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  pokemonfan said:
Misty can be annoying....especially since she has both togepi (uber in anime) and psyduck (uber in anime) so that makes to UU pokemon that will crush anything in their sight. So why wouldn't she be annoying.

Her personality speaks for herself... it's not her Pokemon.

And sorry Naru-chu, but I HATE Naruto. That's just me, please don't kunai me to death!

  wraith89 said:
Her personality speaks for herself... it's not her Pokemon.

And sorry Naru-chu, but I HATE Naruto. That's just me, please don't kunai me to death!

lol that's fine. I rarely watch it now :P

  wraith89 said:

And sorry Naru-chu, but I HATE Naruto. That's just me, please don't kunai me to death!

Yeah i hate Naruto also.:rolleyes:

I too rarely watch it.... because it's not on anymore, and when it is on, it's like the first episode, why does New Zealand Sky is behind in everything, we aren't even in the Shippuden episodes yet, usually when it gets to the episode where it was before it repeats, it goes on and repeats again! :mad:

Even though i don't watch the Anime, i still plan on watching the movies, because they actually seem interesting, also I'm very curious in what happens. oh and NZ Sky is slow in movies too, the latest Pokemon movie is Rise of Darkrai. :frown:

  HottSushiz said:
Yeah i hate Naruto also.:rolleyes:

I too rarely watch it.... because it's not on anymore, and when it is on, it's like the first episode, why does New Zealand Sky is behind in everything, we aren't even in the Shippuden episodes yet, usually when it gets to the episode where it was before it repeats, it goes on and repeats again! :mad:

Even though i don't watch the Anime, i still plan on watching the movies, because they actually seem interesting, also I'm very curious in what happens. oh and NZ Sky is slow in movies too, the latest Pokemon movie is Rise of Darkrai. :frown:

*pokes Yellow Flash, Itachi, Sasuke, and Kakashi in avatar and sig and runs*


Rise of darkrai? Boy you guys are behind. The latest one is giratina and the sky warriar there are some other titles for it too. You can watch movies and episodes online at pokemonepisode.org. Sometimes the video can be a bit "iffy" and not work at some points but its still worth it.

  pokemonfan said:
Rise of darkrai? Boy you guys are behind. The latest one is giratina and the sky warriar there are some other titles for it too. You can watch movies and episodes online at pokemonepisode.org. Sometimes the video can be a bit "iffy" and not work at some points but its still worth it.

Links to 'illegal' content isn't allowed, just thought I'll let you know.


i stopped watching the anime (mostly cause i over sleep) cause it's getting crazy

Ash's voice is bad, you should have heard it in that mirage pokemon special <(><)>


I usually stop watching anime after it gets so emo I want to cut myself.

Pokemon has yet to do that, and sometimes their episodes are pretty good. I mostly watch them out of boredom since there is never anything more interesting on (House only plays at night unless they are pulling an all day thing). Sometimes there are episodes that are so childish I want to puke, and other times I am suprised at how dark they can be.

Anyone see the episode where Ash and Co where at some trainer school and this creepy little ghost girl tried dragging someone to the spirit world? That was pretty creepy for a kid's show...

Anyone who played platinum and watched Giratina pop out of the ground and drag Cyrus to the distortion world where it then flew overhead when you walked around might say the same: "That was pretty creepy for a kid's game..." line like I did after that.

Pokemon can get pretty creepy, and anyone who reads the lore (mostly the older kids) find some creepy hidden stuff. The younger crowd doesnt read the pokedex, and when you catch a pokemon chances are you mash A until you can move again too. If you look for the dark side, you can find it, and sometimes it manifests into the anime.

I watch Pokemon because:


Nothing else on

Might learn lore


Though now I tend to watch it online at my leasure. Its no longer a "I gotta watch the new episode!" Though when they have a pokemon movie on I may watch it if nothing else is on or if its a movie I like. And then when CN pulls an all day marithon I might just watch if there is nothing else to do lol!

Ash's Pika is overpowered, but it might be its level. It beats things with ease since its a level 100 rat, and only a few trainers can beat it but they are usually strong trainers like gym leaders/E4 or Paul who trains like we do lol!


"Not good enough... released..."


"Not good enough... released..."

And Paul is why I watch the newer ones. Doesnt fail to make me laugh that he can pwn without trying too hard, rarely lose his cool, piss off Ash by existing/breathing, and usually shows up to piss EVERYONE off then leave without a word! Much better then the old Ash always wins and gets what he wants, the Ash and Co team prevail again, and everyone else sucks compared to Ash.

So far Ash has needed a rematch with nearly every gym leader this time around too, so you can see its going away from the Ash and Pika=pwn to Ash actually does training and works for his wins.


Well there was this once episode that i watched in the Anime, and it was pretty cool, and yes it may be an old episode/show, but i think you know why, the show is Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Battle Dimensions? and it was these people who were stealling a Riolu, who knows Aura Sphere, and the battle was cool, it was a 4 vs 4, and it was actually cool looking Pokemon, like Tyranitar and.......... can't remember oh well, Tyranitar was in it, so i was pleased.

  Greencat said:
What stopped me was that I didn't know what channel it comes on DirecTV and what time. :\

296 and 6:00 AM (?). Sorry, I forgot the difference between eastern and western time, it comes on at nine here, and I think I remember the difference was three hours.


lol, DirecTV. Anyways, didn't anyone find it stupid how on the anime, the Pokemon could do stuff you couldn't do in the game? A Pikachu is super weak in competitive battling, so Ash can't win all battles with that. Misty's Psyduck was incredibly strong, but was hated a lot. And lets not forget the uber Togepi. Metronome sucks in the game.


I occasionally watch one of the newer episodes of D&P if it's on, but since the new voice actor for Ash, not really cared for it.

I probably stopped watching it religiously because movement of tv channels hosting the show, and I most likely didn't have that channel, and I never really needed it as there was always something else.

Edit: One thing that still bothers me about the anime is the obvious errors (by obvious, meaning 'us'), such as did you know Arbok evolves into Seviper, calling the Pokemon the wrong, etc

  AlbinoDrow said:
I usually stop watching anime after it gets so emo I want to cut myself.

Pokemon has yet to do that, and sometimes their episodes are pretty good. I mostly watch them out of boredom since there is never anything more interesting on (House only plays at night unless they are pulling an all day thing). Sometimes there are episodes that are so childish I want to puke, and other times I am suprised at how dark they can be.

Anyone see the episode where Ash and Co where at some trainer school and this creepy little ghost girl tried dragging someone to the spirit world? That was pretty creepy for a kid's show...

Anyone who played platinum and watched Giratina pop out of the ground and drag Cyrus to the distortion world where it then flew overhead when you walked around might say the same: "That was pretty creepy for a kid's game..." line like I did after that.

Pokemon can get pretty creepy, and anyone who reads the lore (mostly the older kids) find some creepy hidden stuff. The younger crowd doesnt read the pokedex, and when you catch a pokemon chances are you mash A until you can move again too. If you look for the dark side, you can find it, and sometimes it manifests into the anime.

I watch Pokemon because:


Nothing else on

Might learn lore


Though now I tend to watch it online at my leasure. Its no longer a "I gotta watch the new episode!" Though when they have a pokemon movie on I may watch it if nothing else is on or if its a movie I like. And then when CN pulls an all day marithon I might just watch if there is nothing else to do lol!

Ash's Pika is overpowered, but it might be its level. It beats things with ease since its a level 100 rat, and only a few trainers can beat it but they are usually strong trainers like gym leaders/E4 or Paul who trains like we do lol!


"Not good enough... released..."


"Not good enough... released..."

And Paul is why I watch the newer ones. Doesnt fail to make me laugh that he can pwn without trying too hard, rarely lose his cool, piss off Ash by existing/breathing, and usually shows up to piss EVERYONE off then leave without a word! Much better then the old Ash always wins and gets what he wants, the Ash and Co team prevail again, and everyone else sucks compared to Ash.

So far Ash has needed a rematch with nearly every gym leader this time around too, so you can see its going away from the Ash and Pika=pwn to Ash actually does training and works for his wins.

Some very good points but to my knowledge he's only had to rematch fantina. Granted I've only seen him battle...

Maylene (he shouldn't have gotten that badge he got lucky though), crasher wake (pika pown), fantina (only rematch...drifblim FTW), byron (that was a good episode). Fantina has been the only rematch and so far in the old kanto episodes (yeah I'm watching through those) he's had to rematch sabrina (that was a creepy episode)

There is some dark evilness to pokemon such as

shedinja sucking your soul

gengar steeling your life

misdreavus using its orbs to feed off of fear

ninetales was formed by the spirits of 9 souls

drifloon takes people to the spirit world

dusknoir (same as drifloon)

spiritomb (if you know the story)

houndoom alone looks creepy

darkrai causes nightmares

probably a whole slew more

I cant stand paul, one of my first pokemon episodes was the tag battle series, he released chimchar and I just died. How could he do such a thing. He ticks me off as much as he ticks off ash. Honestly I hope chimchar crushes paul's pokes and ash actually comes out with a win over him. Its the only time I'll ever ever root for chimchar and evos. I cant stand any of them in game.

Paul is a jerk. Although at least ash is having some trouble instead of pika power saving the day.


I hate this D/P/Pt junk. And that Piplup the peppy penguin. I want a razor leaf through its neck.:biggrin:*sinister smile*:biggrin:. This Pokemon annoys me to no end. It is one of the many factors that try to stop me from watching the anime. If they did not change a thing from the Johto region saga, i would not get bored. I am a very very nostalgic person and i prefer the old juvinale series. Another one is the complete noob Ash, that Nintendo presents us every season so that kids not get bored by the good amount experiensed character. Another is Dawn with her fasination of everything...

Dawn sees a port town. - OOOOO wow. She sees a weak Pokemon OOOOO wow. -_- Dawn sees a peble OOOOOOOOOOOO WAAAW! :eek::eek::eek:

I miss Misty and psycho duck. If the searies return to Johto we might just see her there.:rolleyes: (Good ridents Dawn ;))

As for Brock - I started getting annoyed a while ago with him acting like the ''Big brother''. I wish they had him do something. They left him on the ground in the big battle in the Sky warrior movie. What is he a minor character now? Below Dawn?!:confused: Enough, i might stop watching the anime if i continue...

  Mewtwo Ex said:
I hate this D/P/Pt junk. And that Piplup the peppy penguin. I want a razor leaf through its neck.:biggrin:*sinister smile*:biggrin:. This Pokemon annoys me to no end. It is one of the many factors that try to stop me from watching the anime. If they did not change a thing from the Johto region saga, i would not get bored. I am a very very nostalgic person and i prefer the old juvinale series. Another one is the complete noob Ash, that Nintendo presents us every season so that kids not get bored by the good amount experiensed character. Another is Dawn with her fasination of everything...

Dawn sees a port town. - OOOOO wow. She sees a weak Pokemon OOOOO wow. -_- Dawn sees a peble OOOOOOOOOOOO WAAAW! :eek::eek::eek:

I miss Misty and psycho duck. If the searies return to Johto we might just see her there.:rolleyes: (Good ridents Dawn ;))

As for Brock - I started getting annoyed a while ago with him acting like the ''Big brother''. I wish they had him do something. They left him on the ground in the big battle in the Sky warrior movie. What is he a minor character now? Below Dawn?!:confused: Enough, i might stop watching the anime if i continue...

The Pokedex say that that species it "Proud". I guess it left out the "Insane" part.

That would be cool and awesome, but there aren't ay deaths as far as I can tell in that series...

The living database of knowledge...

Reminds me of why I think they stopped airing Code Lyoko: I think they stopped airing it because they had less mature shows (such as this) they wanted to air.

  evandixon said:
The Pokedex say that that species it "Proud". I guess it left out the "Insane" part.

That would be cool and awesome, but there aren't ay deaths as far as I can tell in that series...

The living database of knowledge...

Reminds me of why I think they stopped airing Code Lyoko: I think they stopped airing it because they had less mature shows (such as this) they wanted to air.

Code Lyoko was kinda cool, but the Aelita rebirth thing was confusing...and I loved the theme song xD


i agree with a LOT of you. pokemon was pretty good at the start, with kanto and all, btas it got farther into the series, it starts getting "kiddier" and seems to lose maturity. so i rarely watch it anymore.

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