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ok here is my contribution for today I mixed things up a little and used gold version instead of crystal! it should now bring gen2 to almost complete

Route 8 haunter (+ trade evolution Gengar) -   093 - HAUNTER - A259.pk2    094 - GENGAR - 3E0A.pk2

route 24 Venomoth -    049 - VENOMOTH - 810E.pk2

ice path jynx -    124 - JYNX - EA79.pk2

ilex forest metapod -   011 - METAPOD - 85A8.pk2

rock tunnel marowak -   105 - MAROWAK - A0E8.pk2

burned tower raticate -    020 - RATICATE - 6B08.pk2

Just a side note there may be a few mistakes I think need correcting on the spreadsheet

  • victerybell marked as not obtained yet has @HaxAras in the capture box
  • marowak marked as obtained from gold/silver but I actually obtained that one from crystal (I have the gold one now so it can be kept as caught)


if I'm not mistaken that should bring the gen2 tally down to 2 :)

  • rocket hq electrode
  • ilex forest kakuna




  On 9/7/2017 at 5:14 PM, Johnwraight said:

Just a side note there may be a few mistakes I think need correcting on the spreadsheet

  • victerybell marked as not obtained yet has @HaxAras in the capture box
  • marowak marked as obtained from gold/silver but I actually obtained that one from crystal (I have the gold one now so it can be kept as caught)


if I'm not mistaken that should bring the gen2 tally down to 2 :)

  • rocket hq electrode
  • ilex forest kakuna





Thanks for the corrections. I'll fix it after work. Another thing: I'm hesitant to mark anything as complete since I found the burned tower Raticate and Magmar weren't on our list and the only reason I knew to look was because of the gen 4 Magmar.

I'll post the up to date zip after work with my level 10 illex forest Golduck from gen 4.


  On 9/7/2017 at 12:27 PM, jojo12100 said:

Find the lv20 Seaking finally and the lv20 Tentacruel (first try), now I'm searching for the Pelipper.

Edit: Found the Pelipper. Now let's hunt the Golduck.

Edit2: Got it. Don't want to do the RSE Safari Seaking ¬¬.



  On 9/7/2017 at 3:28 PM, jojo12100 said:

Ok here's most of the missing ones from gen4 (except 2/3 from HGSS I can't share and 1 in DP I don't have yet).


I was thinking of release most of my gen5 collection as prize for lv25 RSE Safari Seaking and most of my gen7 collection as prize for BW lv35 Walrein.

They are hard to find (1/600 and 1/720) but not impossible.

Good luck ^^

Pporg.rarFetching info...


Why can't you share them? Are you talking about the gen 3 Pokémon? Cause I already caught those. And don't worry about the Seaking. I'll keep hunting it. I was taking a break because I'm also working on releasing Colosseum save states so people can get E-reader mons in every language. 

That's more important than Seaking.


Where is the Walrein located? I was thinking of starting gen 5 soon so I could take breaks from E-reader mons and work on that.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/7/2017 at 6:49 PM, HaxAras said:


Why can't you share them? Are you talking about the gen 3 Pokémon? Cause I already caught those. And don't worry about the Seaking. I'll keep hunting it. I was taking a break because I'm also working on releasing Colosseum save states so people can get E-reader mons in every language. 

That's more important than Seaking.


Where is the Walrein located? I was thinking of starting gen 5 soon so I could take breaks from E-reader mons and work on that.


Because I like challenging other people and create new vocations, few people like Underleved let's change it!

Anyway I finally found that Seaking, I cried that's why I gave it that nickname.

And now I have to think about a new challenge to you ^^

Walrein is always in the same place in gen5 : Undella Bay.

119 - I cried - 1C7756695182.pk3Fetching info...


Edit: Gen5 challenge lv35 BW Walrein when found I'll release most of my gen 5

Have to find a good SM challenge.

Edited by jojo12100
Posted (edited)
  On 9/7/2017 at 7:48 PM, jojo12100 said:

Because I like challenging other people and create new vocations, few people like Underleved let's change it!

Anyway I finally found that Seaking, I cried that's why I gave it that nickname.

And now I have to think about a new challenge to you ^^

Walrein is always in the same place in gen5 : Undella Bay.

119 - I cried - 1C7756695182.pk3Fetching info...


Edit: Gen5 challenge lv35 BW Walrein when found I'll release most of my gen 5

Have to find a good SM challenge.


How long have you been collecting under leveled Pokémon? About a week or two before this thread but based on the reaction of people on various chatrooms, figured nobody else was interested.

I started collecting static Pokémon in Emerald last year but gave up I was trying to catch all the Keckleon and Magmar/Aqua Electrode, New Mauville, etc.

I'm also interested in catching everything in a safari ball (female when possible) if anyone else is interested if I made another thread or two. I already have every sport ball female.

Edited by HaxAras
  On 9/7/2017 at 9:47 PM, HaxAras said:

How long have you been collecting under leveled Pokémon? About a week or two before this thread but based on the reaction of people on various chatrooms, figured nobody else was interested.


I'm collecting them since years. Yeah but in the same times they all want lv1 Gyarados or lv9 Salamence.

Found a lv36 Walrein damned that was close! Any challenger? ^^


You should try to get the lv10 Lake of Rage Gyarados in order to complete gen4.

  On 9/7/2017 at 10:06 PM, jojo12100 said:

I'm collecting them since years. Yeah but in the same times they all want lv1 Gyarados or lv9 Salamence.

Found a lv36 Walrein damned that was close! Any challenger? ^^


You should try to get the lv10 Lake of Rage Gyarados in order to complete gen4.


Is it a surfing encounter? Cause I'm tired of fishing. It's the worst mechanic in the game.

I was going to work on the BW Walrein if it's a Surfing encounter since I can do it while battling E-reader trainers.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/7/2017 at 10:43 PM, jojo12100 said:

Shacking Spot Surfing. 5% so 1/720 for lv35.


Never mind. I'm not a fan of chasing down shaking spots and hoping I don't get an encounter and lose it before I ever get close. I'll figure something else out. 

Edit: Added the level 19 G/S Diglett's cave Dugtrio.

Corrected the Crytal Dugtrio from 19 to 16. 

Edit: Updated zip with the Illex Forest gen 4 level 10 Golduck. 


Added Golduck and Noctowl Illex Forest encounters to gen 2. 

Edit: Gen 1 in-complete again!
I added the In-game trade Jynx to the under-leveled list for gen 1. You can trade the gen 2, under-leveled lv.20 Poliwhirl for the Jynx and have a level 20 Jynx.

Edit: Fixed the zip file. Added Jojo12100 as a gen 2 contributor and added the new PK2 donations. 

Under Leveled.7zFetching info...

Edit... Again:

  Reveal hidden contents


055 - GOLDUCK Ilex Forest LV.15 - B9F4.pk2

Edited by HaxAras
Posted (edited)
  On 9/7/2017 at 10:56 PM, HaxAras said:

Never mind. I'm not a fan of chasing down shaking spots and hoping I don't get an encounter and lose it before I ever get close. I'll figure something else out. 

Edit: Added the level 19 G/S Diglett's cave Dugtrio.

Corrected the Crytal Dugtrio from 19 to 16. 

Edit: Updated zip with the Illex Forest gen 4 level 10 Golduck. 


Added Golduck and Noctowl Illex Forest encounters to gen 2. 

Edit: Gen 1 in-complete again!
I added the In-game trade Jynx to the under-leveled list for gen 1. You can trade the gen 2, under-leveled lv.20 Poliwhirl for the Jynx and have a level 20 Jynx.

Edit: Fixed the zip file. Added Jojo12100 as a gen 2 contributor and added the new PK2 donations. 

Under Leveled.7zFetching info...

Edit... Again:

  Reveal hidden contents


055 - GOLDUCK Ilex Forest LV.15 - B9F4.pk2Fetching info...



Got the ORAS Seaking and Purugly will upload them.

Edit: I want so much that lv10 Lumineon!!! Edit: it's lv25 on platinum only so sad!

In my opinion we shouldn't have to include duplicates, I mean what is the difference between a lv20 Lumineon from Route 219 and Route 220? Nothing. They have the same slot.

Let's try to focus on "real" new underleved like the lv20 Jynx.


Edit2: Found the lv35 Walrein BW. So instead the new challenge will be lv35 Wailord from BW. Same place, same rarity 1/720 but available every season. Good luck everyone.

Edited by jojo12100
  On 9/8/2017 at 11:28 AM, jojo12100 said:


Got the ORAS Seaking and Purugly will upload them.

Edit: I want so much that lv10 Lumineon!!! Edit: it's lv25 on platinum only so sad!

In my opinion we shouldn't have to include duplicates, I mean what is the difference between a lv20 Lumineon from Route 219 and Route 220? Nothing. They have the same slot.

Let's try to focus on "real" new underleved like the lv20 Jynx.


Is Bulbapedia wrong in their info? (Again)

I'm personally interested in getting all route variants of each Pokemon. But not only that, Bulbapedia deemed an under-leveled Pokemon page unnessesary so I want a 100%, up to date page containing every single possible under-leveled Pokemon. 


  On 9/8/2017 at 8:53 PM, HaxAras said:

Is Bulbapedia wrong in their info? (Again)

I'm personally interested in getting all route variants of each Pokemon. But not only that, Bulbapedia deemed an under-leveled Pokemon page unnessesary so I want a 100%, up to date page containing every single possible under-leveled Pokemon. 



Yes, they are for that Lumineon I got it at lv25 at lowest level. Sometimes it's Serebii that is false too.

In fact checking the slots is the best option.

But even with that there is still mysteries.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/8/2017 at 10:15 PM, HaxAras said:

I've been editing the list every time somebody donates a Pokemon. But I only update the list when I have the .pkm in the master file. 

(If anybody wants a copy of the up-to-date master file, just let me know and I'll post it.)


Ok so here my corrections in that case:

-gen3 I contributed the missing Seaking

-gen4 I contributed Cascoon or the other cocoon; there's no lv10 Lumineon in Pt and I contributed a lv3 Kakuna too

-gen7 Gyarados can be encountered at lv10, Sharpedo lv10, Seaking lv10, Slowbro lv15, Garbodor lv24 and Electabuzz lv26 (Moon exclusive level).


Edit: Here my ORAS contrib

432 - Underlevel - A05B19AE82B5.pk6Fetching info...

119 - Poissoroy - 38376B85A099.pk6Fetching info...

Edited by jojo12100
  • Like 1
  On 9/8/2017 at 10:39 PM, jojo12100 said:

Ok so here my corrections in that case:

-gen3 I contributed the missing Seaking

-gen4 I contributed Cascoon or the other cocoon; there's no lv10 Lumineon in Pt and I contributed a lv3 Kakuna too

-gen7 Gyarados can be encountered at lv10, Sharpedo lv10, Seaking lv10, Slowbro lv15, Garbodor lv24 and Elektek lv26 (Moon exclusive level).


I added the Seaking. I didn't notice it before. Thanks for mentioning it. 

I saw the Silcoon you contributed. But I checked 2 different sources and neither one listed a level 5 Silcoon or Cascoon. I was meaning to ask you about that. 

I asked the people on Bulbapedia about the Lumineon. I need to find it's correct level. 

I can't find the level 3 Kakuna. 

Can you give me any more info on the gen 7 Pokemon? Are these the same met locations for the ones we have or are these different locations? This is what I have so more. I can't do much without more info. 


  On 9/8/2017 at 10:53 PM, HaxAras said:

I added the Seaking. I didn't notice it before. Thanks for mentioning it. 

I saw the Silcoon you contributed. But I checked 2 different sources and neither one listed a level 5 Silcoon or Cascoon. I was meaning to ask you about that. 

I asked the people on Bulbapedia about the Lumineon. I need to find it's correct level. 

I can't find the level 3 Kakuna. 

Can you give me any more info on the gen 7 Pokemon? Are these the same met locations for the ones we have or are these different locations? This is what I have so more. I can't do much without more info. 




The Silcoon/Cascoon are Honey Tree Pokemon. Each exclusive to one version. Quite commun.

Here for the slots

Kakuna is in Pporg.rar called Coconfort (french name).pk4

Yes, these gen 7 are found in the same place as the others, Electabuzz can be found in Blush Mounatin Sos battle.

  • Thanks 1

More contributions from @wraith89!

Saucebuck, Gogoat, Drapion, Golurk, Swana, Dusclops and Dusknoir! All friend safari Pokemon. We can also credit him for finding Swana, Dusclops, Dusknoir and Drapion, as we didn't have them listed before. 

356 - 미라몽 - 39ACDBC19A18.pk6

452 - 드래피온 - 02CFFDF37557.pk6

477 - 야느와르몽 - A5A6FADE63A1.pk6

581 - 스완나 - 50153019EBEE.pk6

586 - 바라철록 - 822325ED6931.pk6

623 - 골루그 - 68B63DB9468F.pk6

673 - 고고트 - 4E23BA550A3E.pk6

  On 9/8/2017 at 11:55 PM, jojo12100 said:

Wailord can be found too in SM at lvl 10 I forgot.

And in HGSS there's also a lv29 Muk to find.


Remember I'll release my gen5 collection against the BW lv35 Wailord (1/720).

Good luck everyone.

We're doing nice job!



Level 10 Wailord? That sounds fun. Where is the area might I ask?

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