wraith89 Posted May 22, 2009 Author Posted May 22, 2009 You do realize that they have other means of making money, right? But Pikachu beating Quagsire? I've had enough...
morizuno Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Well for me i thought Up to johto The pokemon anime was pretty good..But i thought ruby//sapphire games were pretty good until i saw the anime..Misty was awsome and they took her out for some mother ****ing girl named ''May'' and if i am not correct the same voice actor for misty/nurse joy/may/dawn did all of those characters ''correct me if i am wronge''. i now and then watch the D/P when i saw Ash fighting Fantina. And im thinking WTF a ****ing Buisel ''who cares about spelling'' took down a freaking Gengar by using Water gun????? .. ~Mori
Aarux Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 The show is directed at kids, but I still wish they'd change the show some to make it better. Uberchu is the main reason I quit watching. Sure, it's the main character's Pokemon, but honestly... that thing wins nearly every freaking battle it enters. It's pretty frustrating to see a measly Pikachu win against a... Rhyperior with a single shock that shouldn't even hit when you're struggling to beat one with a mighty Garchomp or Salamence. I didn't like the character's personalities, either. This is probably due to it being aimed at kids. This might just have to do with my personality, but: Most people are too nice. Example: Ash: *sees an injured Luxray* Oh no! Are you okay?! Luxray: RAWR! *shocks Ash with one big Thunder and runs away* Ash: Nyooo! Come back, I want to help yoooou! ... End of demonstration. The producers might like kids helping out and all, but let's be a tiny bit realistic here. Then again, my favorite characters are usually the anti-Ash people... Paul, Zero, J, etc. So this is probably a personality issue for me... That's all right now. Rant finished.
morizuno Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Oh and what else made me quit watching the anime is when in like practically every season {i think except for kanto/johto} Team rocket gave up there pokemon. In that one episode in hoen Team rocket comfront a Pocher or somthing and Has a T-Tar and Jessy+james+meowth like try to beat the crap out of a freaking T-Tar and let an arbok and weezing go..Now i think they have yamnenga and carnivine..but anyways Team Rocket DONT EVEN USE WABBAFETT i mean it is an uber now and is very usefull, i only see it when there like ''Team Rocket is blasting off agaiin,WAAABUFETT'' yeah, so anyways i just think pokemon anime is just getting worse and worse mean while there games are some what better
wraith89 Posted May 23, 2009 Author Posted May 23, 2009 What?! Arbok... Weezing... GONE? Those two were integral to the plot... they were so cool! >_< And yeah, Uberchu screwed up my experience for me. But really... losing to a n00b like Paul makes me wonder why Uberchu is uber to begin with >_< "AIM 4 T3H H0RN!!!" <--- that disgusts me. It's a motif everywhere, even in the manga I believe. And Mori, I HATE Misty And HATE is an understatement.
pokemonfan Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Back to uberchu...and uberzard...I saw ash's pikachu take on an entei and it held its own! Until entei blasted it...ash jumped in to save pikachu, then they both started to plummet to their doom. Then out comes charizard out of no where and saves them! Then uberzard holds its own against entei until it eventually crushes it but then the little girl, molly was like, "Stop dont hurt him!" then entei stopped and its classic pokemon history from there. Edit: As for team rocket, um morons! James gave up his cacnea which was amazing to gardenia! If james put in proper time and work with his pokemon it wouldn't have to be trained by a gym leader. And Jessy gave up her dustox, I have to say that was actually a heartbreaking episode because I cant imagine any pokemon trainer doing that to a hard trained pokemon. Now they have carnivine and seviper...then there is yanmega but that hardly battles it is mainly seen in contests using silver wind. Plus they both are horrible compared to uberchu and of course there is uberplup (piplup) with the stupid bubblebeam.
wraith89 Posted May 24, 2009 Author Posted May 24, 2009 Huh? So Piplup is an uber too? Yay! Uber penguin! But nay for the yellow rat! And who has a Yanmega? Do you realize how strong that thing is in-battle? And Gardenia has the worst outfit ever. Seriously, that outfit clashes and is inappropriate (especially for a Grass type gym leader). Erika is where all the good attire's at
pokemonfan Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Jessy has a yanmega but it hardly ever battles! Piplup is a uber too sometimes. Its like this... "Piplup use bubble beam!" says dawn "piiiiiipluuppppppp" goes piplup spurting bubbles at team rocket Team rocket: We're blasting of agaaaaaaaiin! Waaaaabuffet! Blast off. Plus it hardly ever does any other move but bubble beam and its annoying. I think the moveset for it is whirlpool, peck, and bubblebeam.
wraith89 Posted May 24, 2009 Author Posted May 24, 2009 Ok. Jesse has an uber named Wobbuffet, and an amazing bug Pokemon named Yanmega. What is she doing with them?
randomspot555 Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 She uses Yanmega quite often. Wobbuffet has gotten some usage in Contests, but it's very much "de-powered" compared to the games. It doesn't show any trace of it's unique Shadow Tag ability, and without that, Wobbuffet loses power. It's really more of a Pokemon like Meowth, rather than a Pokemon she uses to battle with.
HassanX Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 What got me is that Articuno was captured - and baby Lugia. wtf
Mewtwo Ex Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 I miss Lickitung slavering Jessie. And Arbok wrapping around her. Also Jame's Weezing and Victeebel were the best in the anime according to me.
HassanX Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Mewtwo Ex said: I miss Lickitung slavering Jessie. And Arbok wrapping around her. Also Jame's Weezing and Victeebel were the best in the anime according to me. =o
morizuno Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 hm i just realized something, In The past regions Ash beat like 10 times better people then paul in the Elite four and stuff, And then He loses so easily??? Its like the Uberchu went from a lv100 back to lv1 0_0.... ~mori ---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 PM ---------- pokemonfan said: Jessy has a yanmega but it hardly ever battles!Piplup is a uber too sometimes. Its like this... "Piplup use bubble beam!" says dawn "piiiiiipluuppppppp" goes piplup spurting bubbles at team rocket Team rocket: We're blasting of agaaaaaaaiin! Waaaaabuffet! Blast off. Plus it hardly ever does any other move but bubble beam and its annoying. I think the moveset for it is whirlpool, peck, and bubblebeam. Yeah piplup was like one of the many reasons why i stopped watching... ''Piplup use wirlpool'' ....Wirlpool is actuall wirlpoop that move is Shit!!! A little piplup could like ohko pokemon with a wirlpool...<_< seriously WTF?? anyways No one is mentioning Brocks uber Happiny?? Atk is crap,How the hell could it lift up boulders????
Mewtwo Ex Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Yes that has occurred to me too. It is because it will get even less interesting if Ash started winning all battles. I dislike Piplup The Peppy Penguin too. As for Happiny, i cannot say anything.
pokemonfan Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 Happiny stopped a rampaging piloswine! Plus in the episode where jesse, stupidly, gave up her dustox it was lifting boulders like it was lifting tiny pebbles! As for piplup's whirlpool, that thing is so overly powerful. On another note, I think team rocket is hilarious! In the movie "lucario and the mystery of mew" when the Tree of beginning finished collapsing and was all healed james and jesse made a few comments: "Its all over" said James "Yes, and we're back to being losers" said Jesse Then meowth joyously rejoins them from his previous seperation. As for jesse and her awesome pokemon... She mainly uses seviper to battle and was convinced that yanmega could possibly dodge like fantina's drifblim. I've seen it battle like 5 times but seviper man its always out their using its bite that never actually hits a foe. As for her wobbufett I've seen it appear in a contest once, they lost horribly because she made them both look like clowns when james did the costume designing perfectly fine. Yanmega when its been in battles usually has great success until uberchu steps in and uses thunderbolt. On again another note, uberchu has its soft moments. Once again referring to the movie "Lucario and the mystery of Mew" when Ash got eaten by the Tree's "White blood cells" and then pikachu started crying, the close up on pikachu's face almost made me cry. It was so sad! I guess pikachu although way to powerful in battle, has those moments where its soft and sad. Uberchu also has its bad moments, like being owned by a water type. magikarp crushed uberchu! For that nostalgia on team rocket. They still end up in some way in contact with their pokemon whenever they appear from their pokeballs. Carnivine and cacnea went back to James, I'm not sure what cacnea did but carnivine bit James, same with seviper but not nearly as frequent as carnivine.
Eatsushi Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 My story is going to be epic What stopped me was I stopped having cable! And stupid Kids WB banned Pokemon because of the banned episodes And I DONT HAVE CARTOON NETWORK
Umbreon Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 I lost interest after the first season or two I guess. I went a long time without anything pokemon and then diamond and pearl sparked my interest again but I admit I haven't watched even that recently.
HottSushiz Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 Guess what? (rhetorical question) well i have thought of another reason of what persuaded into DON"T WATCH THE ANIME! well when i was a kid, i always hated Jigglypuff for always having to sing, then everyone falls asleep, then Jigglypuff get's angry, and dishes out it's vengeance with marker pens, and now I'm slightly matured, (not really) and older, and i just plainly miss that concept, I demand they bring it back, i want to laugh mockingly at their funny faces.:kikkoman:
Mewtwo Ex Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 What is the matter today? Everyone is posting on nostalgic behalf. By the way didn't is disappear in Johto?...
FLOOTENKERP Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 Well shows die out, so by remembering the good old days it makes people happy. Ahh the series of Kanto. I loved the Sabrina episode, when Brock and Misty are dolls. Ahh the good old days..
randomspot555 Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 I marathoned through Kanto and Orange about a year ago and couldn't stand most of them. Horrible animation (which unfortunately still isn't perfect still), 4kids censorship, and so much more made it a show that doesn't age well. In contrast, I'm greatly enjoying the current Sinnoh stuff. The Pokemon, the supporting characters, everything about it is great. And there's been very few filler episodes, and most of them have been pretty good. The only dissapointment has been the movies, which still pretty much suck.
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