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I've finally found some time to add in the recent contributions into the Gallery.

I have added:

    English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Meloetta entries
  • Addendum for the new Wifi Korean Kanto Starter eggs (onto existing entries)
  • Entries for the VGC Korean Nationals Pokemon, despite not having WC contributions yet (based on Single Strongest events from Japan)

English Gen V Event Gallery

French Gen V Event Gallery

German Gen V Event Gallery

Italian Gen V Event Gallery

Spanish Gen V Event Gallery

Korean Gen V Event Gallery

Posted (edited)

Japanese Generation V Gallery


.pgf"]Masuda Deoxys


Masuda Deoxys


Card Title: デオキシス プレゼント

Distro Comment:

つうじょうでは おぼえない

とくべつなわざを てにした

デオキシスを プレゼント!

Card Comment:

ポケモンを 遊んでくれて


おくりものは ポケモンセン夕ーにいる

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #386

Date Card Received: 2013.3.20


Japanese Generation V Gallery


.pgf"]Nagoya Magikarp


Nagoya Magikarp


Card Title: きんのコイキング プレゼント!

Distro Comment:


おひっこしを きねんして

つうじょうでは おぼえない

とくべつなわざを おぼえた

きんのコイキングを プレゼント!

Card Comment:


来てくれて ありがとう!

おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #129

Date Card Received: 2013.3.20

Edited by Nigoli

Here are my photos from the Deoxys event.

Nothing too exciting. I just picked it up at a shopping center while I was out, rather than going all the way to the Pokemon Center in Tokyo. The poster mentions the upcoming Mewtwo event.

  Reveal hidden contents
  mikapika69 said:
i'm sorry but for magikarp nagoya , the gender is only male ?

With your pgf file my magikarp is a female .


The PGF is random; don't use save states because the RNG isn't as random in Gen V compared to Gen IV.

0x35=0x2 (random gender)

Posted (edited)


PRI2013 Meloetta (FRA)

Card ID: 129

Card title: Meloetta, le Pokémon fabuleux!

Date card received: 22th March, 2013

Pokémon icon: #648

DSC03708_small.jpg DSC03711_small.jpg DSC03710_small.jpg

I know that the event has already been extracted from a ROM here, but mine was obtained in a Toys R Us in France, in the town of Mondeville today (first day of the event if you look at the first additional picture).

Edited by Nigoli
Same as France Meloetta in Hex Comparison, Thanks!
  mikapika69 said:
i'm sorry but for magikarp nagoya , the gender is only male ?

With your pgf file my magikarp is a female .

The Wonder Card was like this when I acquired it.

This shouldn't be a fake Wonder Card. If it wasn't confirmed for a gender before, and just presumed by screenshots with other sites that list the Event. It probably is a random gender.

Posted (edited)

I've acquired another Magikarp Wonder Card which seemed to have the gender set for Male instead of Random this time, I'm really not sure what was going on with the other one. I've uploaded the correct Wonder Card, due to not seeing any Female gender anywhere on Japanese Blogs yet. I feel like this is the more safer attempt, especially if this was a mix up when the Card was saved. These things happen unfortunately. If it was a Random gender, this will need to be confirmed via Blogs and photo screenshots.

Edited by Nigoli
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

VGC 2013: Spring Regionals

.pgf"]131 - Toler's Ludicolo

  Reveal hidden contents

random IVs again :\

Edited by Guested
link edited, added to gallery
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

That Korean Meowth went live for BW2 games now.

Distro message:

TV 에니메이션 포켓몬스터 베스트위시 2

에피소드 N에서 활약하는

로켓단의 나옹을 선물!

Card's message:

포켓몬만화를 봐 주셔서


소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는

배달원에게 받으십시오!

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)

Japanese Generation V Gallery


.pgf"]PCS Empoleon


PCS Empoleon


Card Title: ポケモンセンター15しゅうねんきねん

Distro Comment:


ロゴに なっている

ポッチャマの しんかけい

エンペルトを プレゼント!

Card Comment:

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて


おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #395

Date Card Received: 2013.5.15

Edited by Nigoli
Posted (edited)

Japanese Generation V Gallery


.pgf"]PCTH Serperior


PCTH Serperior


Card Title: ポケモンセンター15しゅうねんきねん

Distro Comment:


ロゴに なっている

ツタージャの しんかけい

ジャローダを プレゼント!

Card Comment:

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて


おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #497

Date Card Received: 2013.5.22

Edited by Nigoli
Posted (edited)

Japanese Generation V Gallery


.pgf"]PCT Pikachu


PCT Pikachu


Card Title: ポケモンセンター15しゅうねんきねん

Distro Comment:


ロゴに なっている

ピカチュウを プレゼント!

Card Comment:

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて


おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #25

Date Card Received: 2013.5.29

Edited by Nigoli

Thanks for contributing this! I'll have it up in the Gallery once we get some more info on this.

It is/was reportedly distributed in all EU game languages. Yours was clearly the German one as it was a German WC and you downloaded it to a German game. Yet you say it came out as a US/UK/AU pokemon?

  Guested said:
Thanks for contributing this! I'll have it up in the Gallery once we get some more info on this.

It is/was reportedly distributed in all EU game languages. Yours was clearly the German one as it was a German WC and you downloaded it to a German game. Yet you say it came out as a US/UK/AU pokemon?

That's true. For some reason all 3 (Italy, Germany and UK) VGC Metagross have there region set as US/UK/AU.


(0x1D~language in the wondercard struct is set to 0x2-english rather than 0x0-inherit)

The past VGC13 wondercards had the same 0x1D being set to 0x2-english so that the language was the same as the original OT.

It probably just had different distribution text for whatever language you received it on, but the pgf was the same.


Weird, Pokegen must look at the wrong value, because when I opened up the pgf it said Country was Game.

Well, the pkm is most likely the same across the board, but the pgf has text in it (the WC title), so there are five (?) versions of the pgf, at least (?).

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