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After a few hours of being offline, we're finally back! Not only are we on a shiny new server, we have some new goodies:

The Dark Theme

As most programmers can tell you, light themes are, well, too light. This new dark theme, which you're probably already using now that it's the default, was carefully chosen to be easier on your eyes and blend with our existing aesthetic.

If you don't like it and want to go back to the old one, then don't panic! Simply scroll to the bottom of the page, and there's a theme selector at the bottom left of the page. Choose "Site Theme" if you want our previous default, or choose "IPS Default" for maximum brightness.

No More Ads

For years, this site has been funded with the bane of the internet: advertisements. However, thanks to the generous donations of our Patrons on Patreon, we no longer need to rely on advertisements, so we have disabled them for everyone. 

As always, we'll continue to work to make the site even better than it is. We'd love your help by giving us your thoughts and feedback. We also have some open moderator positions for anyone who is interested.

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Congrats on the server move, i'm glad everything went smoothly.

To give you some constructive feedback on the new theme, I like the header / navigation menu and general design of the theme.

I know i'm in the minority here, however for me personally I do find light coloured text on a dark background incredibly hard to read. For whatever reason I struggle to focus on the text to read it, making it pretty unusable unfortunately.

With that in mind I am grateful the older theme is still available as a choice, I always felt the light blue on that was a good neutral choice, not too dark, however not too light either.

Don't take that personally against the new theme though :)

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1 hour ago, SamuraiBoy356 said:

Thank you for the Update on the website!

One thing I would Like to add is have you thought about making a quick folder or a spot to access all events that has been collected and organized? Sometimes it is hard to find what events we are looking for.  This is just a though an idea.

1. The folder idea, containing all the events, exists on our events gallery GitHub: https://github.com/projectpokemon/EventsGallery

2. We have a search option on site, if you wanna search a particular species. Our gallery allows for more detailed views.

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