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I know there has been some talk as to if there will be a second region in Sun and Moon. Anyone think that it could be Kanto because the main character is originally from that region?

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That's true. Thoigh I don't think you can expect for there to be a second map in the demo if there is one. With the main character being from Kanto and only Kanto Pokemon getting alolan forms , I'll bet there has to be some kind of backstory connecting the two. Plus somebody sent Sun his Greninja. I'd assume it has to be someone from Kanto. Agree or disagree?

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  Stett5 said:
That's true. Thoigh I don't think you can expect for there to be a second map in the demo if there is one. With the main character being from Kanto and only Kanto Pokemon getting alolan forms , I'll bet there has to be some kind of backstory connecting the two. Plus somebody sent Sun his Greninja. I'd assume it has to be someone from Kanto. Agree or disagree?

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Greninja has Kalos as Location. So it is obvious that who sent the gift is Ash at the end of his journey to kalos.

  Stett5 said:
That's true. Thoigh I don't think you can expect for there to be a second map in the demo if there is one. With the main character being from Kanto and only Kanto Pokemon getting alolan forms , I'll bet there has to be some kind of backstory connecting the two. Plus somebody sent Sun his Greninja. I'd assume it has to be someone from Kanto. Agree or disagree?

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do you not have the demo?

If you open the summary, the trainer name is Ash, met date is the same data as Japan's first episode of XY, which he received Froakie,

and location is Kalos!


Sorry. A big oversight on my part. Let me draw ya'lls attention to my main reasons for hoping kanto is part of the game. Main character from kanto. Only kanto alolan forms. Thoughts?

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  theSLAYER said:
do you not have the demo?

If you open the summary, the trainer name is Ash, met date is the same data as Japan's first episode of XY, which he received Froakie,

and location is Kalos!

I havent had a chance to play it much yet. Thank you!

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  Invader TAK said:
If anything, I can see going to Kalos or any other region besides Kanto in post-game so you get to go through a traditional Pokemon League since Alola doesn't have one.

That could also be why you might go back to kanto. We've just recently seen kalos. I'm just throwing thoughts out there.

Have you guys see this? Not a big fan of the maker but i had these same thoughts.


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  Stett5 said:
That could also be why you might go back to kanto. We've just recently seen kalos. I'm just throwing thoughts out there.

Have you guys see this? Not a big fan of the maker but i had these same thoughts.


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Alola map was in the demo, Kanto map was not.

It's more spot on about hacking against online players be wrong,

than about kanto being in game.

  Stett5 said:
That could also be why you might go back to kanto. We've just recently seen kalos. I'm just throwing thoughts out there.

Have you guys see this? Not a big fan of the maker but i had these same thoughts.


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Reason I said Kalos is the possibility of them pulling a Gen 2 (though in Gen 2, going to Kanto made sense considering it borders Johto).

  theSLAYER said:
Alola map was in the demo, Kanto map was not.

It's more spot on about hacking against online players be wrong,

than about kanto being in game.

Yeah, the demo doesnt have another map, as far as we know, but its a demo, not the full game. Why would they include things they dont need to in the demo? Weve seen things in the trailers that didnt turn up in data mining. (Forgive me if that last sentence isnt true and i missed something :) )

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  Invader TAK said:
Reason I said Kalos is the possibility of them pulling a Gen 2 (though in Gen 2, going to Kanto made sense considering it borders Johto).

I understood. If there is a second, i feel there's more reason for it to be kanto.

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  Stett5 said:
Yeah, the demo doesnt have another map, as far as we know, but its a demo, not the full game. Why would they include things they dont need to in the demo? Weve seen things in the trailers that didnt turn up in data mining. (Forgive me if that last sentence isnt true and i missed something :) )

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Except, the 4 maps weren't even needed in the demo, but they were.

Also, why include Kanto when they gave us Gen I VC.

The Kanto Pokemon and trainers were in the as a throwback, as it's the 20th Anniversary,

but because they're giving us a journey back to Kanto.

Plus, the entire Alolan dex sprites were leaked out of the demo,

Ultra Beasts leaked out of the demo,

even Ball animations and battle transition animations were leaked out..

It is almost too late for them to add any new extra content in..


To clarify my stance/position,

I would love for them to add in an extra region,

but I doubt they'll ever do that, cause:

giving only one region (or 2, if GS remake) meaning every game they spin, they earn more money.

Heck, they did not even bother to give us Sevii islands in HGSS..

It's their cash cow,

why give us Kanto when they can give us another game and milk our money.

Heck, they even found a way to milk money from Kanto, using VC Red Blue Yellow (& Green)

  theSLAYER said:
Except, the 4 maps weren't even needed in the demo, but they were.

Also, why include Kanto when they gave us Gen I VC.

The Kanto Pokemon and trainers were in the as a throwback, as it's the 20th Anniversary,

but because they're giving us a journey back to Kanto.

Plus, the entire Alolan dex sprites were leaked out of the demo,

Ultra Beasts leaked out of the demo,

even Ball animations and battle transition animations were leaked out..

It is almost too late for them to add any new extra content in..


To clarify my stance/position,

I would love for them to add in an extra region,

but I doubt they'll ever do that, cause:

giving only one region (or 2, if GS remake) meaning every game they spin, they earn more money.

Heck, they did not even bother to give us Sevii islands in HGSS..

It's their cash cow,

why give us Kanto when they can give us another game and milk our money.

Heck, they even found a way to milk money from Kanto, using VC Red Blue Yellow (& Green)

All very good points. This'll probably be my last post since all we can do is speculate. You know that Nintendo planned on that demo being data mined. Why would they put everything in there? There might not be a second region but you cant tell from data mining a demo what will be in the final. We've already seen more in the trailer than they've gotten out of the demo. With it being the 20th anniversary, here's hoping. I won't be disappointed if there is no second region. Thanks for the fun conversation everyone!

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  Stett5 said:
All very good points. This'll probably be my last post since all we can do is speculate. You know that Nintendo planned on that demo being data mined. Why would they put everything in there? There might not be a second region but you cant tell from data mining a demo what will be in the final. We've already seen more in the trailer than they've gotten out of the demo. With it being the 20th anniversary, here's hoping. I won't be disappointed if there is no second region. Thanks for the fun conversation everyone!

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Actually I don't think they planned on wanting it to be datamined,

as they scrubbed a hell lot out.

Unused moves in the demo all replaced by pound,

unused Pokemon 3d models all removed and programmed to only spawn Pikachu, (those that were found are 2D sprites, not 3D models)

Unused item descriptions and names all scrubbed out.

They don't have the luxury of time to develop new content and add it in.

They still have to do bug testing, get the software delivered on time for manufacturers to make enough cartridges to hit world-wide demand.

It is not just "creating a new idea", imagine they needed to craft the map, every map, every NPC dialogue, trainer battles,

overworld elements, and redesigning the place.

Chances are, the demo is a stripped down version of the final game.

They probably didn't remove the other found stuff cause:

1. they didn't think the data miners would have been able to do so

2. they were afraid that removing said stuff will break the game.

Simply put, Nintendo/Game Freak wasn't thorough enough.

They did a good job, just not good enough.

Still, I missed the travel across region concept.

Was hoping Gen VII would bridge back to Kalos to complete Zygarde Storyline (which makes more sense, as opposed to Kanto),

but seems like they're doing that only in Alola.

(also without HMs, how will you explore Kanto?)


That doesnt mean they couldnt remove the post game in the demo. Agree to disagree. Also, Kanto has more to do with this story line rather than kalos. I not sure what you mean by the hms thing. Of course in the full version theyll have them or another way to explore the entirety of any region.

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  Stett5 said:
That doesnt mean they couldnt remove the post game in the demo. Agree to disagree. Also, Kanto has more to do with this story line rather than kalos. I not sure what you mean by the hms thing. Of course in the full version theyll have them or another way to explore the entirety of any region.

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HMs was how we used to explore Kanto.

Now that there are no more HMs (for example, we can't surf),

You expect to bring Poke Rides to Kanto?

My opinion starts from how XY mirrored (and blatantly referenced) Kanto:

Unknown Dungeon, Roaming Legendary Birds, Kanto starters being early in the game, Santulune Forest is the same as Viridian Forest.

it gave then next generation SunMoon an excuse to play "Johto" and allow one to travel back to XY to complete Zygarde's back story,

since that was not complete.

(Also, every third legendary's story was also concluded in the next game, hence Zygarde story will have concluded in Sun and Moon,

which is exactly what is happening, just not in Kalos, but in Alola)

Also the Post game is Battle Tree. and maybe gyms in the empty lots across Alola.

But it won't be Kanto.

I'll wish for it, but from a financial standpoint it won't happen.

(they'll make more money by just making ANOTHER RBY spinoff, though it's easier to just remake DPPT first)

Also, no point stationing Red and Blue in Alola,

if we are able to go to Kanto, lol.

Also, it disturbs me to see Shellos in their DPPt East and West form, in Alola.

They're Pokedex even talks about how their form varies from region to region.

They deserve an Alolan form, simply for that.

(Arbok too, seriously, with the chest pattern changing crap)

  theSLAYER said:
HMs was how we used to explore Kanto.

Now that there are no more HMs (for example, we can't surf),

You expect to bring Poke Rides to Kanto?

My opinion starts from how XY mirrored (and blatantly referenced) Kanto:

Unknown Dungeon, Roaming Legendary Birds, Kanto starters being early in the game, Santulune Forest is the same as Viridian Forest.

it gave then next generation SunMoon an excuse to play "Johto" and allow one to travel back to XY to complete Zygarde's back story,

since that was not complete.

(Also, every third legendary's story was also concluded in the next game, hence Zygarde story will have concluded in Sun and Moon,

which is exactly what is happening, just not in Kalos, but in Alola)

Also the Post game is Battle Tree. and maybe gyms in the empty lots across Alola.

But it won't be Kanto.

I'll wish for it, but from a financial standpoint it won't happen.

(they'll make more money by just making ANOTHER RBY spinoff, though it's easier to just remake DPPT first)

Also, no point stationing Red and Blue in Alola,

if we are able to go to Kanto, lol.

Also, it disturbs me to see Shellos in their DPPt East and West form, in Alola.

They're Pokedex even talks about how their form varies from region to region.

They deserve an Alolan form, simply for that.

(Arbok too, seriously, with the chest pattern changing crap)

If there were a second region it would have to be remade anyway. Adding new features or changing it to accommodate no HM wouldnt be a big deal. You have some good points. Some of your points are even reasons why i think what i think. A remake of rby would be awesome! All we can do is speculate.

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