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Registeel...5 times of being defeated and going back with 40 ultra balls. That thing is awesome. I still find it hard to believe that if your asleep and you have 1 HP left and the battle's been going on for 50 eons how you cans still manage to stay out of the ultra and timer balls.


I actually didn't have any problems with those.

The one that was the hardest for me (ever) was swarming Beldum. Ugh.

Same catch rate as all of these:

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But the only move it knows is Take Down. So... if it wakes up (after you've hopefully put it to sleep) and you've used False Swipe on it, and it hits you... it dies.

Pretty frustrating.


Feebas took many hours just to find. So I'd have to say her, along with Munchlax, who I have yet to find.

I've never had any trouble with actually catching pokemon, though. It's just that I'm too lazy to put my moving pokemon to sleep >.>; They all just kind of...wander Sinnoh.

  Okami said:
Feebas took many hours just to find. So I'd have to say her, along with Munchlax, who I have yet to find.

I've never had any trouble with actually catching pokemon, though. It's just that I'm too lazy to put my moving pokemon to sleep >.>; They all just kind of...wander Sinnoh.

Munchlax for me as well. Muchlax and Snorlax are the only two missing Pokemon in my Sinnoh Dex on Platinum, as I'm trying to catch all the Pokemon in game without trading unless necessary, like for the D/P exclusives. So Munchlax has been the most difficult to capture, as I have yet to even track one down. The others I just chuck regular Pokeballs at until it works. I usually capture the Pokemon by the 15th ball, but Heatran was more like 70.

  DanteKoriyu said:
Munchlax for me as well. Muchlax and Snorlax are the only two missing Pokemon in my Sinnoh Dex on Platinum, as I'm trying to catch all the Pokemon in game without trading unless necessary, like for the D/P exclusives. So Munchlax has been the most difficult to capture, as I have yet to even track one down. The others I just chuck regular Pokeballs at until it works. I usually capture the Pokemon by the 15th ball, but Heatran was more like 70.

I also said the most difficult Pokemon I've fought, I'm following the rules. =P


Well then,...yeah. xD

Aside from the obvious running Pokemon, it always seems to me that the the more defensive Pokemon give me a harder time. The Regi Trio, Heatran, Groudon, Giratina. They don't like regular Pokeballs. -.-


I don't see what is so hard about catching a Beldum. I had a swarm last night as I was heading to bed, headed to the route with my lvl 100 team, and threw greatballs at it, and took 4 to catch it.


The hardest two were a Groudon took me 13 Ultraballs 16 Greatballs and 20 Pokeballs in which i cought it. #1 was the first Mewtwo i ever had encountered. Over 60 balls were thrown:eek:. It had to recover every 3 turns agai and again and again... keeps waking up and swatting my team like flies. Lucky for about 30-40 revives.:cool: Eventually after an hour battle i caught it with some of my last Ultra balls.


Oh dear god @A@ I STILL Haven't caught Raikou In LG. Getting to WHERE he is is a PAIN. The fact that the pokedex likes to reset to the top just makes it worse. FFFFFF God bless the marking map and the poktech(sp?) v_v;;

  Okami said:
I don't see what is so hard about catching a Beldum. I had a swarm last night as I was heading to bed, headed to the route with my lvl 100 team, and threw greatballs at it, and took 4 to catch it.

You got lucky then >.>

Beldum has a catch rate of 3. THREE! And Guested put up a list of which Pokemon share its catch rate. You just got lucky.

  Lady Aquarii said:
Oh dear god @A@ I STILL Haven't caught Raikou In LG. Getting to WHERE he is is a PAIN. The fact that the pokedex likes to reset to the top just makes it worse. FFFFFF God bless the marking map and the poktech(sp?) v_v;;

I never found that guy either >.>

I only got away by Gamesharking Wild Raikou and turning that code off and then using the Pokedex to see where he is. Honestly, it's not like the Lati twins where they usually just hang around Mauville City :-/


Uxie/Azelf, they were a freakin' pain! I wasted like 50 Pokeballs of different kinds! I had the worst luck capturing them, in Diamond, I caught them so easily.


Well legendaries aren't that too difficult, because I'm able to form my catching team, i just think the legendaries take way to long, because of the process, it's like:

-Bring out Pokemon.

-Status it.

-False Swipe it.

-Switch to Pokemon that can take a large amount if hits.

-Start hurling Pokeballs.

I found Giratina quite annoying, because i was unable to use False Swipe, and it was frustrating to get to the Pokemon.

For status i prefer Paralyze, because they get slowed down, and quite often they are unable to do an action, while Sleep the Pokemon can break out of it, Poison it's kinda based on luck, you only have on chance until the Poison kills the Pokemon, getting the Pokemon Burned is basically the same as Poison.


don't bother, those dogs all have crap IVs, regardless of anything you do.

(waves Colosseum Disk in hand) Good thing I have this... I guess you have to wait til HGSS then.

SRing a Modest Mewtwo with decent IVs is insanely difficult, that's about it.

However, that Spoink just WON'T swarm for me, I can't count how many times that it swarmed Farfetch'd, at least 8 times in the 20ish tries. I eventually broke down and caught and Pal Park it, argh.

  Clear said:
don't bother, those dogs all have crap IVs, regardless of anything you do.

(waves Colosseum Disk in hand) Good thing I have this... I guess you have to wait til HGSS then.

SRing a Modest Mewtwo with decent IVs is insanely difficult, that's about it.

However, that Spoink just WON'T swarm for me, I can't count how many times that it swarmed Farfetch'd, at least 8 times in the 20ish tries. I eventually broke down and caught and Pal Park it, argh.

Who cares about the terrible IVs? We just want to catch them... :P

I got a Timid Mewtwo with 31 IVs in Def, SpA and Speed. Got lucky there.



first encounter chucked all the pokeball i got i got on me. the next thing i knew after the last one it used struggle and it killed itself

  Guested said:
The one that was the hardest for me (ever) was swarming Beldum. Ugh.

It's hard to say what was more difficult / annoying, this or RBY Tauros. They're both pretty much the most annoying Pokémon to capture.

Actually, I once got into a routine for capturing Pokémon in the Safari Zone. I caught like a dozen each Dratini, Magikarp, and Tauros one day. So I guess Beldum has been more difficult on an attempts to captured ratio.

  wraith89 said:
You got lucky then >.>

Beldum has a catch rate of 3. THREE! And Guested put up a list of which Pokemon share its catch rate. You just got lucky.

.....but I don't believe in luck.

I'm still working on that Munchlax. He is avoiding my honey trees.

  Okami said:
.....but I don't believe in luck.

I'm still working on that Munchlax. He is avoiding my honey trees.

Doesn't matter. RNG rolled in the favorable direction for you. I don't know what else to call that. It's not because I believe in luck (which I don't), but it's because I don't know any other words for it >.>

Okami, stop being a troll and post the hardest Pokemon to captured that you've faced. o_O

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