Farfetchd Posted March 1, 2020 Posted March 1, 2020 Is there ANY difference at all between Pokemon generated by the game on Emulator and generated by the game on retail? Like, if I emulate Emerald and just play completely normally, no editing or anything, is there anything that would mark their PID or any part of their generated data that would differentiate them from a retail cartridge?
Masamune3210 Posted March 1, 2020 Posted March 1, 2020 No, as the code that generated the Pokemon is the same, as long as it's not a romhack 1
Farfetchd Posted March 1, 2020 Posted March 1, 2020 On 3/1/2020 at 4:40 AM, Masamune3210 said: No, as the code that generated the Pokemon is the same, as long as it's not a romhack Expand So even if someone were to hypothetically look through the pkmn-file it would not be different? I don't like keeping Pokemon in my games if they're in ANY sort of way not legitimate (for example, if I had a genned mon that had a legal iv/pid frame from pre-gen v, but that frame was unhittable, I wouldn't want it even if it is recognized by PkHex as legal etc.)
Masamune3210 Posted March 1, 2020 Posted March 1, 2020 No as far as I know as long as you stick to what is possible in a normal game, since the code is literally the same as a normal cart, the Pokemon will be completely normal 1
Farfetchd Posted March 12, 2020 Posted March 12, 2020 Do ribbons affect memories? Like if I took a Pokemon from, say, Platinum into X/Y and gave it the ribbon from a Gen4 contest or the Kalos Champion ribbon, SHOULD that affect/change memories? Or no effect at all?
theSLAYER Posted March 12, 2020 Posted March 12, 2020 On 3/12/2020 at 10:03 PM, Farfetchd said: Do ribbons affect memories? Like if I took a Pokemon from, say, Platinum into X/Y and gave it the ribbon from a Gen4 contest or the Kalos Champion ribbon, SHOULD that affect/change memories? Or no effect at all? Expand No idea. Presently I don’t have any concrete examples, given that the stuff I transfer typically don’t have memories. My assumption is no, because I am not sure if Any memories say anything about ribbons, I can’t give out a definitive answer without checking first
Farfetchd Posted March 12, 2020 Posted March 12, 2020 On 3/12/2020 at 10:50 PM, theSLAYER said: No idea. Presently I don’t have any concrete examples, given that the stuff I transfer typically don’t have memories. My assumption is no, because I am not sure if Any memories say anything about ribbons, I can’t give out a definitive answer without checking first Expand Is that very difficult to check? I have no clue how y'all amazing peeps make sure all those little details are right, so I have no clue if that's a lot to ask heh.
theSLAYER Posted March 13, 2020 Posted March 13, 2020 On 3/12/2020 at 10:56 PM, Farfetchd said: Is that very difficult to check? I have no clue how y'all amazing peeps make sure all those little details are right, so I have no clue if that's a lot to ask heh. Expand Probably harder to prove a negative. You can start with whether you think one or two memories are associated with ribbons, then check all imported ribbon mons on hand to prove or disprove that hypothesis.
Farfetchd Posted March 13, 2020 Posted March 13, 2020 (edited) On 3/13/2020 at 6:01 AM, theSLAYER said: Probably harder to prove a negative. You can start with whether you think one or two memories are associated with ribbons, then check all imported ribbon mons on hand to prove or disprove that hypothesis. Expand Well, after checking the Bulbapedia site I would lean towards no in the case of gen4 or earlier memories. "Pokémon received from events or transferred from a Generation V game won't have any memories of their original Trainer; the Memory Girl will say "The Pokémon seems to have a good memory, but it doesn't seem to be able to remember..."" I went and checked my completely unedited Pokemon from Platinum, and for example my Lopunny, that had to have max-friendship to evolve, has a blank memory and its default friendship (because, likely, it counted Gen 5's trainer friendship. So my assumption is that everything is backed to default and to the "Can't remember" memory for gen 5 and prior. Also, the site explains that memories can be overwritten by a judge or the like, so my guess is that, say a Pokemon were to receive a memory for receiving a ribbon, you could then go to the judge to get a new one etc. So it shouldn't be an issue. I don't know the hex that determines the memory is chosen though; is it random? Edited March 13, 2020 by Farfetchd
Xsypher Posted March 26, 2020 Posted March 26, 2020 Hi I am new here I just want to get some clarity on two things, for context I am playing Crystal version (Gen 2) 1. Is changing a move on Lugia so that it has Aeroblast and Ho-oh so that it has sacred fire considered legal? (reading the guide/rules seems to be okay they are moves which they can learn/relearn though pkhex puts a warning sign) 2. Is changing a ditto's IV/DV's then using it to breed cause the eggs to be illegal (if so would using randomize IV's be used until I get stats that are close to what I am after)? Thanks
theSLAYER Posted March 26, 2020 Posted March 26, 2020 On 3/26/2020 at 10:53 AM, Xsypher said: 1. Is changing a move on Lugia so that it has Aeroblast and Ho-oh so that it has sacred fire considered legal? (reading the guide/rules seems to be okay they are moves which they can learn/relearn though pkhex puts a warning sign) Expand If PKHeX puts the warning sign, then it isn't legal. For example (referring to your gen 2 scenario) if I'm not mistaken, Lugia only gets Aeroblast by being caught in Silver, and Ho-Oh only gets Sacred Fire by being caught in Gold. [even if the above point is wrong, I know Crystal Lugia and Ho-Oh DOES NOT have their signature moves] Thus, if they have data to suggest they were caught in Crystal (the time of day and route data, for example), they can never legitimately have those moves. As such, PKHeX is right: they ARE illegal. [For carts, they could relearn those moves by being transferred to Stadium 2 and using Lance's relearner, but that isn't an option on VC] On 3/26/2020 at 10:53 AM, Xsypher said: 2. Is changing a ditto's IV/DV's then using it to breed cause the eggs to be illegal (if so would using randomize IV's be used until I get stats that are close to what I am after)? Expand Honestly, this is more of a ethics question than an legality question. Ethically, for some individuals, some mons bred from a cheated mon, is also cheated, due to it's stats being affected. Legally, the stats bred would be the same as having a non-modified parent. Can't be distinguished.
Xsypher Posted March 26, 2020 Posted March 26, 2020 Thanks for the quick reply, I was aware they didn't get their signature move in Crystal and about being able to get the move via Stadium 2 (hence why I asked).
theSLAYER Posted March 26, 2020 Posted March 26, 2020 On 3/26/2020 at 8:35 PM, Xsypher said: Thanks for the quick reply, I was aware they didn't get their signature move in Crystal and about being able to get the move via Stadium 2 (hence why I asked). Expand PKHeX checks whether the save is a VC save. PKHeX doesn't flag illegal on non-VC saves (presumably due to Stadium 2 connection) but does flag illegal for VC saves. You mentioned earlier you saw the flag. As such, you're on a VC save, and those mons having those moves would make them illegal.
Dr0neshuffler Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 (edited) So, I'm having an issue. I'm getting an error stating that this Alolan Raichu, which was caught and raised in-game, NOT generated in PKHeX, is illegal for two reasons. 1) Because it has an invalid move, Sweet Kiss. This is incorrect because Sweet Kiss is learned naturally by Pichu at Level 10. 2) Because apparently PKHeX cannot match an encounter from the origin game. This is particularly strange because the Raichu is in it's game of Origin (Pokemon Moon Version) and has full met details on where it was caught, the Hau'oli City Shopping District, and it's level at the time of being caught (Lvl 5). Keep in mind that in Generation 7, Pichu can ONLY be caught in the Hau'oli City Shopping District and on Route 1. As far as I can tell, this Raichu should not be getting flagged as illegal for any reason. I'll post up the pk7 file along with this. If anyone has any ideas as to why this mon is being flagged, please let me know. It was for a fact caught in game and not generated or edited in any way by PKHeX. Thanks. Quick Edit: I realize that the encounter date for this pokemon says it was caught in 2011. This is due to it being caught while the 3DS was set to an incorrect date. Either way, I've found that changing the date to 2020 does not change the error. 026-01 - Havika - CA069EC2F64F.pk7Fetching info... Edited March 27, 2020 by Dr0neshuffler
ICanSnake Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 On 3/27/2020 at 2:31 AM, Dr0neshuffler said: So, I'm having an issue. I'm getting an error stating that this Alolan Raichu, which was caught and raised in-game, NOT generated in PKHeX, is illegal for two reasons. 1) Because it has an invalid move, Sweet Kiss. This is incorrect because Sweet Kiss is learned naturally by Pichu at Level 10. 2) Because apparently PKHeX cannot match an encounter from the origin game. This is particularly strange because the Raichu is in it's game of Origin (Pokemon Moon Version) and has full met details on where it was caught, the Hau'oli City Shopping District, and it's level at the time of being caught (Lvl 5). Keep in mind that in Generation 7, Pichu can ONLY be caught in the Hau'oli City Shopping District and on Route 1. As far as I can tell, this Raichu should not be getting flagged as illegal for any reason. I'll post up the pk7 file along with this. If anyone has any ideas as to why this mon is being flagged, please let me know. It was for a fact caught in game and not generated or edited in any way by PKHeX. Thanks. Quick Edit: I realize that the encounter date for this pokemon says it was caught in 2011. This is due to it being caught while the 3DS was set to an incorrect date. Either way, I've found that changing the date to 2020 does not change the error. 026-01 - Havika - CA069EC2F64F.pk7 260 B · 1 download Expand I see where you're seeing the error, but placing it in a position in the box makes it legal. Although, placing it in the box inherently modifies it to fix some inconsistencies. Is this your self-caught Raichu, or did you receive this Raichu as a pk7 file from someone else? There is nothing wrong with the Raichu itself, the only thing it's detecting is the Latest (Not OT) Handler, so I would believe you obtained this as a pk7 from someone else. It's detecting that the handler is still the OT of the person who caught it, but putting in a trainer name for the Not OT Handler will fix it. 1 1
Dr0neshuffler Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 (edited) On 3/27/2020 at 6:03 AM, ICanSnake said: I see where you're seeing the error, but placing it in a position in the box makes it legal. Although, placing it in the box inherently modifies it to fix some inconsistencies. Is this your self-caught Raichu, or did you receive this Raichu as a pk7 file from someone else? There is nothing wrong with the Raichu itself, the only thing it's detecting is the Latest (Not OT) Handler, so I would believe you obtained this as a pk7 from someone else. It's detecting that the handler is still the OT of the person who caught it, but putting in a trainer name for the Not OT Handler will fix it. Expand It's 100% self caught. I just came across it while messing with my girlfriend's save in PKHeX to get acquainted with the save editor (I just started learning it yesterday, and as such the save has never been touched by an editor before). But I was with her when she caught it, and as she evolved it and leveled it up (we were doing a sun/moon playthrough together), so I, personally, can verify that it should be 100% legit. She did trade it to my Sun version at one point so I could fill in a blank spot for Pikachu in my pokedex, and then I traded it back to her. Perhaps, the games misinterpreted some code or something during the trades causing an issue with the Latest (Not OT ) Handler? It's the only thing I can imagine. It also wouldn't explain the errors regarding the Invalid Move (which should be valid) and the Encounter error (Considering the encounter is one of only two ways to get Pichu in these games), but if I understand correctly, placing it in a PC box should rectify those issues, yeah? Edited March 27, 2020 by Dr0neshuffler
Hounddog Posted May 8, 2020 Posted May 8, 2020 Hi everyone, first post and I have a question about editing my current team. If I were to edit my current team in my party to all shinies, changed move set, and perfect ivs, would this cause any issues or mismatches? Or should I just create the pokemon I want from hatched eggs per the tutorial stickied.
Drako0133 Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 (edited) [Gen 3 (Coloseum/XD) PID mismatch error] I am trying to edit a Mawile from Pokémon XD, but every time I go check it says "Invalid: Encounter type PID mismatch." Already checked on both Pokefinder and Rgnreporter and everything seems right. Invalid: Encounter Type PID mismatch. === Valid Move 1: Special Non-Relearn Move. Valid Move 2: Special Non-Relearn Move. Valid Move 3: Learned by Level-up. Valid Move 4: Learned by Level-up. Valid: Valid gift/static encounter. Valid: Nickname does not match another species name. Valid: Current level is not below met level. Valid: All ribbons accounted for. Valid: Ability matches ability number. Valid: Correct ball for encounter type. Valid: Special ingame Fateful Encounter. Valid: Gender matches PID. Valid: Nature matches PID. === Encounter Type: Static Encounter (XD) (Mawile) Location: Realgamtwr Dome (C) Pyrite Town (XD) [111] Origin Seed: E68CC3D3 PID Type: CXD 303 - Seele - DA1D2F6EBF2D.pk3Fetching info... Edited August 7, 2020 by Drako0133
BillyHerry Posted August 10, 2020 Posted August 10, 2020 quick question about the zarude and celebi that got released, is there a reason why any language other than english marks it as illegal? I assume it was just overlooked and is actl not illegal.
theSLAYER Posted August 10, 2020 Posted August 10, 2020 On 8/10/2020 at 12:36 AM, BillyHerry said: quick question about the zarude and celebi that got released, is there a reason why any language other than english marks it as illegal? I assume it was just overlooked and is actl not illegal. Expand Are you certain? Looks correct to me
zillionaire Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 (edited) Hello, I have a dumb question about the moved pokemons from previous version to SW/SH. Do Gen 6 (ORAS) pokemons still have their OT memories even after they moved to Gen 8 using pokemon bank and home? Bc I've known that Gen 7 pokemons have not any OT memories(maybe wiped?) when they moved to Gen 8 using pokemon home. Thanks in advance! Edited October 29, 2020 by zillionaire
Red1003493649 Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 Hello I have a problem with Pikachu, I have tried for all regions and I have even tried to just past a smogon like but there is still "invalid" move because of Volt Tackle, despite it is possible to have this move. Is it a bug or am I wrong ? I will send the file I would like to have. 025 - Pikachu - 4BFDBA7E149C.pk8Fetching info...
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