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Posted (edited)

Pokémon Blaze Black | Pokémon Volt White

Current Version: 3.1

Last Updated: 24th December, 2011


Click the banner for a video playlist of the hack.



Pokémon Blaze Black and Pokémon Volt White are edits of the regular Pokémon Black and White versions which self-contain all 649 Pokémon, allowing a player a large amount of variety. In addition, BB/VW also have edited trainers, an increased difficulty level, improvements to many Pokémon and more. They are the spiritual successor of my two other hacks, Pokémon Fire Red Omega and Pokémon Spirit Gold. Blaze Black and Volt White were also - with one minor exception - the first of their kind to be made.

I should mention that with the exception of things normally different between Black and White such as Black City, White Forest, the legendary focus and the appearance of Opelucid City, the two games are identical.

mjhbI.pngSpecific Features

  • As aforementioned, the hack allows you to catch all 649 Pokémon in some way or another. This is unaffected by the version chosen to play; encounters are the same in both.
  • Every single trainer in the game has had their Pokémon edited, fitting a new level curve and increasing the difficulty overall. While not mind crushingly tough, they're sure to provide more of a challenge than the original games were able to. The level curve takes full advantage of the new experience system in Black and White.
  • A vast number of Pokémon have had certain statistics about them edited. This can be a number of things, including experience rate, typing, base stats and abilities. A lot of Pokémon have been given their Dream World abilities as an option, where applicable and/or useful.
  • Pokémon have also had additions to their moveset, including additions or alterations to their level up movesets as well as TM and HM compatibility. Level up movesets in particular have been edited for 600+ Pokémon.
  • There has also been editing of many evolutions, generally involving those Pokémon who generally had to be traded to be evolved. Blaze Black and Volt White are entirely self-contained; no outside contact is required for anything.
  • Items found in the field have been changed considerably, to include TMs, evolution items and fossils previously only found post-League. The items have been adjusted in such a way that makes it convenient for the game's progress. Where applicable, text has also been changed to reflect these changes. Multiples of certain items, such as the evolution stones, the Lucky Egg and the EXP Share are also given out, all in the name of convenience.
  • It isn't just trainers and wild Pokémon who have had their levels changed; event Pokémon such as Reshiram and Zekrom have also had their levels changed, ensuring that they don't become useless due to the sharp increase in levels.
  • All five in-game trades have also been edited, giving you new possibilities for your team.
  • A small number of attacks have also been changed to make them more useful, generally in terms of power (and rarely, type).
  • A number of documents are included with the download that allow you to see any and all changes made. Wondering what's new? Where to find something? Consult the guides!

Z7pxw.pngWhy play Blaze Black and/or Volt White?

With the extra amounts of Black and White hacks cropping up now, Blaze Black and Volt White has lost its main edge in being the only hack of its kind. I'd like to say that it being the first means something, but unfortunately it really doesn't in the long run. The main reason for playing Blaze Black and Volt White would be its dedication to the original games; with one or two exceptions the main Pokémon of a Gym Leader or Elite Four member does NOT change, and themes (including type and general appearance) are kept as best as possible. Things must make some degree of sense, or they won't be found in this hack. Most of the time.

These two also offer some "what ifs?" What if Flareon got Flare Blitz? What if Delibird actually had some stats? What if Weavile was given Technician? What if Gallade had kept Trace? What if the Gothitelle line actually had a Dark-typing? Just how broken would a Dragon-type Serperior with Contrary be? How about a Samurott with Shell Smash? (Between you and me, they are broken as hell!)

The game also tries to have as many Pokémon available early as possible, while still keeping them in appropriate places. There's a couple odd balls that are late such as Torkoal or Stunfisk as they were tough to place, but the majority are available before the sixth badge is up, and the majority of them are available at Nimbasa City or prior.

Blaze Black and Volt White also offer a 'clean' version, which is a relatively blank slate, keeping the 649 hack but eliminating all of the Pokémon changes. This is useful for the purist, and it's something no other hack has, as far as I'm aware.

If you're looking for a challenge designed by someone who thinks they know the Pokémon games in and out (and considering my ridiculous amount of knowledge about them and my three walkthroughs, I certainly hope I do!) then this is the hack to try. If you're looking for an incredibly difficult challenge... I'd recommend a different one. Although this one has its fair share of annoyances, too.

tGHS5.pngCan I see some screenshots of the hack?

Certainly. Open the spoiler below to see them. These mostly just show some of the first bits; you'll have to play it to see the rest!

  Reveal hidden contents

ZTSY4.pngCredits and Gratitude

  • elementking: It was thanks to him that I even got to start hacking B/W fully in the first place. Without him I probably wouldn't have discovered anything post Wild Pokemon editing.
  • Project Pokémon Forums: The ROM editing help section is a great way to find out if certain ideas are possible, and if so, how. Numerous people on there (as well as being found in other places) have made or stated discoveries that this hack uses, including Andibad, kaphotics and KazoWAR. Kazo in particular can also be thanked for the 1.1a incarnation of the trainer editor, a key tool for making this hack.
  • twistedfatal: His tools help to simplify things significantly, cutting down on the amount of hex editing required.
  • neltazero: His tools are also very helpful and quite easy to use, making Wild Pokemon and trainer editing that much easier.
  • SegNin: It's thanks to him we have the current .bat patching system for this, and by extension for Pitch Black and Pure White.
  • knivez69: The banner up top is his incredible work.
  • Various Members of GBAtemp and GameFAQs: For ideas on additions/changes to make.

Z9F2U.pngBugs, Changelog, Version Clarification and Download Links


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  Reveal hidden contents

Version Clarification

The Full version of the hack is the whole thing; the Wild changes, the trainer changes, the Pokemon changes, the item changes, absolutely everything. The Clean version takes out some of the content, so that the actual Pokemon, their level up moves and attacks are left unchanged. Trainers are edited from their Full version counterparts to clear up any inconsistencies done through adding new techniques in the Full version.


You will need a ROM of Black or White to use the patches found in the downloads, which you will have to find on your own. It must be either English European or American, though.



Edited by evandixon
Link to download
  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

I just managed to download the Cygnus Hex Editor but I got lost editing the wild pokemon. It would be wise for you to make a tutorial on this..

But I will play your hack in the meantime.


So I applied to patch to a US ROM of the game and see if it works. Will it work if I use a sav file for my original white game? So like it would be the patched rom with the original sav file. Will that work?



1) If you're using a flashcard, it'll display as "Blaze Black" or "Volt White" on the menu selection (I'm thinking in terms of R4 or Acekard as I don't know any others)

2) Check your starters for any non Blaze/Torrent/Overgrow abilities, or try a stat down move on Cheren/Bianca's Snivy (if you don't pick it yourself) and see if the stat rises instead due to Contrary.

3) Encounter something on Route 1 that is either above Level 4, or is not Lillipup/Patrat.

Those are the quickest ways to know.


Take a look at the a/1/2/6 narc, search for "F8 01 02 02" in your hex editor and that will take you to the beginning of the wild data (Route 1 to be specific)


Okay it says both games are on my SD, and since I am on a US ROM it would help you to know if everything works okay. I will check on Route 1 to see if any other pokemon come up. Also, how does this work with shaking grass? Do pokemon of other generations that are rare also appear?



--Hack is working flawlessly so far on my US ROM.


--Can we get a route/place guide to find the pokemon? Would be very helpful.

--Also, if I want to use cheats on the game, how would I incorporate them on my R4? Is there a different game ID than the regular version? I renamed the hack pokemonblack.nds and the save to pokemonblack.nds.sav and tried to apply cheats. It did not work. Any light on this situation?

--Can the national dex be hackd to show the new pokemon locations?

Any help on these three situations would help tremendously, thanks.


Yup, every method of Wild Pokemon has been edited (except fishing since I didn't think it was worth it) so grass/tall grass/shaking grass/water/rare water patches/dust clouds/bridge spots are all different

  Dually said:

--Hack is working flawlessly so far on my US ROM.


--Can we get a route/place guide to find the pokemon? Would be very helpful.

--Also, if I want to use cheats on the game, how would I incorporate them on my R4? Is there a different game ID than the regular version? I renamed the hack pokemonblack.nds and the save to pokemonblack.nds.sav and tried to apply cheats. It did not work. Any light on this situation?

--Can the national dex be hackd to show the new pokemon locations?

Any help on these three situations would help tremendously, thanks.

1) I included a document listing where the Wild Pokémon were with the download. Check the documentation part.

2) There is a different game ID, yes; there's also a document about Action Replay codes in there.

3) Not that I'm aware, unfortunately.


Sorry did not check it out before playing, my fault. Also, I would be happy to report on any issues you think there might be.


Do you know which narc file contains the data for me to hex edit pokemon types. Such as making Emboar Fire/Dark. And if you could provide me with the hex values for the different types? I see you were able to edit pokemon types so if you could provide me with any info I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

  Siam said:
Hmm this one can look like rocket science especially for beginners like me...

the data is in NARC a/1/2/6


If you were replying to my post, I asked for the location in the narc to edit pokemon's types. Not the wild trainer data, I already found that before. But thank you for the direction to that thread although not what I'm asking for. My post was directed towards the creator of the thread seeing as he successfully edited pokemon types.

Posted (edited)

Okay, the hack is updated! Say hello to version 1.1.

Changes are as follows:

+ There's now a normal and legendary version. The legendary version will allow you to get all 649 Pokémon if you don't mind screwing the presentation up a bit. See the first post for more details.

+ There have been four new type changes. Gothita, Gothorita and Gothitelle are now Psychic / Dark, and Farfetch'd is now Fighting / Flying (in addition to getting a slightly increased stat boost).

+ Some battles have been edited slightly, either to make them harder or to introduce the new changes.

+ Some abilities have been changed. Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Lotad, Lombre and Ludicolo have had their original abilities restored, and Bellossom now gains Own Tempo rather than Natural Cure.

+ A couple of problems have been fixed, such as two incorrectly placed Wild Pokémon (one from a typo, one I forgot to change later in development) and a trainer in Challenger's Cave having a ? Pokémon (forgot to close that slot).

+ Further edits to level up moves have been applied, to the following Pokémon: Growlithe, Arcanine, Vulpix, Ninetales, Skarmory, Farfetch'd, Bellossom, Natu, Xatu, Carnivine.

+ Black City trainers have been edited. Their Pokémon now depend on which version of the hack you use (Normal or Legendary).

+ The download now contains UPS patches with the tsukuyomi patcher, in addition to the xdelta patches present before.

+ The levels of static one-time encounter Pokémon have been raised. Reshiram and Zekrom can now actually fight!


Hopefully, that should improve it a bit.

Thank you for the compliments and whatnot btw!

Edited by Drayano

Updated with V1.2, this has a 'clean' version that reduces the hacks to the basics, perfect for the pure straight-edge player.

Andibad, i see you already found the legend info. Swarm I don't know at all, type and stat are located in a/0/1/6. Each Pokémon has its base stats listed in hex as AA BB CC DD EE FF, in the order of HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defense. The two bytes directly after - ie XX YY - is the type.


Help please. Patched version 1.0 fine.

Would like to patch to version 1.2

Both patchers come back with an error, xdelta crashes and UPS comes back with:

To directly patch source file, a temporary file is being made.

Upon successful patching, the target file will be replaced with this.

"Applying patch file 'C:\Documents and Settings\KONINGS\Desktop\saves\BlazeBlack___VoltWhite_1.2\Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White v1.2\Patches\Clean Versions\UPS Patches\VoltWhiteLegendaryClean.ups' ...

Reading file 'C:\Documents and Settings\KONINGS\Desktop\saves\BlazeBlack___VoltWhite_1.2\Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White v1.2\Pokemon White Version (E).nds' ...

Target file is 'C:\Documents and Settings\KONINGS\Desktop\saves\BlazeBlack___VoltWhite_1.2\Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White v1.2\Pokemon White Version (E).nds.utm' ...

Patch application will take approximately 4 minute(s), 16 second(s).

Please be patient ... UI will not be responsive during this time.

Failed! Input checksum is invalid."

Have tried with clean version of both black and white, xp patched version and 1.0 patched version of pokemon black.

Am looking to get a 1.2 legendary clean version of pokemon black. What am i doing wrong?


  aragorn0021 said:
Help please. Patched version 1.0 fine.

Would like to patch to version 1.2

Both patchers come back with an error, xdelta crashes and UPS comes back with:

To directly patch source file, a temporary file is being made.

Upon successful patching, the target file will be replaced with this.

"Applying patch file 'C:\Documents and Settings\KONINGS\Desktop\saves\BlazeBlack___VoltWhite_1.2\Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White v1.2\Patches\Clean Versions\UPS Patches\VoltWhiteLegendaryClean.ups' ...

Reading file 'C:\Documents and Settings\KONINGS\Desktop\saves\BlazeBlack___VoltWhite_1.2\Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White v1.2\Pokemon White Version (E).nds' ...

Target file is 'C:\Documents and Settings\KONINGS\Desktop\saves\BlazeBlack___VoltWhite_1.2\Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White v1.2\Pokemon White Version (E).nds.utm' ...

Patch application will take approximately 4 minute(s), 16 second(s).

Please be patient ... UI will not be responsive during this time.

Failed! Input checksum is invalid."

Have tried with clean version of both black and white, xp patched version and 1.0 patched version of pokemon black.

Am looking to get a 1.2 legendary clean version of pokemon black. What am i doing wrong?


That is your problem - you need a totally clean ROM.

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