Gold Ursaring Posted April 1, 2011 Posted April 1, 2011 (edited) I've attached a save containing my collection of Pokemon Center New York Pokemon, among them Celebi and multiple egg events. The battery on my Crystal Version has lasted long enough for me to be able to do this. I had no issues with opening this file with Visual Boy Advance after downloading the save and the game itself. It should work fine. Feel free to distribute these files as you see fit, so long as the Pokemon aren't edited, any people interested in research may feel free to contact me for further information. I can try to do my best in remembering what I do remember. Celebi (Enough unique Celebi to make a team or two filled with them) Shiny Distributions Meganium Typhlosion Feraligatr Entei Raikou Suicune Lugia Special Moves Ancientpower Bulbasaur Crunch Charmander (Not A Breeding Move Generation II) Zap Cannon Squirtle Double Slap Lickitung Leech Seed Oddish Sweet Kiss Nidoran (M) Flail Zubat Synthesis Paras False Swipe Machop Fury Attack Cubone Flail Seel Faint Attack Kangaskan Sharpern Onix Swords Dance Goldeen Synthesis Tangela Future Sight Lapras Petal Dance Chikorita Double Edge Cyndaquil Submission Totodile Absorb Phanpy Agility Hoppip Mimic Aipom Spikes! Delibird Hypnosis Misdreavous Safeguard Stantler Mega Kick Miltank Ferocious Monsters with Game Breaking Moves Splash Snorlax Splash Sunkern *Nintendo actually selected Splash as a distribution move on several occasions, as if getting a Sunkern wasn't bad enough. If anyone still has a legit Mew, it would be great to distribute, because then we could truly catch all 251 Pokemon forever. CrystalVersionPCNY.zipFetching info... Edited April 12, 2011 by Gold Ursaring 1
Sabresite Posted April 2, 2011 Posted April 2, 2011 Thank you GU for posting this! I believe the battery in my silver game went bye-bye, so my Mew is history.
OmegaDonut Posted April 2, 2011 Posted April 2, 2011 My Silver has, amazingly, lasted 10 years and still has one of the "official" Mews. Unfortunately I don't have the equipment to make a save dump, unless someone can point me in the direction of some inexpensive save dumpers.
Guest Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 Here is a .sav of that save state. I had trouble loading the save state myself, so this should help a lot of people. PCNYCrystal.savFetching info...
Gold Ursaring Posted April 4, 2011 Author Posted April 4, 2011 And I posted the other because I problems opening a .sav except on one particular rom. Hopefully, with Pingouin7's contribution, everyone interested in it, gets things working. 1
ShinySephiroth Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 Thank you very much, GU. I was too unaware of life when these happened when I was in Elementary school. Ever since I learned about events I've kicked myself for not taking advantages of all the opportunities I had to go to these things. So, once again, thanks.
Gold Ursaring Posted April 7, 2011 Author Posted April 7, 2011 Nope, not an April Fools... <_< I had been in discussions about doing this before, but couldn't get anyone with the right equipment, so I put out an order from HK and then after a long road, it got in April 1, so I decided against delaying. Besides it's bad luck to fool people after 12! But ShinySephiroth, if my calculations are right, I'm a year younger then you, but I was in High School when these happened, so your claim that you were in Elementary School is problematic.
Guest Posted April 8, 2011 Posted April 8, 2011 OmegaDonut said: My Silver has, amazingly, lasted 10 years and still has one of the "official" Mews. Unfortunately I don't have the equipment to make a save dump, unless someone can point me in the direction of some inexpensive save dumpers. May I ask what the OT, ID and level of this Mew is? If you can't dump the save file off your Silver version, the best we could do is hack a Red/Blue save file to have the same OT and ID as the event Mew and catch a wild Mew of the same level.
ShinySephiroth Posted April 8, 2011 Posted April 8, 2011 GU- Well, the only thing I remember is starting to play R/B in the sixth grade/seventh grade. I remember going to the Pokemon League for the TCG and there being random distributions of Pokemon on occasions, though which Pokemon I don't remember. I guess I associate Middle School with Elementary school too much . It was Jr. High I remember there being a Mew distribution. I stopped playing Pokemon during eighth grade and started playing FR my Senior year.
DannyB01 Posted May 24, 2011 Posted May 24, 2011 Just managed to get this working, I'd given up with the sgm file because I just couldn't work out how to use it, but the sav worked (thanks Pingouin7). This is a really sweet upload GU! It just makes me more confused how PCNYa/b/c/d OTs were set though, does anyone know? I guess it may be different on GBC compared to GBA, I noticed that some Celebi IDs went past 01000 so it probably is.
Guest Posted May 27, 2011 Posted May 27, 2011 DannyB01 said: I noticed that some Celebi IDs went past 01000 so it probably is. From what I've read on Gold Ursaring's event guide on Pokemonsecure, the PCNY event Pokémon usually had an ID number lower than 01000. That doesn't mean the maximum is 01000.
Gold Ursaring Posted July 6, 2011 Author Posted July 6, 2011 The store had 4 distribution machines (PCNYa, PCNYb, PCNYc & PCNYd). Whichever you put it in, was what the OT was. Then it added one, so depending how early/late I went in the week (Friday was usually the reset day, I think), determined the ID. In the GBA days events happened so rarely, that there wasn't really a community to it, but in the GBC days, you had a good amount of people going, playing and getting what they could. When the company is more active, the community is better and more supportive! 1
evandixon Posted June 16, 2013 Posted June 16, 2013 Probably, because some events were from the New York Pokemon Center.
Metropolis Posted November 17, 2013 Posted November 17, 2013 One question: Why is the shiny Typhlosion nicknamed wrong? Normal gameplay wouldn't have let you change the nickname which means either the pokemon were hacked or Nintendo got the nickname wrong!
ArtemiSerebii Posted September 3, 2015 Posted September 3, 2015 So the daggone .sgm WILL NOT LOAD on VBA for love nor money, it keeps saying "Unsupported (blah blah blah...)". Any help getting an ACTUAL WORKING VERSION of this file would be GREATLY appreciated and thanks in advance!
kawlin Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Any tips to let these pokemon (squirtle zap cannon, bulbasaur ancient power ect), pass the check in x/y, oras and allow me to exchange them ? I am afraid this is not possible, i ever tried to remove the move and put it on relearned moves (pkhex), nothing has changed though. Nevertheless, some events managed to get though the check such as lugia, ho-oh, the 3 jhoto beasts, lapras shiny, ect. Anyway, if i can get a confirmation about this. Thanks in advance.
idolized Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 How did you get them to Gen 6 from Gen 2? I use Pikasav to load the save file and save them as .PKM but PKHeX wont open them because the size is to small.
InsaneNutter Posted March 12, 2016 Posted March 12, 2016 Gold Ursaring said: If anyone still has a legit Mew, it would be great to distribute, because then we could truly catch all 251 Pokemon forever. Better late than never: Pokemon GEN1 Legit Mew Save From 1999 ToysRus Distribution :grog: Gold Ursaring said: Feel free to distribute these files as you see fit, so long as the Pokemon aren't edited With that in mind i've traded the legit Mew from the ToysRus Distribution to your save, other than catching a Rattata to trade the Mew across the save is untouched from your upload: Pokemon GEN2 Legit Mew, Celebi & PCNY Pokemon Save
Gold Ursaring Posted March 12, 2016 Author Posted March 12, 2016 InsaneNutter said: Better late than never: Pokemon GEN1 Legit Mew Save From 1999 ToysRus Distribution :grog:With that in mind i've traded the legit Mew from the ToysRus Distribution to your save, other than catching a Rattata to trade the Mew across the save is untouched from your upload: Pokemon GEN2 Legit Mew, Celebi & PCNY Pokemon Save Thanks! Well that is just awesome. Mew and Celebi for everyone!
suloku Posted March 15, 2016 Posted March 15, 2016 Just found this thread branching from InsaneNutter's one. And it is great that now we have an official event mew and event celebi. Something I've noticed in the PCNY celebis is that IVs seem to be random for each mew. I wonder if all Celebi distribution were like that too, or if they were like Mew distributions, which seem to have had a fixed IV set to (5 hp)/10 atk/1 def/12 speed/5 special. Looking at all the shiny distributed pokemon in your save, I've realized that the ATK IV is semi-random (I've seen 2, 3, 14 and 15 as possible attack IVs). Quote If a Pokémon's Speed, Defense, and Special IVs are all 10, and its Attack IV is 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 or 15, it will be Shiny. Expand Given that information, recreating the possible shiny pokemon distributed at PCNY is possible, since we have all the needed information: IVs, attacks and level. I think it is safe to assume that the distribution machines worked in the same way for all shiny distributions, since we know it did for at least 4 of those. For the egg distribution, it doesn't really matter since the information at bulbapedia is enough to recreate the eggs. Now, I've seen that there was a mew distribution at PCNY. If those distributions machines worked the same as for celebi, giving random IVs, we could generate those mews, but unfortunately bulbapedia event page list it as "non-shiny mew", which makes me think it had pre-set IVs. It would be really interesting to get one of those mews and be able to see if it has the 5/10/1/12/5 IV spread. Also, related to mew, I've found a report of the spanish mew distribution for Gen 1 (there was only one) were it is said that the OT name was "D-J" and it actually listed the ID, but if we would assueme that in gen 1 and gen 2 mew was always distributed with the 5/10/1/12/5 IV spread, then the stats wouldn't match, since the provided stats for the mew had impossible values for speed and special for those IV. There's always the possibility of that spanish mew being randomly generated, or some other sort of distribution, but I guess we'll never know. But I bet the mew to be distributed to 3ds re-releases will have the 5/10/1/12/5 IV spread. We'll see. EDIT: Here's the data for a FRANCO celebi distributed in spain ( thanks to Dr. Matt -OT: FRANCO -ID: 02233 -DVs: 0x2D8A ( [HP 4] - Attack 02 - Defense 13 - Speed 8 - Special 10) DVs have been calculated by the owner, given he has the celebi at level 100 and he claims it is fully EV trained. The stats for this level 100 fully EV trained celebi are these: HP 381 At 272 Df 294 Sp At 288 Sp Df 288 Spd 284 According to bulbapedia it was distributed at level 5, carried no item and had the following moveset: - Leech Seed - Confusion - Heal Bell - Recover The owner has no means to backup his save file to a computer (but has that device that allows to backup GB saves, but no connection to any other hardware). Nevertheless, this data is enough to recreate the original celebi distributed there and should be 1:1 with one obtained from a save backup. It's not the best way, but it's what we have. EDIT 2: I've attached a pikasav compatible file of the celebi I described above (generated with pikasav with the data specified above, at level 5). It is a BOX file, import it into a box slot (importing to party won't work). EDIT 3: Removed the pikasav file since you can now download a real dump here:
bokepall Posted October 10, 2016 Posted October 10, 2016 (edited) Sorry for necro revival, but is Shiny Ho-oh still missing? This one: PS: This guy claims it has all event pokemon Gen II, amongst other things, care to verify if Ho-Oh is legit? Edited October 11, 2016 by bokepall
suloku Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 I've checked the save, it seems he has some of the pokemon from the save in this thread in there. I've seen some fishy things in OT# like the 3 legendary birds having the same ID# and OT#, which would be extremely rare, so I guess he just used other events as basis to generate the missing ones. While technically legit, they don't seem like any of the missing events would be in the save. I've went and asked in youtube, let's see if I get a reply. Btw, at the admin Buoisel had at some point a dump of a savegame for German Mew and Celebi from the celebi Tour and was prone to share them. I haven't been able to contact him, but it would be great if we could get those saves, maybe he has more than 1 celebi from gen 2? A legit shiny one would be really awesome to have, only japanesse players can go and softreset for them.
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