Alpha Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 (edited) Heart Gold and Soul Silver are finally out in English. Discuss your major events while playing either game. If you need any help post it in our HGSS Help Thread. randomspot555 edit: ]For those that don't know what "Recent Happenings" are, this is the place to post literally what you're doing or planning to do in your copy of HG/SS. If you start discussing it, think about starting a thread. Edited March 15, 2010 by randomspot555
Okami Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 (edited) Currently, I am training in the Sprout tower with my female Chikorita, Leaf, my female Mareep, Voltage, my male Bellsprout, Scout, and my female Pidgey, Rei. The females are all level 13, whereas Scout is level 12. I'm just trying to be well prepared for the upcoming gym battle. But knowingly I can't get too far ahead in my training because I have a level 1 Poochyena to send over from Diamond to attack EV train. She will be an epic Mightyena one day! EDIT: Now finished with the gym leader, I am training my pokemon on the way to Azalea Town, each to level 14. ....I found a shiny Ratatta....and had no pokeballs by which to catch it. So instead I took a video recording and vented my frustration in it. That'll be available to the public as soon as it's finished loading to my PhotoBucket. I'll re-edit this then. EDIT2: Here's the link to the video, since PhotoBucket is not a supported video format here...¤t=pokemon033.flv Edited March 18, 2010 by Okami
pokemonfan Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 (edited) I just got Heart Gold and Soul Silver yesterday and I'm on route 33 now. My croconaw is at level 18 and is growing ever steadily. I just evolved my furret and oddly I'm very sad about that. I think sentret running behind you is way better then furret. My pidgey is a level 10 and I'm very impatiently training it. My caterpie is a level 8 (it was on the pokewalker so it hasn't evolved) and I'm still debating whether I should let it learn bug bite to have as a butterfree and then obtain sleep powder later. Of course, I still have no idea when later will come because I dont know where the move relearner is. I recently hatched my togepi, quite excited about raising it, and my magby is in the process of growing. I think I'm going to be obsessing over obtaining apricorns for a while and until I can fly; I'm going to be running back and forth between trees. Also, I think I have a very lucky starter. This is my first time playing through the game so I haven't restarted it to alter these stats, so they're just by luck. My croconaw has an adamant nature and is a female. What are the chances of that happening? Adamant will nicely compliment my starter of course it might be fail because I'm pretty sure the IVs are bad...but tis rare all the same. I'm looking at all the pokemon in my PC and I want to train them all. I caught a wobbufett on a pokewalker course (was thrilled about that) and I really want the exp share cause some of these pokes are a pain to train at a steady pace. Oh well, back to the game. ~ Edit: Scratch the bug bite theory. Butterfree's attack stat just doesn't exist Edited March 16, 2010 by pokemonfan
Neo Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 Okami said: Currently, I am training in the Sprout tower with my female Chikorita, Leaf, my female Mareep, Voltage, my male Bellsprout, Scout, and my female Pidgey, Rei. The females are all level 13, whereas Scout is level 12. I'm just trying to be well prepared for the upcoming gym battle. But knowingly I can't get too far ahead in my training because I have a level 1 Poochyena to send over from Diamond to attack EV train. She will be an epic Mightyena one day! EDIT: Now finished with the gym leader, I am training my pokemon on the way to Azalea Town, each to level 14. ....I found a shiny Ratatta....and had no pokeballs by which to catch it. So instead I took a video recording and vented my frustration in it. That'll be available to the public as soon as it's finished loading to my PhotoBucket. I'll re-edit this then. EDIT2: Here's the link to the video, since PhotoBucket is not a supported video format here...¤t=pokemon033.flv&ref=nf That is so unlucky! Anyways, I just transfered my TRU Arceus to HG and i am on my way to the Ruins!
randomspot555 Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 Skullraken the Cyndaquil Tauros sux the Turtwig Mukuhawk the Starly And yes, the first letter is capitalized and the rest are lower case, because that's how I roll. Tauros sux was bred in Plat so he has Swords Dance, Crunch, Seed Bomb, and Iron Tail right away. Mukuhawk has Aerial Ace, Return (which just DESTROYS EVERYTHING), Brave Bird, and Toxic (which helps in capturing stuff). Wooper is being my flash/Rock Smash slave. I heard a lot of bad things about Falkner's Pidgeotto using Roost. But fortunately, I got a BURN on it from Ember. Hells yeah. I then went on to do the Arceus event and OH WOW HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AWESOME AND SO MY MIND IS BLOWN. And I choose Giratina, because yknow, Origin form. I'm slowly making my way through to the second town or whatever. I'm just taking my time.
Hydra_ Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 - Currently have 4 gym badges - Just caught a Krabby currently leveling it up so it can evolve and be up to par with my other pokemon (All Lvl 30's) Current Team: Krabby Lvl 22 Pidgeotto Lvl 30 Quilava Lvl 30 Ampharos Lvl 30
Okami Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 I've made it to Azalea, beaten Team Rocket at the well, gone into the forest and done the Farfetch'd getting-thing and am on my way through the second gym. Have been taking my sweet time through everything...working with my team of four (Spike the Togepi is on my Pokewalker) towards leveling them to 18. At this point, I don't think the Poochyena will be able to catch up once I get her tranferred on!
pokemonfan Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 I've finally made it to Goldenrod and I'm happy to be by the daycare. However, I know I'm going to be doubling back to investigate route 34 further, and get apricorns. Not to mention I want to catch a heracross and I know of a tree in Azalea town that has them. I was so happy that there was a headbutt tutor in Ilex forest. I already tried to catch a heracross, but sadly, it killed itself after a long 20 minute battle with it. Blasted struggle robbed me of a powerful bug! I'm going to try again this time with a quick ball and ultra ball traded over from platinum. I'm very impatient when it comes to catching nonlegendaries, I was going to trade over an extra master ball but I decided it wasn't worth it. Furret: level 19 Croconaw: level 20 Magby: level 20 Caterpie: level 8 (it was on the pokewalker so it didn't evolve yet) Togepi: level 7 I still want to add a hoppip, heracross, murkrow, and a mareep to the equasion. I have a lot of training ahead of me. I dont actually have heracross or murkrow yet but I'm coming for them! I still have a starmie and poliwag I want to train as well but I"m waiting for a water stone to show itself. When do you get eevee? I want that to be part of my team too! To many pokemons to train... Oh well, back to the game.
XiON Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 Got the game on release date, unlocked the spiky eared pichu event, gonna transfer my platinum events,.etc later. Just beat the 8th gym, heading for the e4 next. Edit: Just caught, Entei,Raikou & Ho-Oh.
pokemaster384 Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 got it 2 days ago along wiht soulsilver but playing heartgold for now only got lugia figure though cause supply probs with nintendo and ebgames but so far beat the leauge and hedaing to cerulean cape got arceus event and spike pichu so far already lost the pokewalker:P
Okami Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 (edited) Holy cow you guys, how is the game even enjoyable going so fast? As for me, I just beat Bugsy last night, everyone but Scout (lvl17) is level 18. It took me two tries to defeat him because his Scyther U-turn'd and destroyed everyone one-by-one. Perhaps I need to train up two more fighters and work with a team of six. I'm going to look into that today. I think Geodude is calling my name. Edit: Captured a Geodude (Pebble, a female), who is now level 15, whereas everyone else is 18 except Rei at 19. Just made it to Goldenrod, although I'm going to trek back down towards Ilex so I can defeat the trainers I skipped over to get quickly to the Pokecenter. Edited March 17, 2010 by Okami
XiON Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 beat most of the kanto gyms. currently going to cinnabar island.
Hydra_ Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 - Beat Chuck,pretty easy - Earned the Fly TM - Grinded a **** load made my pidgetoo evolve into Pidgeot - Made my Quilava evolve into Typhlosion - Evolved my Krabby into a Kingler - Gonna grind a bit more before I take on the Olivine Gym
Okami Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 Got Pebble up to level 18 to join the rest, just caught a Ponyta on the Pokewalker which will be renamed "Dash" as soon as I find the name changer guy...also found the elusive Ditto Wasn't even looking for one, and it popped up, so I caught it...will come in handy later on in the game. Anyone got a good name for it though, again for when I find the name rater? I haven't found anything I like.
KyoMcFizzle Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 Beat both Chuck and Jasmine today. Been taking my time and playing through the game legit: No cheats, no Platinum bred pokemon, etc. Thoroughly enjoying the game now that I don't have to strain my brain trying to read Japanese... Not that it wasn't a good thing though. :3 On my way to the Lake of Rage.
Okami Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 I'm currently working my way through the GoldenRod gym, working all pokemon (my now team of six) to level 20. I was answering the questions to get my Radio Card and answered them without ouside help on my first try, not knowing the last two questions! I'm debating taking Spike from the pokewalker and replacing him with the ditto, although I'm not positive I will do this yet.
FreeSpirit Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 KyoMcFizzle said: Beat both Chuck and Jasmine today. Been taking my time and playing through the game legit: No cheats, no Platinum bred pokemon, etc. Thoroughly enjoying the game now that I don't have to strain my brain trying to read Japanese... Not that it wasn't a good thing though. :3On my way to the Lake of Rage. That's what I'm doing too. Except that I am going to the Lake of Rage later and try doing optional things like getting medals in the Pokeathlon.
XiON Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 Beat Red Last Night. god knows how many full restores i went through. Currently breeding, then EV training pokemon for battle frontier,.etc
Tbird Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 Ok, so far I have three badges and I'm just about to go get me a Sudowoodo . Been spending loads of time on training, not so much EV training as in game I don't see much of a need and it's just effort lol... no pun intended there. I have a team of three (well four) so far (I like to get a new pokemon before every gym and whoop the gym with my new pokemon ). Quilava (22) - Quick attack - Smokescreen - Flame wheel - Ember Misdreavus (bred and sent via my little brothers pearl version - 23) - Shadow Ball - Destiny Bond - Psybeam - Confuse Ray Noctowl (22) - Hypnosis - Peck - Confusion - reflect and a paras to cut and smash things for me The plan was to kill whitney with Noctowl... Alas that wasn't to be so Misdreavus had to finish the job. Contemplating on whether or not I should have Sudowoodo as part of the team or not. Also thinking of getting me a Pinsir too seeing as I'm in the area. Just wondering what you guys do HM slave wise. I tend to train my team while I'm travelling and constantly revolve between having one in the box 5 in team and 1 HM slave in team. Is there a better method of doing this? It's not a problem atm as I don't have the full 6 in team yet.
XiON Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 @Tbird For an HM slave, i'd suggest a psyduck for now or bibarel seeing as you have access to pearl.
Izzi1r Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 (edited) 2 Days ago I got my Pichu Duo in my box. I plan to see if the ear changes with Pichu evolving. 33 hours into the game. Minus 4 hours if you don't count the time with my DS left on and me blacking out from being sleep deprived. All badges Lv. 40 Typhlosion/Volca'nzz (zz symbol) Lv.36 Crobat/Krozz Lv.38 Ampharos/Tricidazz Lv.40 Starmi/Trellazz HM Slave kangaskhan Str/cut/R.Smash/Whirlpool Goldeen for Waterfall. I'm a bit disappointed in my progress compared to how I do with the other games. Reached my disappointment point where I'm forced to deal with Lugia now or I can't continue the game. That and I hate how much they try to force stylist usage in this game. Killed Lugia League Attempt 4: 36:11 Ampharos 44 Starmi 47 Typhlosion 45 Crobat 44 Attempt 1 Died at Psychic Attempt 2 Died at Dark Attempt 3 Died at Lance Yay for using your enemy to speed level and eventually crush them! Edited March 19, 2010 by Izzi1r
Tbird Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 Ahhh XiON, cool idea I only thought of using that to get me my Misdreavus (who by the way looks awesome following me ). Thanks man.
Okami Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 Beat Whitney just before running off to class three hours ago. Then came back to the dorm and crash-napped. I'm about to go level all Pokemon to level 20, now.
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