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Wow, this thread is getting popular :P

And Dimi, you hit it right in the nail :D

Brock and Team Rocket used to be funny... but they're no longer the funny comic relief they used to be. I'll bet the plot makes no sense now. Wait, there was a plot to this story? Sigh... I don't know. I've never watched anything starting from Hoenn.

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There is a plot and I still think that team rocket is funny. Dawn and her pokemon can be funny too with all their antics. Its not that bad of a show. Although...now a days brock is far from funny, he's more like a human pokedex that knows everything.


I watch one of the newer ones the other day and Brock is def different. I haven't watched enough to honestly judge but from what little I've seen, its not as good. I think any show hits that point though after doing hundreds and hundreds of episodes.

  Umbreon said:
I watch one of the newer ones the other day and Brock is def different. I haven't watched enough to honestly judge but from what little I've seen, its not as good. I think any show hits that point though after doing hundreds and hundreds of episodes.

Brock has far outlived his usefulness to many, but all of those people (like myself) are way outside the demographic the show is aimed at.

But for kids aged 5-10, he's the perfect supporting character. His Pokemon usually do some type of running gag or have unique traits, he himself is part of a constant running gag (flirting), and he provides the "older brother" aspect to the younger traveling trainers.


I guess so, after all brock was the older brother back home and he was like the father and mother too! I mean it would seem like brock would just automatically fall into that older brother position like it was 2nd nature because it was to him. I do think that brock has changed a lot from the older episodes to the ones now. Like someone said its like he's a professor now other then a normal trainer.


I stopped watching around the time it got off of channel 13 (where I was). I also stopped playing pokemon at this time for a while, and eventually came back for a little bit when G/S came out, then left until LeafGreen and FireRed came out (picked up Leafgreen myself). I also bought emerald when IT was released, and then got diamond and platinum when they were released (during the R/S days, I told my friends I'd get the third leg when it did inevitably come out).


Pokémon can be good you stop trying to make sence of things and just enjoy what you are watching, but I do think that Pokémon should have grown and became a bit more complex and mature over time since people that started watching the show from the start are growing up.

But they are mostly spending their attention to the kids and keeping them happy.

Also the Season 11 : Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension intro is pretty cool

All episodes can be watched here btw http://watchpokemonepisodes.com

  Turtlekid2 said:
I stopped watching when I couldn't take anymore that the show is nothing like the games.

(Ash's idiocy was a factor as well.)

Yea haha, but also medabots was better. :D

And the fact that almost nothing happened like in the games was a huge factor as well.


Well, I actually find it funny that none of the characters can see through Team Rocket's comically thin disguises.

What irks me more is something like Ash flipping open his Pokedex to learn about a Pokemon that was featured only two episodes ago, or Ash not knowing type disadvantages, things like that.

  Turtlekid2 said:
Well, I actually find it funny that none of the characters can see through Team Rocket's comically thin disguises.

What irks me more is something like Ash flipping open his Pokedex to learn about a Pokemon that was featured only two episodes ago, or Ash not knowing type disadvantages, things like that.

I don't think the later (dex thing) has ever happened. He does identify Pokemon he may have seen in previous sagas. But just like the games, the anime Pokedex is updated too. So it might reveal new info.

As for types and attacks, some of it is dumb, some of it is "anime is not the games", and some I don't blame him.

Recently, he was attacked by a Swampert and ordered Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. Brock reminded him it's part ground. But if I never played the games and I watch the anime, there's no way I would've been able to tell Swampert was part ground.

  Turtlekid2 said:
Well, I actually find it funny that none of the characters can see through Team Rocket's comically thin disguises.

What irks me more is something like Ash flipping open his Pokedex to learn about a Pokemon that was featured only two episodes ago, or Ash not knowing type disadvantages, things like that.

Ash is supposed to be clueless about that stuff to add a story in the episode. He doesn't know about all of the Pokémon.


Oh yes! I COMPLETELY forgot about one more uber Pokemon from the anime!


Misty's Psyduck!

Just wait until this stupid thing gets a headache, and what happens? The ultimate attack! CONFUSION!!! Destroys EVERYTHING in sight... I'll bet even Mewtwo wouldn't stand up against it had Psyduck used it on him (but too bad it has never happened... muhahahaha!). Ash almost beat Misty with a Kingler at one point, but then she brings out that Psyduck... and Kingler uses HYPER BEAM! But did Psyduck fall to that? NO! It uses Confusion and bounces back that Hyper Beam destroying that poor king crab. Then what about a dark type? Shouldn't it resist it? Nope. Or at least that's what I heard... how Psyduck's Confusion hurt a Poochyena... X_X

This duck's too uber... and in the hands of one of the most annoying characters in the anime... ugh.

  Turtlekid2 said:
How is Misty annoying? Perhaps your brain confused annoyingness and hotness. :tongue:

LOL no. Call me bizarre, but I hated Misty from the very beginning while most of you absolutely loved her. It's also odd for me considering I love water Pokemon the most, but even then, I still hated her so much.

  randomspot555 said:
Psyduck is one of the most realistic aspects of the anime, considering it's origin. Remember, Psychic typing and psychic type attacks were completely broken in Gen I. Alakazama could sweep entire teams.

I remember Sabrina's Abra being so scary. But even then, that whole routine of Psyduck being uber stayed even after Gen I finished. The biggest uber powerful psychic though was Mewtwo in the movie, and you can't deny that :P


Gasp, that abra was way to powerful. Sabrina creeped me out. Seriously who shrinks people into a toy box and keeps them there forever? Plus those psychic attacks were so over powered. Its uberchu vs kadabra...who wins? Kadabra! What happened to the uber power? The anime's in consistencies can easily turn you off.

  Turtlekid2 said:
How is Misty annoying? Perhaps your brain confused annoyingness and hotness. :tongue:

Smart mentioning a brain -_- . I did not meant that Misty is annoying. My native is not English, but i can manage to write a sentence.

  Mewtwo Ex said:
Smart mentioning a brain -_- . I did not meant that Misty is annoying. My native is not English, but i can manage to write a sentence.

Mewtwo, turtlekid was addressing me, not you. Check out my post with the Psyduck :P


Ehh...I still watch the anime...mainly because my teenage-self hasn't matured enough for me to realize that watching a show like that is embarrassing. What impresses me though, is that the anime succeeds in making it dubbed in the US every time a new generation or something comes out in games. I mean, what the freak...Naruto is waaayyyyy better than animals that are stuffed in magic balls. And yet, NO Shippuden dubbs! Those would dominate the anime industry, but noooo! We have to read the subtitles while the characters talkin high-pitched or generic voices. Well...enough with Naruto and back to Pokemon. The anime pretty much defies the laws of everything we were lead to believe about Pokemon. But then again, without doing that, Ash would so SUCK at everything he tried to do. What would he do without his Uberchu, who always seems to come out on top when all of his Pokemon fail. So yeah :

Ash - Uberchu = MEGA-FAIL

This is why I enjoyed the Pichu Bros. spin-offs more than the pure story anime. Because I LOVED not seeing "Ash and Co."'s (I hate saying that) faces and only seeing their legs and feet for a few seconds. Plus pwnage for Pichu's. XP

  wraith89 said:
LOL. How is Ash's new voice? I haven't heard him speak in such a long time :-/

REALLY late reply on this, lol. But he sounds the same as every teenage anime boy, like he has a sore throat. And its always some girl that can manipulate their voice to sound like a boy (Don't get me wrong that's a pretty sweet talent).

  wraith89 said:

Destati, er, I mean Jigglypuff


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