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  On 1/14/2017 at 12:56 PM, Halfshadow said:

An Arceus caught with the Azure flute can't be tranfered in the bank, I know it 'cause with the cheat codes I've caught it in italian Diamond. Also could be trasfered only Shaymin and Darkrai from italian Platinum 'cause MEMBERS CARD and OAK'S LETTER aren't unlocked in italian Pearl and Diamond. Then I think this Azure flute event couldn't be really legit.


The reasoning is not bad, but that isn't the reason why Azure Flute event isn't legit.

Heck, Pokemon Bank not accepting it isn't the cause, but rather the effect.

There was a legit/legal way to obtain Shiny Jirachi, but Pokemon Bank denied it until Tohuku Jirachi was Shiny.

  On 1/14/2017 at 1:24 PM, Ammako said:

jojo is OP, I'm pretty sure they're the only one who ever claimed to have gotten a Manaphy egg wondercard from it, and since that wondercard isn't in decchi.bin I have to conclude that it is unrelated and came from elsewhere.

@HalfshadowI remember being able to transfer it if it was Lv. 100, since  B/W let you get a Lv. 100 Arceus caught with your own OT and apparently GF assumed that all Lv. 100 Arceus were Dream World Arceus. I don't know if they ever ended up changing that.


so yeah it's the OP. lol.
Well, are you saying if we ripped open the decchi.bin, we'll find the Azure Flute?

Also, I've not been aware of whether lv 100 Arceus could be transferred.
I'm only signing up for bank after Sun/Moon support (my previous NNID died)


I was editing my post to add more stuff while you were posting this haha.

Like I said this is what I remember, but that was back in the early X/Y days, it's very possible that they fixed their checks since then and it's now blocking any Arceus from D/P/Pt that isn't one if the events.


Open decchi.bin in hex editor, and the two Wondercards. Copy the first several lines of the Arceus Wondercard and search it in decchi.bin, you find it pretty instantly. Do the same thing with that Manaphy Wondercard and you'll find nothing.

My best guess is that since PKHeX doesn't support this weird Wondercard properly, opening the save in PKHeX reactivated an old Wondercard they had and forgot they had (as far as I'm aware, deleting a Wondercard doesn't remove it entirely, it just unchecks the Is Active flag.)

  On 1/14/2017 at 1:37 PM, Ammako said:

I was editing my post to add more stuff while you were posting this haha.

Like I said this is what I remember, but that was back in the early X/Y days, it's very possible that they fixed their checks since then and it's now blocking any Arceus from D/P/Pt that isn't one if the events.


which would explain why the corrupted wonder card for me appeared to be a corrupted version of the regigigas card I deleted in pkhex
(while the wondercards I deleted in game seem to be fine)

We should test this!

setting 3 PCDs into the save, and goes back to view,

only sees one.

Maybe PKHeX isn't handling it right to begin with?


I'm pretty sure deleting a card in PKHeX (perhaps PokéGen as well) would remove the whole thing, the game just disables the Is Active flag when you toss a Wondercard because video game companies really like doing stuff in that way. My guess is that it's probably more efficient to have the code flip one byte than it is to have the code 00 out a whole area.

Makes it so the Wondercard doesn't show up anymore in-game, and if you receive another card from another event it'll overwrite it.

Or maybe PKHeX mimics that behavior, actually. I wouldn't know for sure.

  On 1/14/2017 at 2:02 PM, Ammako said:

I'm pretty sure deleting a card in PKHeX (perhaps PokéGen as well) would remove the whole thing, the game just disables the Is Active flag when you toss a Wondercard because video game companies really like doing stuff in that way. My guess is that it's probably more efficient to have the code flip one byte than it is to have the code 00 out a whole area.

Makes it so the Wondercard doesn't show up anymore in-game, and if you receive another card from another event it'll overwrite it.

Or maybe PKHeX mimics that behavior, actually. I wouldn't know for sure.


I've set 3 of the same wondercard, now going to hit that Save button.

Now, going to view to make sure I saved them right.


What in God's name happened here!?

As you can see, mere setting, saving, and viewing cause it to be corrupted.

I shall try via Pokegen.

A little follow up:
I wrote these in with Pokegen, and view with PKHeX.


They appear fine, meaning PKHeX is writing the PCD past slot 2 wrong.

edit again:
Yup, my conclusion is right.
PKHeX allows me to delete all 3 slots of PCD,
but Slot 1 will be deleted, Slot 2 becomes corrupted, Slot 3 shows Jirachi.
Deleting Slot 2 and Slot 3 results in.. nothing. No changes.
Can't get rid of em

edit yet again:
Deleting suddenly worked. No idea what's going on.
Gonna test the Azure flute now.


I remain open to the possibility that the Azure Flute wondercard is screwing up the way PKHeX handles the Wondercards q: although I'm not sure why it would or should, it's the same size as everything else it just contains data where other WCs usually have none.

Might want to check with whoever added the Gen. IV mystery gift functionality to PKHeX.

  On 1/14/2017 at 2:20 PM, Ammako said:

I remain open to the possibility that the Azure Flute wondercard is screwing up the way PKHeX handles the Wondercards q: although I'm not sure why it would or should, it's the same size as everything else it just contains data where other WCs usually have none.

Might want to check with whoever added the Gen. IV mystery gift functionality to PKHeX.


There's an odd thing that's happening.
Remember the image of the screwed Wonder card?

On the attempt I managed to delete all PCD from PKHeX, and Pokegen shows there's nothing,
in game, I see that Screwed Wonder Card, even before I collect the Azure Flute.

Now, going using Pokegen to Inject 3 Jirachi,
Delete them in game, and see what happens.


The Wondercard system in the original D/P is just such a terrible mess, I'm glad they fixed it for Platinum.

Worst part is their system must have caused problems to legitimate users at some point down the line, for them to feel like it had to be fixed (changed.)

Or maybe it was save editor users that had issues with their Wondercards when they went to events later, and Game Freak was fooled into thinking that these bugs happened naturally. Either way I'm glad they did.

  On 1/14/2017 at 2:27 PM, Ammako said:

The Wondercard system in the original D/P is just such a terrible mess, I'm glad they fixed it for Platinum.


so I deleted all 3 wonder cards in game, and they appear to be gone.

In PKHeX, the PCD info is all still there and intact, which is good.

Now, received Azure flute, and this is what it looks like:

Wonder cards in question:
65535 - .pcd
014 Tanabata Jirachi 2007 (Ganlon Berry) JPN [PPorg].pcd

All 3 slots were jirachi,
First slot replaced by Azure
second slot replaced by corruption
- which i cannot find in Decchi.bin
- doesn't resemble the Jirachi .PCD either
- edit: I think I found traces of Jirachi
Third slot intact.


You should try opening that save in PokéGen before opening it in PKHeX, since we know that PKHeX acts strange with that Wondercard we can't really rely on it to know what's happening.

(Is there some place I can find the wondercard structure for Gen. 4?)

  On 1/14/2017 at 2:50 PM, Ammako said:

You should try opening that save in PokéGen before opening it in PKHeX, since we know that PKHeX acts strange with that Wondercard we can't really rely on it to know what's happening.


When I open in PKHeX, it's mainly for viewing (not saving).

Also I was mistaken, Jirachi content was displaced.

It appears decchi.bin corrupts second slot and displaces the PCD.



But then how come the first slot was the one to get corrupted the other times?

  On 1/14/2017 at 2:58 PM, Ammako said:

But then how come the first slot was the one to get corrupted the other times?


that was likely PKHeX corruption of the second slot,
and the game brought that slot forward when receiving the wonder card.

In this method I detailed above, I don't see extra wonder cards (despite slot 2 being corrupted)

Also, I don't think a slot corruption would have created a Manaphy wonder card with the perfect words saying I give you this gift.

And that card could not be found in decchi.bin, so, perhaps a different decchi.bin is in play here?

I just checked, the one I have is apparently the same as the video.

  On 1/14/2017 at 3:02 PM, theSLAYER said:

Also, I don't think a slot corruption would have created a Manaphy wonder card with the perfect words saying I give you this gift.

And that card could not be found in decchi.bin, so, perhaps a different decchi.bin is in play here?


Doubt it. I downloaded the decchi.bin that OP used (which we can be fairly certain was the one in the video) and it is identical to the one we have. A bunch of distro roms have decchi.bin in them but it's all identical.

Either way, if this was from a Nintendo test rom I doubt it would have been written in English.

Posted (edited)
  On 1/14/2017 at 12:15 PM, theSLAYER said:

Hahah I meant the timing as in,
Yesterday I responded to a few posts about it,
Today a video shows up about it.

decchi.bin has been out there for, pretty much a long time.


Oh. Well it was actually made because of the discussion about decchi popping up. Most people have heard of decchi.bin I think, but it seems not many people realized what it did when used in Slot-2, rather than just being a useless prototype Pokemon Ranger GBA rom. I've never seen documentation of this Azure Flute or discussion of it, except a mention once which no one seemed actually to catch on to. Me and Ammako kinda stumbled on it yesterday, and from what I understand you were just as shocked as we were lol.

As for PKHeX and the PCDs, it always glitches up when making edits. Nothing to do with this decchi wondercard. I had tried messing with regular wondercards in Diamond a while back and it just always deletes them or glitches them. PokeGen always works for that though.

Also, I don't quite understand what's going on with the Manaphy thing, but the video has a comment about Manaphy, Pichu, Cacturne, and "Gen 4 cat"(Glameow?), and I've been told in private something about an Infernape being obtainable with it(?). I'm so damn confused because I don't see any data relating to anything but the Azure Flute. It's some kind of kooky spooky unverifiable occurrences that only certain people are allegedly being able to trigger.

Edited by Deoxyz
  On 1/14/2017 at 3:06 PM, Ammako said:

Doubt it. I downloaded the decchi.bin that OP used (which we can be fairly certain was the one in the video) and it is identical to the one we have. A bunch of distro roms have decchi.bin in them but it's all identical.

Either way, if this was from a Nintendo test rom I doubt it would have been written in English.


I just checked too, it's the same.

Also, it's in rather broken English since the exact words is I gift you this egg.

Even now when testing wonder cards on their servers, they may use the english word test as distribution text while testing,
so them wanting to test multi-language support makes sense to me,

but I did not receive anything on my english games of Diamond and Pearl with using this decchi.bin.

  On 1/14/2017 at 3:06 PM, Deoxyz said:

Oh. Well it was actually made because of the discussion about decchi popping up. Most people have heard of decchi.bin I think, but it seems not many people realized what it did when used in Slot-2, rather than just being a useless prototype Pokemon Ranger GBA rom. I've never seen documentation of this Azure Flute of discussion of it, except a mention once which no one seemed actually to catch on to. Me and Ammako kinda stumbled on it yesterday, and from what I understand you were just as shocked as we were lol.

As for PKHeX and the PCDs, it always glitches up when making edits. Nothing to do with this decchi wondercard. I had tried messing with regular wondercards in Diamond a while back and it just always deletes them or glitches them. PokeGen always works for that though.

Also, I don't quite understand what's going on with the Manaphy thing, but the video has a comment about Manaphy, Pichu, Cacturne, and "Gen 4 cat"(Glameow?), and I've been told in private something about an Infernape being obtainable with it(?). I'm so damn confused because I don't see any data relating to anything but the Azure Flute. It's some kind of kooky spooky unverifiable occurrences that only certain people are allegedly being able to trigger.


How should I put it..
I wasn't expecting a video to appear that fast. lol

Yes, I was just as shocked too.

I know previously when listed on eBay (but subsequently removed) it was mentioned that it was a rip of that exact decchi.bin,
So I grabbed it, but instead of trying to load it as Slot-2, I tried to open it as a rom in VBA and it failed (of course it did),
so I ignored it, not realizing that I did it wrong (of course lol).

Yeah, I was definitely able to find the Azure flute in the decchi.bin,
but no sign of the Pichu Manaphy, so I am equally puzzled.


I'm pretty sure the Manaphy thing is just a past Wondercard they had that had been deleted in the past, and that got reactivated, because glitches. Either PKHeX not handling it correctly, or the game not receiving the correct information from decchi.bin but I don't know how that could be possible.

Again I don't think we should really rely on any of the information PKHeX is showing us when we open our save files after using this. I don't think it reports the right information.

  On 1/14/2017 at 3:11 PM, Ammako said:

I'm pretty sure the Manaphy thing is just a past Wondercard they had that had been deleted in the past, and that got reactivated, because glitches. Either PKHeX not handling it correctly, or the game not receiving the correct information from decchi.bin but I don't know how that could be possible.

Again I don't think we should really rely on any of the information PKHeX is showing us when we open our save files after using this. I don't think it reports the right information.


Though that egg has some pretty screwed up English, so it's not an official event, to say the least.

Oh, I extracted it and viewed it in @Grovyle91's Mystery Gift Editor. (not viewed in PKHeX).

when I think about it, it's also displaying the wrong Received date.

At least Azure Sea Chart bothered to explain in the title that it is Mystery Gift Test via AGB Version,
with correct received date is stored.

  • Like 1

By the way, interesting to note that there is a line break byte before the "AGB Version" text which makes it so you don't actually see that part on the Wondercard itself in-game (but you see it when Mystery Gift shows you the Wondercard title, when you're just about to download it.)

  On 1/14/2017 at 3:25 PM, Ammako said:

By the way, interesting to note that there is a line break byte before the "AGB Version" text which makes it so you don't actually see that part on the Wondercard itself in-game (but you see it when Mystery Gift shows you the Wondercard title, when you're just about to download it.)


that's actually pretty interesting!

Posted (edited)

Anyway, I made a new file, and to leave out any save editor errors I made three custom distro roms to give myself Wondercards "legitimately" through Mystery Gift.

0 is the save that has the three events received, with the Wondercards tossed in-game.

1 is the one right afterwards where I received the Azure Sea Chart Wondercard.



I have no reason to believe that receiving the Azure Flute WC causes any kind of corruption on its own. PokéGen doesn't seem to really handle D/P properly when it comes to Mystery Gift; it incorrectly reports the first card as unused, when it very much is used, and on the second file it incorrectly reports the second card as unused, but it doesn't show any kind of real corruption on the other cards after I received Azure Flute.

PKHeX shows no corruption whatsoever either; .sav #0 shows the three Wondercards intact, and .sav #1 shows the second two intact, with the first one replaced with the Azure Flute one.

Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor doesn't show that anything is wrong, either.

I'd assume that the corruption you got may have been caused by save editor errors. I don't think that can happen in-game, that would imply that the game's code allows Mystery Gift to write to anything more than just the one Wondercard slot at once.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)
  On 1/14/2017 at 3:11 PM, theSLAYER said:

I know previously when sold on eBay it was mentioned that it was a rip of that exact decchi.bin,
So I grabbed it, but instead of trying to load it as Slot-2, I tried to open it as a rom in VBA and it failed (of course it did),
so I ignored it, not realizing that I did it wrong (of course lol).


Oh, I extracted it and viewed it in @Grovyle91's Mystery Gift Editor. (not viewed in PKHeX).


Just to note, the one on eBay didn't actually sell. Once he was told that carts for that don't actually exist, he removed the listing and literally threw it away. Someone put decchi.bin/.gba on a GBA dev/proto cart and sold it to him as a "rare unused prototype cartridge"

Well at least that somewhat explains the Pichu/Cacture/Glameow thing, just random mini sprites used on the Manaphy wondercard, just like the Bulbasaur, Mew, and Ho-oh are on the Azure wondercard. Just random sprites selected when the test wondercard was originally made. However, I still don't get where this Manaphy Egg wondercard comes from or how to trigger it. I wonder if it's some default thing triggered by the game itself due to some sort of corruption from decchi.gba


@Ammako As I said before, the corruption is definitely something in regards to the save editors. Using legitimate wondercards caused these problems for me in the past.

Edited by Deoxyz

I have reasons to believe that PokéGen never actually dealt with D/P Mystery Gift properly, to be honest. It does Platinum/HG/SS correctly because of changes Game Freak made to Mystery Gift by removing the Is Active flag entirely (Wondercards and gifts now get deleted/cleared completely) but it doesn't report the right info for D/P. At least it seems like PMGE does it right.

  On 1/14/2017 at 3:50 PM, Ammako said:

I have reasons to believe that PokéGen never actually dealt with D/P Mystery Gift properly, to be honest. It does Platinum/HG/SS correctly because of changes Game Freak made to Mystery Gift by removing the Is Active flag entirely (Wondercards now get deleted completely) but it doesn't report the right info for D/P. At least it seems like PMGE does it right.


that kind of makes sense.

I do remember issues with wondercards, but that was so far back,
and most of the one I dealth with HGSS PT, not DP.

  On 1/14/2017 at 3:47 PM, Deoxyz said:

Just to note, the one on eBay didn't actually sell. Once he was told that carts for that don't actually exist, he removed the listing and literally threw it away. Someone put decchi.bin/.gba on a GBA dev/proto cart and sold it to him as a "rare unused prototype cartridge"

Well at least that somewhat explains the Pichu/Cacture/Glameow thing, just random mini sprites used on the Manaphy wondercard, just like the Bulbasaur, Mew, and Ho-oh are on the Azure wondercard. Just random sprites selected when the test wondercard was originally made. However, I still don't get where this Manaphy Egg wondercard comes from or how to trigger it. I wonder if it's some default thing triggered by the game itself due to some sort of corruption from decchi.gba


@Ammako As I said before, the corruption is definitely something in regards to the save editors. Using legitimate wondercards caused these problems for me in the past.


I understood he removed it when he was informed (I read the entire thread, which was why I downloaded the decchi at the first place).
I amended my post to prevent confusion.


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