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Posted (edited)

Alright, I have a few more abilities from the batch of .pkx's I uploaded yesterday.


#173/0xAD - Strong Jaw

#174/0xAE - Refrigerate

#186/0xBA - Dark Aura

#187/0xBB - Fairy Aura

#188/0xBC - Aura Break

Everything else I uploaded had old abilities.

EDIT: ReignOfComputer got the moves already, so removed them from this list. Leaving the abilities, though.

Edited by er1c1996

Seems like the list is missing Belch, Fell Stinger, Flying Press, Ion Deluge, Noble Roar, and Parting Shot. I'll see if I can find those for you.

EDIT: I have most of the Pokemon that can learn them. But it'll take some grinding. I'll get back on that.


As for 3DS regions...

var REGION = { JP:0, US:1, EU:2, CN:4, KR:5, TW:6 };
This is in the 3DS region detection code the PGL uses, so is likely the same order as in-game.

It's also the same as the order used by Nintendo in other things, which means 3 would be the would-be AU-only region that doesn't actually exist (since they get EU games and consoles).


Obtained Mega stones IDs, they are between Mulchs and the new berries

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  er1c1996 said:
It's not much, but the 5 abilities I posted yesterday can start off the abilities section for you, if you'd like.

I've already done Abilities :P

Should probably have noted that the spreadsheet's updated.


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Missing ID associations:

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Edit: Added an items sheet, merged data from RubenPikachu's post in. Thanks!

Posted (edited)
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same data, 1 byte difference in the header (number of wondertrades) and one exception where its a management packet.

This just has to be cracked somehow @_@

Edited by codemonkey85

Here is a copy of my Shiny Charizard that has had Pokerus and been cured. (Thanks <ReignOfComputer> and <black_> for help. )

I have taken a few photos of it ingame the shiny status does not show and the ribbon also in the .PKX it was traded via P2P not wondertrade.



ShinyCharizard.zip (3.7 MB) (Contains the photos above + .PKX)



Hope it helps.

Posted (edited)

Found out how a pkx is shiny, it uses offset 0x18-0x1B (I'm not sure how the game generates it but acts as a unsigned integer for shiny check), ID and SID

Like the PID in Gen 5, divide this seed into 16 bit parts, let s1 be the upper part and s2 the lower part

If (id^sid^s1^s2)<16 then the pokemon is shiny

Edited by RubenPikachu
  RubenPikachu said:
Found out how a pkx is shiny, it uses offset 0x18-0x1B (I'm not sure how the game generates it but acts as a unsigned integer for shiny check), ID and SID

Like the PID in Gen 5, divide this seed into 16 bit parts, let s1 be the upper part and s2 the lower part

If (id^sid^s1^s2)<=8 then the pokemon is shiny (yes, including the 8, I have a shiny magikarp that makes this equal to 8)

It might be that 0x18-0x1B is actually the PID and the value at 0x0 is just an unrelated number.


I got a shiny pkx with the formula equal to 12 it is possible that the formula is (id^sid^s1^s2)< 16 but I'm not sure of it...

Also found out how ability number (offset 0x15) works, seems it works through bits, bit 0 indicates the pkx has the ability 0 of its species, bit 1 is ability 1 and bit 2 is for Hidden Ability (values are 1 (0), 2 (1) and 4 (HA))

  RubenPikachu said:
I got a shiny pkx with the formula equal to 12 it is possible that the formula is (id^sid^s1^s2)< 16 but I'm not sure of it...

Also found out how ability number (offset 0x15) works, seems it works through bits, bit 0 indicates the pkx has the ability 0 of its species, bit 1 is ability 1 and bit 2 is for Hidden Ability (values are 1 (0), 2 (1) and 4 (HA))

we need to mass a large amount of shinys to find the new threshold. also about the 0x15. there seems to be a chespin with overgrow that has 0x04


Are you sure it has 4 at offset 0x15? do you have the pkx file to check it out since all my HA pokemon have the value of 4 and all other have between 1 and 2

About shiny threshold, it would be needed a shiny pokemon with 15 as the result of XORing the data, and one with 16 to demostrate it...

  xyzman said:
Maybe the correct formula is (id^sid^s1^s2) % 2 == 0 && (id^sid^s1^s2) < 16? I doubt that they are giving us 16/65536 odds this gen instead of usual 8/65536.

My only shiny Luvdisc has 6. I will be chaining more after my shift is over.

I got a pkx of a shiny Alakazam that has 11 as the result, so the (id^sid^s1^s2) % 2 == 0 cannot be part of the formula


shinyalakazam..zipFetching info...


Ok instead of posting the pkx, I'll just post some results I got. I also made a script to auto-dump pkx from trades (if one of the trade players is showing them) which then checks them for shinyness. These are the results I acquired so far:

TID SID PID chance
53839 16673 1683814196 6
53839 16673 1084150779 11
53839 16673 1252973003 11
20641 54167 1908142732 1
53839 16673 3759633266 11
53839 16673 2360942553 14
31246 28938 1957986237 13
31246 28938 2826347387 9
31246 28938 2126214583 8
31246 28938 3014572197 15
57163 32215 1627833243 1
57163 32215 2100748206 4
57163 32215 1859243081 4
57163 32215 3496964850 1
37130 12372 1718470456 11
58635 60408 2719722727 15
57163 32215 1434777365 13
57163 32215 3554701694 2
57163 32215 2931690540 14
57163 32215 3357960892 6
57163 32215 1419507204 3
62094 46668 2179450150 3

As you can see there are some chances with a result of 15 in there, so 1-15 or 0-15 seems likely. Best would be if we find a non-shiny that has a chance-result of 16.


Oh well, that sounds like something we probably won't be able to know until Pokémon Bank comes out.

Speculation, chances are I'm wrong for some of this since I only took about 5 minutes to do some quick research and do not actually know how the game processes all of that:

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