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Posted (edited)
In The Games Department

Pokémon X & Y

It has been revealed that Japan is to receive a special Gengar event. This event provides a shiny Gengar as part of their "White Gengar" promotion for Halloween. This Gengar is Level 25, comes in a Dusk Ball, and has the moves Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave (which it can't normally have), Confuse Ray and Astonish. It comes holding the Gengarite. This Gengar is being given at various, currently unconfirmed, stores across Japan from September 13th to October 14th. The Event Database has been updated with details of this event

Yay! Sludge Wave w/o the need of Poké Bank! :D

Pokemon: Shiny Gengar

Gender: Male

Level: 25

OT: Japan: ハロウィン

ID: 09134

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Random


Shadow Ball

Sludge Wave

Confuse Ray


Item: Gengarite

Pokeball: Dusk Ball

Ribbon: Classic Ribbon

Location: Pokémon event

Dates: September 13 - October 14 (Japan) / October 13 - 26 (US) / November 6 - 28 (Europe) / October 11 - December 7 (Korea)

Game Distribution: XY

Distribution Type: Local (Japan) Serial Code (US/EU/KO)

Distribution Location: Apita/Paigo, Ion, Ion SuperCenters, Ito-Yokado, Edion, Joshin, Toys 'R' Us, Bic Group Stores, Yamada Denki Group stores, Yodobashi Camera and Pokémon Centers / GameStop (US, France, Spain, Germany, Italy) / GAME (UK) / Daewon Games, Home Plus, E-mart, Shinsegae, and Lotte Mart (Korea)

Source: Japan


UK, French, German, Italian, Spanish


Feel free to discuss! :)

Edited by Mega Sceptile
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have a code for me to use? That is what I was asking. I have no way to get my codes where I live. My GAME STOP is not a big store in my mall.:(

  • 3 weeks later...

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