Dictator Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Preparefortrouble said: .... so how will you use pokemons without the game? lolegh I sorta agree to how it has helped find and see hidden things through out the games but the negatives is what it is causing first even tho we post the legit events ...people still use pokegen to make fakes (gba events or dream world) second pokemon wifi battles isnt fair to some people knowing people max out the IVs third is how people make action replay codes that have messed up ones game (all item code, event codes, etc) I think if they do remove it their might be a better way to train pokemon . honestly thats what the games about training your pokemon and catching them all. I fear people misunderstand that it isnt about winning and being the best/ having the best pokemon but using strategy . so your pokemon isnt the best in IVs or nature. what counts is the luck and using techniques to win. lol u misunderstand my comment, i meant not buying 3ds AND the game. anyways, back on topic. I agree the game is a strategy game, but with the "removal of action replay/pokegen/pokesav" there wont be any good gen 6 pokemons(unless by luck ofc but getting a good iv by chance is even harder than to get a shiny), meaning most new pokemons would be useless in any competitions. PKMNTrainerNick144 said: Have anyone forgotten about the fact that there were event Pokemon that seemed to be a once-in-a-lifetime event? Before I had a personal computer or learned of PokeGen and whatnot... I've NEVER in my life had an event Pokemon because I lived too far to go to where it was distributed and there was limited transportation for me. With PokeGen I had the event Pokemon I needed and in the Battle Facilities... how come the enemies and CPU-controlled-partner PKMN have maximum IVs. If they rid of PokeGen for Gen VI... it will be unfair because the CPU-Pokes have Max IVs in Battle Facilities and we players don't. I'm not complaining here because there are chances you can get a Pokemon with 31 IVs in one or more stats. lol i feel u. I live in a small country where events are hard to come by and i often relied on programs to get it. About the trainer's pokes, although it seems like the max IV pokemons are harder to beat than ever, just remember this: there is always EVs when u need it and any pokemons owned by gym leaders or elite 4s dont have EVs.
theSLAYER Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Preparefortrouble said: i dont get why people are too lazy to play and beat the game (not you someone who mentioned it before) its not like its so hard to beat a pokemon game heck i beat yellow version at 5-6 years old. Perhaps people wanted to use their existing pokemon or favorite species to beat the game? I'm saying this because when Black and White came out, pre-Elite 4 had no gen I - IV creatures so it made me sad; but I sucked it up and actually learned to fall in love with gen V creatures. My point is maybe it isn't about beating the game, maybe it's about using old favorites at the start of the game, eg. to enjoy new battle effects, 3D sprites etc. --- But nonetheless I agree that beating the game isn't hard, it can even be rushed through within 24 hours!
Earthix Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Preparefortrouble said: nintendo 3DS prevents hacking devices (action replay etc)games ...well i dont know No it doesnt. There is a special version of Action Replay that works with 3ds, and I use my game genie on my 3ds, though I've never tried codes on it, and only back up my DS games. But honestly, the only 3ds game I own is Zelda....
evandixon Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 But both devices only let you cheat on DS games, not 3DS games. They just run on the system in DS mode.
Ecaisse98 Posted August 28, 2013 Posted August 28, 2013 Me i just use this for getting not in-game pokemon and legendary for completting the pokedex. :'(
codemonkey85 Posted September 4, 2013 Posted September 4, 2013 theSLAYER said: Plus, if I recall correctly, genIV to Gen V encryption for .pkm didn't really change,what's to say it will now? Gen IV and Gen V were the same hardware. The 3DS is new hardware. I'd say there's a fair chance of a change in format / encryption.
HydroSage Posted September 4, 2013 Posted September 4, 2013 And this is the part where hacking and emulating pokemon games come to an end.
Crishbk Posted September 4, 2013 Posted September 4, 2013 Now with the announcement of Pokemon Bank, what do you guys think will happen? According to the website, Pokemon Bank won't allowed edited pokemon.
Mewtwo Ex Posted September 4, 2013 Posted September 4, 2013 It won't allow hardcore cheated fakes that are everywhere. It will allow less horrible fakes, like right now. I doubt they would have the ability to create some as complicated as Pokecheck in every game. Thank again i could be wrong.
PhiferWolf Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 Note: You may find yourself unable to use Pokémon Bank or Poké Transporter to deposit any Pokémon created illegally by software unauthorized by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo into your online Boxes, or to move these Pokémon between online Boxes. This one particularly concerns me... My brother had sold my game off while I was in college that had pokemon from Gen 3 and a good deal of pokemon from gen 5. So I bought a new Black 2 and, due to being a busy 3 major college student, I didn't have the time to train all 50+ of my favorites again. I had them created for me within legal limitations... but I fear that this service will stop that. Granted; I do not play competitively at all, I do like to look at them and feel some sort of content that these guys could help me during the endgame content. The only outrageously hacked ones are a shiny charizard and a wondertomb. Which reminds me I need to get a legit shiny charizard pkm.
Mewtwo Ex Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 Calm down... There will be a way to cheat the system. Weather it will be a new kind of sav editing or (like im hopping) a cheating device, i am sure there will be a way. Or everyone will just have to learn to RnG... Btw... like everyone has said - There is no way to prove legitimacy. Only legal can be proven.
codemonkey85 Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 PhiferWolf said: Note: You may find yourself unable to use Pokémon Bank or Poké Transporter to deposit any Pokémon created illegally by software unauthorized by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo into your online Boxes, or to move these Pokémon between online Boxes.This one particularly concerns me... MewTwoEx is right. I'll say it until I'm blue in the face: data is data, bytes are bytes, numbers are numbers. It doesn't matter where you get your 5 from, it's 5. It's indistinguishable from any other 5. All 5s are equal. Nintendo doesn't have some kind of magical divining rod.
theSLAYER Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 codemonkey85 said: MewTwoEx is right. I'll say it until I'm blue in the face: data is data, bytes are bytes, numbers are numbers. It doesn't matter where you get your 5 from, it's 5. It's indistinguishable from any other 5. All 5s are equal.Nintendo doesn't have some kind of magical divining rod. Hahahah! Rather than being worried, I'm more of, curious, to see if they have anything in mind that triumphs over Pokecheck's checking capabilities, as so far Nintendo has yet to prove themselves, in that aspect.
Guest Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 If the GTS in Gen. V is anything to go by, then this hack checker will most likely be blocking out some completely legit Pokémon. Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi, anyone? Mewtwo Ex said: It won't allow hardcore cheated fakes that are everywhere. It will allow less horrible fakes, like right now. I doubt they would have the ability to create some as complicated as Pokecheck in every game. Thank again i could be wrong. And then, Pokémon created with PokéGen would still pass as long as they're legal.
HydroSage Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 Too bad PokeGen won't support this Gen games
Mewtwo Ex Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 Sooo... What, you will preent people from making it compatable or what? Even if they prevent Ar, Pokecheck sill still be an option.
Dreamstalker Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 Apparently there's going to be an online storage feature with an annual usage charge. http://www.pokemonxy.com/en-us/strategy/ "Pokémon Bank is an application and service for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y that will allow you to deposit, store, and manage your Pokémon in private Boxes on the Internet! Pokémon Bank is a paid service, with an annual charge for usage. Pokémon Bank will be a powerful resource for players who like to obtain many different kinds of Pokémon, or for those who like to raise many Pokémon in preparation for battles and competitions!" There's also PokeTransfer between XY/BW (the mention of a linked application makes me wonder if one will be able to use it without Pokemon Bank). It won't work with Pokemon that they deem to be created 'illegally'...
randomspot555 Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 Transfer won't work without Bank because Gen 5 Pokemon get transferred TO Bank. It is impossible for DS and 3DS games to communicate, hence the need for external apps to ensure compatibility.
akiratron Posted October 7, 2013 Posted October 7, 2013 I'm actually glad there will be no cheats. Plus it makes it fair for everyone. People always throw up the argument of time. However I'm from the generation where Pokemon used to be about strategy and making the most of what you have. RNG has spoilt us, the longer the game stays hack free the better
Tonberry Posted October 9, 2013 Posted October 9, 2013 Im more worried we wont be able to get fantastic Rom Hacks like we can now, id rather play a more challenging game without the tutorial, which also has all the pokemon available I don't mind if I cant go online or use the pokemon competitively, its still fun. Also Nintendo's use of the word illegal there seems to be a bit aggressive. Those programs are not against the law, they also cause no damage to the companies profits so why are they trying to stop them? Maybe we should start styling these programs as Mods instead of Hacks less negativity in that name. Also i'm glad I have a return policy on my games if I cant get any old pokemon without paying i'm not keeping the game.
Ra1d Posted October 9, 2013 Posted October 9, 2013 Don't be so sure about having a cheat-free game,unless Nintendo can come up with some hardcore system check,most likely you can transfer hacked Pokemon(pokegen'd) with legit stats from B/W/B2/W2 to PokeBank/PokeTransferer and then to X&Y. I myself wish that it won't be possible,but most likely it will because there's no way they will release all 700 catch-able pokemon in one game,you'll have to transfer from other games.
higuide Posted October 10, 2013 Posted October 10, 2013 (edited) bigger problem is that there is nobody with C++ knowledge AND electronic engineering (besides the nintendo employee that designed everything) that knows how to reverse engineer or bypass Nintendo's security, have any knowledge of the nintendo specific Algorithm, knows ANYTHING about what each of the complex hives of the file's functions and understand everything just by opening each of bin and db file with notepad ++ as well as understands it as language and not interpret as gibberish (to %99 of people). otherwise go home. action reply will die if they don't step up their game. true its within reason why nintendo wants to block it out because not fair to people who work hard i'd say the samething even if i am the guy used AR who did years of effort in just a couple hours (to replace lost pokemon) its pretty much expected that nintendo does that. the only one technically against the law is pretty much emulation or using roms (using R4 or AceKard). i rather go entirely physical game to just avoid complications and still play or show off against friends and legally kick the ass of my natural enemies irl, course with the help of AR i won't be able to do that any more with gen 6, i pretty much did almost all pokemon what gets mega evolutions Edited October 10, 2013 by evandixon
tidusx43 Posted October 11, 2013 Posted October 11, 2013 The problem with most of what i've read on the arguments for anti-pokesav/action replay games is that they assume that the majority of people who play pokemon do so competitively. That simply isn't going to be the case. I think it much more likely, that a majority of people (and if not an outright majority, certainly a plurality) play the games as individuals, who on occasion link up with friends (of course the rate that people do this will vary between often to hardly ever). I've been a Pokemon fan since Yellow, but unfortunately i'm not 11 anymore. I don't have endless hours to max out the stats of 6 pokemon; I also NEVER compete, never battle with friends. I'm fine with a system designed to keep game "enhancers" out of circuit in those areas where people are actually playing competitively, but if i as a grown man want to pay 40 bucks for a video game and use a x2 EXP code to speed up the process of raising my pokemon, i should be able too. You think Pokesav spoiled you? That's an individual experience which has no right to define what is and isn't allowed in another persons game play. This is a real problem rampant in our society today: people who think they can define everybody's experience. I also really enjoy playing the edited Rom hacks of they games. It's a wonderful way to extend the life of a game by making gyms harder and leaders stronger with harder lineups, ect....
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