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  TestDemo said:
The 86h for hatched pokemon is 04. Zapdos 85h is 00. Please can the Topic poster amend their post, because the information written is wrong. For PalParked HG/SS Pokemon, the Met In Place is 55, this should be posted as others may erroneously use 3002, the 46h is 37 but most importantly the 86h is the hex value for the Pokeball the Pokemon was originally caught in, the initial post claims it is 00. This is wrong.

Is this due to laziness on the partof the post creator? What I have said still has not been amended to the first post. The Pal Park 86h for HG/SS is still listed as 00 even though the 86h depends on the Pokeball caught in. Technically that means that the guide contains erroneous data.


Preston's Last Activity: Mar 17th, 2010. Your post was made... 6 days ago, April 16, I think.

It's safe to assume that the creator of this thread hasn't been on to modify that since you posted it...

  Hippyx420x said:
is there a way to get route 34, everytime i put in B6 i get the daycare couple

thanks in advance

If your pokemon was hatched (guessing it is)

You got got to assign the met location to 3002 and the 46-47h value to B6 and the other location to 2000, 44-45h to D0,07.

Sorry for the repost but does anyone know the 85h hex values of Spiky Eared Pichu? Also just a suggestion for the legal checker, it should be able to check all the hex values and see if it's a possible combination with each pokemon. I think that would be very helpful to everyone.

  Jimera said:
I have no idea what's going on. Someone told me in another thread that the red Gyarados in HG/SS is a chained shiny, so I used the PID calculater to give it a chained shiny ID. The legality checker tells me its "Chained Sync" is valid now, but it STILL says "Apparently met..." and not "Met at..."

I've uploaded the .pkm file in case anyone wants to take a look at it and see if they can find what I did wrong....

All I can think of is

- Make sure the "Date met" is at a later date than you have actually started the game

- The Class when you generate a PID should be Class 1 and not Class 2


If I'm generating the pokemon on Diamond but transferring it over to HG, do I need to bother with anything but the 85h value? In other words, are the 44h, 45h, 46h, and 47h values "00" on Diamond or are they specific numbers that aren't read by the D/P games, but read by HG/SS?


From the first post.

  Preston said:

~Which game uses these values?~

On R/S/E/FR/LG/CO/xD, none of the hidden values are used. On D/P, only the 85h is used. On Platinum, 44h-47h and 85h are used. On HeartGold and SoulSilver, 44h-47h and 85h-86h are used.


I'm really sorry for this question but what do Hex Values do? I'm thinking they're used for legality. If not, are they really necessary to have when making a pokemon in Pokesav? Thanks


It depends on which version of the game you're playing, in Diamond and Pearl only 85h is used, which is used for where the Pokemon was caught/received, for example whether it was caught in the grass, received as a starter, hatched from an egg, etc. From Platinum and on, in addition to 85h 44-47h are also used, 44h and 45h being used only for eggs and being where they were received from, Daycare Couple, Riley, etc. 46h and 47h are for the met at location, meaning where you caught, received, or hatched the Pokemon. A Pokemon in any of these three games will pass the legal check on Battle Revolution and WiFi and what not without bothering, and will look perfectly legal at a glance as long as nobody Pokesavs it and checks the hex values you wouldn't notice a difference. However, in Heart of Gold and Soul of Silver they're vital as the current version of Pokesav doesn't include Johto and Kanto locations in the drop boxes, so you have to set the met at location to Faraway Place and manually imput the hex values for where the Pokemon was met, you also have to select the regular Pokeball from the drop box, no matter what Pokeball it will actually be in, and input the hex value for the Pokeball in 86h. The reason for this is mostly compatibility I assume. The Sinnoh games don't have Apricorns nor Apricorn balls, they also don't have the Johto and Kanto locations, so the hidden hex values are used to make it so a Pokemon from Johto caught with a Heavy Ball will properly display in Heart of Gold and Soul of Silver, while if it's traded to the older games they'll simply ignore them and will display the Pokemon as being caught in a regular Pokeball and coming from a Faraway Place.


Hmm so it's alright not to mess with the Hidden Hex values anymore in D/P/Pt but not in HG/SS?

Even so, I've put hex values on Pokesav pokemons on my Platinum. xD

  Yangbo said:
If your pokemon was hatched (guessing it is)

You got got to assign the met location to 3002 and the 46-47h value to B6 and the other location to 2000, 44-45h to D0,07.

Sorry for the repost but does anyone know the 85h hex values of Spiky Eared Pichu? Also just a suggestion for the legal checker, it should be able to check all the hex values and see if it's a possible combination with each pokemon. I think that would be very helpful to everyone.

So, you would put B6 in both the 46h and 47h slots?

Sorry, I'm trying to get this all down so I don't accidentally mess up my game.

Met in Place should be set to FarawayPlace

What about the "egg hatched at".. should that be farawayplace also?


Ok, Lets say I am using the PokeSav to give myself pokemon not hatched from eggs. I want a Typhlosion that looks completely legit and it has to say "New Bark Town". How do I go about doing this? What do I do to ensure that the game says that the pokemon was received at "New Bark Town"? I want the Typhlosion to look as though it was the pokemon I chose at the beginning of the game. (The game is SoulSilver incase that information is needed.)

  Demonhitaru1 said:
Ok, Lets say I am using the PokeSav to give myself pokemon not hatched from eggs. I want a Typhlosion that looks completely legit and it has to say "New Bark Town". How do I go about doing this? What do I do to ensure that the game says that the pokemon was received at "New Bark Town"? I want the Typhlosion to look as though it was the pokemon I chose at the beginning of the game. (The game is SoulSilver incase that information is needed.)

Change the hex values for met (46-47h) to match New Bark Town, I think its 7E.


I am trying to edit my palkia to be the one from the arceus event.

Sofar i got for my hex's:

46h-E7 (Shinjoh Ruins)

85h-18 (Starter Pokemon/Bebe's Eevee/Fossil Pokemon)

86h-04 (Pokeball)

Am i missing anything? Is the pokemon ACTUALLY an egg when it comes to hex values, thus giving it a 44/45 hex and 46/47 hex for location?

  Rob the vast said:
I am trying to edit my palkia to be the one from the arceus event.

Sofar i got for my hex's:

46h-E7 (Shinjoh Ruins)

85h-18 (Starter Pokemon/Bebe's Eevee/Fossil Pokemon)

86h-04 (Pokeball)

Am i missing anything? Is the pokemon ACTUALLY an egg when it comes to hex values, thus giving it a 44/45 hex and 46/47 hex for location?

I'm curious myself, why would the 85h value be 18 though?

  Yangbo said:
I'm curious myself, why would the 85h value be 18 though?

Well the game developers decided that the 85h offset serve a new purpose in HGSS, the Eevee given by Bill has 18 too for that offset.

  Guardna said:
Well the game developers decided that the 85h offset serve a new purpose in HGSS, the Eevee given by Bill has 18 too for that offset.

Yeah I just extracted the lvl 1 giratina and Spiky Eared Pichu and both of their 85h values are 18.


just an idea on hgss. in pokemon edit, we can just put the DECIMAL value of the Location on the Met at Place box in the edit pokemon part of the pokesav.

its like

7E - New Bark Town - 126

we can just put 126 on the text box beside met at place. it worked for me.


hg/ss pokesav. and then

the generated AR code, the second line


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

that should work


What would the 46 and 47th values be for the (Hoenn) starters received from Steven at Silph co after beating Red on top of Mount Silver? And also what would be the 46 and 47th values for the sinnoh starters that are received in Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl?

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