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IMO they were 3 cat-like pokemon, same species, no elemental abilities. After all didn't they gain them from the lightning strike, the burning and the rain?

So maybe Persian?


Hm...the three cats being something before they were revived is...I dunno, stretching it a bit in my mind. Then again, it seems with every piece of Pokemon Nintendo/Game Freak/etc. brings out....there's more and more holes. Just like it is with .hack (But that's a whole other story altogether)

Yeah, I dunno on this one!

  • 2 weeks later...

I think the trio started as the three eevee forms... it makes sense, vaporeon and jolteon get burned, and (assuming they were all friends being part of a trio) flareon got crushed under the rubble as it wept for its friends. thats probly the most reasonable thing i can think of, btu nothings proven yet.

Hmm, that could be it. Vaporeon does seem kinda like Suicune, Raikou seems a lot like Jolteon, and sae with Flareon being like Entei.

That is also basically declaring that if Espeon Umbreon Leafeon and Glaceon were all to be burned, we would have more legendary beasts...

I don't like the idea. Suicune Entei and Raikou are all their own species, IMO.

I believe they are a reincarnation of burned Pokémon, they have to be. The legend says that Ho-oh reincarnated them from Pokémon from the tower, although I could be wrong. Could Raikou be Raichu?

Or, they could've been 3 unknown Pokémon that were never discovered.


How do you know that nothing rare lived there? >_>

and i don't think it would be evil eating Pokemon, because well in Pokemon world, they swap out animals for Pokemon, so anyone up for some Miltank, i mean steak. xD


I seems rather odd to think they were unique Pokemon already before dying.

But why does everyone want them to have been 3 different species?

That's totally flawed.

If for example they were the eevee trio before (or growlithe electrike or whatever), then they already had the elemental powers of thunder fire and rain.

That would mean Ho-oh simply made them more powerful!

But Ho-oh embodied them with the three events that happened at the tower: thunder, burn and rain.

So they could have been the same species or 3 different, but without the types! <.<


They aren't just swapped, but they also get better developed brains than real animals, not?

Killing Pokemon seems almost similar to killing people to me.

Who said the berries and other fruit don't include ingredients and whatnot that you would normally obtain through animal meat? That's my explanation xD


Does it really matter? We really won't know until we have more to go on. For all we know they were three unlucky Rattatas that were in the tower when it burned down. So it's really useless to try and guess what they were prior to being brought back to life, it's like trying to figure out which came first the egg or the chicken imo.

As for the whole Pokemon replacing animals... last I checked they didn't. I recall them eating fish/poultry/etc If anything Pokemon replaced bugs I think.. I can't remember anyone being bitten by a mosquito haha


I agree ^.They will probably never explain the legend it will be left a mystery any ways it doesnt matter what they were only what they are now the legendary dogs,they chould very well have been rattata,very unlucky rattata...

  HottSushiz said:
How do you know that nothing rare lived there? >_>

and i don't think it would be evil eating Pokemon, because well in Pokemon world, they swap out animals for Pokemon, so anyone up for some Miltank, i mean steak. xD

First of all, in the Pokémon world they do have real animals. In the episode of the sinking boat real fish were seen underwater. Second off, I'm not really sure if anything rare lived there, but I have been told that in the anime in the episode of the towers normal Pokémon were seen in there, which must mean nothing rare lived in there. Entei could have been one of the fire Pokémon in the tower, Raikou could have been one of the electric, and Suicune could have been one of the water Pokémon.


You keep forgetting though Floot that the game and anime are not tied in to each other. While the anime does take things from the game at time, the manga is what follows the games. So the anime having real animals and common pokemon have little no basis on what goes on in the games/mangas. I don't remember ever seeing any real animals in the manga or game, but they mention them. Most likely they DO exist they just aren't important enough to show.

Back on topic though, I agree that they were very unlucky rattata or something of a very common normal nature. And then like I saw someone mention before they were given elements based on the events of the tower burning. The lightning that caused the fire, the fire it self and then the rain that put it out. Making the pokemon already those elements just ruins the symbolism of the tragedy for me.

Posted (edited)

The fact that they died in the fire is what supposed to make them special. The Phoenix rising from the ashes deal. That is what Ho-Oh is after all. He mourned the lose of the three pokemon so he revived them and gifted them with the powers they have now.

Something doesn't have to be special to start with to be special later. There are tons of folk tails where something completely normal becomes something of great importance later on. Even more so in Japanese and Chinese culture. They have so many interesting Fairy Tails.

Edited by InuYouki
ashes not flames.

If I recall correctly the reason was due to a 'mysterious fire' which imo Is probably the result of Ho-oh and Lugia battling (the tower used to be Lugia's perch) and three unlucky innocent Rattatas/Garchomps(who cares lol) died due to their fight so Ho-oh took responsibility and reincarnated them. Nothing special..just guilt. At least that's my take on it.


I whould like to think they were just normal pokemon but...inuyouki if they represent the things that destroyed the tower why does raikou's pokedex entry say it fell with lightining?

and suicune is said to represent the north wind not water(though it is water type) it can also purify water and entei makes volcano's erupt....were did they get these powers from?


Why would Lugia and Ho-Oh fight though? I never recall anything about them ever wanting to fight. The lived like, right next door to each other for years. Mysterious fire would make me think it was set by a person. Be it by accident or on purpose. It is a human tail and you know how we never want to admit when we mess up. :/

---------- Post added at 10:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------

  telos said:
I whould like to think they were just normal pokemon but...inuyouki if they represent the things that destroyed the tower why does raikou's pokedex entry say it fell with lightining?

and suicune is said to represent the north wind not water(though it is water type) it can also purify water and entei makes volcano's erupt....were did they get these powers from?

Ah good point xD Like I said, I was just going off of what someone else had already mentioned. It could still work though in a way. Maybe the rain was brought by the north winds? And if the fire was started by lighting then Raiko "could" have fallen with that lighting. And Entie I don't know? The pokedex entries also talk about Clefarys coming from the Moon too, but that doesn't seem exactly true either. I honestly take the pokedex entries with a grain of salt. Just because thats what legend says doesn't make it true. That's what makes legends so fun! Always a mystery.


i think ho-oh chould not have put th flames out he is fire type i think it is more plausible to assume he flew down into the burnt out remains of the tower and the wind generated by his wings put the flames out.therefore suicune=north wind,might also explain why it learns gust...

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