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Posted (edited)

This is the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (US) AR Code Thread!

To Start off, here are some useful working codes that I've collected or made:

Able to View Enemy,Items and Stairs on Map
921BA52E 00000100 
221BA621 000000FF 
121BA622 0000FFFF 
D0000000 00000000

Max Money (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000 
022A4BB8 0001869F 
D2000000 00000000

Enable All Menu and Icons
All Top Menu, Icons at Continuation Menu
222AB238 0000001F 
222AB23B 0000001F 
222AB23C 000FFFF0

Max Level Treasure Bag
222AB15C 00000006

[sel + Left ON, Sel + Right OFF]Easy Recruit (Note: Does not work in dungeons where you can't recruit)
94000130 FFEB0000 
9230DD8E 000003A0 
1230DD92 000008BD 
02051294 E7900001 
D2000000 00000000 
94000130 FFDB0000 
9230DD8E 000003A0 
1230DD92 0000E8BD 
D0000000 00000000 
02000090 000004AD 
E2000080 00000010 
E59FC008 E780C001 
E7900001 EA014481 
52000090 000004AD 
02051294 EAFEBB79 
D2000000 00000000

Item Pack v1 Item 1-1000 (Start+L)
Use before going into storage menu, it consists of the first 1000 items of the 
item list, delete 351 items before you use item pack v2
94000130 FDF70000 
122A3BAE 00000001 
DA000000 022A3BAE 
C0000000 000003E7 
D7000000 022A3BAE 
D4000000 00000001 
D2000000 00000000 
94000130 FDF70000 
C0000000 00000009 
122A437E 000003E7 
DC000000 00000002 
D2000000 00000000

Item Pack v2 Item 1001-1351 (Start+R)
It replaces the last 351 slots of the storage. Use before going into storage 
menu, v1 consists of the first 1000 items of the item list, delete 351 items 
before you use item pack v2
94000130 FEF70000 
122A40BE 000003E9 
DA000000 022A40BE 
C0000000 0000015F
D7000000 022A40BE
D4000000 00000001 
D2000000 00000000

Dungeon Codes:

Never Hungry/Belly Never Decrease (Note: Does not work with Mobile Scarf/Munch Belt attached)
9230FE9E 0000E1DD 
0230FEA0 E1A00000 
D0000000 00000000

Floor Modifier, R+Up Increase, R+Down Decrease
94000130 FEBF0000 
DB000000 021BA47D 
D4000000 00000001 
D8000000 021BA47D 
D2000000 00000000 
94000130 FE7F0000 
DB000000 021BA47D 
D4000000 000000FF 
D8000000 021BA47D 
D2000000 00000000

Team Stats Codes:

Max HP (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000 
C0000000 00000003 
021BA538 03E703E7 
DC000000 00000240 
D2000000 00000000

Level 100 (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000 
C0000000 00000003 
221BA532 00000064 
DC000000 00000240 
D2000000 00000000

Max IQ (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000 
C0000000 00000003 
121BA536 000003E7 
DC000000 00000240 
D2000000 00000000

Max Stats (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000 
C0000000 00000003 
121BA542 0000FFFF 
121BA544 0000FFFF 
DC000000 00000240 
D2000000 00000000

Max EXP (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000 
C0000000 00000003 
021BA548 00986F70 
DC000000 00000240 
D2000000 00000000

All TMs (Select+Up)
94000130 FFBB0000 
C0000000 00000003 
221BA652 00000063 
221BA65A 00000063 
221BA662 00000063 
221BA66A 00000063 
DC000000 00000240 
D2000000 00000000

Max Belly (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000 
C0000000 00000003 
121BA66E 000003E6 
121BA672 000003E7 
DC000000 00000240 
D2000000 00000000

Max Belly (Always on)
C0000000 00000003 
121BA66E 000003E6 
121BA672 000003E7 
DC000000 00000240 
D2000000 00000000

Game Time Codes:

Game Time 0:00:00
022AB694 00000000

Game Time 9999:59:59
022AB694 022550FF

Exp Multiplier Codes:

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001082 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001102 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001182 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001202 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001282 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001302 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001382 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001402 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001582 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001602 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001682 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001702 
D0000000 00000000

9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001782 
D0000000 00000000

x65 536
9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001802 
D0000000 00000000

Really Quick Level Up (aka. x 524 288)
9230269A 0000E59F 
1230269C 00001982 
D0000000 00000000

Reward Pok? Multiplier Codes

02062EA4 EAFE747D 
020000A0 E1A00080 
020000A4 E5840008 
020000A8 E12FFF1E

02062EA4 EAFE747D 
020000A0 E1A00100 
020000A4 E5840008 
020000A8 E12FFF1E

02062EA4 EAFE747D 
020000A0 E1A00180 
020000A4 E5840008 
020000A8 E12FFF1E

02062EA4 EAFE747D 
020000A0 E1A00200 
020000A4 E5840008 
020000A8 E12FFF1E

02062EA4 EAFE747D 
020000A0 E1A00280 
020000A4 E5840008 
020000A8 E12FFF1E

02062EA4 EAFE747D 
020000A0 E1A00300 
020000A4 E5840008 
020000A8 E12FFF1E

Rescue Points Multiplier Codes

02063090 EAFE7406 
020000B0 E1A00080 
020000B4 E5840028 
020000B8 E12FFF1E

02063090 EAFE7406 
020000B0 E1A00100 
020000B4 E5840028 
020000B8 E12FFF1E

02063090 EAFE7406 
020000B0 E1A00180 
020000B4 E5840028 
020000B8 E12FFF1E

02063090 EAFE7406 
020000B0 E1A00200 
020000B4 E5840028 
020000B8 E12FFF1E

02063090 EAFE7406 
020000B0 E1A00280 
020000B4 E5840028 
020000B8 E12FFF1E

02063090 EAFE7406 
020000B0 E1A00300 
020000B4 E5840028 
020000B8 E12FFF1E

bonus abilities

Bonus Ability Hero
L + Select
94000130 FDFB0000 
121BA5FD 0000FF0B 
121BA614 0000FF04 
221BA616 00000002 
121BA619 0000FF03 
121BA61F 0000FF01 
021BA621 00020202 
221BA63D 000000FF 
121BA83D 0000FF0B

Bonus Ability Partner
L + Select
94000130 FDFB0000 
121BA83D 0000FF0B 
121BA854 0000FF04 
221BA856 00000002 
121BA859 0000FF03 
121BA85F 0000FF01 
021BA861 00020202 
221BA87D 000000FF

Floor Modifier, R+Up Increase, R+Down Decrease
R+Up Increase, R+Down Decrease
94000130 FEBF0000 
DB000000 021BA47D 
D4000000 00000001 
D8000000 021BA47D 
D2000000 00000000 
94000130 FE7F0000 
DB000000 021BA47D 
D4000000 000000FF 
D8000000 021BA47D 
D2000000 00000000

All Dungeons (Note: all dungeons including things like Spring Cave and Registeel Chamber, not allowed to go to next part of dungeon [i.e. pits])
222AB243 000000FE 
022AB250 FFFFFFF9 
022AB254 E0000000 
122AB256 00000FC7


Needed: A Solitary Dungeon Code (With xxx) Attached is Dungeon Hex Values.

Dungeon Values.txt

Dungeon Values.txtFetching info...

Edited by Soldjermon
please use the code or spoiler tags next time please.
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, I was wondering if anyone's been successful in finding a nickname changing code for this game. It can just be for the current lead Pokemon in the party, doesn't have to be for the full team.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  • 1 year later...
  • 10 months later...
Posted (edited)

The existing item modifier codes for this game only edit Kangaskhan's storage. (At least what I've seen, I haven't found any code for the inventory.) Now, I introduce to you, an Inventory Modifier code.

:Max Items in Slot 1 (for Gravelrock and similar items, press Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
222A3826 00000063
D2000000 00000000

:Item Modifier (Press Select after modifying code)
94000130 FFFB0000
122A3828 0000XXXX
D2000000 00000000

XXXX is the item code. By looking in hex offsets 0x022A3828 to 0x022A3829, you can find the item code yourself. Or, if you ask in the comments (or PM me), I can look it up and add it here.

Currently known item codes:

Gravelrock - 0007
Reviver Seed - 0049
Pure Seed - 005F

I hope to eventually make an ARDS subscription for these. If anyone beats me to it, please reply or PM me.

[Edit] Research is now a presentable code!

Edited by evandixon
  • Confused 1
Posted (edited)

Just to have an easy to find reference for this game,

Personality Test Modifier: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24546-Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-(U)-Personality-Test-Modifier

Inventory Slot 1 Modifier: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?28137-PMD-Explorers-of-Sky-(U)-Inventory-Item-Modifier [Edit: Somehow this thread was merged with this one.]

Edited by evandixon
  • 2 years later...
  randomcouchpotato said:
I have a code to add:

max rescue points

02063090 EAFE7406

020000B0 E1A00FFF

020000B4 E5840028

020000B8 E12FFF1E

just do one mission and you have max points

Thanks, but how do I delete that code from my gameplay after I've used it? When I unmark the code, I still get lots of Rank Points. :(

  • 8 months later...
  Pokehacker said:
Needed: A Solitary Dungeon Code (With xxx) Attached is Dungeon Hex Values.

Here's that Dungeon Modifier. It belongs to Demonic from GameHacking...

::Dungeon Modifier
:::Hold Start when choosing a dungeon.
94000130 FFF70000
221BA47C 00000XXX
D2000000 00000000

  • 6 years later...
Posted (edited)

Whoa topic old


I have a code to add


921BA4B8 000000FA
121BA4B6 00000000
121BA4B8 000003E8


Should function as an infinite steps no wind code. Only used in practice on beach cave but theoretically should be any dungeon.


edit 10/03/2022: okay it did but also not in a fun way. doing a recruit% run on blue with this code's equivalent kinda broke it (enemies don't spawn unless it counts down). So I ran around in blue and now i've basically forced it to loop roughly. I don't know what'll happen if the dungeon count is set to 500 or 2000 steps, namely if 'something's stirring' appears it probably won't actually 'stir' with this code. but hey there's the warning

Edited by Pinkolol

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