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Some foreign country's experiment to extend humans life span resulted into creating a humanoid being that craves live human flesh and blood oh and BRAINZ, that said humanoid is able to infect others by creating an open wound on the human where the virus travels. The virus has spread everywhere except Iceland, where the resistance base resides, which also holds all rescues operations and plans.


You wake up to a not so normal morning. You rarely watch the news so you have no knowledge of the current events. You find it quieter from the busy city, and zooming cars. You look outside your lawn to find a beautifully cloudy morning. But you also notice two seemingly motionless like kids just standing around staring into the sky. You also notice one is missing an arm, and a large chunk has been taken out of his head. You know this is a bad idea, but you go outside and shout: "Get off my lawn you rotten kids" You catch their attention, they slowly turn their heads you see their blood stained pants and shirt, while blood start dripping down from their mouth. They scream horribly loud, then sprint towards you. You then run inside the house and lock all doors and windows, the zombified/infected children start clawing away at your window. You attempt at contacting the police but of course no response as the phone is dead.

Now what would you do at that current state, and take note that your current house,items, and state, is applied to the issue. and you also review other people's action plan. :)

What i would do

I would carry all the items i require which is food,liquids,inhaler,entertainment, and baseball bat into my sister's room, which is the smallest also. I would make small incisions into the door, and wall, so I'm able to view outside the room, and wait until the whole thing blows over. If it doesn't, when supplies run out I'll just starve to death. :)

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No choice... i'll kneel down and pray to ask for a miracle to happen *Togekiss comes and uses Aura Sphere on the zombie* :biggrin:

Jokes, what I will do:

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I would die. The situation cannot be escaped at all. "Zombies" probably feel no pain so they could simply ram their bodies into any house until they can enter. No matter what you do you will die. Another thing... Why is everyone else dead, but me, in the first place?

  PokeDaemon said:
I would die. The situation cannot be escaped at all. "Zombies" probably feel no pain so they could simply ram their bodies into any house until they can enter. No matter what you do you will die. Another thing... Why is everyone else dead, but me, in the first place?

Yeah i prefer that idea, i don't think i can live through the fact there are real zombies around. So i would just get a gun and shoot my head, or my heart. which is more painless?:biggrin:


Honestly, at first I would frantically run around my house looking for a sharp/ blunt/ or projectile firing object to defend myself with, (namely a bat, or a hunting bow with a supply of arrows), then I would take as much food and water as humanly possible into my room, lock the door, and wait it out. If the need arises, I will leave and try my best to defend myself and run to the beach until I find a boat ( won't be so hard, I only live a few miles from one ) and sail to Iceland.


id grab a chainsaw and go all doom 2 on thier rotting asses, hopefully taking down as many as i can before becoming some zombies brunch.

WAIT i know, IDDQD, IDKFA... mwa ha ha.

  damio said:
Australia perhaps?

We're an isolated environment. No zombies here. (Just giant spiders with health bars ;))

Don't forget the venomous snakes, and the killer Koalas. Also the ninja Kangaroos.:kikkoman:

  Doc said:
id grab a chainsaw and go all doom 2 on thier rotting asses, hopefully taking down as many as i can before becoming some zombies brunch.

WAIT i know, IDDQD, IDKFA... mwa ha ha.

And then the zombie blood goes onto you and you become a zombie too:kikkoman:

  Toffeuy said:
And then the zombie blood goes onto you and you become a zombie too:kikkoman:

Blood splatter doesn't infect, it is if it gets into the bloodstream or if a wound is open enough for the virus/blood to get in, then you would become one eventually.

Just saying. :)

  Akaria said:
Blood splatter doesn't infect, it is if it gets into the bloodstream or if a wound is open enough for the virus/blood to get in, then you would become one eventually.

Just saying. :)

No! Zombie blood is different, it is like mercury, it sinks into your skin! And you will be infected! :creep:

  Toffeuy said:
No! Zombie blood is different, it is like mercury, it sinks into your skin! And you will be infected! :creep:

We are talking about fictious blood right? Any of our ideas are possible ;)

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