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which gym is the toughest  

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  1. 1. which gym is the toughest

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Toughest gym? In sinnoh of course which one do you think it is?

I think it is either fantina or that steel type guy. I think they were both tough especially in platinum. They are the only gym leaders I've lost to in platinum so far.

What about you?

Edit: This is in relation to platinum

I hope this brings about good discussion!

Edited by pokemonfan
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I'm going to say Fantina, at least in Diamond and Pearl. None of the gyms were particularly hard in Platinum for me. Now if we were to talk about across all four generations, I'd say either Clair (I know a lot of people cite Whitney and her Miltank as the toughest gym fight across the generations, but I always had a tougher time with Clair's Kingdra than Miltank) or Tate and Liza (for some reason I always struggled with them, especially in Emerald).


I have only actually really battled in gyms for the 4th generation. I have sapphire but I only have 2 gym badges in it. I was playing that but then platinum came and I bought it so now I'm trying to beat platinum then sapphire O.o graphic difference!


I'd say 8th, not because it's the highest-leveled, but because it's the most tedious. Seriosuly, all (except one, if I recall correctly) trainer battles in that gym are mandatory, and the switch puzzle can be annoying.

  Midnight said:
I'd say 8th, not because it's the highest-leveled, but because it's the most tedious. Seriosuly, all (except one, if I recall correctly) trainer battles in that gym are mandatory, and the switch puzzle can be annoying.
  ReD_RoToM said:
my vote is for the 7th gym. mainly because of my choice of starter was turtwig and the final evolution takes massive damage from ice....boooooo

I understand both of you guys. However, for the 8th gym I'm not so sure. This is because if you bring a bunch of ground pokemon with you, most likely you are in the clear unless a trainer in the gym prior to the gym leader has a different type pokemon like grass or water.

Also, for the 7th gym, you can always catch a ponyta on route 207, or other like the one near solaceon town. Abomasnow and snover have a doubled weakness to fire. Plus no more medicham in that gym!:DHowever, if your starter is your best pokemon I can see why you were frustrated and why you thought it was tough!


The Ghost gym leader was a difficult task to accomplish, due to the fact my starter was an Infernape, and some of the Pokemon had Psychic typed moves, anything before, and after that gym leader, was a walk in the park.


Yes, I do believe that would be a challenge. So to cover up weaknesses like that you may want a bibarel which makes it immune to the ghost type moves plus it can learn a lot of other non normal moves because it is just bibarel. I dont really know why I just know it can. Plus water type moves too so bibarel is a pretty good choice in my opinion.

  HottSushiz said:
The Ghost gym leader was a difficult task to accomplish, due to the fact my starter was an Infernape, and some of the Pokemon had Psychic typed moves, anything before, and after that gym leader, was a walk in the park.

Yes. This. Fantina was frustrating because I chose Infernape, but it's pathetic how many of the other gyms have weaknesses to fire. Although Wake doesn't, I still got OHKOs on all his Pokemon, so it didn't matter that Infernape was weak against water.


I'd say the 8th gym. At that point your pokemon should be about lv. 45-48. Mine were still lv. 39 and 40! Thats because I rush through the storyline like an idiot! But the only reason I won is because I had Giratina lv. 49 with moves like shadow force and dragon claw and ominous wind!


None of them were too terribly tough for me. Now the elite four, on the other hand, is a totally different story. I've been battling my way through it slowly, saving after every leader to ensure I can restart the battle without having to go all the way back (Aaron is HARD with my team, no joke! He took the longest out of any of them, and he's the easiest -__-; )

I'm now at Cynthia and wishing I would have trained my pokemon better before coming this far. The highest level I've got is 53....


In terms of availability, I have to say the third one. There is a great lack of Pokemon wiith Dark/Ghost moves around that time. Most people use Luxio with Bite, but besides that there's not much choice. Cranidos helps a lot if you can FIND him of course. Zubat gets bite, but Mismagious has psybeam. Noctowl gets Confusion which helps against the Gastly family.

But that was the one I had the most trouble on.

  pennypenny123 said:
I'd say the 8th gym. At that point your pokemon should be about lv. 45-48. Mine were still lv. 39 and 40! Thats because I rush through the storyline like an idiot! But the only reason I won is because I had Giratina lv. 49 with moves like shadow force and dragon claw and ominous wind!

Because of the giratina that is one of the reasons I recently beat that gym. Man I thought I was toast though when one of Volkner's pokemon took it down though. However, I had mylevel 53 jirachi who completely owned! Jirachi was amazing but I kept having to use hyper potions because of that stupid luxray's crunch move!

  Okami said:
None of them were too terribly tough for me. Now the elite four, on the other hand, is a totally different story. I've been battling my way through it slowly, saving after every leader to ensure I can restart the battle without having to go all the way back (Aaron is HARD with my team, no joke! He took the longest out of any of them, and he's the easiest -__-; )

I'm now at Cynthia and wishing I would have trained my pokemon better before coming this far. The highest level I've got is 53....

yeah! Good luck with cynthia there. If your highest is a level 53 I hope they are holding items and that you have a lot of healing items. Otherwise you might be experiencing a few minor fainting problems, best of luck though:D


well min were the first but only because I only had a shinx and a chimchar so you can imagine the trouble, then my 3rd cause some pokemon there knew a small amount of psychic atks


yeah I can totally see the problems you had. That is the importance of training. I have two siblings with diamond and they are always asking me where do I get this, how high are the gym leader's pokemon, where do I go next? All that stuff and they are just blazing through the storyline. I keep telling them to train because they are going to get owned by team galactic and the pokemon league. My brother thinks that he can take down the last gym using his empoleon. It is a level 52 right now and he is convinced (although all of his other pokemon are horrible) that he can win. I tell him to train and what does he do. He neglects my advice! My sister chose chimchar and her infernape is a level 39 and that is her only strong pokemon! She is at the pastoria gym and I told her to train electric and grass pokemon. Her strongest electric type is a level 10 pachirisu and her strongest grass type is a level 7 budew. It is because she got to used to her starter's power. I believe she will have trouble with the game the most. I believe that with good training that you dont even need to train the right types to own the gym. However, if you want to completely obliterate then you want to train the right types, and hard!


yes very true, i did that in my emerald version once:P, all i had by the seventh gym was my starter(was a mudkip) and a gardevoir(i liked her so much and i occasionally have her in my Pt team), i told my friend about my only pokemon and he said "dude your going to get owned by the pokemon league", so we made a $10 bet and said i can only catch one more pokemon(excluding raquayza), well lets just say by the end of the week i added $10 to my savings :)


well they were in the 50's - early 60's and the next pokemon i got was, spheal, and trained it from there, and believe me, I breezed through the pokemon league

  pokemonfan said:
Because of the giratina that is one of the reasons I recently beat that gym. Man I thought I was toast though when one of Volkner's pokemon took it down though. However, I had mylevel 53 jirachi who completely owned! Jirachi was amazing but I kept having to use hyper potions because of that stupid luxray's crunch move!

yeah! Good luck with cynthia there. If your highest is a level 53 I hope they are holding items and that you have a lot of healing items. Otherwise you might be experiencing a few minor fainting problems, best of luck though:D

Yeah...there in lies my problem. D: I have okayish hold items....but only like 10 revives. I'm doomed.


im not voting for any of them, its a valid poll but ive never had any trouble with any gym or elite 4 ever since i first picked up a copy of red or blue whatever the hell it was.

if you ask me all pokemon games are a bit too easy, i just like hacking, breeding or battling, the game itself seems like nothing more than a set up for the multi player side of it.

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