than the gym leader i'll face(true). so by leveling your pokemon drastically, you will be able to get rid of future problems such as that.and about lugia. i'm sorry to tell the lugia in the game cannot face them. because lugia cannot be caught until after the 8th gym. because for some reason the remake of the game added up certain spices on catching the legendary of the game respectively. the kimono girls are needed to dance for them. what a let down huh? anyway, just level it up like what i said ok. Thanks anyway, clever planning enabled me to take down Archer's main threat with a Lv31 Shiny Gyrados. Sound familiar?
ayumifan Posted August 17, 2010 Posted August 17, 2010 At lucario yea. But I new gamed already. So Ima do the event again
A Jill Sandwich Posted August 22, 2010 Posted August 22, 2010 Okay I'm having a bit of trouble with the whole Shinto Ruins event thing...I hear people saying that it can be done 3 with the Hall of Origin Arceus, one with the TRU Arceus, and one with the US movie Arceus...Im getting kind of confused because the TRU Arceus seems to be the movie arceus because when I download the movie arceus the owners name says "TRU"...why are people talking like the movie arceus and the TRU arceus are two different event pokemon?....
ayumifan Posted August 22, 2010 Posted August 22, 2010 actually, ive tried this yesterday. The hall of origin Arceus didnt work for me the 2nd time around. so im guessing you can only do it once. idk. oh yea. its not shinto its Sinjoh, but its ok. most of my friends say shinto.
A Jill Sandwich Posted August 22, 2010 Posted August 22, 2010 okay but that doesnt answer my question....I want to know why people refer to the TRU Arceus and the Movie Arcues as two different events when they are the same one it seems?...since this might be the case, why do some people say they were able to do it three times with the arceuses I mentioned in the above post...
Lucario Posted August 22, 2010 Posted August 22, 2010 A Jill Sandwich said: okay but that doesnt answer my question....I want to know why people refer to the TRU Arceus and the Movie Arcues as two different events when they are the same one it seems?...since this might be the case, why do some people say they were able to do it three times with the arceuses I mentioned in the above post... Ok, so i was really happy to see your post coz' it made me want to try out what can be than about this. So as of now i have gone to shinto ruins 2 times and managed to get Palkia and Dialga(coz i want to save Giratina for last). So i got the japanese Arceus(This Arceus made the Palkia) and i pokesaved an Arceus to make it look as if it were caught in hall of origin in Platinum coz' i cannot trade my hall of origin(HOO) Arceus in my Soulsilver coz it's kinda late here in my place so im kinda sleepy. Anyways im just not sure if the pokesaved arceus (just like i did) and the real HOO arceus and together with your movie arceus will be enough for you to make it there 3 times. Or if you manage to get another arceus from another event coz i think there were 4......the MICHINA(actually there's 2 of that), TRU and the japanese just like mine... i dunno if having different sources of arceus makes it count as another arceus that will send you to shinto ruins. Just to make it easy, the pokesaved arceus that i had which made me go back to shinto ruins was obviously the only one that was successful. I tried various things with the other arceus(OT, ID , Secret Id , place met or that thing just above when editing movesets.....ex.sinnoh platinum or johto soulsilver or anything) so don't bother to make another pokesaved arceus coz it will not work again. Anyways, during your first attempt to S.ruins with arceus, there will be person there in alphs and talk to you then your character follows the man to ruins of alphs then immediately you will be in the S.ruins. So cynthia is there and babbles about things (fastforward) then you chose your desired pokemon and went back to johto.(this is how i remember the 1st encounter and of course you have already done this bit) The second attempt would be like this; when you go to alphs with the HOO arceus(or in my case i used the pokesaved one), the man will not tell you anything about S.ruins. Instead go to down to where he took you or the main ruins of alphs. Once you go down you will be immediately transported again to S.ruins only this time cynthia is not around so go choose your legendary dragon in the respective circle sign thing there. once you have chosen your dragon you will again be back in johto again. So like i said i have only gone in S.ruins as of now but i'll try to test the remaining theories so anyone capable can access Shinto Ruins 3 times. I hope this post was helpful to you.
A Jill Sandwich Posted August 22, 2010 Posted August 22, 2010 yes it does help actually..thank you...but I am correct t in saying the US movie Arcues and the TRU arceus are one in the same, right?... But I think I figured it out...the reason the arceus event only works twice is because the event was programmed to only work with a single "fateful encounter" arceus and a single "wild encounter" arceus (i.e. HoO)...thats it...any other "fateful encounter" arceus no matter when it came out will not work if you already used one...just like any other "wild encounter" arceus wont work... as a test someone try to catch an arceus in the wild in another game, trade it over and see if it works after you've already done the HoO arceus another useful test would be to use an arceus randomly caught in the wild before the HoO arcues is used...
Lucario Posted August 23, 2010 Posted August 23, 2010 Glad i can help. Ok so i just remembered that i traded to my legit HOO arceus to my friend. Just to try another theory if ever the real legitimate HoO arceus can send me to shinto ruins the third time. So I'll be barging in his house later to test that. till then i'm going try different theories so we can all go there 3 times.
randomspot555 Posted August 23, 2010 Author Posted August 23, 2010 You can only go twice. Hall of Origin from D/P/Plat (which can't be legit because the key item was never released) will work once, then ANY of the events (Movie/TRU/Machina/whatever)
Skins Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 (edited) Masuda method: Does it just work on D/P/Pt or HG/SS too? Edited September 2, 2010 by Alpha
ducky_ Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Hi guys and gals, I was wondering if any kind soul could help me find some pokemon modifier action replay codes for Heart Gold. I have the US version and it is being played through Desmume on my PC. I have used the search function for the forum but I can only find the Japanese codes. I can't find them on any other website and this looked like the best place to come to. Does anyone know where I could find these codes? Thanks in advance, Theo
Tbird Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 ducky_ said: Hi guys and gals,I was wondering if any kind soul could help me find some pokemon modifier action replay codes for Heart Gold. I have the US version and it is being played through Desmume on my PC. I have used the search function for the forum but I can only find the Japanese codes. I can't find them on any other website and this looked like the best place to come to. Does anyone know where I could find these codes? Thanks in advance, Theo and For future reference, the RAM section contains all AR codes that this site has. You should pretty much find every code thus far in either of those two threads.
Superkid11 Posted October 2, 2010 Posted October 2, 2010 Man, I need to get my eyes checked. I didn't even notice this thread the first couple of looks. Professor Elm doesn't seem to notice that my Togepi has hatched. I call him he just says to call him if anything changes. I visit him with togepi in the first party slot and he says the same thing. Worth noting that I edited the thing with Pokesav before it hatched. But I didn't touch the hex and I rolled a new PID for it... so if it's a legality thing it has that... what's the deal? For all intents and purposes the game should realize that it's the mr. pokemon togepi.
k1m0 Posted October 2, 2010 Posted October 2, 2010 Posting my question in thread too. Can anyone please help me ? I got retail copy of Pokemon Soul Silver, EZ-flash IV ( This one ) with Emerald and Leaf Green on it. Is there any way to migrate pokemon from Leaf Green\Emerald ROM to my retail Soul Silver? Thanks in advance!
Midna312 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 k1m0 said: Posting my question in thread too.Can anyone please help me ? I got retail copy of Pokemon Soul Silver, EZ-flash IV ( This one ) with Emerald and Leaf Green on it. Is there any way to migrate pokemon from Leaf Green\Emerald ROM to my retail Soul Silver? Thanks in advance! Go to the Pal Park in Fashia City in the Kanto region.
zijin_cheng Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 I'm trying to EV train my pokemon, I just wanted to know which EVs should I train for each pokemon for maximum effectiveness as well as what pokemon to train on? lvl56 Lugia: Extrasensory, Aeroblast, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance lvl59 Typhlosion: Blast Burn, Strength, Lava Plume, Flamethrower lvl59 Raikou: Crunch, Thunder Fang, Spark, Discharge lvl52 Entei: Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Stomp, lvl58 Gyrados: Waterfall, Aqua Tail, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam lvl59 Dragonite: Slam, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Surf Also, when my Typhlosion was lvl52 he was much more powerful than my current Entei. Why's that or is it just my imagining? Also, I want to get Suicune in Kanto, which pokemon should I get rid of? (Assuming they're all the same level) Or not get rid of any? I know my team is pretty water/dragon/fire heavy, who do you recommend I replace and for what? If i wanted a gengar, do I get rid of Typhlosion or Entei? Is it worth it to get rid of Gyrados for Suicune?
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