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  Mewtwo Ex said:
You don't really expect that the bad guys will get away with their evil deeds do you? This is a kids show after all. People will say that it is a bad example for their children.

Then I want them to make a special. Adults only. Don't get me wrong LMAO no porn here...but the bad guys just go through a rampage...Jessie and James kidnap Mewtwo and rampage the world.:rolleyes:

  Substitute said:
I really would like to see an episode that they do steal pokes.....and succeed! That would be the best episode ever!

There are a few where that happend for a longer term than normal (Mainly transactions between regions), but they lose afterward.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
  wraith89 said:

- Ash is an idiot who decides not to evolve his Pokemon

- Pokemon that aren't supposed to beat some other Pokemon beats it (example: Misty's Goldeen takes down James's Victreebel, Ash's Bulbasaur single-handedly takes down wild Gengars and Haunters with VINE WHIP, etc...)

- The case for anime ubers (see below)

All from above and more:

-Jessy and James are useless addition nowdays. They just lenghten episodes, they're annoying and their plans never ever succeed. I mean what's the point in the whole thing?

-Always same schemes. Ash and his über byber pikachu and some sidekicks come to a new place. They meet a new situation or pokemon. Team Rocket tries to steal this new pokemon (if there is) and über pikachu and then über pikachu uses Thunderbolt and the whole universe explodes and Team Rocket flies away, again. Then they leave.

-Something that has been bothering me from the beginning: pokemon cries. I don't like the thing that their cries are just repeating their name. They all should have cries like Charizard's, not repeating their own names, it just sounds stupid to me.

And the worst:

  wraith89 said:
Uber # 1


Ash's Pikachu

The menace that ruined the show for me. It ALWAYS wins! ALWAYS! Ha ha ha! So that Ground Pokemon Onix is immune to Electricity? I'm afraid not! Thundershock! Boom! Geodude? Pssh... Thundershock. DAI. Rhydon? AIM FOR TEH HORN! DAI BIG RHINO! That Marowak that took down Bulbasaur? Thundershock! It's a OHKO! Marowak becomes emo! Marowak left his trainer! (I'd be upset too if I got defeated by something I SHOULDN'T be defeated by)

Seriously? How strong can this thing be? Pokemon the First Movie: a single THUNDERSHOCK takes down Venomoth, Pinsir, and GOLEM! Seriously, this yellow rat is overpowered! Pikachu vs. Raichu: Hey guys that yellow rat won! You know what that means kids: NEVER evolve your Pikachu! Seriously, how lame!

Oh yeah, I heard from the 3rd generation anime (I stopped watching after the middle of Johto) that Uberchu took down a Regice. A... GIANT... LEGENDARY... WALL... OF... SPECIAL... DEFENSE... REGICE! Why do you pick on the ice Pokemon you anime producers?

But you wanna know this rat's losses? Rudy's Electabuzz rings the bell. Gary's Eevee and Electivire (I hear) is another. And another one I heard... Uberchu lost to this bloke Paul's Elekid. A... STUPID... ELEKID. Really? So that's what causes Pikachu to fall? The slayer of Rhydons and Regice... falls to the ALMIGHTY ELEKID?! I'm sick of this nonsense... really. I think Pikachu's my number 1 reason why I stopped watching this anime. It ALWAYS wins... but won't win against the Electabuzz family for some reason.

This is the main reason for me too. And I hate it when it's the mascot of everything. I was at a market and I happened to see some pokemon shirts, and all of them were covered in pikachu's. Seriously, in Platinum the first poketch app is a clock with a pikachu in it.

The first seasons were good but then this whole series just started to repeat itself.

Edited by Liquiddi

lol, umm, to be honest, those arent very good reasons why to stop watching pokemon.

I mean like, mistys attitude, o well, who cares, its a tv show, ignore it and move on.

pikachu always winning, again, its a show, or maybe that "rat" is just really strong -_-

there are people who are old like in their 20s that still like watching pokemon.

Most of them are cool in reality besides the fact that they still watch pokemon, no one should judge, its just like watching any other tv show.

Anyway, I stopped watching it becuase there would be days where I missed the new episode cuase I was out doing something, and so I got tired of waiting for them to replay it, so i just stopped. But if I saw each and every episode without interuptions or breaks, I would still watch it, just cuase I like pokemon.

  Liquiddi said:
All from above and more:

-Jessy and James are useless addition nowdays. They just lenghten episodes, they're annoying and their plans never ever succeed. I mean what's the point in the whole thing?

-Always same schemes. Ash and his über byber pikachu and some sidekicks come to a new place. They meet a new situation or pokemon. Team Rocket tries to steal this new pokemon (if there is) and über pikachu and then über pikachu uses Thunderbolt and the whole universe explodes and Team Rocket flies away, again. Then they leave.

They've been comic relief since like the 7th episode of the series.

-Something that has been bothering me from the beginning: pokemon cries. I don't like the thing that their cries are just repeating their name. They all should have cries like Charizard's, not repeating their own names, it just sounds stupid to me.

There are tons that don't repeat their names.

This is the main reason for me too. And I hate it when it's the mascot of everything.

So you hate it not because of it's character, but because of it's popularity?

Sounds like that's your problem, and not a problem with the show.

In fact, sounds like you don't like Pokemon at all. It's not "like the mascot of everything." It IS the mascot.

I was at a market and I happened to see some pokemon shirts, and all of them were covered in pikachu's. Seriously, in Platinum the first poketch app is a clock with a pikachu in it.

Yeah, that's so dumb!!!11!111!1!!! Putting the most popular and recognized Pokemon on merchandise. What are they thinking? Trying to make money?

The first seasons were good but then this whole series just started to repeat itself.

The first season is one of the worst offenders of filler after filler after filler.

  Keo said:

pikachu always winning, again, its a show, or maybe that "rat" is just really strong -_-

Ironically, it isn't "always winning."

  randomspot555 said:
They've been comic relief since like the 7th episode of the series.

Well I was saying my own opinion. Let them be the comical relief, I just don't like it. This topic is about telling your opinion, not the absolute truth.

  randomspot555 said:
There are tons that don't repeat their names.

I didn't say they all repeat, did I? I just stated that I don't like the feature. Again, my opinion.

  randomspot555 said:
So you hate it not because of it's character, but because of it's popularity?

Sounds like that's your problem, and not a problem with the show.

In fact, sounds like you don't like Pokemon at all. It's not "like the mascot of everything." It IS the mascot.

No, I just don't like Pikachu, never had.

  randomspot555 said:
Yeah, that's so dumb!!!11!111!1!!! Putting the most popular and recognized Pokemon on merchandise. What are they thinking? Trying to make money?

You're right. Again I simply don't like the mascot and therefor don't like seeing it everywhere.

  randomspot555 said:
The first season is one of the worst offenders of filler after filler after filler.

Maybe so, but it's still repeating itself.

  randomspot555 said:
Ironically, it isn't "always winning."

Maybe exaggerated, but most of the times it is.

  Liquiddi said:
Well I was saying my own opinion. Let them be the comical relief, I just don't like it. This topic is about telling your opinion, not the absolute truth.

But at the end of your post you say the first season was good. The same criticisms you level against everything else are also applied to the first season.

So why does the first season get a pass and everything else doesn't?


You want to start a debate? I don't. I just happened to like the first season. After that those features started to get old on me simply because I didn't like the repeating nature of the series. End of story.

  Liquiddi said:
You want to start a debate? I don't. I just happened to like the first season. After that those features started to get old on me simply because I didn't like the repeating nature of the series. End of story.

But the repetitive nature of the series has been around since episode 2. The formula was basically established by episode 9, and Dogasu's Backpack provides a lot of insight into this. Kanto is filled with repeptitive fillers, and Team Rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth) purpose then is comic relief too, yet for some reaosn you enjoyed them in Kanto, but not later.

No, I'm not starting a debate. However, this is a discussion forum, not Twitter. People are allowed to quote posts and discuss them. Clarifying one's point is acceptable in a discussion.

I'm just asking why Kanto does the exact same thing you criticisize the rest of the series for doing, but you liked Kanto and didn't like the rest? Were the fillers just better in Kanto? Was there better character development? Nostalgia?


Not to jump into something here, but it sounds to me like he's just saying it was better when it was "fresher". Or perhaps being younger at the time made everything better. That's how it was for me, anyway.

Personally, my favorite parts of the series are the first season and the beginning of Johto (and some of the Orange Island stuff I guess). Plus the first two or three movies. After that, I would ask myself why I was watching and was unable to come up with a decent answer, so... yeah.

  codemonkey85 said:
Not to jump into something here, but it sounds to me like he's just saying it was better when it was "fresher". Or perhaps being younger at the time made everything better. That's how it was for me, anyway.

Personally, my favorite parts of the series are the first season and the beginning of Johto (and some of the Orange Island stuff I guess). Plus the first two or three movies. After that, I would ask myself why I was watching and was unable to come up with a decent answer, so... yeah.

This. Many things are good when they're fresh, however that is often destroyed by repeating.

  Liquiddi said:
This. Many things are good when they're fresh, however that is often destroyed by repeating.

I understand that, but Kanto was EXTREMELY repetitive. There's a 30 episode gap between gym badges that is pointless filler after pointless filler. And then the episodes before the league are all pointless filler after pointless filler.

I just don't understand why season 1 episodes' pointless filler are somehow magically better than season 2's pointless filler. Maybe the first 5 or so fillers get a pass, but the others?

  codemonkey85 said:
For my part, I'm not saying that season 1's filler is any better... I'm just saying I had more patience for it when I was younger. Plus, Johto had like four times as much filler, so there's that too.

Johto was ridiculous with filler and a lack of character development across the board. but I think many people on Pokemon forums fawning over Kanto haven't actually watched it in a long time.

I have. There's tons of pointless filler, COTDs that are almost never heard from again, a rival who's abscence is noticeable more than his presence, and only a handful of Pokemon on the trio's team ever get any real development, or even screen time. Butterfree, Pidgeot, Kingler, Tauros, and Muk were rarely seen in the times they were on his team (and Primeape and Haunter, but their status of actually being a Pokemon of Ash's is debatable). Bulbasaur and Squirtle had a bit of development every now and then and the only one with an interesting story was Charizard and Pikachu.

Brock's Zubat is even caught off screen in the same episode it was allegedly caught in and I can't recall a single notable moment where any of his Pokemon were really central to a story in Kanto (Besides Vulpix). It evolves into Zubat after a ridiculous amount of episodes of not even being mentioned.

Misty's Starmie and Golding are another pair that were rarely used. Strangely enough, Misty used Staryu a lot despite being a pre-evolution and presumably being weaker.

And then of course there was Psyduck which was probably one of the better parts of Kanto. But the running gags in Kanto still have similar happenings in current seasons.

I'm just saying for 3 years they used the same formula that the show still follows. I'm just wondering why people were able to tolerate this for 3 years, some (not necessarily here, but in general on Poekmon forums) praise it as "the best", but not after that. Why not just halfway through Kanto? Are those stupid Christmas episodes really that important to see? Or the millionth and one time Charizard doesn't listen to Ash? Or when COTD learns an important lesson about friendship and Pokemon?

Yes guys , I know, the Internet is Serious Business. I know it must seem like I'm some anime fanboy. I'm not. I just see countless "ugh the anime/games/pokemon everything sucks and isn't like it was in Gen I/II/whenever" across all forums, and I'd like tosee some serious thought put into it instead of more "lolzers I agree +1postcount"

  • 1 month later...

I'm currently on a quest to watch as many of the seasons as I can. I'm almost done with Johto Champions (seasons 4).

Season 4 is making me really sad, most of it is lame filler episodes, but I was glad to see his Chikorita evolve into a Bayleef. I only wish he'd evolve his other two starters into a Feraligater and Typhlosion.

  Scwib said:
I'm currently on a quest to watch as many of the seasons as I can. I'm almost done with Johto Champions (seasons 4).

Season 4 is making me really sad, most of it is lame filler episodes, but I was glad to see his Chikorita evolve into a Bayleef. I only wish he'd evolve his other two starters into a Feraligater and Typhlosion.

Almost all of Johto is filler. Don't torture yourself. The character development for humans and Pokemon is almost non-existant. Skip straight to the League, and then go on to Hoenn, Battle Frontier Kanto, and Sinnoh.

  • 4 weeks later...

I am sure i am not bumping this thread considering it is 3 weeks and not 4 or more.

I just noticed that unlike even Hoenn, Sinnoh does not have as much trainer battles from the region with Ash and company. I remember battling a new trainer in almost every trainer inn Johto and a bit less in Hoenn. Now it is just: arrive - Rocket plot - 5 min filler - blast off - until we meet again. I hardy ever see Ash fighting a plain opponent.

But i started watching it again for the Regi-battles that are airing at the moment.


I stopped watching after the Noland battle back at Kanto. After that, I went straight to the Galactic saga. After 3 or 4 episodes, I stopped watching again.

  Mewtwo Ex said:

I just noticed that unlike even Hoenn, Sinnoh does not have as much trainer battles from the region with Ash and company. I remember battling a new trainer in almost every trainer inn Johto and a bit less in Hoenn. Now it is just: arrive - Rocket plot - 5 min filler - blast off - until we meet again. I hardy ever see Ash fighting a plain opponent.

Do we really need to see COTD battles every time? Not to mention Sinnoh has less COTD. Many keep coming back, so why battle every time they meet when they could advance the plot instead.

The reason you don't see a new trainer battling with Ash and co every episode is because Johto was fileld with sucky fillers that were completely meaningless. Sinnoh is more concerned about the plot, at least as concerned as a television show whose main purpose is to advertise a franchise can be.

  NoriakiZ said:
I stopped watching after the Noland battle back at Kanto. After that, I went straight to the Galactic saga. After 3 or 4 episodes, I stopped watching again.

So you stopped watching while witnessing the best developed evil Team organization? Go figure.

EDIT: 667 posts :(

  randomspot555 said:
Do we really need to see COTD battles every time? Not to mention Sinnoh has less COTD. Many keep coming back, so why battle every time they meet when they could advance the plot instead.

The reason you don't see a new trainer battling with Ash and co every episode is because Johto was fileld with sucky fillers that were completely meaningless. Sinnoh is more concerned about the plot, at least as concerned as a television show whose main purpose is to advertise a franchise can be.

EDIT: 667 posts :(

I suppose you are right. I guess i am too competitive, and the plot is somewhat known (to me at least). Ok enough of this, i went too much off topic.

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