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  momkoto said:
Hey peeps~

So, I made a bunch of shiney eevees to get their evolutions (I love shiny sylveon), but when I attempted to evolve the ones that needed stones my 3ds simply froze and took several minutes to turn off. I thought it was a one time only thing but I tried twice more and got the same results.

Anyone else having trouble evolving their pokémon? Anyone tried leveling them up yet? Or breeding?

It's likely a issue with the generated pokemon it's self because I personally got a Ninetails & Glaceon but when you put them in your party you get the same black screen if you hit the button to show your party or if you try and view the pokemon's summary. At the moment I've found a way to fix it but it's kinda inefficient, however the way I solved it was by trading the pokemon to my friend and then he traded it back to me and it worked. This was done on LAN however and it may take a different effect if you do it online.

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I did IT and It worked First Time but when i went To delete the old Pokemon.ekx File it said 'This Disk Is write Protected' and i tryed again but i wont let me delted or edit any of the files

  epicvoid said:
I did IT and It worked First Time but when i went To delete the old Pokemon.ekx File it said 'This Disk Is write Protected' and i tryed again but i wont let me delted or edit any of the files

What SD card do you have? Also if you've changed the SD card that originally came with the 3DS mention that to.

  epicvoid said:
Well Im Using A lexar 4gb Sd card But it didnt come with my 3ds but instead from my old camera so I dont know what to do. Should i try and find my original One that cmae with my 3ds?

I would personally recommend trying this is may change something it may not. However there may br another fix for the current SD you have which you might want to try as well. I would tell you this fix now but I'm on my phone.

  epicvoid said:
I did IT and It worked First Time but when i went To delete the old Pokemon.ekx File it said 'This Disk Is write Protected' and i tryed again but i wont let me delted or edit any of the files

Did you hit the lock switch on the SD card by accident?


Im sorry if this was already addressed butI couldn't find it. I downloaded the "code.bin" from Internet Explorer as Google Chrome did not allow the download. However when i try to copy the file to the SD card it says "the disk is write protected". The switch on the SD card isn't locked and the SD card comes straight from my 2DS Ver. 9.4.0-21U. Any help would be great :)


Hello! I just wanted to say for those who are having the same issue: I'm using a 3DS XL, on 9.4.0-21U, and I've cleared my History, and Cookies (And I've even Initialized Save Data after five attempts and nothing working), have the code file in the Root of the SD card, as well as the pokemon.ekx file.. Box 1 on X is entirely empty.. And I can't get any of the Pokemon to show up in the Box. Not even the example Hoopa.

Make sure you take the code.bin file OUT of the folder, or else it won't work. After I originally typed the message in italics, and was about to hit send, I realized that my code.bin file was still in the folder and not loose in the Root. For those with the situation in italics, go back over your files. :) (I am now the proud owner of a Hoopa. Yay!)

Posted (edited)

Alright, I am very happy with this!

Just help me a little with my innocent questions...

1. Where do I check the firmware of my system?

2. What is sysnand and emunand?

3. How do I check that?

4. How do I know if my 3ds is compatible?

Thank you!

- Hide

Edited by Hide
  RockSlicer747 said:
When I open the loadcode.projectpokemon.org on my browser, it just crashes without saying that that the page failed to load, is that supposed to happen?

As long as your browser crashes you should be fine.

  Hide said:
Alright, I am very happy with this!

Just help me a little with my innocent questions...

1. Where do I check the firmware of my system?

2. What is sysnand and emunand?

3. How do I check that?

3. How do I know if my 3ds is compatible?

Thank you!

1. In your system settings

2. Sysnand is the default firmware, so don't worry about emunand

4. The New Models are not compatible


Just a quick question regarding the compatibility of older firmware with the internet browser. Should Nintendo release a firmware update I obviously won't be update but will the fact that I would then be running an out of date firmware limit my use of the internet browser, ie. (Has it happened in the past).


Hello Hello!~

Yes hi, I've been having quite a problem! I've shared it with my friends and they have it too.

So whenever we create a pokemon on PKHeX we get a bad egg, yes it's .ekx and I've checked everything and nothing seems to be wrong, deleted history, deleted cookies, and whenever we try getting the example Hoopa, we are able to get it. If this problem could be fixed I'd be very happy! Thanks~


  Yukii said:
Hello Hello!~

Yes hi, I've been having quite a problem! I've shared it with my friends and they have it too.

So whenever we create a pokemon on PKHeX we get a bad egg, yes it's .ekx and I've checked everything and nothing seems to be wrong, deleted history, deleted cookies, and whenever we try getting the example Hoopa, we are able to get it. If this problem could be fixed I'd be very happy! Thanks~


Do you have the latest version of PKHeX?

  Yukii said:
Hello Hello!~

Yes hi, I've been having quite a problem! I've shared it with my friends and they have it too.

So whenever we create a pokemon on PKHeX we get a bad egg, yes it's .ekx and I've checked everything and nothing seems to be wrong, deleted history, deleted cookies, and whenever we try getting the example Hoopa, we are able to get it. If this problem could be fixed I'd be very happy! Thanks~


When you're in PKHex and hit save as are you sure you're saving it as a .EKX which should have the file name .EK6 before you change it?

  Alpha said:
Do you have the latest version of PKHeX?

Yes sir I do >-<

  Rapier said:
When you're in PKHex and hit save as are you sure you're saving it as a .EKX which should have the file name .EK6 before you change it?

Yes it saves the file as .ek6, but then I change it to .ekx in properties.


I'm still seeing a lot of basic questions like "what is the root folder" and "why am I getting a bad egg", so I made this little infographic. I hope it helps. (Click to view full res)



So I've gotten the program to work fine so far, the only problem is that my Trainer ID starts with a '0' and the PKHeX won't let me set a 0 as the first number in the Trainer ID. Is there a way to do this and if not, would it be possible for you to change the program to allow it?

  BoogalooShrimp said:
So I've gotten the program to work fine so far, the only problem is that my Trainer ID starts with a '0' and the PKHeX won't let me set a 0 as the first number in the Trainer ID. Is there a way to do this and if not, would it be possible for you to change the program to allow it?

Leave off the first 0 and the game should accept it. So if your ID was 01234, just set it to 1234.


if i want to use a hackmon like: easy sample sturdy shedinja vs my friends what do i have to do? i tried it doing it this way but i could not use them in wifi battles? but there isn't a real tut for this. any help is welcome

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