Roland Posted April 13, 2012 Author Posted April 13, 2012 dtwm said: In the location document what does Pre-GAL mean? Hmm good question, I'll have to check on it though please bear with me as I have been bedridden for about a month now so anything I do lately is slow... fazz said: just wondering where the in game trades for the events are (shaymin, darkrai, arceus) as i cant find them anywhere The trades are where they have always been. You can check any guide any where on the net for Platinum and it will tell you where the tradable pokemon are and what you must trade. The event items are being held by said pokemon.
King420 Posted May 7, 2012 Posted May 7, 2012 Roland how come you abandoned perfect heart forum page? atleast answer my last question I'm having so much fun finding cool legendary pokemon for my team but I have no idea where most are any input at all would be appreciated
andrewmyles Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 Does anyone have a problem with patching PPCE? It seems to me that PPCE is the same version as PP I got to battling Roarke, but it seems he has 3 pokemon instead of five, as should be in PPCE (saw it on some walktrough). Edit: Hang on. There is a challneger's edition. Roarke has the same pokemon, but on slightly different level, as opposed to five fossil pokemon. So, the challenger's edition is not challenging. I'm confused.
Roland Posted May 17, 2012 Author Posted May 17, 2012 King420 said: Roland how come you abandoned perfect heart forum page? atleast answer my last question I'm having so much fun finding cool legendary pokemon for my team but I have no idea where most are any input at all would be appreciated I did not abandon anything. If you read my last post in both this thread and the latest post in the other thread, you would be aware medical afflictions limit my abilities currently. Please do not post in this thread about things related to that thread. They are separate for a reason. andrewmyles said: Does anyone have a problem with patching PPCE? It seems to me that PPCE is the same version as PP I got to battling Roarke, but it seems he has 3 pokemon instead of five, as should be in PPCE (saw it on some walktrough).Edit: Hang on. There is a challneger's edition. Roarke has the same pokemon, but on slightly different level, as opposed to five fossil pokemon. So, the challenger's edition is not challenging. I'm confused. Sounds like you had an issue patching somewhere. The best way to tell if the CE patch applied is to find a major battle (such as the first gym leader) and look at the levels of their pokemon. Now compare that to a guide of what the original game was (such as Serebii or GameFAQs). If the levels are higher then the patch worked. If the levels are the same then it did not. No one should have anymore pokemon that what they originally had. I f in the original game he has 3 then he should have 3. Just with higher levels. Whatever walkthrough you speak of lied to you sir. Don't patch PPCE over PP. To patch either game it should be as follows: Clean rom => PP patch = Perfect Platinum Clean rom => PPCE patch = Perfect Platinum Challenger's Edition Any other combination would be incorrect.
130987 Posted May 19, 2012 Posted May 19, 2012 This may have been asked but what level is Cynthia's best when you first fight her in the challengers edition? I downloaded it and it doesn't seem that different yet.
Decooter Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Hello, just a quick question, if I may. I played this romhack a year or so ago and greatly enjoyed it, and I thank you Roland for all your hard work. I decided to play it yet again, and this time decided to play through using an all-dark-type team. I'm currently looking for houndour, which according to the locations guide is supposed to be found in Route 201 (Morning only). However, after spending the better part of 3 hours searching at 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 6pm, 10pm, and midnight (all game times, obviously) I think I can safely say that not only is he not found at Route 201 in the morning, but he's not found at all in Route 201. I realize that I can always wait and grab a houndour at a later route, but I'd prefer to have him as early as possible. Was there a mistake in the locations guide? Or do I just have the complete worst luck in the world? :confused: (Also during my lengthy Route 201 search, I also have not found a single Doduo either. I noticed these two pokemon are the only pokemon listed in the guide as located at Route 201 (Morning). Is there perhaps only a very small window of time during the morning that they can be found?)
Roland Posted July 23, 2012 Author Posted July 23, 2012 Decooter said: Hello, just a quick question, if I may.I played this romhack a year or so ago and greatly enjoyed it, and I thank you Roland for all your hard work. I decided to play it yet again, and this time decided to play through using an all-dark-type team. I'm currently looking for houndour, which according to the locations guide is supposed to be found in Route 201 (Morning only). However, after spending the better part of 3 hours searching at 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 6pm, 10pm, and midnight (all game times, obviously) I think I can safely say that not only is he not found at Route 201 in the morning, but he's not found at all in Route 201. I realize that I can always wait and grab a houndour at a later route, but I'd prefer to have him as early as possible. Was there a mistake in the locations guide? Or do I just have the complete worst luck in the world? :confused: (Also during my lengthy Route 201 search, I also have not found a single Doduo either. I noticed these two pokemon are the only pokemon listed in the guide as located at Route 201 (Morning). Is there perhaps only a very small window of time during the morning that they can be found?) I no longer seem to have contact with the writer of the guide so the only way I can confirm or deny your statement is by checking myself... My files have Blissey listed for morning at Route 201. Wow. I just checked an old file that I am not quite sure why it is in my modfied files folder but it does have those 2 pokemon listed as being at that location. Problem is, I believe that is the original file. (this file should be in backups not in modified) This leads me to believe I may have sent the author of the guide the wrong file. [insert explicit word here] Hmm something isn't right though. The file that lists Blissey there also lists Mew on the PokeRadar for Routes 200-209 & 210-29. Actually upon checking many locations this file has Mew listed in the PokeRadar. I fear my files may have become corrupt. Ok no that is not the case. The Blissey Mew file, I dunno where that came from but the proper file is correct. (I confirmed it is the proper file due to the fact that it has the starters at the lakes, where as the other file does not) So yea, Doduo and Houndor should be located at route 201 in the morning.
Roland Posted July 23, 2012 Author Posted July 23, 2012 130987 said: This may have been asked but what level is Cynthia's best when you first fight her in the challengers edition? I downloaded it and it doesn't seem that different yet. No one ever answered this guys question so anyway: I am uncertain as to which run this is, all I get is an ID number and a name but at least 1 time when you fight Cynthia it is as follows: Spiritomb 84 Roserade 84 Togekiss 86 Lucario 87 Milotic 84 Garchomp 88 Again, not sure which fight that is and I'm not entirely up for looking through all 927 trainer IDs. (Honestly I don't even remember if you can fight her multiple times...)
Decooter Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Thanks for the fast reply! I really did not expect that! This morning I again checked for about 30 more minutes of ingame time (4:00am - 4:30am gametime) and once again found no doduos or houndours. So either the encounter chance for those two pokemon is really low, or I have very bad luck. Or something else is amiss. Either way I decided 3+ hours was long enough and just changed the filename of the patched rom to match the filename of the clean rom, then loaded a cheatcode and caught a houndour that way. Kind of a pain but oh well. Now I have my houndour starter like I wanted! Thanks for the great romhack man!:kikkoman:
Roland Posted July 24, 2012 Author Posted July 24, 2012 Decooter said: Thanks for the fast reply! I really did not expect that!This morning I again checked for about 30 more minutes of ingame time (4:00am - 4:30am gametime) and once again found no doduos or houndours. So either the encounter chance for those two pokemon is really low, or I have very bad luck. Or something else is amiss. Either way I decided 3+ hours was long enough and just changed the filename of the patched rom to match the filename of the clean rom, then loaded a cheatcode and caught a houndour that way. Kind of a pain but oh well. Now I have my houndour starter like I wanted! Thanks for the great romhack man!:kikkoman: Actually I was gonna ask you if you raninto any Blissey. Cuz if so then something is horribly wrong, but if not then it's just poor luck for you...
gek00 Posted August 5, 2012 Posted August 5, 2012 Is there any way to know the chances of the legendary pokemons you can catch in this hack? I saw the locations list and the % chances doesnt seem to be specified in it
Roland Posted August 5, 2012 Author Posted August 5, 2012 gek00 said: Is there any way to know the chances of the legendary pokemons you can catch in this hack? I saw the locations list and the % chances doesnt seem to be specified in it It's roughly a 1% chance of encountering them. As for catching, that is decided by the pokemon and the ball you use. (I have not edited any pokemon's stats)
Racthoh Posted November 20, 2012 Posted November 20, 2012 hello. just curious. the story in this game is edited too? or just the difficulty and pokemon locations.
SirYeen Posted November 21, 2012 Posted November 21, 2012 Hello there, Having trouble installing with my mac. Whatever rom base I use it says that the patch does not match. It's the US version right ?
Meowington Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 So I know, probably a bad idea, but I made an account just to ask a question about this hack. Considering Roland hasn't been here for 4 months, I doubt he'll answer, but you never know! Well I had a few questions about the hack. I use DeSmuME and was wondering, is there a cheat that you can put to enable IV's being viewed? Kind of like the Blaze Black hack, or will the same cheat work for this hack simply because it's an AR code? Also, what's considered morning/afternoon/night? Night is probably once it turns dark (unless this game is always bright), but for morning/afternoon? Is there an in-game way to check? Thanks! Looking forward to Nuzlocking this game!
Roland Posted December 3, 2012 Author Posted December 3, 2012 Racthoh said: hello. just curious. the story in this game is edited too? or just the difficulty and pokemon locations. No the story is not edited. SirYeen said: Hello there, Having trouble installing with my mac. Whatever rom base I use it says that the patch does not match. It's the US version right ? Yes it is the US version. Completely clean with no patches applied to it. Meowington said: So I know, probably a bad idea, but I made an account just to ask a question about this hack. Considering Roland hasn't been here for 4 months, I doubt he'll answer, but you never know! Well I had a few questions about the hack. I use DeSmuME and was wondering, is there a cheat that you can put to enable IV's being viewed? Kind of like the Blaze Black hack, or will the same cheat work for this hack simply because it's an AR code? Also, what's considered morning/afternoon/night? Night is probably once it turns dark (unless this game is always bright), but for morning/afternoon? Is there an in-game way to check? Thanks! Looking forward to Nuzlocking this game! I check here frequently actually, though I haven't in a few weeks cuz of holidays and Assassin's Creed 3. If I had to guess I would say the same cheat would work but I can't be certain as I do not cheat, I also don't recommend DeSmuMe as many people have issues with it but I don't know if that emulator has improved over the past few years... As for morning afternoon and night it is time based. I don't remember the exact times anymore but they are based off whatever time it is.
paolodgr8 Posted December 18, 2012 Posted December 18, 2012 Err. hi. I can't get this conversion to work. I got to execute the file on the GUI, I think. And when I tried to patch my Platinum and launched on my no$GBA2.6a, it can't read the rom. Quick questions. What the heck is the difference bet the GUI and non-GUI thingy? Do they patch my Plat in a different manner? Or could someone who is so kind please share to me just the already-patched version of this hack? I'm so excited about this hack the moment I read it but I can't get to follow the instructions carefully. I'm sorta weak on this kind of technical aspects. Thanks.
Roland Posted December 18, 2012 Author Posted December 18, 2012 paolodgr8 said: Err. hi. I can't get this conversion to work. I got to execute the file on the GUI, I think. And when I tried to patch my Platinum and launched on my no$GBA2.6a, it can't read the rom. Quick questions.What the heck is the difference bet the GUI and non-GUI thingy? Do they patch my Plat in a different manner? Or could someone who is so kind please share to me just the already-patched version of this hack? I'm so excited about this hack the moment I read it but I can't get to follow the instructions carefully. I'm sorta weak on this kind of technical aspects. Thanks. If you ask for already patched ROMs again you will be banned. Consider this your warning. To answer your other question there isn't much of a difference between gui and non. Non allows for more control where as GUI is simple and easy to use.
rorick the third Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 This is my first time playing platinum, and I played the Challenger's Edition hack. I am having a marrrrrrrrrvelous time. I am loving playing this hack, just beat the Elite Four and am now doing the other content in the game. Thanks for this hack! The random encounters are nicely unpredictable in this hack, I found myself wondering "What am I going to find in this area?" every time I went somewhere new. The wild pokemon encounters made traveling Sinnoh "real" for me. I only encountered two notable glitches in the random encounters: A level 70 Celebi in Eterna Forest (which I ran the **** away from at my level) and a level 59 machamp in Victor Road that infrequently spawned, when most of the other random encounters were in the 40's (though I used this machamp to get a nice experience boost I lol'ed when I used the super-rod for the first time and fished up a Gyarados. Imagine if you were there in real life: throw the bob in the water, wait for a nibble, pull back slightly - HOLY ****ING GYARADOS. The party I beat the Elite Four with, and am still using, is the following: Omastar Milotic Absol Torterra Scyther Ninetales I had most of these pokemon for a large portion of the game, so they're pretty close to me. I caught Milotic and Ninetales in their evolved forms, Omastar was evolved. The following information may be useful for players of this hack: To get the Member's Card, needed to get Darkrai, trade a Medicham for Gaspar the Haunter in Snowpoint City To get the Azure Flute, needed to get Arceus, trade a Buizel for Charap the Chatot in Eterna City To get Oak's Letter, needed to get Shaymin, trade a Machop for an Kazza the Abra in Oreburgh City To get the Secret Key, needed to get access to the Rotom room, trade a Finneon for Foppa the Magikarp in Route 226. In all the above cases, the secret item is held by the pokemon you get from the trade. Warning on the Finneon trade - it is possible to strand yourself on Meister's island if you don't have any party members with Fly and Finneon was your only Surf'er in your party. Of course, this is unlikely because you probably just caught a Finneon for the occasion. If I put this here hopefully you will read it. Thanks to for this bit of advice.
Roland Posted December 29, 2012 Author Posted December 29, 2012 rorick the third said: This is my first time playing platinum, and I played the Challenger's Edition hack. I am having a marrrrrrrrrvelous time. I am loving playing this hack, just beat the Elite Four and am now doing the other content in the game. Thanks for this hack! Your welcome! rorick the third said: The random encounters are nicely unpredictable in this hack, I found myself wondering "What am I going to find in this area?" every time I went somewhere new. The wild pokemon encounters made traveling Sinnoh "real" for me. I only encountered two notable glitches in the random encounters: A level 70 Celebi in Eterna Forest (which I ran the **** away from at my level) and a level 59 machamp in Victor Road that infrequently spawned, when most of the other random encounters were in the 40's (though I used this machamp to get a nice experience boost if memory serves me correctly Celebi may have been intentional. (cut me some slack it's been almost 5 years since I created this now) But if I remember correctly both Celebi and Mew were placed in Eterna cuz I didn't know where else to put them. Unless it is listed in another location in the guide then I think that is where it should spawn. the only real glitch to it is it's supposed to be 1% chance and sometimes you can run into 3 in a row, or worse, 2 in a double battle (the one event in the forest causes encounters to be double battles) Also Celebi's lore states it came from the forests. rorick the third said: I lol'ed when I used the super-rod for the first time and fished up a Gyarados. Imagine if you were there in real life: throw the bob in the water, wait for a nibble, pull back slightly - HOLY ****ING GYARADOS. Yo right!? Your depiction of it had me in tears. I commonly think about things that way with both Pokemon and MTG. rorick the third said: The following information may be useful for players of this hack:To get the Member's Card, needed to get Darkrai, trade a Medicham for Gaspar the Haunter in Snowpoint City To get the Azure Flute, needed to get Arceus, trade a Buizel for Charap the Chatot in Eterna City To get Oak's Letter, needed to get Shaymin, trade a Machop for an Kazza the Abra in Oreburgh City To get the Secret Key, needed to get access to the Rotom room, trade a Finneon for Foppa the Magikarp in Route 226. In all the above cases, the secret item is held by the pokemon you get from the trade. Warning on the Finneon trade - it is possible to strand yourself on Meister's island if you don't have any party members with Fly and Finneon was your only Surf'er in your party. Of course, this is unlikely because you probably just caught a Finneon for the occasion. If I put this here hopefully you will read it. Thanks to for this bit of advice. I always just kinda left this loosely referenced so that people get the surprises with the trades but that works too.
dredwulf Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 How do I run the xdelta.exe file for Pokemon Perfect Platinum on Mac?
Roland Posted November 13, 2013 Author Posted November 13, 2013 Carrier said: does pokedex still not show all 493 pokemon? That is correct.
ClownSe7en Posted November 19, 2013 Posted November 19, 2013 The google document doesn't show the location of a few pokemon, is it safe to say that these pokemon aren't available to be found in the wild or can we still get them through grass/water/etc? P.S. great job on this. I was gonna consume massive time doing something like what you did [make all pokemon available in the wild except for legendaries] and it seems that someone (you) already did it. I can't imagine how much time you put in this.
Roland Posted November 19, 2013 Author Posted November 19, 2013 ClownSe7en said: The google document doesn't show the location of a few pokemon, is it safe to say that these pokemon aren't available to be found in the wild or can we still get them through grass/water/etc? Honestly, I am not able to answer that question easily. Partially because you didn't specify what pokemon and partially because it's been 4 years. Every one of them SHOULD be available through breeding, catching, or events. The 4 years this thread has been up, no one has pointed out a pokemon that wasn't somewhere. So basically it is very possible the google doc is wrong. I am not the author, and prior to the documents existence I always recommended the pokeradio. Perhaps that should still be the go to. ClownSe7en said: P.S. great job on this. I was gonna consume massive time doing something like what you did [make all pokemon available in the wild except for legendaries] and it seems that someone (you) already did it. I can't imagine how much time you put in this. Roughly 90 hours. (About 40 of those hours were spent on Arceus...)
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