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Hmm i have been thinking for several ....... seconds, and i have come to a conclusion, i dislike Zubat, seeing it's stupid face, and figure every time i enter a cave, or confusing my Pokemon, gah! it never killed/fainted my Pokemon, it was just so damn frustrating to handle it, so now i enter a Zubat infested cave, i bring a lot of repels.xD


^You have to admit though, Bidoof was kind of adorable in Platinum xP

And also, Zaf, you aren't the only one who still likes Pikachu here. He's the only character I'll play as in SmashBrothers.

And finally, I agree with shiny Dragonite looking disgusting and horrible. However, on the side of greenish shinies, I really like the shiny Aggron. He's radawesomeness.

  Okami said:
^You have to admit though, Bidoof was kind of adorable in Platinum xP

And also, Zaf, you aren't the only one who still likes Pikachu here. He's the only character I'll play as in SmashBrothers.

And finally, I agree with shiny Dragonite looking disgusting and horrible. However, on the side of greenish shinies, I really like the shiny Aggron. He's radawesomeness.

Wow. What strong hate to shiny Dragonite. What did he ever do to you? :mad:

And Bidoof ruined my shiny chains! I hate him for that!


Besides his color reminding me of dog vomit, not much, really. I've just always felt a special charm towards its natural color. And technically, while we've all been calling them 'shinies', they're not =/ They're simply a different-colored pokemon. Or so that's what everyone around Sinnoh tells me. Like the boy who was freaking out over the other form of Pikachu being orange....

Saddd. Of course, when I chain pokemon, I can't get past maybe 10, so I've never seen a shiny that was truly my own, the legitimate way, in D/P/Pt

  Enkidu said:
Drifloon, Mewtwo, Pikachu and Lucario hands down.

I hate them all about the same, which if that could be represented by a number it would be d245777abca64ece2d5d7ca0d19fddb6.png

Ah! I saw this post and nearly died (no offense intended) but really how can you hate drifloon, mewtwo, and lucario. (I can understand pikachu *shutters*)


-oh everyone knows how much I love the floon! :D


-He's like psychic awesomeness!


-the pokemon guardian of the aura!



-the only thing he has is evil cuteness! Ugh cant stand this one!

  pokemonfan said:
Ah! I saw this post and nearly died (no offense intended) but really how can you hate drifloon, mewtwo, and lucario. (I can understand pikachu *shutters*)


-oh everyone knows how much I love the floon! :D


-He's like psychic awesomeness!


-the pokemon guardian of the aura!



-the only thing he has is evil cuteness! Ugh cant stand this one!

People have their own opinions apparently >.<

Incidentally, those are all the Pokemon I love (save Pikachu).

  jawlr3 said:
can someone please post ho to start a thread im sorry but i need to know

Look for a button that looks like this...

reply.gif but seriously, you were also supposed to post your least favorite Poke.

  SilentFox said:
Agh new topic you nub (above ) lol click that and proceed

... no need to call someone a noob. >.>

Another least favorite of mine: starts with an Infern and ends with an ape.

Posted (edited)

it has to be the golbat evolution chain in the caves holding me up al the time and the same goes for the see when surfing (tentacool/tentacruel their all a real cruel)

Edited by ocwil
  pokemonfan said:
Ah! I hate that thing...I could never beat it...it would confuse + hypnosis + no other good move = extremely long and annoying battle.

UGH. Once again... UGH!! It would ALWAYS Confuse, I'd ALWAYS hit myself in confusion... and I'd NEVER OHKO or even 5HKO that thing :(



Heatran all that way to get a leve 50 male/female pokemon with decent moves >_>;

Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres All that running for three birds that can't even take on my rival when they're in the 90s..

Feebas ugly fish (I like the evolution though I literally got excited after getting this bugger to evolve)


That's all for now lol.

  pokemonfan said:
Ah! I saw this post and nearly died (no offense intended) but really how can you hate drifloon, mewtwo, and lucario. (I can understand pikachu *shutters*)


-oh everyone knows how much I love the floon! :D


-He's like psychic awesomeness!


-the pokemon guardian of the aura!



-the only thing he has is evil cuteness! Ugh cant stand this one!

The reasons you listed are more than enough to explain why I hate them from my point of view. But I will elaborate!

Lucario is A: Used for the most disgusting furry anthro fan fiction I have ever seen and is drawn by hundreds of thousands of amateur artists throughout the world; badly each and every time. B: Lucario is a talking steel/fighting dog that walks on two legs and tells you wapanese things about your "Aura" like a terrible gypsy's fortune or anime character with too many plot armors.

The fact that little kids fawn over him is of no concern to me, they are kids, they should be allowed to like their favorite pokemon movie character.

And in terms of the data, the actual code for Lucario in game, I have no trouble with it. Its what people think of or say when you mention lucario that makes me hate him.

Mewtwo - Mainly the reasons and mentality also listed above. What I also hate is how people think that saying your favorite pokemon is Mewtwo will make them think you have a "darker or more evil" character" or make you more badass because your professing your love for a "bad guy" pokemon with psychic powers.

Drifloon- I actually just think this thing is weird looking and physically not cute, thats all.

Pikachu- A combination of all of the reasons listed above and the fact that its a Rodent that runs around shocking things. It just seemed like it was a dumb idea really.

  Enkidu said:
The reasons you listed are more than enough to explain why I hate them from my point of view. But I will elaborate!

Lucario is A: Used for the most disgusting furry anthro fan fiction I have ever seen and is drawn by hundreds of thousands of amateur artists throughout the world; badly each and every time. B: Lucario is a talking steel/fighting dog that walks on two legs and tells you wapanese things about your "Aura" like a terrible gypsy's fortune or anime character with too many plot armors.

The fact that little kids fawn over him is of no concern to me, they are kids, they should be allowed to like their favorite pokemon movie character.

And in terms of the data, the actual code for Lucario in game, I have no trouble with it. Its what people think of or say when you mention lucario that makes me hate him.

Mewtwo - Mainly the reasons and mentality also listed above. What I also hate is how people think that saying your favorite pokemon is Mewtwo will make them think you have a "darker or more evil" character" or make you more badass because your professing your love for a "bad guy" pokemon with psychic powers.

Drifloon- I actually just think this thing is weird looking and physically not cute, thats all.

Pikachu- A combination of all of the reasons listed above and the fact that its a Rodent that runs around shocking things. It just seemed like it was a dumb idea really.

I can see why you hate them now..I still dont see how you think drifloon looks weird and how you think it isn't cute but...beauty is in the eyes of the beholder..or in this case cuteness :tongue:

  Enkidu said:
The reasons you listed are more than enough to explain why I hate them from my point of view. But I will elaborate!

Ah, the whole "the general fandom around <subject> sucks, so I hate <subject>". I can understand. That kind of thing spoiled Guitar Hero/Rockband type games for me, although in a different way than terrible drawings and fanfiction as you can imagine. =p

As far as my own least favorite... uh, I'm not sure. I dislike a number of them, though I can't recall any specific one that I loathe. Whether that's because I don't loathe any or because my mind blocks me from remembering for my own sanity, well, that's anyone's guess.


[sprite]041[/sprite] [sprite]074[/sprite] [sprite]265[/sprite] [sprite]399[/sprite]


You get the picture. Most of the Pokemon you run into when looking for something rare. You'll see these about 1 million times before you encounter the Pokemon you're looking for. Not Zigzagoon though, he's so cute :)

  wraith89 said:
UGH. Once again... UGH!! It would ALWAYS Confuse, I'd ALWAYS hit myself in confusion... and I'd NEVER OHKO or even 5HKO that thing :(


That thing was so annoying, impossible to get rid of. Its like it resists everything >.>.

Bronzor used Confuse Ray!

Grotle is confused.

Grotle hurt itself in its confusion!

Bronzor used Hypnosis!

Grotle fell asleep!

Grotle is fast asleep.

Bronzor used Extrasensory! (And I lost like 1-5 HP when it used that move)

Grotle is fast asleep.


That battle took HOURS! By the time I was done, all my Pokemon were asleep with like 10 damage lol.

  Naru-Chu said:
[sprite]041[/sprite] [sprite]074[/sprite] [sprite]265[/sprite] [sprite]399[/sprite]


You get the picture. Most of the Pokemon you run into when looking for something rare. You'll see these about 1 million times before you encounter the Pokemon you're looking for. Not Zigzagoon though, he's so cute :)


That thing was so annoying, impossible to get rid of. Its like it resists everything >.>.

Bronzor used Confuse Ray!

Grotle is confused.

Grotle hurt itself in its confusion!

Bronzor used Hypnosis!

Grotle fell asleep!

Grotle is fast asleep.

Bronzor used Extrasensory! (And I lost like 1-5 HP when it used that move)

Grotle is fast asleep.


That battle took HOURS! By the time I was done, all my Pokemon were asleep with like 10 damage lol.

Not to mention that it doesn't give enough EXP to justify the length of the battle X_X


the pokemon i most dislike is


the whole 2nd generation starter team

i just dont get them i mean i guess totidile's evolution path was ok but i didnt really like the starters but i loved that generation i still have all of the games.

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