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Posted (edited)

I'll simply put the relevant steps/commands for their usage with Pokemon SM and NTR Debugger here, but you can still read all the research that was done back in sixth gen times by opening the spoiler:

1 - Get NTR CFW loaded and start the debugger
2 - Connect to your 3DS debugger using the PC client


connect('YOUR 3DS IP', 8000)


3 - Write the code of the battle video you want to dump on the Vs. Recorder.
4 - Start the video playing
5 - While the video is playing write the following command


data(0x32B9D5E4, 0x2BC0, filename='Video', pid=0x29)


6 - Video will be saved on the same folder as your NTR Debugger client.
7 - You can open this file with PkHeX to see the involved player's team.

*Replace YOUR 3DS IP with the one that corresponds to yours. You can easily get it using third party homebrew like FTPbrony*
*The number in bold is the process id that corresponds to the game and may vary between reboots, you can check which one is it by using the command listprocess() at the moment of dumping by looking at the one that corresponds to niji_loc*

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Eskuero
  Eskuero said:
Time ago I asked if this was possible and it indeed was so I spent some time documenting how it worked, but since I did in a painful way that implied dumping heavy pieces of RAM and using an hex editor to choose the correct bytes corresponding to the battle video I just decided to play a bit more around it to document which offsets contains the correct data and how to dump them easier. All of this was done on a New3DS running NTR CFW and doing the dumps over an Alpha Sapphire card, but it should work the same for Old3DS and other versions of six generation games.

Sorry if the formatting with spoilers is annoying, I find it much more cleaner this way :)

How to recognize a battle video:

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Commands for NTR Debugger:

  Reveal hidden contents

SO GREAT, thanks

  • 1 month later...

Eskuero, love your work, I am trying to apply the logic you use to my own fork of pkmn-ntr so I can use that app to view pokemon data directly. Let me know if you wanna help or get a copy. in the mean time one of the other functions I noticed that pkmnntr lacks(sadly by design) is the abillity to read pokemon team while in link or online battle. I figured you migh t be able to help me figure out the mem locations and maybe some logic to figure that out.

  On 1/6/2017 at 7:40 PM, quantumsource said:

in the mean time one of the other functions I noticed that pkmnntr lacks(sadly by design) is the abillity to read pokemon team while in link or online battle.


Might want to think about WHY that isn't a feature. If you remember Battle Analyzer from 2013 you'd stay away from developing online cheating functionality for public use. Even though you may have the morals to use it responsibly, anyone on the internet can use it  / modify for nefarious purposes.


Just be satisfied with battle video data dumping.

  • Like 1
  On 1/6/2017 at 8:07 PM, Kaphotics said:

Might want to think about WHY that isn't a feature. If you remember Battle Analyzer from 2013 you'd stay away from developing cheating functionality for public use. Even though you may have the morals to use it responsibly, anyone on the internet can use it  / modify for nefarious purposes.


you make a good point, I'll try to be more careful about possible uses for my curiosity work

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/24/2017 at 5:01 PM, HaxAras said:

Would it have changed since then? Did it change from ORAS/XY? 


I just checked it didn't change as long as you play video from 1.1, but sadly videos taken in 1.0 won't play in 1.1. however I was still able to extract video gfiles saved with jksm and load them in pkhex just fine.

  On 1/24/2017 at 5:28 PM, quantumsource said:

I just checked it didn't change as long as you play video from 1.1, but sadly videos taken in 1.0 won't play in 1.1. however I was still able to extract video gfiles saved with jksm and load them in pkhex just fine.


I'll be honest. I was just trying to find something to say to replace my OG post because I forgot I was following this thread and have a PM with an almost identical name so I thought the email was a PM. I was just trying to cover my tracks and look like less of an idiot. 

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

@RedOrb Sapphire

You need BootNTR installed on your 3DS. Get the latest BootNTR.cia from here https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases/latest (I'm not sure if it already supports 11.5)
If you have that installed you have to use the NTR Debugger Client for this guide. The latest version can be found in the starterpack from here https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases/tag/3.4preview2

Battle Videos are stored in the title's Extdata. In my opinion it's much easier to just dump it with a Save Editor like JKSM or SaveDataFiler.

  On 7/25/2017 at 9:07 PM, BlackShark said:

@RedOrb Sapphire

You need BootNTR installed on your 3DS. Get the latest BootNTR.cia from here https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases/latest (I'm not sure if it already supports 11.5)
If you have that installed you have to use the NTR Debugger Client for this guide. The latest version can be found in the starterpack from here https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases/tag/3.4preview2

Battle Videos are stored in the title's Extdata. In my opinion it's much easier to just dump it with a Save Editor like JKSM or SaveDataFiler.


Already have BootNTR ,I'm on 11.4 firmware,and from 3.4 and above the debugger is activated when I load it succesfully.

But here it said to write that string(data(0x32B9D5E4, 0x2BC0, filename='Video', pid=0x29)) while battle video is running but how I can do it?

Ok the part of dump via save editor but then?


1 - Get NTR CFW loaded and start the debugger2 - Connect to your 3DS debugger using the PC client


connect('YOUR 3DS IP', 8000)

3 - Write the code of the battle video you want to dump on the Vs. Recorder.4 - Start the video playing5 - While the video is playing write the following command

I know the 3ds's ip but where should I put that value?

  On 7/25/2017 at 9:20 PM, RedOrb Sapphire said:

Already have BootNTR ,I'm on 11.4 firmware,and from 3.4 and above the debugger is activated when I load it succesfully.

But here it said to write that string(data(0x32B9D5E4, 0x2BC0, filename='Video', pid=0x29)) while battle video is running but how I can do it?

Ok the part of dump via save editor but then?


1 - Get NTR CFW loaded and start the debugger2 - Connect to your 3DS debugger using the PC client


connect('YOUR 3DS IP', 8000)

3 - Write the code of the battle video you want to dump on the Vs. Recorder.4 - Start the video playing5 - While the video is playing write the following command

I know the 3ds's ip but where should I put that value?


You put it into the debugger


  On 7/25/2017 at 9:30 PM, RedOrb Sapphire said:

Ok now should be clear enough thank you :)

Is the NTR Debugger client  on the BootNTR's source folder?


No problem.
I already linked to the debugger in the post above.

  On 7/25/2017 at 9:07 PM, BlackShark said:

The latest version can be found in the starterpack from here https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases/tag/3.4preview2


Direct link: https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/files/222950/NTR_3.4PREVIEW2_STARTER_KIT.zip


Posted (edited)
  On 7/26/2017 at 8:17 AM, BlackShark said:

The debugger should work with newer versions of BootNTR as well and yes the 8000 must be there too.


I tried with the 3.5 one but an error occured.I connected the two devices(pc and 3ds) to my smartphone so maybe something gone wrong.

I placed this on the debugger: connect('3DSIP',8000)

Have you ever tried with a newer version?I'll try the 3.4 later to check anyway ;)

Edited by RedOrb Sapphire
  On 7/26/2017 at 8:46 AM, RedOrb Sapphire said:

I tried with the 3.5 one but an error occured.I connected the two devices(pc and 3ds) to my smartphone so maybe something gone wrong.

I placed this on the debugger: connect('3DSIP',8000)

Have you ever tried with a newer version?I'll try the 3.4 later to check anyway ;)


I actually didn't test it, sorry, I would have to fix my 3DS first to do so. I just assumed 3.5 works fine since it's supposed to fix an issue with video streaming, which requires use of the debugger as well.

I hope you can get an older version to work!

Otherwise as I said you can also use JKSM or SaveDataFiler to export the game's Extdata.

  On 7/26/2017 at 8:56 AM, BlackShark said:

I actually didn't test it, sorry, I would have to fix my 3DS first to do so. I just assumed 3.5 works fine since it's supposed to fix an issue with video streaming, which requires use of the debugger as well.

I hope you can get an older version to work!

Otherwise as I said you can also use JKSM or SaveDataFiler to export the game's Extdata.


I'll say you soon :)

Thank you very much for your disponibility BlackShark 

  On 7/26/2017 at 8:56 AM, BlackShark said:

I actually didn't test it, sorry, I would have to fix my 3DS first to do so. I just assumed 3.5 works fine since it's supposed to fix an issue with video streaming, which requires use of the debugger as well.

I hope you can get an older version to work!

Otherwise as I said you can also use JKSM or SaveDataFiler to export the game's Extdata.


I simply taken my exdata folder of Moon from JK folder on my 3ds root and placed it on Pkhex and all work good.

Thank you for your support :)

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