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Which is your favorite apricorn ball?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favorite apricorn ball?

    • Lure Ball
    • Level Ball
    • Moon Ball
    • Heavy Ball
    • Fast Ball
    • Friend Ball
    • Love Ball

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Posted (edited)

In HG and SS, just like the originals, you can go to Kurt's house in Azelea town and have him make you a specially made Pokeball out of apricorns you find in trees. Which one is your favorite? Kurt can make you the following.

Lure Ball

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The lure ball is made by using the Blu Apricorn. It has a 3x catch rate on Pokemon that were hooked when using your fishing rod.

Level Ball

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The level ball is made by using the Red Apricorn. It's catch rate depends on you and the wild Pokemon's level. If you have the same or lower level of the wild Pokemon the catch rate is 1x. If it is higher than the wild Pokemon's level then the catch rate is 2x. If it is double or more than the wild Pokemon's level, the catch rate is 4x. If your Pokemon's level is four times or more than the wild Pokemon's level, the catch rate will be 8x.

Moon Ball

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The moon ball is made by using the Ylw Apricorn. It has a 4x catch rate on Pokemon that evolve with the moon stone.

Heavy Ball

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The heavy ball is made by using the Blk Apricorn. The catch rate depends on the wild Pokemon's weight. If the wild Pokemon's weight is under 100kg it's catch rate will be 0.5x which is lowering the catch rate. If the weight of the wild Pokemon is between 100 and 200kg, the catch rate will be 1x. If the weight of the wild Pokemon is between 200 and 300kg, the catch rate will be 2x. If the weight of the wild Pokemon is more than 300, the catch rate will be 3x.

Fast Ball

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The fast ball is made by using the Wht Apricorn. It has a 4x catch rate on Pokemon that flee (Such as the legendary dog Pokemon)

Friend Ball

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The friend ball is made by using the Grn Apricorn. It has a 1x catch rate and makes the Pokemon captured with this ball have 200 happiness after its capture.

Love Ball

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The love ball is made by using the Pnk Apricorn. It has an 8x catch rate if your Pokemon has the opposite gender if the wild Pokemon.


The heavy ball looks good. And as far as i know and realize, is that it is for Pokemon with more weight. So i guess the Heavy ball is going to be my choice.

On a side not doesn't the Fast ball look like Pkachu's one from Episode 001? And the Lure like Totodile's?

I am excited about having more balls being added to the 4-th generation.

So the Heavy ball it is.

  wraith89 said:
Wait, so they're gonna bring back those balls?

It was posted in the speculation thread and the images I got were from high quality images from HG and SS thread. It was also posted on the main site. lol, it's really hard to miss :P And since I didn't post my favorite, it's heavy ball because that's what I caught my first Ho-oh with.


I personally like the Moon Ball, for appearance, but for actual usage I prefer the Level Ball as the effects rely on my Pokémon and not the Pokémon I am attempting to catch.

  Mewtwo Ex said:
On a side not doesn't the Fast ball look like Pkachu's one from Episode 001? And the Lure like Totodile's?

Actually I believe the Lure Ball was exactly the kind of Pokéball that Ash used to catch his Totodile.


OMG! they look so awesome, yay more BALLZ!! although the Friend Ball, wow 200 happiness. The love ball seems pretty useful, not against legendaries, but any Pokemon with a gender.

They are too awesome to pick a favorite. But the design of the Moon Ball looks wicked, even though it's not too useful. Heck with Pokesav I'm changing all my favorite Pokemon too the Moon Ball because it looks cool.

  HottSushiz said:
OMG! they look so awesome, yay more BALLZ!! although the Friend Ball, wow 200 happiness. The love ball seems pretty useful, not against legendaries, but any Pokemon with a gender.

They are too awesome to pick a favorite. But the design of the Moon Ball looks wicked, even though it's not too useful. Heck with Pokesav I'm changing all my favorite Pokemon too the Moon Ball because it looks cool.

Was that an intended pun?

Yeah, that's just so cool, but I don't think I really will be running down on that because happiness isn't really that much required unless you're planning on return on a physical sweeper (Staraptor: STAB + Atk EV's + Return = OWNAGE)

In this case I guess i'll choose the Level Ball. As you may or may not know I would definitely like a Togekiss in my game. I don't think you would be able to catch Togetic or Togekiss so Togepi is my best chance. And since Togepi is a baby pokemon, I do expect to be able to find it at a low level which would be much lower than my pokemon in use. I'll have to choose the most appropriate ball because I will be needing to catch a lot of them. If I use like a heavy ball, it'll probably take forever. Using the Level Ball would save the most time. This is because i'm aiming for a Togepi to have 30+ Sp. Atk and Speed EV's and 22+ Sp. DEF EV's. Then when the Togepi is a Togekiss then i'll beat any one in the game easily with Paraflinchax (Thunder Wave + King's Rock + Air Slash).

  HottSushiz said:
Heck with Pokesav I'm changing all my favorite Pokemon too the Moon Ball because it looks cool.

I seriously doubt COM is going to make a Pokesav for HGSS. And even if he does, you will not be able to see the new balls in DPPt anyway.

  Toffeuy said:
Yeah, that's just so cool, but I don't think I really will be running down on that because happiness isn't really that much required unless you're planning on return on a physical sweeper (Staraptor: STAB + Atk EV's + Return = OWNAGE)

More than likely the Friend Ball's benefit will be for happiness-based evolution Pokémon, such as Golbat into Crobat.

I don't think you would be able to catch Togetic or Togekiss so Togepi is my best chance. And since Togepi is a baby pokemon, I do expect to be able to find it at a low level which would be much lower than my pokemon in use.

I really don't think you'll be able to catch Togepi in the game, but if you are able to, it probably won't be until post-E4.

  codemonkey85 said:
I seriously doubt COM is going to make a Pokesav for HGSS. And even if he does, you will not be able to see the new balls in DPPt anyway.

I really don't think you'll be able to catch Togepi in the game, but if you are able to, it probably won't be until post-E4.

It would be a shame if I couldn't catch a Togepi, but you probably could. Because in DPPt, you used the PokeRadar to. I doubt HGSS wouldn't have the PokeRadar. And therefore hopefully I would be able to catch Togepi. But PokeRadar means After the Elite Four and catching it like at Lvl 52... X_X Then the Level ball wouldn't be too much of a help... If so it would have to be the Love ball or Friend Ball. Friend ball for 200 Happiness and evolve to Togetic, 1 level after. And Love Ball for high catch rates cuz... it's not gonna be hard to find something opposite gender as your pokemon. Too bad... I already voted...

  Toffeuy said:
It would be a shame if I couldn't catch a Togepi, but you probably could. Because in DPPt, you used the PokeRadar to. I doubt HGSS wouldn't have the PokeRadar. And therefore hopefully I would be able to catch Togepi. But PokeRadar means After the Elite Four and catching it like at Lvl 52... X_X Then the Level ball wouldn't be too much of a help... If so it would have to be the Love ball or Friend Ball. Friend ball for 200 Happiness and evolve to Togetic, 1 level after. And Love Ball for high catch rates cuz... it's not gonna be hard to find something opposite gender as your pokemon. Too bad... I already voted...

You appear to be forgetting that not all PokeRadar Pokemon are at a high level. Some are at an insignificant one. It is all dependent on the locations at which you use the device.

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