Sabresite Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 (edited) In this thread, I would like people to post PKM files which are shiny (not hatched), in-game gifts (eggs like Happiny or Mareep and pokemon like eevee), in-game legends (like Darkrai), in-game trades, or other special Pokemon that are not wild. If you have a legit chain shiny Pokemon, please post it as well. Please post 3rd generation Pokemon as well! And please ONLY Pokemon caught by you. I need the Pokemon in every language! Edited April 27, 2016 by theSLAYER
randomspot555 Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 I have the starters, untouched, from a copy of Diamond, currently sitting on my Plat cart. And by starters, I mean from the actual briefcase or whatever, not from eggs. I also have the Eevee egg, the Togepi egg, in-game trade Gengar, in-game trade Machop, and one of the other in-game trades from Plat on my Plat cart. If you see me in IRC, please send me a PM on there so I can trade them to someone with a flashcart.
xorhash Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Here you go. A shiny, untouched, chained (At a chain of one), German Starly. That one should do the trick. Please keep in mind that, since it was a chain of one, do not remember if the patch sparkled - if not, it could be an unchained PID. shiny_starly_chained_german_ut.pkmFetching info...
FLOOTENKERP Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Here's Lt. Surge's Pikachu. VOLTY.pkmFetching info...
randomspot555 Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: Here's Lt. Surge's Pikachu. Do we really want these? In-Game trainer's Pokemon captured with the "Capture other trainer's Pokemon" code? Technically, there's no way these can be know, due to cheating. I think the only interesting in-game trainer's Pokemon to have would be the handful that have illegal movesets. Though, to my knowledge, that's restricted to only Lance in Gen I (Dragonite with Barrier) and Gen II (Aerodactyl with Rock Slide, which it didn't learn until Gen III).
Sabresite Posted October 11, 2009 Author Posted October 11, 2009 randomspot, in HG/SS you can trade with the gym leader after you beat them. There is quite a bit more interaction this time. There are quite a few static PID/IV pokemon you can get by trade.
FLOOTENKERP Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Here's the delivery spearow you get from the man north of Goldenrod to deliver for the TM. Mail Delivery Spearow.pkmFetching info...
Sabresite Posted October 11, 2009 Author Posted October 11, 2009 Legality Checker is ready to accept all 3rd gen, and 4th gen static pokemon (in-game trades, and gift pokes that do not conform to an algorithm).
pokemaster384 Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 ingame pokes In Game trades (1).zipFetching info...
randomspot555 Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 I'm far too lazy to look at all of those, but the two I did look at (D/P/Plat folder of Abra and Haunter) are both at level 45 and appear to have been used. We really should also consider that D/P and Plat are different games, for all intensive purposes. And try to get them untouched, which shouldn't be hard at all for 4th gen games, and not too hard for gen III. I'm trading with Floot now for the stuff I have.
FLOOTENKERP Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 On behalf of Randomspot, here are some in game trades and the three sinnoh starters. Starter Turtwig.pkmFetching info... Starter Piplup.pkmFetching info... Starter Chimchar.pkmFetching info... Kazza.pkmFetching info... Gasper.pkmFetching info... Bebe Eevee.pkmFetching info... Porygon.pkmFetching info... Togepi Egg.pkmFetching info... Happiny Egg.pkmFetching info...
Sabresite Posted October 12, 2009 Author Posted October 12, 2009 pokemaster384 said: ingame pokes Are the pokes provided static? I ask because I think all pokemon were included in the distant land project. Okay I got the HG/SS Spearow/Pikachu in. I also got all of the DPPt trade pokes in. This is going into legality (and later on our event site). Now we need Ruby/Sapphire, FireRed/LeafGreen, and the rest of the HG/SS.
Guested Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 All Pokemon were included in the Distant Land project.
Arandomproduction1 Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 The Pokemon in that In game trades (1) RAR were all caught from me, I posted that RAR on the PKMDB forums <__<. Also I've gotten all of Ruby/Sapphire in game trades since the last time I've updated that RAR. Also take a look at these in game trade Pokemon for Gen 3+ .
lopez4ever Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 i have the 3 starters from HG theyre untouched, not shiny, but i think i should still put them up: Starters HG.zipFetching info...
Sabresite Posted October 13, 2009 Author Posted October 13, 2009 Arandomproduction1 said: The Pokemon in that In game trades (1) RAR were all caught from me, I posted that RAR on the PKMDB forums <__<. Also I've gotten all of Ruby/Sapphire in game trades since the last time I've updated that RAR. Also take a look at these in game trade Pokemon for Gen 3+ . It would be great if you could submit the Ruby/Sapphire in-game trades so that I may add it to legality checker Also if someone has all of the gym pokemon, that would be great too!
Mewtwo-sempai Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 mmm the Happiny egg from FLOOTENKERP is a Riolu egg... ^^ edit: i contribute with squirtle & torchic & bulbasaur & mudkip & mewtwo from my hg/ss games... they are from traslated games, so sorry for the non-japanese names...:wink: squirtle.pkmFetching info... bulbasaur.pkmFetching info... torchic.pkmFetching info... mewtwo.pkmFetching info... mudkip.pkmFetching info...
Trip4004 Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 this are all Soul Silver specials I got for the moment They are al UT some of them have not a japanese name cuz of the translated games ingame_trade_onix_SS.pkmFetching info... lugia_SS.pkmFetching info... togepi_egg_SS.pkmFetching info... notched_ear_pichu_SS.pkmFetching info... red_gyrados_SS.pkmFetching info... snorlax_SS.pkmFetching info... sudowoodo_SS.pkmFetching info...
Sabresite Posted October 13, 2009 Author Posted October 13, 2009 I do not want Pokemon hatched from eggs, unless the eggs were received in-game as a gift or trade. Sorry for not being clearer.
Mewtwo Ex Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 So here is mi first ever post of .pkm files that i myself made/extracted. They are from Hg but with an English nickname. So if someone could rename then back in Japanese that would be great considering that i cannot and my game is English patched. Articuno Hg.pkmFetching info... Zapdos Hg.pkmFetching info... Tyrogue.pkmFetching info... Raicou Hg.pkmFetching info... Latias Hg.pkmFetching info...
Mewtwo Ex Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Here are two more. The fire Pokemon Entei And Moltres: Entei Hg.pkmFetching info... Moltres Hg.pkmFetching info...
gtristan Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 I trade Primeape and it's uncommon gba I think he is not hack colossinge shiney.pkmFetching info...
Trip4004 Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Here is HG kyogre Kyogre_HG.pkmFetching info...
gtristan Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 so a Skarmory shinies pokemon airmure shiney.pkmFetching info...
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