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I think I might have a solution to the Mr.Pokemon value

using no$gba and a Pokemon Soul Silver rom I loaded my save onto Pokesav

I took notice to three values for the Togepi that hatches from the egg you get from Professor Elm's aide which are as follows

44h - DD

45h - 07

46h - 80

86h - 04

remember to set both met at and egg recieved locations as 3002 (Faraway Place)

these values should help making a legit Togepi from Mr.Pokemon in HG/SS

  Lucky Dearly said:
I think I might have a solution to the Mr.Pokemon value

using no$gba and a Pokemon Soul Silver rom I loaded my save onto Pokesav

I took notice to three values for the Togepi that hatches from the egg you get from Professor Elm's aide which are as follows

44h - DD

45h - 07

46h - 80

86h - 04

remember to set both met at and egg recieved locations as 3002 (Faraway Place)

these values should help making a legit Togepi from Mr.Pokemon in HG/SS

Thanks for sharing your finding with the forum, Lucky Dearly. I see that you have hatched your Togepi in Violet City. Finally, we now know the hex values for Mr. Pokemon.

These are the two values we were looking for:

44h - DD

45h - 07


I think 85h depends where you catch the pokemon, mine is 00 in HG/SS because i breed/hatch them.

So if you wanted it to be a hatched pokemon then there's probably a specific number for a trade.

I'm no expert, but i'd just input the code from where I caught the pokemon in D/P/PT. If it's from Pal Part it's probably 00, but i'm guessing it depends on where you caught it on the original game.


What would the 85h value be for Zapdos, Sudowoodo, Snorlax, and Ho-Oh in HG/SS?

All are not found in tall grass(02). Zapdos is near a building(09) but not inside it. Ho-Oh is found on top of a building, but not inside due to the fact that you can fly away from the rooftop(similar to Zapdos). Snorlax is near a cave(05) but not inside. If you know this, please list the pokemon first, and then their 85h Hex value! From what I see these four pokemon's 85h values in HG/SS do not fit any of the ones listed.


Hey, Sorry if i sound like a complete idiot, This is my first time Changing the HEX values ect., I have used Pokesav before, but now with Heartgold I can't create legit pokémon. For example i have been trying to set the Hex values so it says i Have met Latias at route 6, but it still comes up Mystery zone. Everything else works fine i'm just abit confused about what the Hex values For 46h and 47h should be, can anybody help please? Thanks.


Hey, I was wondering why - when I make legitimately hatched pokemon in HG/SS PokeSAV - they come up as "Daycare Couple // Hatched @ Route 34" for me on my Soul Silver version.


If I go to a wifi trade, anyone using Diamond or Pearl who inspects them, sees them as "Daycare Couple // FarAwayPlace" -- whereas I see their Sinnoh-bred pokemon as "Daycare Couple // Hatched @ Route 300"

Is that normal? or does the HGSS actually need updating like i've been suggesting for ages?


Hey just posted in the other topic,just lokin for help. So what would the location/values/w/e it is be for pokemon you traded from Platinum?

Posted (edited)
  H a z a D i v o said:
Specifically, what would the 85h be fore a Mewtwo caught in Cerulean Cave be?
The 85h would be "05." I don't think Mewtwo is a Pokemon that's triggered by event like Darkrai, Shaymin, Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina (Platinum).These values are actually for HGSS too.

00 - Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree/Shaymin (D/P/Pt)

02 - Tall Grass/Darkrai (D/P/Pt)

04 - Dialga/Palkia (D/P/Pt)

05 - Cave/Hall of Origin/Giratina (D/P/Pt)

07 - Caught in the Water (D/P/Pt)

09 - Caught in Buildings (D/P/Pt)

17 - Distortion World (Giratina) (Pt)

18 - Starter Pokemon/Bebe's Eevee/Fossil Pokemon (Pt)

0A - Great Marsh/Safari Zone (D/P/Pt)

0C - Starter Pokemon/Fossil Pokemon (D/P)

  H a z a D i v o said:
What are the 85h values you would use for HGSS? They all say for DPPt
  LaxAttack said:
What is it? I'm looking for the same thing.
Most of the 85h values are actually for HGSS too, as the author just forgot to edit them. However, I do believe we need to wait for the 85h values for Lugia, Ho-Oh, and possibly Suicune. I think they may have their own sets of 85h like Dialga, Palkia, Shaymin, and Giratina (Platinum).
  PokeGuy said:
Im not sure bout some things.

First, what is 85h for heart gold soul silver

Second, what if you want it to be a traded pokemon

The 85h depends on what kind of terrain you caught your Pokemon in. If it were hatched from an egg, then the 85h would be "00." Below is the list of number for each kind of terrain.

00 - Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree/Shaymin (D/P/Pt)

02 - Tall Grass/Darkrai (D/P/Pt)

04 - Dialga/Palkia (D/P/Pt)

05 - Cave/Hall of Origin/Giratina (D/P/Pt)

07 - Caught in the Water (D/P/Pt)

09 - Caught in Buildings (D/P/Pt)

17 - Distortion World (Giratina) (Pt)

18 - Starter Pokemon/Bebe's Eevee/Fossil Pokemon (Pt)

0A - Great Marsh/Safari Zone (D/P/Pt)

0C - Starter Pokemon/Fossil Pokemon (D/P)

  Jedlington said:
Hey, Sorry if i sound like a complete idiot, This is my first time Changing the HEX values ect., I have used Pokesav before, but now with Heartgold I can't create legit pokémon. For example i have been trying to set the Hex values so it says i Have met Latias at route 6, but it still comes up Mystery zone. Everything else works fine i'm just abit confused about what the Hex values For 46h and 47h should be, can anybody help please? Thanks.
The hex value of "Route 6" is "9A." The 46h should be "9A." The 44h, 45h, and 47h should be "00." The 85h and 86h would depend on what kind of terrain you caught your Latias in and what Pokeball you used. The rest of informations are on the front page of the guide.
  Felidire said:
Hey, I was wondering why - when I make legitimately hatched pokemon in HG/SS PokeSAV - they come up as "Daycare Couple // Hatched @ Route 34" for me on my Soul Silver version. BUT

If I go to a wifi trade, anyone using Diamond or Pearl who inspects them, sees them as "Daycare Couple // FarAwayPlace" -- whereas I see their Sinnoh-bred pokemon as "Daycare Couple // Hatched @ Route 300"

Is that normal? or does the HGSS actually need updating like i've been suggesting for ages?

Yes, that is normal. The Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum version will see "Daycare Couple/Far Away Place" instead of "Daycare Couple/Route 34."
  Schyzm said:
Hey just posted in the other topic,just lokin for help. So what would the location/values/w/e it is be for pokemon you traded from Platinum?
You would still use the location found in Sinnoh region. The name of locations such as the "Oreburgh Mine", "Route 203", "Valley Windworks", and etc. would still appear in HGSS. It's only when you traded Pokemon from HGSS over to DPPt that the location becomes "Far Away Place." Try trading over Pokemon from DDPt over to HGSS and you should get the same result.
  H a z a D i v o said:
OMG! Does anyone have any answers to anyones questions?! I have checked this everyday for two weeks and there are just questions piling up...
The answers to most of the questions should be found in the guide. I will try to answer a few because trying to answer all of them is tedious. It's not like we have to answer every questions with the same thing over and over.

I will try to answer question that I have answer to.

Edited by Ronin

mm this is really useful, but i still have a question...

what are the 44th and 45th for a traded egg??

for example, my togepi summary says

Dec.10, 2009
Mr. Pokémon
Egg Received.

Dec.12, 2009
Goldenrod City
Egg apparently...

but i put some eggs with pokesav in other game and when hatched said:

Apr. 4, 2010
Cherrygrove City
Met at Lv. 0.

So i want it to say:

Apr.4, 2010
Egg received from trade (or whatever it says when it's a traded egg)

Apr.4, 2010
Cherrygrove City
Egg appa...



I am trying to Pokesav a Snorlax, but I want to make it from the Pokewalker. If I am correct, the 44h & 45h should be 00, right? And the 46h and 47h should be E9 and 00? But what are the 85h and 86h values for Pokewalker Pokemon? Even if I presume that 86h is 04, what is 85h?

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