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The Top Ten Disappointing Pokemon of 2009

So I have decided to compile a list of the top 10 disappointing Pokemon for competitive battling. I do not know why... I just felt like doing it. Without further ado, here goes...


Number 10: Heracross

What do you mean I cannot fly?? What about him?

Sets I use:



Hippolyta the Heracross (F) @ Choice Scarf


Jolly Nature

8 HP/252 Atk/56 Def/192 Speed

- Megahorn

- Close Combat

- Night Slash

- Stone Edge


Atalanta the Heracross (F) @ Leftovers


Careful Nature

252 HP/40 Def/216 SpDef

- Megahorn

- Bulk Up

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

Heracross, undoubtedly the strongest bug in the game, sports huge advantages over its fellow fighters. I remember back in GSC it was amazing, even bulky enough to survive an Alakazam's Psychic and OHKO back with its own unique STAB Megahorn. Of course, Megahorn is no longer its own, but Heracross is STILL the ONLY Pokemon with STAB Megahorn, hence being its best user. Once RSE came in, it added Swarm and Guts as its two abilities. I found a Jolly Heracross in the Safari Zone with Guts, and the cool thing about Guts is that Burn, which would normally cut one's attack power in half, actually negates that effect and only makes Heracross stronger! Then Gen IV comes in and in comes STAB Close Combat to rip Steels apart (Guts + Choice Band CC will OHKO Scizor). Heracross's Achilles's Heel, the Flying Pokemon, now fear switching in because Heracross now gets a powerful Rock move in the form of Stone Edge. Ghosts are more loath to switch in thanks to Night Slash, get punished from powerful Pursuits, and Weezing and Dusknoir still need to watch out for burning the wrong Pokemon thanks to the presence of Heracross. If played properly, this thing can sweep a weakened team, or puncture many holes in it. If EV'd defensively, it can survive two Heat Waves from a defensive Zapdos and may beat it one on one. This bug just so happens to be Tyranitar's worst nightmare, for both of its STAB moves can OHKO it (it usually will unless something strange happens). So why would this crazy beast fall down to the bottom of the OU tier?

If anything, Heracross would still be useful in this metagame that is widely infested with Rotom-A's burning everything with Will-o-Wisp and the Latias running rampart. Toxic Spikes are making more appearances thanks to the fewer appearances of this blue bug. But... think of it this way. With Scizor running rampant and taking his crown as #1 used Pokemon, who needs another bug? Scizor can Bullet Punch everything, U-turn to scout for its counters, and does everything Heracross wishes to do. Before it got Bullet Punch, this red mantis was able to Swords Dance/Agility/Iron Defense and Baton Pass to its teammates one of those, Roost off its damages (70/100/80 defenses are still decent), has resistance to Dragon and many other types, AND its only weakness (albeit a HUGE Achilles's Heel) is Fire, which is quite easily predicted. Wait, doesn't Heracross get Roost? Apparently not... because Scizor can fly right? And priority move? Seems like Gamefreak decided to be kind to Heracross and gave it STAB Vacuum Wave in compensation for that Technician STAB Bullet Punch... which runs off Heracross's Special Attack of... 40. So there we go, Scizor soundly has more reasons to be used than Heracross. And as a fighter... Lucario does everything better than Heracross... resists everything Heracross resists and more... has Bullet Punch/Vacuum Wave/Extremespeed as priority moves (and it CAN actually use Vacuum Wave), has a larger movepool, and is overall just scarier than Heracross.

Is everything lost for Heracross? I do not think so... but it is just that people don't see Heracross anymore, it can be quite an unexpected threat. Just recently I swept with Scarf Heracross 5 times already... and took down two people with bulky Heracross. Ok, so Dugtrio traps it and OHKOs with Aerial Ace... but do we see much of that thing anymore? It isn't to be underestimated, but it just isn't used enough. But let's face it... with all those advantages Scizor and Lucario have over Heracross, why use the blue bug anyways? Although, it does take the best of the two... and combine it together... somehow. So it only ends up being number 10 in my list.

Personal score: ||||||||||

Heracross has always been my favorite bug and not out of favoritism, I still think it is quite possibly the best bug out there. Ok, there's Scizor... I concede, but Hera can still do stuff that Scizor cannot do, remember that. You are NOT letting your Scizor stay in on my Scizor-slaying Blissey, now are ya? Heh heh...


Number 9: Charizard

If only this were the anime... if only...

Sets I Use:

Belly Drum

Lizardon the Charizard (F) @ Salac Berry

30 HP IVs


252 Atk/6 Def/252 Speed

- Belly Drum

- Substitute

- Fire Punch

- Earthquake

Sunnyzard (Read: Worse than Moltres)

Char the Charizard (F) @ Petaya Berry


6 Def/252 SpA/252 Speed

- Sunny Day

- Flamethrower

- Solarbeam

- Dragon Pulse

Dragon Dancer

Cinder the Charizard (F) @ Lum Berry


128 HP/252 Atk/128 Speed

- Dragon Dance

- Roost

- Flare Blitz

- Earthquake

<wraith89> Ah, the almighty Charizard... the one every kid fanboys about. Let's see, 100 base speed, 109 SpA, what could possibly be bad about this thing? I mean, the kids must love it for a reason, right? It slays, even Ash says so! FINISH IT OFF WITH SEISMIC TOSS! Yeah, every kids and their brothers selected Charizard as their starter... I mean, it was just awesome. But what could be so disappointing about Charizard? I guess the one thing that gets me here is... the overhype.

<Kids> WHAT?!!! You're saying Charizard is bad?! HOW DARE YOU!

*wraith89 gets beaten up by Kids*

<wraith89> Well, I'm not saying Charizard is bad and all, but I'm-

*wraith89 is continually beaten up by Kids*

<wraith89> Look, can you just let me fin-

*wraith89 gets torn apart by the kids, limb from limb*

<wraith89> OKAY OKAY Charizard is uber w00t pwnage! Now let me rest in peace!

*wraith89 watches as the kids leave*

<wraith89> Okay, now where was I? What I meant to say is that while Charizard is an okay Pokemon and serves its use fairly well, it is certainly not the best and many of the other fire Pokemon seriously outclass it. Let's see, that evil junk monkey Infernape and its perfectly distributed stats and wide movepool made it make a name for itself so it is in OU. Moltres is more powerful than Charizard in terms of special sweeping and has an actual movepool to abuse it with and can play defensive as well. Arcanine does the physical sweeping quite well AND it can take hits. Ninetales has amazing support movepool to go along with her regular attacks which allow her to take down even Rock/Ground/Water Pokemon. Houndoom is just menacing with its Nasty Plot. Heatran of course is the best Fire Pokemon out there not named Ho-oh. Magmortar has an insanely wicked movepool to abuse with its SpA of 125 and has just enough speed to Thunderbolt a Gyarados down before it can set up or attack. Typhlosion, who has the SAME EXACT BST as Charizard, can abuse its speed and special attack and use Eruption to hurt so many things. Ok, Typhlosion is probably on par or even worse than Charizard, but you get my point. What can Charizard do that the other Fire Pokemon cannot?





<wraith89> ... see what I mean? Charizard is actually quite limited in that department. Aside from fire moves, it really cannot do much else. Well, there are some improvements in DP like Air Slash and Focus Blast and Solarbeam and Dragon Pulse and Shadow Claw and Thunderpunch and stuff... but aside from that, can it really make much use out of them? So what am I suggesting here? What can Charizard do that the other fires cannot do? How about Belly Drum?


<wraith89> Well kids, the thing is, Charizard really needs to use the Belly Drum set or else it will end up outclassed by the other fires. Just stare at Infernape... and stare at it for all its glory and realize it is indeed what Charizard could have been. However, Belly Drum is a VERY risky move that cuts off half of its users HP but raises the user's attack level up to max (which is + 6). Then from there Charizard can start sweeping, and with Substitute, he will be at 25% HP, with Salac Berry activating, which raises its speed, Blaze activating, therefore making Fire Punch uber powerful against things not named Ninetales or other Flash Fire users, and a secondary move that is useful for coverage, like Thunderpunch or Earthquake. But... since when was Charizard physical? 84 Attack power? Really? The even worse part is that... Charizard can be easily revenge killed after all that. Let's see... after losing 75% of its health, + 6 Earthquake did... 79% to that opposing Swampert while it eats Charizard up with a Surf. WHAT?! So all that was meant for nothing? And get this... hi priority attacks! Scizor, who would normally fear Charizard, can eat through a 25% HP Charizard (without a SUB of course) and Bullet Punch it for a KO... EVEN if resisted! And even if it had a sub, Bullet Punch would break it (not that you would switch Scizor in against a Charizard, mind you, but this is just to show you how fragile Charizard is). Charizard does not look so pretty now, now does it? Oh, and it is 50% weak to Stealth Rocks, so you pretty much have to clear out those rocks, or prepare to lose 50% of its HP and render Belly Drum useless. Now what?

<Kids> We rip you apart!

<wraith89> NO NO NO KIDS. We must now discuss what we can do to improve Charizard!


<The Other Kids> GIVE IT JUDGMENT!!!!

<The Other Other Kids> GIVE IT 999 STATS EVERYWHERE!!!!

<The Other Other Other Kids> EVOLVE IT!!

<wraith89> What have I done? Anyways, as a side note, Charizard is not even so great in-game either. In RBY it was even worse thanks to its middling special of 85! In FRLG it was just too weak to do anything and Metal Claw was nothing much to offer against Brock anyhow. At least Squirtle and Bulbasaur had many great options to use in-game. Hey, I am not saying Charizard is the worst starter. If anything, Blastoise is the worst Kanto starter (happens to be my favorite, so Blastoise fans, do not flame me)... although now he has received better upgrades in the form of Water Spout and Aqua Jet, but Charizard is nothing special either. Kids seem to overexaggerate the power of Charizard, and I blame it all on this guy. Anyhow, Charizard, while disappointing, is not so bad as the others that will soon to come, so I will only rate him number 9 out of the disappointments here. To improve him... is to improve his base stats... which cannot happen, unfortunately =(


<wraith89> Uh oh!

*wraith89 runs*

Personal score: ||||||||||

Don't get me wrong. I do like Charizard, but it is more overhyped than it deserves to be... at least to the younger audiences. He is all right, but just not too spectacular. There are better Fire Pokemon to choose from... although as you can see, I do use one myself. If it is your favorite Pokemon, don't let that stop you from using one, but if you expect to win with it... think about what it can offer what the other fires cannot. Since the number of Fire Pokemon is scarce... I'm sure there is something Charizard can do for you. It is just that he requires a lot of support... like a rapid spinner or something to get rid of priority users and bulky waters and grounds. If you can do that, Charizard can easily scare something away and set up and prepare to sweep (I have swept with Bellyzard a few times by now and it felt quite rewarding... just make sure your opponent does not have a Focus Sash Aqua Jet Sharpedo -_-)


Number 8: Luxray

Huh? Why are you staring at me? Look at this guy! He has more problems than I do!

Sets I Use:

Physically Offensive

Richard the Luxray (M) @ Choice Band


Adamant Nature

72 HP/252 Atk/184 Speed

- Ice Fang

- Spark

- Superpower

- Crunch

But the thing is, Electivire has Earthquake, which you don't, Mister Electric Lion with 70 base speed. You are even slower than THIS! Usually, I would think Gamefreak would make their electric Pokemon broken and whatnot, like they usually do, but good thing they did not here. Anyways, for an early game to mid game Pokemon, he is quite useful, but what is the big let down here? Aside from being a weaker Electivire without Earthquake or being the slower yet bulkier physical version of Manectric, the biggest letdown is that his strongest physical STAB Attack would be SPARK or THUNDER FANG, which only have base 65 power! Now what do you expect to do with that? The even greater let down, as stated above, is his less than average speed. As cool as Luxray's name sounds, and as cool as he looks, he is nothing more than an overhyped lion. The only good thing is, he is slightly more defensive than your average electrics with 80/79/79 defenses, so it can actually survive non-STABd Earthquakes, and with Intimidate, what can go wrong? However, Ampharos does the defensive act better (with the right stats and movepool), and Electivire does the physical electric sweeper job better.

Luxray's only hope? If they made some electric priority move (I really hope they do not), then he can see some uses so that a 6 DD Gyarados finally has some answer (but you would not being Luxray into OU just to beat Gyarados, now would you?). Aside from that, the cure for this lion is a bigger movepool. Yeah... things on four legs tend to suffer from a scarce movepool, take a look at Manectric, Ninetales, and everyone else in Luxray's group. Luxray can also go mixed like how Electivires do it, I mean, 95 SpA isn't so bad, now is it? That is Articuno's Special Attack... so something like Thunderbolt should work alongside something like... Crunch, Ice Fang? Oh, there still isn't enough options to work around Luxray's pitiful movepool.

But still... Luxray isn't THAT bad, but still nothing to write home about (Fire Fang refuses to deal much damage to Steelix...), so it only stands as number 8. I mean, that is what you expect for a Pokemon you get in the wild so early, now isn't it? In fact, I feel like this beast should have taken this spot over Luxray, but I would not really have enough room to say how bad that thing is. But the humiliation part comes from the fact this is a LION... and the other thing I pointed out to is... well... the same thing that fell under Mufasa's mercy... meh, I don't know.

Personal score: ||||||||||

Luxray had some appeal on me from the beginning, but not enough to get me ranting about it for a long time. In the end, I felt as if it were just a weaker Electivire, nothing else. But still, a cool concept to be ruined by Gamefreak... it's happened a lot before as we know, and this is the fourth generation. Come on, how much worse will it get? But at least it isn't as extreme as this, whom I will cover later.


Number 7: Flareon

For the last time Satoshi-kun, I did NOT burn down your house!

Sets I Use:


Ember the Flareon (F) @ Leftovers

Calm/Careful Nature

248 HP/8 SpA (or Atk)/252 SpDef

- Wish

- Protect

- Lava Plume/Superpower

- Toxic/Quick Attack

Mixed Attacker

Poppea the Flareon (F) @ Life Orb

Lonely/Naughty Nature

192 Atk/92 SpA/224 Speed

- Fire Blast

- Superpower

- HP Grass/Shadow Ball

- Return

Oh my poor dear Flareon! When will Gamefreak ever believe in your pleas? After all these years, they STILL think you were the one who burned down Monsieur Satoshi's house? And they think he was your partner-in-crime? If only I can talk some sense into them...

Anyways, here is my beloved Flareon. You can all pretty much imagine why Flareon is here with the disappointments. She is arguably the worst of the Eeveelutions. Okay, so we know that no Jolteon sets are able to scratch Flareon at all while a 0 Atk neutral Superpower from Flareon will OHKO her spiky sister, but we still know Jolteon is a LOT more useful than Flareon will ever be. While all her other sisters (at least her Kanto sisters she started off with) are vaunted so much thanks to their superior support options and stats and typing, this one was often forgotten by the others. I mean, if you have Charizard as your premier Fire Pokemon (I'm sure all of the kids do as I stated above) and Jolteon as your #1 Eeveelution for your team (actually I believe Vaporeon is the best one, but you can argue with me about that), who needs a pyromaniacal Eevee? I mean, something like that would just be a danger to society... and to competitive battling! Like... WHOA, you brought in Flareon? Who uses THAT?! *watches as their Tyranitar eats a Superpower* But I digress. Flareon has a low movepool, nothing useful to Baton Pass aside from Curse (which all Eeveelutions can do), has a powerful 130 Attack power which is only gone to waste because her strongest physical Fire STAB is NOT the vaunted Flare Blitz (which would screw up her longevity more even if she had it), but the amazing, 65 base power attack (you guessed it), FIRE FANG! Not even Flame Wheel which has 100% accuracy? Nope, Fire Fang... and seems like she has the same problem as her friend Luxray up there does... only without the defenses and with even lower speed! Oh where can I start? Not to mention Flareon looks the closest to Eevee out of all her sisters, meaning she must have retained poor Eevee's weakness (and for some bizarre reason, Flareon's Special Defense is quite high just like her younger sister Eevee's)... and her shiny form resembles Eevee A LOT. Hm... I wonder if they did that on purpose. Poor Flareon... give her something amazing next time Gamefreak... once I clear out her name.

So what can we do? I don't know... just hope that she gets something like Agility or a movepool boost. I mean, aside from Superpower, which already has an evil drawback, she needs something like a Fire STAB move to abuse... and with Flare Blitz, wouldn't it be just cool? Or give her something like Crunch and just widen her overall movepool... it would be interesting. I mean, back in GSC, she even had the gimmicky Zap Cannon, which made me believe Flareon was just amazing because she can learn an electric attack! At least Thunder Fang for good measures? :3 Okay... it's worse than Fire Fang on Flareon, but still, Thunder Fang is wasted on Jolteon. U_U Once I clear Flareon's name out from the guilty list, then I can proceed to clear Farfetch'd name and the two will be unstoppable! UNSTOPPABLE I TELL YOU, UNSTOPPABLE! MUHAHAHAH!

Personal score: ||||||||||

You can honestly tell I just love Flareon. I'm still guilty though for the fact Vaporeon is my favorite Eeveelution, but Flareon is just awesome for me. She is neglected by Gamefreak and unlike Charizard, no kids actually pay much attention to her. But we can always hope... right?


Number 6: Glaceon

I have the power to freeze you... if you allow me to.

Sets I Use:

Revenge Killer

Sonata the Glaceon (F) @ Choice Scarf

Timid Nature

8 HP/252 SpA/248 Speed

- Ice Beam

- Shadow Ball

- HP Fighting

- Water Pulse

Support Set (to be used in Hail teams with TS support)

Sonnet the Glaceon (F) @ Leftovers

Calm Nature

248 HP/44 Def/216 SpDef

- Wish

- Protect

- Roar

- Blizzard

I really had to debate between Glaceon and Flareon to see which one is the worse Eeveelution, and Flareon still wins there. Glaceon can still do something with that really painful STAB Ice Beam coming off 130 SpA, but Flareon just dies to everything and still can't really do much without a STAB to abuse from that 130 Attack. But in terms of disappointment? Glaceon wins here, hands down. Why is that? Well, all right... here is a beautiful Eeveelution, who seems to look even more feminine than Espeon herself. And just like Espeon we have that amazing 130 Special Attack... and... WOW, STAB ICE BEAM? That's just amazing! Just... beautiful! We can finally slay those dragons at last without any worries! And oh look! 110 Defense? 95 Special Defense? Golly gee whiz! This is like a dream come true! She even has Shadow Ball to take care of those Ghosts and Psychics and Water Pulse for those pesky Fire and Rock Pokemon thinking they can crash the party. So... where did she go wrong? How could you possibly screw up a 130 SpA Ice Pokemon?

Well, it was not her fault at the very least, but those who made her. Hey wait a minute... do I see... a 65 base Speed?! Oh noes! Well, at least she can outpace Tyranitar if she wanted to, but Tyranitar would win anyways. As for those armor like defenses? They go down the drain thanks to her base HP of 65. WHAT?! I mean, come on! That isn't fair... not to mention how Ice is not exactly the best defensive type (I blame them again for that)... AND they are weak to Stealth Rocks. Seriously, why? And get this... Glaceon and Flareon are the only Eeveelutions weak to Stealth Rocks, hmmm...

So what can they do here? Well, there is no way to rectify those base stats, and like the rest of her Eeveelution sisters, she has movepool issues. Maybe if they made an Ice type priority that was special, it would help... and hey. Gamefreak at least showed they cared about Glaceon unlike her pyromaniacal counterpart. In Platinum, she received Barrier to actually be of use with Baton Pass, but Vaporeon still does that better with Acid Armor. Mirror Coat was there too in case something felt like using some Fire Attack and with sash, it might not be a bad idea... but Sandstream and Stealth Rocks say no. Ugh... so I suppose if they made her movepool larger, like... give her some electric attack or whatever, it might help. As for the Ice attacking Eeveelution, there's always Vaporeon, and no, stop talking about your HP Ice Jolteon, I don't care about your Hidden Powers (Jolty is better off with HP Grass anyways, although I do not like it -__-). Props to Glaceon for being one of the few Pokemon who can actually OHKO Garchomp with Ice Beam (the other is Abomasnow with Blizzard).

Personal score: ||||||||||

Yeah, I just fall for the Eeveelutions, what can I say? To be honest, I did manage to surprise kill so many Pokemon with Scarf Glaceon. No joke, she is a beast and can be quite unexpected. Give her a try.


Number 5: Rampardos

Fear my raw power!

Sets I Use:

Rock Polish

Pachy the Rampardos (M) @ Liechi Berry

Adamant Nature

252 Atk/4 Def/252 Speed

- Endure

- Rock Polish

- Earthquake

- Rock Slide

To tell you the truth, I only used Rampardos once... and it just disappointed. Anyhow... WHOA. 165 Attack power??? Did you see that? That's like UBER strong! Yeah, you can expect that. I mean, when you fought Roark's Cranidos, did you expect that thing to put such a hole on your Pokemon? Did you now? Cranidos has 125 Attack Power... insane! Now come on... you don't mean to tell me this thing is disappointing, now do you? You really cannot go wrong with 165 Attack Power! And Mold Breaker even allows Earthquake to hit Rotoms and Gengars! How much better can this package get?

The package is actually shiny on the outside, but on the inside, all you get is a NES when you ordered that PS3 from Ebay. Aside from that base 97 HP (which I think should to THIS Pokemon), look at its other stats. You are staring at Mister I-have-lower-defense-than-Geodude rock type Pokemon... let alone a base 58 Speed which maxes at 215 when neutral... and 236 when positive. Yeah... do you really want to do that? This guy is a glass cannon, more so like a physical version of Alakazam, only stronger but a LOT slower. And also, NEVER EVER Head Smash a Blissey... PERIOD. Sure you will eat her up, but Blissey will only smile in the end because the recoil damage is just too much for Rammy to handle... hence it is a Death Note =|

But isn't Rampardos like the strongest Pokemon in terms of raw strength aside from Deoxys, right? Erm... I think you have forgot about this girl here, who reaches 438 Attack on neutral and 480 when positive, while Rampardos reaches 429 when neutral and 471 on max. Plus Medicham has a better movepool and a much better speed to take advantage of. You want the power of a nuke? Medicham is your girl. Rampardos just looks shiny on the outside, but is quite pointless when you look at something like Medicham. Oh yeah, and you probably don't remember him much, but... this guy defines the power of a nuke. Hello Thick Club!

Is there any way to make this troubled dinosaur any better? If Pokemon were real, the big bully in the playground would have Rampardos (reminiscent on how Dex from Megaman Battle Network has GutsMan as his Navi)... but too bad... because all the kindergarteners have Choice Banded Scizors ready to eat it up. Yeah, forget Rampardos for OU... with Scizor waiting around the bend, ready to OHKO with a single lethal Bullet Punch, I don't know what we should do with Rampardos. Yeah, let's give him an item to make his attack power double so it will be overkill! I suppose NO ONE would ever want to switch in aside from flyers when it starts to Earthquake, but... I don't know. There isn't really much to say how he can be improved. Maybe he should just stick with bullying Plusles and Minuns as usual =/

Personal score: ||||||||||

I mean, a Pachycephalosaurus Pokemon is just too cool... I have been waiting for something like this... but you know where it disappoints... its lack of speed and defenses... and really no way of getting around the ever so common Scizor. However, if you have Scizor out of the way, you can always try Ninjask + Rampardos combo... I mean, if Ninjask worked for Marowak, it should also work for Rampardos as well... and then, you can have a wonderful time sweeping through... Scizor free... oh yeah, and clear the rocks while you're at it... Ninjask HATES Stealth Rocks.


Number 4: Regice

It was all fun and games until she came along...

Sets I Use:


Melchoir the Regice @ Leftovers

Calm Nature

248 HP/252 Def/8 SpDef

- Ice Beam

- Thunderbolt

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

Take it from someone who KNOWS he is outclassed, Regice is that amazing special wall you saw back in RSE walling everything in sight. No Salamence ever dared go against it. Even the almighty Zapdos feared it. This thing was just so amazing with its 480 SpDef, it could easily survive 3 Fire Blasts from NON STAB sources and rest it all off once the damage has been done. Not to mention there is no way to even reduce his defenses thanks to Clear Body. And he was no slouch in Special Attacks either. His Special Attack is base 100... which is very decent for a wall... TOO decent. And he has the amazing Boltbeam combo to take advantage of. This was everything a special wall could ask for... and more... but once Diamond/Pearl came in, Regice, who was not Richard Corey, all of a sudden faced depression, and decided to jump out the window, trying to commit suicide, as so...


What happened? Well, many things. First off, FRLG was where the fall began to take place... when that harlot Blissey came over and asked Regice "Can I take all your screentime? K. Thx. Bai." and just pushed Regice off the curb as so. And Zapdos, unpleased about how Regice was walling him and how he just wasn't too powerful enough to distinguish himself from his sisters, asked Gamefreak to create something SO GAMEBREAKING so many Pokemon all of a sudden went from viable to not so viable. This included Regice, who just so happened to be weak to Rocks. And of course, Ice is one of the WORST defensive typing ever, only to resist Ice and to be weak to Fire/Fighting/Rock/Steel, which are actually quite common in this metagame. Not to mention it had no real way of recovery aside from the universal Rest + Sleep Talk... and with the outburst of massive Choice Band and Choice Specs user, things were hitting harder than ever while Regice's defenses... remained the same. Now can you see why the poor Iceberg is depressed?

When will Regice ever recover from his depression? Actually, the damage has already been done. He suicided, as you can see, and his pieces have fallen all over Nabata Desert, so get your Thieves ready if you want to find his parts, but don't hope so much for it. Now, if Regice had something like Recover, or even Calm Mind instead of depending on Psych Up to boost its stats (it still loses to CM Entei one on one), there may still be a chance... oh wait, not with the Crimson Flash lurking. Sigh... poor Regice, what can we do with you?

Personal score: ||||||||||

Let's find a way to cheer this guy up. Yeah sure, he is nowhere near the beast he was in RSE, but you know, when that annoying thunderbird comes down to ruin your parade, and that nurse is busy doing something else, who else can you call to take him down? Ok, so there's Tyranitar, but in case you were bored and you wanted to take a different path rather than use the everyday cliche OUs... who else? Let's give Regice a chance... he isn't Blissey but he's not THAT bad =/


Number 3: Bastiodon

I was supposed to be the wall of this century!

Sets I Use:

Metal Burst

Bastille the Bastiodon (M) @ Focus Sash

0 Speed IVs

Relaxed Nature

252 HP/228 Def/28 SpDef

- Metal Burst

- Stealth Rock

- Toxic

- Earthquake

Okay, so if you are looking at that set I use, you can already see something wrong: aside from the fact it was ripped straight from Lord Smogon, WHY would anyone use Focus Sash on something THAT defensive? Better yet, who thought up of a Pokemon whose job was to wall stuff with THAT typing? Rock/Steel? Okay, so it sounds cool because you have a 4x resist to Normal moves... but 4x weakness to Ground and Fighting? NOT cool. This guy is cool and everything, but there has been an error on Gamefreak's part... I cannot really blame them, but Bastiodon has no way of surviving stuff like Hitmonlee anyhow, even with that crazy 168 Defense. Why is that? Take a look at that base HP of 60. How atrocious. They pretty much gave that HP stat to the wrong Pokemon. I suppose the only thing Bastiodon can really do is just sit around and wait to use Metal Burst on something... but in this time and age when Pokemon with crazy offensive stats, decent speed, and good offensive movepool is desired more often than a wallish Pokemon with terrible typing and less than desirable offensive stats, what can one do?

Bastiodon is cool... and I like how he was named after the Bastille and how it looks like a Zuniceratops... but could we make it even better? Since base stats are pretty much set in stone... and I do not know what moves aside from Recover would make it better... Bastiodon's job would primarily be to wall those NU bug Pokemon and Pidgeot and set up SR and Metal Burst stuff as its only form of decent offense... the latter being a one time use against fighters and whatnot. Oh poor thing =(

Personal score: ||||||||||

Concept is just amazing. It really is... but he was assigned the wrong typing and the wrong niche even if Gamefreak actually tried to make it as defensive as possible with this one. I don't know what else to say actually.


Number 2: Pidgeot

And I really thought I was a bird of prey... not the prey of birds!

Sets I Use:

Mixed Agility Sweeper

Cyclone the Pidgeot (F) @ Liechi Berry

Naughty Nature

Tangled Feet

36 HP/252 Atk/40 SpA/180 Speed

- Agility

- Substitute

- Heat Wave

- Frustration

Outclassed by Chatot

Passenger the Pidgeot (F) @ Petaya Berry

Modest Nature

Tangled Feet

72 HP/252 SpA/4 SpDef/180 Speed

- Agility

- Substitute

- Heat Wave/HP Ground

- Air Slash

Choice Band

Kamikaze the Pidgeot (F) @ Choice Band

Adamant Nature

Tangled Feet

252 Atk/6 Def/252 Speed

- Brave Bird

- Return

- U-turn

- Steel Wing

Just a few moments before, I have covered two overrated Pokemon (Luxray and Charizard)... and now, I am about to cover one of the BIGGEST Pokemon disappointments Gamefreak has ever created. I suppose... I should have given this slot to Hitmonchan since I have already written in-depth about Pidgeot, but I felt like writing about Pidgeot right now anyways. One of the coolest bird Pokemon ever in my opinion, and probably the first bird I ever caught in my entire life, this thing is big, majestic, and just wonderfully powerful. Or is it? The Pokedex says it swoops down on unwary prey like Magikarp, but how skillful do you have to be to beat Magikarp? Pidgeot is the one bird every kids just seem to use aside from Fearow just because it looks cool I guess. I don't know... that's one of the only reasons why I use one myself... for personal preferences actually. If you are one of the crowds that use Fearow over Pidgeot, then pat yourself on your back. You have made the wiser choice... but smack yourself over 9000 times for not using Dodrio, Swellow, Togekiss, or Staraptor instead. Anyhow, what I was saying? Oh yes... Pidgeot is a disappointment to every birds on the face of this planet. Now WHY do I say that?

If that article I linked you to is too long or whatnot, here's just a long story short. Every Normal/Flying birds, and I mean EVERY (except for Flareon's partner in crime) are known to outclass Pidgeot in every way. Yes, Pidgeot's BST is better than Chatot's and Fearow's... but the latter two arguably have them distributed in the right places. Oh, and get this. Pidgeotto's stats are VERY akin to Spearow's aside from its defenses... and it takes only up to level 20 for Spearow to evolve to Fearow, while Pidgey evolved into Pidgeotto at level 18... and into Pidgeot at level 36. To make a long story short, if you see a Pidgey in Viridian Forest, unless you wanted to complete your Pokedex or something like that, just ignore it; there are better birds out there...

Ok, Gamefreak, can you get any worse than this? A final stage bird Pokemon with less than stellar stats and both of its abilities taken over by less than stellar abilities? There is only ONE way to remedy this: the Marowak treatment. The what? You know what I mean... remember that Thick Club? Make something similar for Pidgeot. That is the ONLY thing I can see that can actually fix this thing... the ONLY way. Aside from that, I do not know what else. And that 70 SpA? Why not make two items... one for raising attack while the other raises special attack? It would be an interesting take on that majestic bird... and that bright crest of its would no longer be just an ornament. If Gamefreak can at least agree to this... I don't know. Maybe I will be convinced that Gamefreak CAN do the right thing...

Personal score: ||||||||||

Pidgeot is a cool bird in its own right. It looks cool, it's everywhere, and even Ash had one that had an epic battle with a Fearow. But those stats are lackluster... but it shouldn't stop you from using one if you really feel like it... yeah.


King of Disappointments: Regigigas

You cannot even catch me with Dusk Balls while I am level 1, so you are no match for my strength at all!

Sets I Use:


Atlas the Regigigas @ Leftovers

Adamant Nature

248 HP/252 Atk/4 Def/4 SpDef

- Thunder Wave

- Confuse Ray

- Return

- Fire Punch

Could you actually get better than this? 110/110/110 Defenses... 160 Attack... 100 Speed! That is truly a legend, the master of golems... something to behold the wonders of... the ancient power of DEGENERATION! Seriously WHAT?! I go in ALL THE WAY inside the ruins... grab the three Regis from Pal Park... FOR THIS? You see that juicy base 160 Attack power? And that base speed of 100? All thanks to this ability called SLOW START, Gamefreak thought it would be awesome to balance something as cool as this just as they did with Slaking. However... Slaking's Truant looks like LEVITATE in comparison to Slow Start. Why is that? Well, Slaking at least keeps its immediate attacking power and can safely be switched out to cause ruin later, but this guy... Slow Start is TOO much. Your once majestic 160 Attack Power... becomes the pathetic 55 base attack power... and that base 100 speed... all of a sudden Regigigas becomes much slower than Snorlax with its base speed of... 25! And all this is supposed to be legendary... let alone the master of the golems. =(

Not even Regice's situation was as dire as his master's! I wonder why this is so? The only way you can actually get this beast to rise is if all 5 turns are up and Regigigas survives... or if Gastro Acid is used on Regigigas (but who uses that move in the first place... let alone on Regigigas?). The only thing that Regigigas still retains is his good defense... but that is about all. Oh yes, and you know how Protect and Detect and Rest are universal for all Pokemon? For some stupid reason, Regigigas does NOT obtain those moves! Who would have thought that? I suppose stalling out all 5 turns can only be attained by miracles... or if the other guy purposely allows you to. I suppose Regigigas was only meant to be used as novelty... nothing more, nothing less. There does not seem to be any way to improve on Regigigas unfortunately, and for that ability Slow Start, Regigigas gets the crown for the KING of DISAPPOINTMENTS.

Personal score: ||||||||||

This titan does not really appeal to me much, and that speed has absolutely NO hope of being boosted, but I don't know. He seems cool to me, but just isn't usable... ever. I tried, he can be fun to use at times, but most of the time he is just a dead weight. He wins the crown not only because of that ability, but because he is a legendary, and you have to go through so many things just to get to where he is, and to battle him requires three of your party members be the golems. And in Platinum, it becomes so much harder to catch him because he is level 1... and will start struggling eventually once you realize you have no way to weaken it (unless you have a False Swiper). All that trouble... and you get THIS thing? I want my money back!


Queen of Disappointments: Articuno

It has been a while... do you remember me?

Sets I Use:

Toxic Stalling (Read: Eats Defensive Zapdos)

Freudia the Articuno @ Leftovers

Bold Nature

192 HP/80 Def/60 SpDef/176 Speed

- Ice Beam

- Toxic

- Roost

- Substitute

Sweeper Articuno

Mar the Articuno @ Life Orb

Modest Nature

24 HP/252 SpA/232 Speed

- Agility

- Ice Beam

- Mimic/Extrasensory/Ancientpower/HP Grass/HP Ground

- Roost

Salut D'Articuno

[sprite]144[/sprite] [sprite]145[/sprite] [sprite]146[/sprite]

Now here is my tribute to one of my favorite Pokemon of ALL times. Articuno is a beauty, she really is. One goes into Seaform Islands and solves a bunch of puzzles and finds this marvel... she is an amazing sight to behold. Back in RBY, she helped me beat the game (along with her two other siblings) and was just amazing. Ice Beaming Lance's Dragonite and KOing everything else to victory with that amazing special of 125... and that Blizzard that was 90% accurate then... wow really, truly amazing. Then came GSC and her Special Attack took a plummet down... to 95. And she was still stuck with her trusty Ice Beam, but Blizzard had to go. Then came RSE, and xD gave her Heal Bell to use. She was still viable, outstalling water Pokemon thanks to her monstrous Special Defense and Pressure. Spike Shuffling and Toxicing everything was quite fun too... and she only wished for a 50% recovery move to abuse those 90/100/125 defenses. All of that was going to be promised for Articuno and her siblings in DPP... but what happened?

The Zapdos Conspiracy

[sprite]145[/sprite] [shinysprite]145[/shinysprite]

Zapdos, who already knew of his successes, was a favorite of Gamefreak. Gamefreak would do whatever he wanted and Zapdos plotted a conspiracy... he asked Gamefreak to invent something called "Stealth Rocks" (Stealth after Zapdos's stealthy plan for domination), which would further seal the deal for their favoritism. While Moltres got Will-o-Wisp and Morning Sun from xD, WoW became a TM and Morning Sun isn't so great now that all three birds get Roost. Articuno got Heal Bell and Haze... the former was all right but the latter was outclassed by Roar which all three birds got anyways. But Zapdos, he would get two amazing moves which would help him a lot, Metal Burst, which would force Blisseys to switch out, and Baton Pass, which would make Zapdos a better team player. Clearly Zapdos got the best gifts. Now what were these new Stealth Rocks? Something that would help Zapdos make his name even better... it still cut off 25% of his health so that no one would realize that HE was the one who started this conspiracy... while it cut off his sisters' HP by 50%. There. Now Zapdos would be the BEST of the three. THE ABSOLUTE BEST. No questions asked. And now that Articuno lost her powers as a defensive monster thanks to those little rocks, she was out of the league. But what about Moltres? The crazy offensive beast still did not exactly lose her job because unlike Articuno, her job was to sweep with crazy overpowered Fire Blasts and Overheats and Air Slash slower foes to flinchhax them. That is when the Platinum deal came in... and Zapdos went up to Gamefreak and asked for Heat Wave. And to make it not seem so much of a dirty job, Zapdos also asked Gamefreak to give Heat Wave to every birds (most of them who could not even use it properly anyways)... except for Articuno, Pelipper, and Lugia. The part that fails is... it says "The user exhales a heated breath on the foe to attack. It may also leave the target with a burn." So the birds do not flap their wings but have killer burning breath instead. Real smooth Zapdos, but I can STILL see your conspiracy here. It all makes sense now.

This is Madness!


So what exactly is wrong with Articuno? Well, yes, Gamefreak finally granted her that Roost she wanted so badly, which would also shed her quad weakness to Rocks. So it's amazing, is it not? Well, not with those Stealth Rocks in play! In order to get that "tank" in, you need to spin away the rocks everytime JUST to bring her in. How pathetic! Not even Moltres needs to be a phony because although she hates Stealth Rocks, she can at least do something before going down. Articuno cannot. STAB Ice Beam doesn't even seem to OHKO Salamence, which is pathetic. A defensive Ice Pokemon does not seem to work unless your name is Walrein. So Articuno could Toxic Stall... well, so can Moltres and Zapdos, only since they are faster, they are better. Articuno may be the most defensive of the three, but with that fail typing, she has no way of outstalling anything aside from bulky waters, which Zapdos can do just as well... AND survive Stone Edges... AND actually deal with Scizor. Yeah, unlike the other two, Articuno is no match for the Crimson Flash. All Articuno can do is STAB Ice Beam... and Toxic... and pretty much Sub/Roost/Roar/Heal Bell. That is pretty much it. In fact, the invention of Suicune was a Godsend... because he fixed EVERYTHING that was wrong with Articuno... AND more. However, Gamefreak has that problem of burying old problems and forgetting about them, much like poor Pidgeot up there (they "fixed" the problem with Staraptor). Disgusted at Articuno's pathetic powers, Gamefreak gave the anime producers the permission to actually have Articuno defeated by Ash's Charizard... on LIVE TV. It's true, I'm telling you!

The Bleak Future

Fortunately for Articuno, she looks upwards wondering what the future holds for her, unlike Regice, who immediately solved his problem by jumping off a cliff, never to return again. The only way we can actually solve her problem is by giving her some cool stuff... maybe Tail Glow or even Hydro Pump... something to make her more usable... or even changing the Ice type so that it has more resistances instead of just "Ice" (Articuno's Flying type cancels out her primary type's only resistance, sad isn't it?) I really do not know. For a legendary, poor Articuno has been plagued by futility... all thanks to Gamefreak forgetting about the poor Ice Queen. She looked like she was going to be a wonderful Pokemon from the beginning, but unfortunately that wasn't so. Favoritism on Zapdos on their part messed her up a LOT. They could do the Marowak treatment, but I have a feeling they would do the same on the other birds... and if that happens, I wouldn't want it. The last thing we need is an uber Zapdos... that thing is scary enough. Either way, Articuno definitely wins the Queen of Disappointments Award... because for a legendary with amazing defensive stats, she cannot even pull of the defensive act correctly. And I blame Gamefreak for that... for making poor Articuno suffer under a box for all these years... and doing nothing about it while improving Zapdos who did not need all those improvements at all. Articuno and her sister Moltres needs more buffing up than ever... and I am hoping something good happens in the end for them... they do hold a lot of potential. You cannot expect Gamefreak to get away with having really weak legendary Pokemon while they made an insanely overpowered starter Pokemon, now can you?

I did some testing by modifying Articuno's movepool with adding Tail Glow and Hydro Pump and some other assorted goodies in Shoddy simulator... but I cannot bear the truth: there is NO saving Articuno. This poor bird dies to everything and cannot hit back hard enough. That is the sad truth. Even Moltres can be useful at times. Zapdos is too useful. Articuno... is along the ranks of Skuntank, Machoke, and Luvdisc. That is a SAD excuse for a legendary. I do not know if there is any way to save her. She is doomed... forever.

Personal score: ||||||||||

Like I said, Articuno is one of my favorites... and she is probably my favorite. I am quite displeased at how they did not even try when making her... Gamefreak has that nasty habit of burying old problems. Well, yes, there's Suicune, who I also like, but I am NOT ditching Articuno. As for the winner between the King and Queen for the Overall Most Disappointing Pokemon in this game, I have to hand it to Articuno. Sure, Regigigas is arguably less useful, but he at least has his defenses, is not Stealth Rock weak, and can do stuff like Paralyze and Confuse for the 5 turns while he is waiting to get its mojo going. Articuno, on the other hand, suffers from not being able to do anything from the start AND not being able to accomplish ANYTHING in the end. This poor bird must have traded off her powers for beauty... and even then, she isn't looking too good nowadays... especially when people have forgotten about her. I have, however, successfully managed to outstall many Pokemon with Articuno, sometimes even without spin support. Ironically, her most vital stat is probably speed, for without speed, there is no way to even land a Toxic or anything before getting 2HKOd due to rocks. Yes, a wall technically should not even need speed, but Articuno is the exception here. Her speed is nowhere near that great, which is another reason why Gamefreak fails at designing Ice Pokemon. Sure, Mamoswine and Weavile were great improvements... but as for those defensive Ice Pokemon? Was Regice made to replace Articuno? I have no idea, but Regice is now long gone. Why didn't Articuno do the same? Probably because she is a bird and therefore cannot really jump off a cliff. Poor thing... cannot even kill herself to save herself the misery U_U

Winner of the Year: [icon]144[/icon]

Any questions? Comments? Feel free to agree/disagree with my top 10 (rather 11) Most Disappointing Pokemon ever.

By the way... I did this for fun...

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Edited by wraith89

This was a good read. Although I suck at competive battling (I'm actually one of those kids in the Charizard part... EXACTLY), I enjoyed the personal touches you gave to the descriptions, and I learned a bit, too. I hope Articuno gets some fairer moves for the next game(s). Now, I shall evolve my Charizard, make its stats 999, give it Hyper Beam, Judgment, Overheat, and Fire Blast, and brag to everyone about its uber-duber-PWNAGE


I agree with all of them. Very well put! And I also agree with who should be number 1, Articuno. Everything, every detail, is true. Stealth Rocks changed the game so dramatically and newer Pokemon get the moves. It's quite sad to see so many once-stupendous Pokémon to fall victim to either Stealth Rocks and/or other Pokémon getting improved.

And IMO, I think Forretress is starting to decline thanks to Stealth Rocks. Yeah, he is resistant and can shake them away, but why shake them away if the Pokémon that are weak to it aren't playing the game anymore? It has become that way now and it seems he locked into fall unless the Stealth Rock weak Pokémon return (Which will probably never happen). However, evantually, it may become a thing where People will expect their opponent to not have any Stealth Rock prone Pokémon and don't bother using it, which leaves a windows for the fallen Pokémon to return (at least for a short time).

Another Pokémon that is starting to decline is Weavile. Dumb Scizor kicking out innocent Pokémon...

  MACandCHEEZWIZ1 said:
This was a good read. Although I suck at competive battling (I'm actually one of those kids in the Charizard part... EXACTLY), I enjoyed the personal touches you gave to the descriptions, and I learned a bit, too. I hope Articuno gets some fairer moves for the next game(s). Now, I shall evolve my Charizard, make its stats 999, give it Hyper Beam, Judgment, Overheat, and Fire Blast, and brag to everyone about its uber-duber-PWNAGE

Good. Keep using that Charizard so that I can have a better chance to win. Just kidding :)

That set is okay for in-game I guess... especially since I would HATE to be at the end where I just happened to ran out of Fire Blast... one of the worst moves to ever put in game unless that was not your primary move.

  Greencat said:
I agree with all of them. Very well put! And I also agree with who should be number 1, Articuno. Everything, every detail, is true. Stealth Rocks changed the game so dramatically and newer Pokemon get the moves. It's quite sad to see so many once-stupendous Pokémon to fall victim to either Stealth Rocks and/or other Pokémon getting improved.

And IMO, I think Forretress is starting to decline thanks to Stealth Rocks. Yeah, he is resistant and can shake them away, but why shake them away if the Pokémon that are weak to it aren't playing the game anymore? It has become that way now and it seems he locked into fall unless the Stealth Rock weak Pokémon return (Which will probably never happen). However, evantually, it may become a thing where People will expect their opponent to not have any Stealth Rock prone Pokémon and don't bother using it, which leaves a windows for the fallen Pokémon to return (at least for a short time).

Another Pokémon that is starting to decline is Weavile. Dumb Scizor kicking out innocent Pokémon...

Forretress is actually not declining. Stealth Rocks, despite being resisted on some things like Lucario, is still useful for taking away the Focus Sash and all. Forretress even has the defenses to take things like Gyarados's Waterfall and hit stuff back with STAB Gyro Ball, which will max out to 150 at many times because the things it fight tend to be faster. Then when they are on KO range, it is time to go BOOM! Forry is the only Pokemon aside from Omastar (to my knowledge) that can set up ALL three entry hazards and spin them away too (I think Omastar can spin, correct me if I am wrong). Now thanks to HGSS Forry has Pain Split, which is not a reliable recovery move, but it still does help with the recovery. So Forry isn't really going down and I use it quite often and see them so often in the opposing team.

Weavile... the poor thing needs some love =(

However, now Weavile has Low Kick, which can 2HKO Scizor with Choice Band (I think it can 2HKO without CB when there is SR, correct me if I am wrong). I believe most Scizor will U-turn instead of Bullet Punch a Weavile (unless they know Weavile is staying... which most do not)... but a predicted U-turn means Weavile can take Scizor down with Low Kick (the fighting version of Grass Knot since GSC... before that in RBY it was some lousy 50 BP Fighting attack with 90% accuracy).

Nowadays it seems that Pokemon are being ranked on how well they counter Scizor... which is why no one brings their Rampardos to OU... and why Gyarados is NOT outclassed by Salamence. I think I will start a topic about the top 10 Kings/Queens of this metagame eventually.

  memjee said:
LOOOOL... Heracross is number 10? nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Heracross is not bad actually. It is quite the efficient wallbreaker, and people who compare it to Scizor deserve to die. Just kidding with the die part... while in this day and age Scizor would be more favorable to use Heracross still has those beautiful double 120 BP STAB and still has Stone Edge which can mess around Gyarados/Salamence... which even after Intimidate has a chance to OHKO after SR. Lucario too... sure it has a better movepool and more favorable stats and priority moves, but honestly, what else does Heracross need? It is already effective at what it does... and unlike Lucario, Heracross can take the universal Earthquake and benefits from Will-o-Wisp. I do not see why it is at the bottom of OU actually.


That is because smogon basses it off usage. That is why Electivire and Weavile are still in the OU. Also it takes time for smogon to update since they have to vote to determine if it should stay in the same tier or not. Just like now Garchomp, Lati@s, and Manaphy are being tested for OU, except Lati@s, which is thinking about staying OU. By the way, Crandidos has base 125 Atk.

  Arandomproduction1 said:
That is because smogon basses it off usage. That is why Electivire and Weavile are still in the OU. Also it takes time for smogon to update since they have to vote to determine if it should stay in the same tier or not. Just like now Garchomp, Lati@s, and Manaphy are being tested for OU, except Lati@s, which is thinking about staying OU. By the way, Crandidos has base 125 Atk.

I already know how it is based off... and frankly, I do not really find it that effective. Due to "lack of usage", Alakazam and Rhyperior ended up in UU, which is actually quite scary, despite how something like Azumarill could end up ripping both up, but can not switch into either of them directly. Next thing you know Heracross and Cresselia may well end up dropping down, which wouldn't be right at all U_U

I can understand why Electivire can still be used (Scizor eats Flamethrower or Gyarados is Motor Drive bait) but Weavile has a problem with the massive Scizors running around. Makes me wonder why Gengar is still being used (with prediction it can work...) but it seems the OU metagame is all based on around how well something counters Scizor.

I am not saying everything is entirely based off Scizor as clearly things like Gengar would see less usage then, but I tend not to follow Smogon just because they say so. A tier list that is all based on usage and statistics... then I would think something like Charizard would end up OU not NU U_U

And get this... Nidoqueen/Porygon2/Magmortar ended up in NU... Never Used? How did that happen? By usage wise? -__-

  • 2 weeks later...

And many of my favorites are on this list >.>

Who are your favorites Evan?

Expect to see a topic about the top 10 Kings/Queens of 2009 soon.

Do not fret memjee... Heracross is DEFINITELY far too strong to be in UU.

Recently, I have been using Regice and it worked actually very well. Stealth Rocks were a pain... but with my Rest + Sleep Talk set, Regice was surviving many things that were hitting it and screwing them over with Boltbeam. Magnezone was utterly walled and STAB Ice Beam still hurt it decently, Zapdos was utterly walled and HATES STAB Ice Beam, Salamence only managed to do 26%ish damage while Ice Beam OHKOd it... it just hates Scizor or a Flash Fire boosted Heatran though. Other than that, Regice is very useful.


someone lower than scizor? gyarados? empoleon? breloom? OOH machamp right? or maybe ninjask.. smeargle? ohhhh it's tentacruel!

tentacruel or machamp those are my guesses, for OU at least

  • 2 weeks later...

Very delightful read Wraith. Minor nitpick though, i had to change the theme to read the whole thing cause the colours REALLY hurt my eyes in the HG theme. In that black background the text colours literally looked 3 dimensional and looked even more jutting out when you see the links which are orange in colour and more flat so to say. My eyes were watering by the time i read Heracross' part xD.

I HAVE to diagree with the final decision you made in picking Arti >.<

Honestly i think it can definitely do the defensive sets much better than its counterparts. Moltres is actually the one which may give more trouble using it. Since it doesnt have magnificent defenses, unlike Arti, and it has middling speed which just makes it an average pokemon. Don't compare with Zapdos now cause theres no point comparing pokemon competitively when 1 of them is an OU regular while the others are NU or UU. With Moltres, offensively it is ok but defensively it was very hard to use. Because it did not have the high bulk of Arti you had nothing to fall back upon if your spinner got knocked out. Arti atleast can take another hit and roost off the damage.....this is much harder with Moltres when already taken SR. I found Arti much easier to use......and anyway.....like most pokes, it only requires TS and spin support to use and use it WELL.

I myself have tried it in 3 other of my many teams excluding the one for you and it has worked really well. Heck i actually like it and call it Arti as a pet name xD. If someone deserves to be the biggest disappointment its definitely Regigigas for having the godlike stats but the sad Slow Start ability to ruin it. Arti can ATLEAST switch in more if SR is spun away and keep doing its job. Regigigas (GAH! lets call it gas from now) on the other hand needs to finish those 5 turns before doing anything and those defenses dont do anything....and its just setup fodder. Dont believe me? anything with sub can setup and sweep everything if you leave it in. Twave and confuse ray cannot do anything then. Furthermore, poor Arti has been here from the start....calling it a disappointment now is not reasonable. Gas came out in this gen and has been a let down considering its supposed to be an equal to Lugia and Ho-oh as the leader of 3 legendary pokes. Truly the king deserves this award.

The rest are fine. I wouldnt think of Flareon as a disappointment because it was no where near a top contender to begin with! If it gets Flare Blitz and STILL remains UU then you can call it a disappointment. Regice was never outclassed by Blissey wraith -__-. Blissey came out in the 2nd gen and Regice came out in the 3rd. How come it was fun untill she came along? Shes the best special wall PERIOD, Regice was just unlucky. The rest are k.

Btw, who is the king in the top pokes??! If not Zor, I dont know anything else! Maybe Meta but I cant really say xD.

On a lighter note this was funny as heck. The Charizard part was lolsome.

The Zapdos Conspiracy

Zapdos, who already knew of his successes, was a favorite of Gamefreak. Gamefreak would do whatever he wanted and Zapdos plotted a conspiracy... he asked Gamefreak to invent something called "Stealth Rocks" (Stealth after Zapdos's stealthy plan for domination), which would further seal the deal for their favoritism. While Moltres got Will-o-Wisp and Morning Sun from xD, WoW became a TM and Morning Sun isn't so great now that all three birds get Roost. Articuno got Heal Bell and Haze... the former was all right but the latter was outclassed by Roar which all three birds got anyways. But Zapdos, he would get two amazing moves which would help him a lot, Metal Burst, which would force Blisseys to switch out, and Baton Pass, which would make Zapdos a better team player. Clearly Zapdos got the best gifts. Now what were these new Stealth Rocks? Something that would help Zapdos make his name even better... it still cut off 25% of his health so that no one would realize that HE was the one who started this conspiracy... while it cut off his sisters' HP by 50%. There. Now Zapdos would be the BEST of the three. THE ABSOLUTE BEST. No questions asked. And now that Articuno lost her powers as a defensive monster thanks to those little rocks, she was out of the league. But what about Moltres? The crazy offensive beast still did not exactly lose her job because unlike Articuno, her job was to sweep with crazy overpowered Fire Blasts and Overheats and Air Slash slower foes to flinchhax them. That is when the Platinum deal came in... and Zapdos went up to Gamefreak and asked for Heat Wave. And to make it not seem so much of a dirty job, Zapdos also asked Gamefreak to give Heat Wave to every birds (most of them who could not even use it properly anyways)... except for Articuno, Pelipper, and Lugia. The part that fails is... it says "The user exhales a heated breath on the foe to attack. It may also leave the target with a burn." So the birds do not flap their wings but have killer burning breath instead. Real smooth Zapdos, but I can STILL see your conspiracy here. It all makes sense now.

This is Madness!

So what exactly is wrong with Articuno? Well, yes, Gamefreak finally granted her that Roost she wanted so badly, which would also shed her quad weakness to Rocks. So it's amazing, is it not? Well, not with those Stealth Rocks in play! In order to get that "tank" in, you need to spin away the rocks everytime JUST to bring her in. How pathetic! Not even Moltres needs to be a phony because although she hates Stealth Rocks, she can at least do something before going down. Articuno cannot. STAB Ice Beam doesn't even seem to OHKO Salamence, which is pathetic. A defensive Ice Pokemon does not seem to work unless your name is Walrein. So Articuno could Toxic Stall... well, so can Moltres and Zapdos, only since they are faster, they are better. Articuno may be the most defensive of the three, but with that fail typing, she has no way of outstalling anything aside from bulky waters, which Zapdos can do just as well... AND survive Stone Edges... AND actually deal with Scizor. Yeah, unlike the other two, Articuno is no match for the Crimson Flash. All Articuno can do is STAB Ice Beam... and Toxic... and pretty much Sub/Roost/Roar/Heal Bell. That is pretty much it. In fact, the invention of Suicune was a Godsend... because he fixed EVERYTHING that was wrong with Articuno... AND more. However, Gamefreak has that problem of burying old problems and forgetting about them, much like poor Pidgeot up there (they "fixed" the problem with Staraptor). Disgusted at Articuno's pathetic powers, Gamefreak gave the anime producers the permission to actually have Articuno defeated by Ash's Charizard... on LIVE TV. It's true, I'm telling you!

The Bleak Future

Fortunately for Articuno, she looks upwards wondering what the future holds for her, unlike Regice, who immediately solved his problem by jumping off a cliff, never to return again. The only way we can actually solve her problem is by giving her some cool stuff... maybe Tail Glow or even Hydro Pump... something to make her more usable... or even changing the Ice type so that it has more resistances instead of just "Ice" (Articuno's Flying type cancels out her primary type's only resistance, sad isn't it?) I really do not know. For a legendary, poor Articuno has been plagued by futility... all thanks to Gamefreak forgetting about the poor Ice Queen. She looked like she was going to be a wonderful Pokemon from the beginning, but unfortunately that wasn't so. Favoritism on Zapdos on their part messed her up a LOT. They could do the Marowak treatment, but I have a feeling they would do the same on the other birds... and if that happens, I wouldn't want it. The last thing we need is an uber Zapdos... that thing is scary enough. Either way, Articuno definitely wins the Queen of Disappointments Award... because for a legendary with amazing defensive stats, she cannot even pull of the defensive act correctly. And I blame Gamefreak for that... for making poor Articuno suffer under a box for all these years... and doing nothing about it while improving Zapdos who did not need all those improvements at all. Articuno and her sister Moltres needs more buffing up than ever... and I am hoping something good happens in the end for them... they do hold a lot of potential. You cannot expect Gamefreak to get away with having really weak legendary Pokemon while they made an insanely overpowered starter Pokemon, now can you?

I did some testing by modifying Articuno's movepool with adding Tail Glow and Hydro Pump and some other assorted goodies in Shoddy simulator... but I cannot bear the truth: there is NO saving Articuno. This poor bird dies to everything and cannot hit back hard enough. That is the sad truth. Even Moltres can be useful at times. Zapdos is too useful. Articuno... is along the ranks of Skuntank, Machoke, and Luvdisc. That is a SAD excuse for a legendary. I do not know if there is any way to save her. She is doomed... forever.

Personal score: ||||||||||

Like I said, Articuno is one of my favorites... and she is probably my favorite. I am quite displeased at how they did not even try when making her... Gamefreak has that nasty habit of burying old problems. Well, yes, there's Suicune, who I also like, but I am NOT ditching Articuno. As for the winner between the King and Queen for the Overall Most Disappointing Pokemon in this game, I have to hand it to Articuno. Sure, Regigigas is arguably less useful, but he at least has his defenses, is not Stealth Rock weak, and can do stuff like Paralyze and Confuse for the 5 turns while he is waiting to get its mojo going. Articuno, on the other hand, suffers from not being able to do anything from the start AND not being able to accomplish ANYTHING in the end. This poor bird must have traded off her powers for beauty... and even then, she isn't looking too good nowadays... especially when people have forgotten about her. I have, however, successfully managed to outstall many Pokemon with Articuno, sometimes even without spin support. Ironically, her most vital stat is probably speed, for without speed, there is no way to even land a Toxic or anything before getting 2HKOd due to rocks. Yes, a wall technically should not even need speed, but Articuno is the exception here. Her speed is nowhere near that great, which is another reason why Gamefreak fails at designing Ice Pokemon. Sure, Mamoswine and Weavile were great improvements... but as for those defensive Ice Pokemon? Was Regice made to replace Articuno? I have no idea, but Regice is now long gone. Why didn't Articuno do the same? Probably because she is a bird and therefore cannot really jump off a cliff. Poor thing... cannot even kill herself to save herself the misery U_U

ROFLMAO xDD Gaad this part cracked me up! Conspiracy? lolol thats rich. The part which starts "This is madness!" Arti's pic really showed a bewildered look xDD. Regice went down a cliff and suicided but Arti cannot.....roflrofl awesome man. I feel your pain.....but i just can't stop laughing xD.



Nah, I actually found Moltres doing Articuno's job better in OU due to its typing (Fire > Steel... Ice dies to Scizor/Lucario/everything else). But I am glad to see Articuno work for you. I made it work at times but it just requires way too much support. Yeah Moltres needs a spinner too but Moltres can at least hurt something before going down. Oh, and my Moltres can survive three + 2 Extremespeeds from Lucario without Life Orb. If it has Life Orb I can bring it in and just Flamethrower it (provided rocks are out of the way).

I actually underestimated Regice, but it just got unlucky. U_U

From the times I have been using it this thing was a reasonable counter to many things. It even took Salamence's Dragon Claws with Life Orb as a champ and would OHKO it with Ice Beam. Zapdos's Heat Wave only managed 23%ish tops I believe. Base 200 SpDef is just insane.

As for that Blissey coming in part... it was referring to Gen III when everyone used Regice as their premier special wall... until FRLG came in and people just stopped using it because Blissey was now available (do not count Gen I and Gen II as they are not compatible in any shape or form with Gen III and IV). Now there is less reason to use Regice thanks to the abundance of Steels/Choice Banders/Scizors/STEALTH ROCKS/etc... Blissey still cannot eat a Fighting attack but can support the team a whole lot better.

Flareon is a disappointment because... it always has been? Not just that, but they had not one, not two, but THREE chances to give it Flare Blitz and stuff like that. But did they do it? Noooo.... not at all! They give it LAVA PLUME the second time... and leave it untouched in the third time! Lava Plume is not bad and all but still I feel like they could have done more with it.

And I HOPE I really am underestimating Articuno... maybe I bring it into the wrong crowd X_X

Top record with Articuno: taking down 4/6 Pokemon in an OU sandstorm team with a bit of Toxicstalling and Ice Beam :)

I'm glad this thing made you laugh and all...


Ah, i get the Gen III part now, but i do not like the way you address scizor separately along with steels and choice band pokes when scizor itself has both characteristics dominant! Its not that special! >=(

Flareon....is just a lost cause wraith. If you say it should get Flare Blitz then others will say give Leafeon Wood Hammer! Now that will truly not be fair if you really think about it. Wood Hammer is unique to what? 2 pokes? AFAIK only Abomasnow and Torterra get it so an attack like Flare Blitz should also be unique to some pokes. Lets see now, who has it.........Infernape, Arcanine, Typhlosion, Charizard and Blaziken. All the fire starters (heh fire starters, its that Charlies Angels song xD) and Arcanine get it. Now you would surely say if they all got it then shouldn't all the Grass starters (cheeesyyy) also get the move unique to Torterra? Yes I would agree with you completely. ALL of the grass starters except Meganium have a thick plant like outgrowth on some part of their body. Sceptile has that acorn like tail and Venusaur has that cool looking Flower on his back. So they should get it for sure....but Nintendo decided against it for some reason. Also, if you see the grass starters, Sceptile has low atk so it cannot really use that move and Meganium and Vensaur are defensive pokes with low attack stats. Only Torterra can use it......as for Aboma i can't say -.-

I think Nintendo is trying to keep things kinda balanced by giving things like Blaziken, Arcanine and Ape with relatively medium stats this powerful move and not giving it to Flareon looking at its attack which is considered very high. Idk, they didn't give it to Entei either and that could've made it that much better. Makes you wonder whether Nintendo even thinks about the competitive aspect of the game, no? They must think Flareon and Entei will be broken in-game if they get this move xD. They must be thinking it will destroy everything if it gets the move.

If they DO think about the competitive side of things then they must think "Hey, Flareon is slow as hell! Whats the point of giving it a move that will kill it even faster, right?" And yes, with SR and bulky waters everywhere poor Flare will go down in 2 switches and using the move once. Atleast Arcanine and Blaziken make great use of it, and they are STILL UU. Entei is a legendary so...different story. Life is hard for a fire type.

ONE MORE reason which I just discovered is the fact that Flareon is an Eeveelution. I mean, do the other eeveelutions have 3 high powered moves? NO! Espeon only has Psychic, its NEVER gonna get Psycho Boost! Leafeon has Leaf Blade and thats a good 90 considering its Physical attack stat is superior.....but it gets Solar Beam! Jolteon gets Thunder, Vappy gets Hydro Pump, Glaceon gets Blizzard and Umbreon gets Payback. BUT LOOK AT FLAREON! HEAT WAVE! FIRE BLAST! OMG!! OVERHEAT!!! It already has those powerful moves at its disposal unlike the others. Only they have better stats to use them.... but Flare already got way more in terms of goodies. Same goes for Entei. Which is the basic reason Nintendo doesn't even LOOK at it anymore. Sure now its gonna get Lava Plume, wraith. Its a move that almost every fire type learned.....heck even Groudon can learn it!

Most importantly, Flare Blitz HAS to be a level up move for BOTH! Breeding it is impossible on them......therefore unless the others get something better.....Nintendo will never allow it.

So if you think of all the reasons, Flareon will have 4 high powered moves which will be unfair to its sisters. Stats really do not matter here. Grouped pokes have to have similar attacking options. Look at all the other Legendary Trios, they all learn similar types of attacks at the same levels depending on their type. One of them cannot break out to become more powerful. Nintendo balances this and leaves the way we use them to us. See how Groudon gets Fissure? Kyogre shouldn't even get a OHKO move......but they give it Sheer Cold, which is the best of them and is different from its typing. Clear example. Heatran can keep being beefed up cause its not relative to any other poke. God! I hope they don't give this move to Heatran O_O.

I'd tell you to wait some more, but honestly i don't think Flareon will ever get the move! Three generations passed by!! Its better if you move on. Weak pokes are meant to be there.....they are the ones which show how awesome the actually strong ones are.

Hoooh! that was a lot. Some fast closing words now.

Let Regice die, atleast its with the other Golems at the bottom. Arti should NOT get this award. I swear, you are not bringing it in on the right things -_-. I love Blissey, shes really awesome. I read this thing and laughed again xDD. :P


No they are going to give Flare Blitz to Leafeon. You just watch >.>

Flareon looks like it can Flare Blitz... those other starter Pokemon aside from Torterra do not look like they are made out of wood. Abomasnow is a tree and everything else are the other types of plant. LOL @ Sudowoodo getting it... its name suggests it is a FALSE tree! :o Meh, I still feel like Flash Fire + Flare Blitz Flareon is awesome and rather cool. Sure it's still UU and whatnot but I wish it can do something other than getting KOd or leave a HUGE dent before it gets KOd (okay, so Flareon beats Jolteon easily one on one and I have outstalled Vaporeon with Flareon once, but that required me to pump HP and Special Defense to the max... especially for the latter where Vaporeon STILL did over 50% damage to Flareon even without Special Attack investment and only Leftovers and Wish + Protect combo saved me).

For something that looks nimble as the Eeveelutions I would think they give it Agility (Agility Jolteon makes me wonder why it even needs that aside from passing it but stuff like Ninjask or xD Zapdos can do that job better). Now if Entei got something like Earthquake and Crunch and an actual physical movepool it would actually look legendary (hey it got Stone Edge so all is not lost).

Venusaur is just awesome so who cares if it has less than desirable attack? That is not what it was meant to do either. Meganium works well in the lower tiers and can sometimes make a case for the higher tiers. lol at Sceptile... it lost its signature move from the transition from Gen III to Gen IV because Leaf Blade became physical... and everything else and their mother got it as well. But at least that raise from 70 BP to 90 BP is a good thing. I just use Specstile with Leaf Storm because it HURTS.

Scizor is nothing special... I think it is overrated :P

True Steel Pokemon are stuff like Heatran and Metagross and Skarmory. And lol Scizor loses to the other Steels mostly one on one... except to Empoleon, but Empoleon loses to everything anyways (this guy should have made it to my list... how is it all my favorites end up here?) :(

Nope, I am not letting Regice die. It is actually working very well... even moreso than Registeel for me. I love switching Regice into Zapdos taking lol damage from even Heat Wave and hitting back with STAB Ice Beams. I think because everyone uses Steel Pokemon, I should bring Articuno where people spam Celebi, Ground pokemon, Dragon Pokemon, Fliers, defensive Zapdos... hmmm, you just gave me an idea. Yeah I should not be fighting stuff like Moltres or Heatran with this thing >.>


LOL@ your first statement.

I knew it! you were switching Arti on things that killed it...hows that gonna prove how strong it is? Its in NU BECAUSE it can't beat those things.

Empoleon is NOT making your list, monami. First of all, its a steel type and secondly its a hella sweeper once it sets up which isnt THAT hard. Its gonna stay OU just the way Roserade will...if not better.

  Goldgross said:
LOL@ your first statement.

I knew it! you were switching Arti on things that killed it...hows that gonna prove how strong it is? Its in NU BECAUSE it can't beat those things.

Empoleon is NOT making your list, monami. First of all, its a steel type and secondly its a hella sweeper once it sets up which isnt THAT hard. Its gonna stay OU just the way Roserade will...if not better.

You know it's true. It has Swords Dance so why not set the Leaf on fire? :P


Nah I was just kidding. Relax. I know better than to switch into a Stone Edge :P

It's just that I have to bring it in everytime a steel or a fire is gone. But Articuno doesn't deserve NU. It is at least UU... and even in UU it is guaranteed to outstall pretty much anything, even Steel Pokemon in there :/

Most of OU is littered with Steels though, so sometimes it is hard to find a safe switch in for Articuno. Once SR is spun away though I get in and destroy Gliscors without Stone Edges (ugh Grounds with Stone Edge) and Flygons who cannot even 3HKO with Dragon Claw and stuff. I like it but I have to capitalize on speed just to get a head jump on neutral base 75s and above. I had to invest more on HP and Defenses though... but those Dragons would hate Arti :)


Why is Regifail even on the list? =/ As if there is any expectations from in the first place.

And Charizard should be a close second, I love Bellyzard, I really do. But I also really have to run a Foresight Spinning Hitmontop in order to run it.

  Clear said:
Why is Regifail even on the list? =/ As if there is any expectations from in the first place.

And Charizard should be a close second, I love Bellyzard, I really do. But I also really have to run a Foresight Spinning Hitmontop in order to run it.

Before we even knew of its ability I am sure we expected the Regi leader to be another cool interesting uber to deal with. They balanced him all right... but balanced him TOO much to be even slower than SNORLAX and having an effectively base 55 attack. I did not see that coming ...

Bellyzard is cool and all as I have pulled off some amazing sweeps with it, but it requires way too many set ups to be even used, and even if it is fully set up, you either have to do it late game to take down at most 3 Pokemon or get destroyed when you attempt to pull it off early (yeah, I had the pleasure of fighting an Aqua Jet Focus Sash Sharpedo... so even with a Sub it was a lost cause).

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I hope this one gets posted:

I really think you should also have included other disappointing pokemon like;

Celebi- time travelling freak that doesn't show any time related moves in the game. fairly weak for its class because of it's type. and is completely countered by houndoom(anyone noticed)

Jirachi- the stuff toy made of steel(hazardous to children) fairly weak for its class because of it's type. its doom desire nearly did not do anything to my articuno(legal FR version) completely countered by houndoom.

Phione- i can't remember if the anime classified this as legendary because as we know it is from manaphy's breeding. if it is legendary(i think so because of the fact) it is the weakest of them all. it's just cute.

Manaphy- the prince of the see that isn't any better than phione. in my opinion, even if one uses heart swap when stat change happens won't be any help for the poor thing.

Smeargle- (actually while typing this, i remembered my game in GSC and FireRed) if there is anything more useless than magikarp and feebas using splash is this artistic freak.believe me, if i haven't checked and knew about smeargle's moves, i won't have the idea that it has just one....Sketch(it copies the foe's last move if you remember). even if its opponent launches a really strong move or any annoying move, it simply wont last even if it has a fairly decent speed stat.i doubt that any gamers here have been hurt by smeargle unless intentionally.

so as of now, these are just what i could share. if i have studied the other disappointing pokemon well enough, i will have to post something like this again(well not like wraith89s)...i just like to share the one that he/she(?) has not posted yet. i'm sure there's some more left. thanks for reading and no violent reactions.

Edited by Lucario

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