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  • 1 month later...

Hi, i have already made many perfect legal pokemon on the Pokegen, but none of them were legendaries.

So, now i tried to make a legal Zapdos for Pokemon White2, but pokecheck keeps saying "Unknown encounter", i've tried everything but nothing seems to work!

Here is the screenshot of Pokecheck and the Pkm file is attached.



Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


zapdos..pkmFetching info...

  WhiteCloud said:
Hi, i have already made many perfect legal pokemon on the Pokegen, but none of them were legendaries.

So, now i tried to make a legal Zapdos for Pokemon White2, but pokecheck keeps saying "Unknown encounter", i've tried everything but nothing seems to work!

Here is the screenshot of Pokecheck and the Pkm file is attached.



Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Change the location from EGG/Pal park/Event/... to Tall Grass/Darkrai because zapdos is a Roamer in plat version

Oh and changing the OT from FALKER/FFFF/0000 to Falker/FFFF/FFFF wouldn't hurt either.

  Snow said:
Change the location from EGG/Pal park/Event/... to Tall Grass/Darkrai because zapdos is a Roamer in plat version

Oh and changing the OT from FALKER/FFFF/0000 to Falker/FFFF/FFFF wouldn't hurt either.

Thank you so much! Now it works perfectly!

  • 2 weeks later...

If my pokemon show up on pokecheck, does that mean they are fine? I generated them via the Gen 5 code format and most of them show up with no errors. Granted, I have started to xfer them yet.

  ReignOfComputer said:
Just because a Pokemon shows up on PokeCheck doesn't mean it's fine. It's entry is just recorded there. PokeCheck has a Legality Analysis that you can use to see if they are "fine".

I got this for my trainer as most of my pokemon will have it too.

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  PhiferWolf said:
I got this for my trainer as most of my pokemon will have it too.
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Upload your pokes and I'll try to tell you what's wrong with them.

Posted (edited)

for some reason when I upload my pokegen pokemon to pokegen the legality analysis says everything is fine except that under locations it says "possible method J/K slots don't match encounter" I am trying to make a pidgeotto in gen 4(heartgold) that looks like it was caught at route 29 as a level 2 pidgey but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I honestly do not know what i did wrong.

I also just noticed it says valid (method K) under the PID so i am not sure if this is a false negative or not?

I wonder if it is possible that since there were 2 PIDs it showed in pokegen when I hit generate and they both have the same nature,gender, ability, and IVs if it is possible that this means these are for each of the places you can encounter a level 2 wild pidgey in Heartgold, however when I export to code the code it genarates is the exact same for the one I used for this one.

Edited by Leaf Dragoon

I'm trying to create a legit Dream World Espeon with Magic Bounce, but I keep getting: Invalid or unreleased Dream World ability.

Not sure how to go about fixing it. I've looked up the dates for when it should have been released, but it's still coming out wrong. Can anyone help?


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Espeon_clean..pkmFetching info...

  greenskye said:
I'm trying to create a legit Dream World Espeon with Magic Bounce, but I keep getting: Invalid or unreleased Dream World ability.

Not sure how to go about fixing it. I've looked up the dates for when it should have been released, but it's still coming out wrong. Can anyone help?


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Change Ability 2 to Ability 1

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Hi all. I searched a fair bit before asking this question, but couldn't find the answer - Perhaps I was phrasing my search badly! I thought I'd ask it here.

I recently downloaded a few Pokemon of Pokecheck and opened up and had a look at the .pkm files on Pokegen.

Under the Pokemons' 'Origin' the game was set to 'Black'

However, under the 'Met' tab, the Game is listed as 'Black (2) / White (2)'

Location is 'Daycare Couple' and the As Egg box is ticked. The Pokemon was not put through poketransfer.

My question is what is the reason for the disparity between the game of 'Origin' and the game listed under 'Met'?

Surely if the egg was hatched in BW2 the Origin should be Black 2 rather than Black?

Many thanks!

  UndercoverNoob said:
Hi all. I searched a fair bit before asking this question, but couldn't find the answer - Perhaps I was phrasing my search badly! I thought I'd ask it here.

I recently downloaded a few Pokemon of Pokecheck and opened up and had a look at the .pkm files on Pokegen.

Under the Pokemons' 'Origin' the game was set to 'Black'

However, under the 'Met' tab, the Game is listed as 'Black (2) / White (2)'

Location is 'Daycare Couple' and the As Egg box is ticked. The Pokemon was not put through poketransfer.

My question is what is the reason for the disparity between the game of 'Origin' and the game listed under 'Met'?

Surely if the egg was hatched in BW2 the Origin should be Black 2 rather than Black?

Many thanks!

You do realize that Black (2) means black 1 or black 2

  • 1 month later...

What's the problem?


All characters in name are valid.

This Pokémon should have trash bytes.


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The problem is that it should have trash bytes.

Quite an obvious solution if you know what trash bytes are and where they come from.

Pokecheck answered your question already; it's not legal - it also gave you the reason why. Trashbytes don't matter at all for personal collection/FC/wireless battles, telling you how to fix it is only advantageous to cheat in non-kosher ways.



Give them the trash bytes they need. You might want to check out your other uploads (such as this one or this one) because you're consistently neglecting trash bytes.

Trash bytes don't matter at all for personal collection/FC/wireless battles, so there's no need for you to 'fix' them.

Here's more info on how trash bytes occur:


For the record, I perfectly understand what you're asking and know the exact fix. Problem is, telling you exactly how to fix it is against this forum's TOS (which I linked to you in my first post).

  • 5 months later...

This isn't a question about a pokemon I own but I hoped the people of ProjectPokemon would have the answer. Has there been an event for Contrary Snivy? Because some sources say there has been a Japanese one and others (including pokecheck) say that the ability has not been released. Basically, are there any legitimate DW Snivys?

Thanks for your time, VS.

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