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Posted (edited)

Those of you who played Platinum before its English release probably remember the patch that allowed for a partial translation floating around the net. It should be possible to do this again for HGSS.

Due to a new tool by loadingNOW, thenewpoketext, the process is actually even easier and better than before. It's as simple as finding which japanese files have already be translated for use in the english versions of DPPt and replacing them with said english version.

Note however that any in-game text that is specific to HGSS can't be translated without a proper translator. An example would be the pokelthon. An example of something that could be translated would be attack and pokemon names.

Just in case there was any doubt, I'm volunteering to do this translation as soon as humanly possible after I get HGSS.

If there is interest it should also be possible to put up HGSS-exclusive text that can't be translated on a webpage somewhere for capable people who are willing to translate. Although I wouldn't advocate a full translation this way it might be nice to play some of the minigames in english... I'll leave that up to the community though.

Edited by Poryhack
  Poryhack said:
Due to a new tool by loadingNOW, thenewpoketext, the process is actually even easier and better than before. It's as simple as finding which japanese files have already be translated for use in the english versions of DPPt and replacing them with said english version.

I'm not quite understanding you. Do you mean that there are files in the game already programmed in English, for when the English release comes around?

  Arjun - PeeB4UGo said:
I'm not quite understanding you. Do you mean that there are files in the game already programmed in English, for when the English release comes around?

No, we have the English files for Pokemon, Attacks, and Items (at least any that aren't new, like apricorns) from DPPt, they then create a patch that replaces said files in HGSS with the DPPt files. Thus, any text that is the same between games is then "translated". The rest stays in Japanese, jumbled jargon, or ??? marks.


It can be, but translating that much text is tedious and people probably don't want to do it since the game will eventually be released in English.

  DanteKoriyu said:
... The rest stays in Japanese, jumbled jargon, or ??? marks.

I don't remember for sure what the Platinum patch was like, but if there were problems with the text becoming corrupted or whatever, they should be alleviated using this new method. Any untranslated text will simply be left in Japanese.


There were a few spots in the early patches that just made no sense what-so-ever, completely ununderstandable by man, but most of those were fixed in the later releases. Though the Platinum/Griseous Orb was still ??? in the item list, unlike the Vs. Recorder Gracidea which were translated...even though they weren't in DP. xD



Dunno if this is any help but.....

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Thanks. If I find that any of those are missing after I'm done with my initial round of comparisons I'll try to do some find and replace.

Also last night I found out that Alpha (he's on IRC, I don't know about the forums) and SCV had some translation plans of their own. Alpha is working on a script that should find and replace some bare essentials very quickly. Unfortunately I can't efficiently build off his work, but I think we'll be working together on any additional translations that go beyond what I can do by just replacing identical files. (Such as translating the story and new menu elements.)

  NeoDraven said:

Dunno if this is any help but.....

  Reveal hidden contents

Original thread


Thanks for that, I'm going through it now and translated about 15% of the list but I gtg (translated starting at the top all the way down to Timid) should have it translated soon and after some testing It will be up here.

  InuNicka said:
Awesome dude, are you translating more of that? or just the parts he supplied?

Just what is in that list, if anybody posts up any more translations though I will try as much as I can and probably will keep updating it.

EDIT: Oh dammit, just realized I corrupted it some how and now I'm gonna have to start again :(

EDIT2: No point in me starting over, there is somebody already pretty far in translating it here http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=178847 so you may as well look out for that thread.


Wasn't aware there was another member doing a translation; seems I've been beaten to the punch. Nevertheless I'll continue mine, I think because of the way I'm doing it it will end up complete in the sense that ALL files recycled from platinum will be used. It's kinda slow though.

I probably won't sleep much tonight but you guys can expect v1 of my patch before morning (still less than 24 hrs after release, that's good right?).

  DuckRoll said:
Just what is in that list, if anybody posts up any more translations though I will try as much as I can and probably will keep updating it.

EDIT: Oh dammit, just realized I corrupted it some how and now I'm gonna have to start again :(

EDIT2: No point in me starting over, there is somebody already pretty far in translating it here http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=178847 so you may as well look out for that thread.

Yeah, when KazoWAR works on something he gets it done right away, or he quits right away, but I think hes gonna try and finish the menus and that's it.

Also, is there any way to patch the Soul Silver/ Heart Gold so it doesn't freeze when you leave a building, battle or anything else?

Is there any way to patch the Soul Silver/ Heart Gold so it doesn't freeze when you leave a building, battle or anything else?


yeah there is a patch for it, to my knowledge it doesnt completely remove the crashing, but it does drastically reduce them, just remember to save more often than you would on platinum. I dont have a link handy, but i saw it on GBATemp(?) i think.


Yeah... This hasn't exactly gone as planned. No problem though.

I think at this point my efforts would be more beneficial to all of us if I were to help out somebody else's so I'll try to get in contact with some of those people later tonight.

I guess you can all just disregard this thread or whatever.

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