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  AllyKat said:
Ummm.... this is set on your Trainer Card. You do not need a cheat code for that.

You have 8 options on your trainer card. There are over 100 options that would be accessable via cheats.

(Nothing funnier than setting your sprite to reshiram or zekrom for laughs)

  someonewhodied said:
You have 8 options on your trainer card. There are over 100 options that would be accessible via cheats.

You are assuming that the Trainer Card stores a value representing the value on the list of the entire sprite. The actuality is that the Trainer Card as you stated has 8 values. This is stored as a single Hexadecimal digit. In a multi-player battle, the game confirms that value and what gender you are then pulls from the valid Trainer spite list.

  HughDat said:
I got it working for Black 2 (U) (thanks to omarrrio at GBAtemp)

press select to change trainer ID

94000130 FFFB0000

1223B474 0000xxxx

D0000000 00000000


(enter number in hex)

press select to change secret ID

94000130 FFFB0000

1223B476 0000xxxx

D0000000 00000000


(enter number in hex)

I just need it modified for White 2 (U)

I just got it. the code for White 2 (U) is:

press select to change trainer ID

94000130 FFFB0000

1223B4B4 0000xxxx

D0000000 00000000


(enter number in hex)

press select to change secret ID

94000130 FFFB0000

1223B4B6 0000xxxx

D0000000 00000000


(enter number in hex)

Can you or anyone else please elaborate on this format? You have 4 X's (xxxx=0000~FFFF) but the IDs are 5 digits long.

Exactly what do I need to replace the XXXX's or anything else with? For example, what would I put if I wanted my secret ID to be 12345?


Actually the code works only if I hold R while entering the room where the interactive Pokemon is. Cool code. Also if I leave the room, all the interactive stuff disappears.

  AllyKat said:
Of course my code selection works! I am the only person around who only posts personally tested codes.

Anyways, the Interact-able Pokemon code impacts an area as you enter holding the button. Do not use the code if you have not collected all the key items/TM/HM's in the area. Also, do not use it with Kyurem because although the code works, its a generic code. Unlike all the other interact-able map events (ie. the Elk or Spirits), there are multiple events in the same room. It will cause a glitchy set of events to reset in the room. Finally, always use both the Reappear and Disappear code at the same time because you should ALWAYS use the disappear on the area immediately after.

Always remember to use the Disappear code after you are finished BUT do not use the c

Would it be possible to use this code in Aspertia City to make Bianca reappear at the Aspertia Overlook and give you a starter pokemon again?

Edit: Never mind, I tried and and she did reappear, but she only says the last part of the first meeting when she gives the pokedex to your rival. :(

My mom was also standing in two different places in the city and my rival was standing in front of his house. He wanted to battle me with his level 5 starter pokemon and after the battle I was stuck. I don't think I will be playing around with codes like this. Too risky. Besides, I only like codes that give me items and allow me to modify my pokemon realistically.


The code specifically says its used to affecting the Interactive Pokemon... not people who give you Pokemon. As you can tell, this code messes with higher functions that will leave permanent glitches if used in any other areas than they are intended for.

  AllyKat said:
The code specifically says its used to affecting the Interactive Pokemon... not people who give you Pokemon.

Yes, but it clearly does more than that. You even advise not using it until after you have picked up important items in the area and you mention the glitchy events with Kyruem. I figured if it could reset the events that take place there (and on top of eachother no less) then it would put Bianca back. I didn't really expect it to allow me to choose a starter pokemon again, but I certainly didn't expect her to only give me the line about having an extra pokedex for your rival. She wasn't standing in the right position (neither was my rival for that matter) to be delivering that line.

But like I said, I normally don't mess with codes like that. I try to stick to codes that only change things that could actually happen without a cheat device.

  Dreamer said:
Just posting to say that by using the codes trance posted you can actually activate the mirror event without hacking it in.

Download the Therian Landorus Guested contibuted,from here

Then,using pokegen,edit its TID/SID to match those of your save file and activate the fateful encounter flag in the met tab (i dont know why you have to set the FE flag,hope someone can explain)

Use the code that corresponds to your version


Many thanks to trance and Guested!!!

its not activating the event i have the origin set to black 2 since thats the game im playing

  Ryboyexpo said:
Is there any way to change the balls of pokemon modifier code?

94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
00018D20 02890004
00018D24 00640003
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
B2000024 00000000
DA000000 00018D26
D7000000 00036B06
D3000000 00000000
B2000024 00000000
DA000000 00018D22
D7000000 00036B04
D3000000 00000000
B2000024 00000000
D9000000 00036B04
C0000000 0000002F
D6000000 00036B04
D2000000 00000000

Same instructions, except:

Master Balls -> Poke Balls

Ultra Balls -> Great Balls

Posted (edited)
  trance said:
Here's a code I found on 2ch for allowing the Reflect Mirror to work. Add the Mirror manually (using 'Gen or 'Stock, pick your poison), and activate the code. It's not persistent, so keep it on each time you want to use the Mirror. I don't know if it affects the event at the shrine, though, as I'm not even close on my retail cart.

W2 (PAR)

52165374 2000DB01

12165374 0000E010

D2000000 00000000

B2 (PAR)

52165354 2000DB01

12165354 0000E010

D2000000 00000000

May anyone translate the Black 2 code into the European (Germany) version? Or is there a general method how to translate such codes into another language (so I may do so on my own)?

Edit: Kaphotics helped me to get the German codes.

German Black 2:

521658EC 2000DB01

121658EC 0000E010

D2000000 00000000

German White 2:

5216590C 2000DB01

1216590C 0000E010

D2000000 00000000

English Black 2:

521659DC 2000DB01

121659DC 0000E010

D2000000 00000000

English White 2:

521659FC 2000DB01

121659FC 0000E010

D2000000 00000000


Edited by Exabytez
  Demonic722 said:
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
00018D20 02890004
00018D24 00640003
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
B2000024 00000000
DA000000 00018D26
D7000000 00036B06
D3000000 00000000
B2000024 00000000
DA000000 00018D22
D7000000 00036B04
D3000000 00000000
B2000024 00000000
D9000000 00036B04
C0000000 0000002F
D6000000 00036B04
D2000000 00000000

Same instructions, except:

Master Balls -> Poke Balls

Ultra Balls -> Great Balls

i figured that but i didnt know which line was that and the hex codes to replace it

  Shadow_Steve said:
in conjunction to the quote in this message, use this newly converted code to get the key item "reflecting mirror/revealing glass" here is the code for the event, thanks to Bond697 for converting them for us:


521659FC 2000DB01

121659FC 0000E010

D2000000 00000000


521659BC 2000DB01

121659BC 0000E010

D2000000 00000000

please read this quote in order to properly get the item, any questions about pokegen for this event only, i will be happy to provide answers to the best of my knowledge

i have verified and noted on this that the event does work now with this code and other setup and once you have the item, you can disable the code and the item still works, thanks again bond for the conversion of the code

how do i even activate the code?

edit:i got it working yay a legit mirror :D


Any progress on move modifier and nickname modifier codes?

For the record, I have a japanese Black 2 version of this code, maybe someone can convert it to B2/W2.

521b8264 1c2a1c29
521b9264 f684bd78
e2002200 000000c0
28004830 2080d006
448630a6 a1202000
47706348 f03bb5fe
21f0fce1 42080109
bdfed100 29006961
bdfed000 f1b21c28
1c07fa95 31291c21
1c31780e 22003136
fd80f01a f03b1c03
0900fcc9 d1012840
e0083301 d1012820
e0043b10 d1012810
e0003310 20013b01
210207c0 312f0209
3a011c1a d9004282
428b2301 1c0bd900
1c38b408 1c311c1a
f01a3136 bc01fd37
f01f2100 1c02f9e9
1c311c38 f01a313a
1c28fd2d f874f1b2
31291c21 700e3e01
71202000 30ae9807
46799007 71882001
020022c0 0000bdfe
121b9268 0000ffcb
121b9266 0000f648
d2000000 00000000

Go to summary -> select move -> X/Y changes the value of the move by 1 (up/down), L/R by 10. You have to check the move list for this one. So if say, your Pokemon has the move "Bind"

019 013 Fly

020 014 Bind

021 015 Slam

Pressing X will change it to Fly, while pressing Y will change it to Slam.

Posted (edited)

could someone make a fly anywhere code and maybe a mark code that changes a pokemons id and sid to yours(it should go from apparently met at to met at) and a mark code that changes the ot to yours

other than that all these codes are awesome :D

im also seeking a code that allows any pokemon to be used in the PWT battle subway and battle institute

  Galdr said:
Hm, the Secret ID code isn't working for me. I hold L at my Trainer Card (and before I tapped it) and my money didn't even change. I updated my AR DSi with the firmware for Black and White last year, too. I have no idea what's wrong. I hope the code isn't bugged; it looks like it does work, but I don't know what's up. :/ What exactly is supposed to "change" when viewing the Trainer ID while holding L for the Secret ID code? Other SID codes changed your money...

Maybe I'll change the trigger code to select; maybe that'll help. But if not, perhaps it is something I'm doing incorrect.

By the way, I'm using the real copy of the game, Black 2. The code I'm using is this:

::Hold L to Show Secret ID at Trainer Card

52008BCC 47706101

12008BD0 00006900

94000130 FDFF0000

120085AC 00008A40

D2000000 00000000

Do I need to reupdate my firmware or something? The game loads all right but the code isn't changing the money to the SID at all. :/ Maybe the code hates me.

hold L until you see the front of your trainer card let go of L and flip to the back a different id should be where your regular id is thats your secret id

Edited by Bond697

Is there a level 50 modifier marking code?

I want an array of level 50s spanning my box without using rare candies on 200+ Pokemon to do so.

Posted (edited)

i don´t know if it has been asked, but is there a code to mark a pokemon in box become shiny (just like the old B/W one)? as the shiny pokemon code does not affect the eggs!

EDIT: yeah, CMP has made such code...here it is for US/UK White 2

  Reveal hidden contents
Edited by dsa
Found and testet!

^That certainly gets rid of the Limit but it doesn't seem to take any vitamin EVs after 100.

It says the stat was raised but unfortunately it stays at 100 when using the IV/EV checker code.


You could spam 152 of the wings and use the 999 medicine items code. It takes a little more time than using normal vitamins, but it's not demanding because it still goes quite fast.


so there's 2 checks, one for the tally and one for that message. and there's 6 checks for each of those, 1 per ev. kind of annoying. anyway, i found the right spot, but i found out there's marking codes to give you 252 of each stat, so this isn't worth finishing.

  Demonic722 said:
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
00018D20 02890004
00018D24 00640003
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
B2000024 00000000
DA000000 00018D26
D7000000 00036B06
D3000000 00000000
B2000024 00000000
DA000000 00018D22
D7000000 00036B04
D3000000 00000000
B2000024 00000000
D9000000 00036B04
C0000000 0000002F
D6000000 00036B04
D2000000 00000000

Same instructions, except:

Master Balls -> Poke Balls

Ultra Balls -> Great Balls



I am still hoping for a re-spawn code for Latios (Black 2) / Latias (White 2). Also, a re-spawn for Kyurem that doesn't require me to do the re-battle in Giant Chasm (leaving a glitched Rival standing in the cave afterwards permanently.) And if at all possible, a code to set which Swarm Pokemon is currently present for that day in your game.

Posted (edited)

Hey AllyKat!! I've watched A LOT of your posts on here for a while now and I wanted to post this because I thought it might be helpful. In case what I say has something to do with my devices, I'll type this as descriptive as possible.

I just recently purchased the new Action Replay that is compatible with 3DS systems. I have a Limited Edition Legend of Zelda 3DS that I wanted to go online with in my Black 2 version. Well when I put in my Action Replay and went to go into the GTS system it wouldn't allow me to connect! It wouldn't allow me to connect with anything online related. I don't know if this is new or not but I wanted to tell you this in case this interfered with you wanting Game Sync reset codes. When I unplugged my Ar and tried again I could connect. But I couldn't connect when my AR was plugged into my 3DS system.

So I'm not sure how well codes involving Game Sync can be used or altered if it involves being online or anything. I might be over-thinking this and you might just be able to press Select and get rid of your Game Sync information but still! I wanted to tell you this in case if affecting anything. :)

Edited by FF9ZidaneGal
Posted (edited)
  dsa said:
well, this is so simple: It is a thing....well...let´s say some sort of "FireWall", so that none of you prety nice Cheaters can take part in Online Matches or stuff like that and annoy other fair playing people!

So all you have to do is: deal with it, as the DW realy does not need to be cheated....

And that right there is why I LOVE my original AR. I'm not required to have it plugged into my device so I can use any cheat I want a stomp anyone I please in the Online Matches with my infinite HP and PP cheats on...too bad I don't do that. xD Lol! Well I'm glad I'm not a cheater. I always keep my new AR plugged into my 3DS because I have a crystal case on my 3DS and the only way I can get my game out is to pull it out rather than "pop" it out. And the only way to get it back in is to remove the case, put the AR in, then push the case back on. Annoying, so I keep my AR in so I can have faster walking speeds and don't have to keep removing my protewcting crystal case. I hate being impatient. :P

All in all, I only posted all of that so Ally Kat could know. And I'm aware of what it is and how it works. ;) Thanks though!! :)

And according to your siggy, I feel you're more Primeape than anything. ^-^ ~♥

Edited by FF9ZidaneGal

Like @dsa said... well kind of. From what I have witnessed, the 3DS and DSi (if using the Advance connection... pretty much required these days) allow for modern WiFi connecting technologies. The B/W series cartridges were setup with a WiFi connection manager that is limited to the capabilities of the the DS phat/lite. As a result, the system is actually interrupting that connection manager (in a manner similar to using codes off of the Action Replay.) At least from what I have experienced the Action Replay, unintentionally makes it impossible for the cartridge to communicate with the system properly for accessing the Advance WiFi functionality. I noticed an error changes between trying to go into the WiFi settings of the game with and without the Action Replay connected.

There is likely also some kind of firewall in place to help prevent online cheating cause versus one game freezing from bad codes the result would be the server crashing impacting millions of players. :P So, most players were already aware of this... as a matter of fact, there is a thread some where on here about not supporting cheating.

I think the real lesson here is remove the f***'in hardcase from your DS.

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