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I have a quick EV question. I have the codes and everything but is it bad to have 255 EV in every stat? (Like Special Attack, Speed, Attack, etc.) And all my Pokemon are level 1 with Max IVs and Max EVs. Should I just rare candy them to 100 now?

  Shasjas said:
is there any way to make a code that forces evolution? for pokemon like kadabra which need to be traded to evolve. i was thinking maybe you could make one that fools the game into thinking that "kadabra" needs a fire stone to evolve or while the code is active "kadabra" will evolve next time it levels up...

i would make my own but i have no idea how people find out which codes do what. it cant just be trial and error because there some many things that could be done...

You could just do the Global Trading trick for Pokemon that evolve by trading.

Place the Pokemon with it's item it needs to evolve, if it needs one, into the GTC, asking for an insane Pokemon in return, like a level 1 Ho-oh or level 100 Weedle. Then make a trade with someone on the GTC, and take your Pokemon out. Voila, evolved. Some people don't need to make a trade with someone, but I have to.

  Shasjas said:
is there any way to make a code that forces evolution? for pokemon like kadabra which need to be traded to evolve. i was thinking maybe you could make one that fools the game into thinking that "kadabra" needs a fire stone to evolve or while the code is active "kadabra" will evolve next time it levels up...

i would make my own but i have no idea how people find out which codes do what. it cant just be trial and error because there some many things that could be done...

I have to second that request. I would find a code like that to be very useful. It sucks it have to rebuild PkMn you already have just to get an evolved form.

  Shasjas said:
is there any way to make a code that forces evolution? for pokemon like kadabra which need to be traded to evolve. i was thinking maybe you could make one that fools the game into thinking that "kadabra" needs a fire stone to evolve or while the code is active "kadabra" will evolve next time it levels up...

i would make my own but i have no idea how people find out which codes do what. it cant just be trial and error because there some many things that could be done...

Oh ik what your talking about it can be done but it's hard to do but I'll see if I can figure it out and maybe get it to work

oh and thanks again everyone that answered my questions about the leaves but just one other question do they serve a real purpose?

  Cronus said:
Oh ik what your talking about it can be done but it's hard to do but I'll see if I can figure it out and maybe get it to work

oh and thanks again everyone that answered my questions about the leaves but just one other question do they serve a real purpose?

Other than the fact that you get a certificate that essentially lets you marry your pokemon, no. <_<


Can someone help me test something? I am trying to breed my shiny Eevee with a ditto, but it always says that the 2 don't like each other very much. Can someone tell me if it is because my Eevee or that both pokemon are shiny? Am I doing something wrong?


Try the instant egg codes and it will breed other than that idk y it's not breeding I've had it say that I've still gotten an egg

  Gore Graveyard said:
You could just do the Global Trading trick for Pokemon that evolve by trading.

Place the Pokemon with it's item it needs to evolve, if it needs one, into the GTC, asking for an insane Pokemon in return, like a level 1 Ho-oh or level 100 Weedle. Then make a trade with someone on the GTC, and take your Pokemon out. Voila, evolved. Some people don't need to make a trade with someone, but I have to.

im playing on an emulator so i cant use wifi

  Okamifang99 said:
Can someone help me test something? I am trying to breed my shiny Eevee with a ditto, but it always says that the 2 don't like each other very much. Can someone tell me if it is because my Eevee or that both pokemon are shiny? Am I doing something wrong?

i had a ditto and electabuzz in my daycare and it said the same thing, but i just left them in there and eventually i got the call.

i think it just means it will take longer to get the egg than normal because i still got the egg.

but the quick egg code works too


Heres the Unlock All PokeWalker Routes code and it works perfectly. Its for HG/SS.

  Reveal hidden contents

1) Turn on your game.

2) Press Select during the Intro.

3) Choose the option PokeWalker.

4) Choose a pokemon you want to transfer.

5) Choose a Route you want to send the chosen pokemon, but now you will have every single PokeWalker Routes including all the Event Routes.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Heres the Unlock All PokeWalker Routes code and it works perfectly. Its for HG/SS.
  Reveal hidden contents

1) Turn on your game.

2) Press Select during the Intro.

3) Choose the option PokeWalker.

4) Choose a pokemon you want to transfer.

5) Choose a Route you want to send the chosen pokemon, but now you will have every single PokeWalker Routes including all the Event Routes.

This code is old. We've had it for weeks.


can someone make me a code for a shiny eevee in 1st pokemon slot? Whenever i use my pokesav, it doesnt work...

I would like for it to be Lv1, have a hardy nature, 31 IVs and the moves Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand and Yawn..... much apprieciated for anyone who makes it.

P.S.-I have soul silver (US) and can someone tell me why my pokesav never works... someone told me that the soul silver code that pops up is for japan ss.


k thanks but i dont really need it any more... i just need to figure out my problems with pokesav... THANKS for your attempt though


Hello I'm new here and sorry if it seems dumb, but I must know if the code to get all TMs and HMs works because I've been seeing multiple TM/HM codes but they apparently have no button select which makes me think not a working code.

Any help would be appreciated in pin-pointing the codes. Also, I'm looking for the shiny pokemon code...Like for all types...Be it hatching stationary beginners etc. Was also curious what other event pokemon that are listed cause I didn't seem to see Mew anywhere in the list.

Hope I'm not asking for too much...And hello all since I'm new about here!

  Cronus said:
Try the instant egg codes and it will breed other than that idk y it's not breeding I've had it say that I've still gotten an egg

Will the instant egg codes work for genderless PkMn? Just curious.

  Typhlo said:
k thanks but i dont really need it any more... i just need to figure out my problems with pokesav... THANKS for your attempt though

oh ok then your welcome then

  Mewchu said:
Will the instant egg codes work for genderless PkMn? Just curious.

ive done it and it does work though theres a 2/10 chance the pokemon will not be tradeable in the gts

  Razelquin said:
shiny leafs arnt hard to get though. i spent maybe a half hour total getting all five for my starter, serebii.net has a list of where they can be found based on the pokemon's nature

i gues where to find them....but i don´t think you can get to the oter routes without cheating....even when beginning a new game....so my noctuh only got two leafs for now from route 39 and 44!

but if it is possible to get all 5 pcs. on one of that routes i still can reach...then i will be happy!

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