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Yeah, I definately would not put it pass them to do something like that though, especially becuase of the amount of money they would rake in from die-hard Pokemon fans who would just buy the system to be able to buy and play the game. It may sound screwed up, but oh well... thats just how Nintendo rolls, and there is no way of stopping it.


I agree. I would do the same as well if I owned such a company that was able to use something like Pokemon to further boost sales of a game system and increase profit, but who wouldn't? Besides, does it really even matter anyways? Even if it is DSI exclusive, who cares? If it is a remake, as I said before, it is what it is! It might not even be a remake of G/S/C (disapointing thought, I know, so sorry) so lets just wait and see.


Very good point, but time seems to go faster the more hyped up you are (in my opinion). Never the less, Sunday will come and we all shall find out then, so either way we must have patience until it does.

Schoolwork is going to keep me preocupied until then, so it will probably be easier to wait until Sunday (I hope).

Technically speaking, if you live anywhere in the Americas, you will only have to wait until Saturday evening because at that time it is Sunday in Japan.


Oh yeah. I forgot about the time difference between America and Japan. Thanks for pointing that out Fenzo. Looks like I will have another thing to celebrate about ( if it turns out to be the remake) next week after my school's end of the year fieldtrip.


Most likely, it would be similar to GSC where you start off at Johto, and mabye, continue on to Kanto. But, they might just replace that with a Battle Frontier-like system, and include Mt. Silver as well, maybe.

  ZMaster said:
Most likely, it would be similar to GSC where you start off at Johto, and mabye, continue on to Kanto. But, they might just replace that with a Battle Frontier-like system, and include Mt. Silver as well, maybe.

That would just suck.

a GSC Remake is just going to be perfect ^_^ I don't think they'd ruin it by making it DSi exclusive or removing things from it, that just isn't practical.

  ZMaster said:
Most likely, it would be similar to GSC where you start off at Johto, and mabye, continue on to Kanto. But, they might just replace that with a Battle Frontier-like system, and include Mt. Silver as well, maybe.

Wow. If they did do that, it may ruin the entire game if it they took out Kanto.*Snaps back to reality* But after thinking about it, I realize that unless they improved Kanto from a ghost town-esque region to a more interesting and lively region, it may also ruin the game. Perhaps a new Battle Frontier-like system should be in order, just to make the gym leaders more challenging.

  GRaider said:
The wait is too long.

Not to mention the fact I live in Australia and if it comes out it wont be in australia for like ever :(

This is one reason why many people illegally download games.

  Haziel005 said:
what i see happening its the remake and sence there are no hoen region on the ds it would have kanto johto and hoen maybe?

No I don't see that happening. I believe it will be as accurate as a remake Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green was. Absolutely no changes to the storyline. Only new events and Pokémon.

  fenzo666 said:
Technically speaking, if you live anywhere in the Americas, you will only have to wait until Saturday evening because at that time it is Sunday in Japan.

I forgot about that. Now this wait seems shorter. Its still going to be a challenge, I'm still way to excited.

  ZMaster said:
Most likely, it would be similar to GSC where you start off at Johto, and mabye, continue on to Kanto. But, they might just replace that with a Battle Frontier-like system, and include Mt. Silver as well, maybe.

There is no maybe. If this is a remake, they will have Kanto. In the game you absolutely have to go to Kanto for obvious reasons, such as the Elite Four in Indigo Plateau, and having to go to the power plant to fix the train, and going to the Copycat's house to get the train ticket. Not to mention to be able to go to Silver Cave. There is absolutely no doubt that if this is a remake, there will be access to Kanto. To much important stuff if is that region.

No I don't see that happening. I believe it will be as accurate as a remake Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green was. Absolutely no changes to the storyline. Only new events and Pokémon.

That's not true, there was changes, such as the whole Sevii Islands part getting in the way of continuing the story.

Also, we've been told already that went implementing 'Oak's Letter' to start the Shaymin event Oak comes to tell us there is a similar white rock in Kanto which was never the case in FR/LG, and since D/P/Pt does apparently occur in the same timeline as G/S/C then there is a possibility there is a white rock now in Kanto, meaning a change to the story. But this is all guessing really.

If there is one, I'm assuming there will be now seven Kimono sisters. Ever since me and my friends have discussed a remake, this was one of my first questions, I wonder what that says about me.

  The Fallen said:
I highly doubt it'll be DSi exclusive. It would be a very poor marketing idea.

Indeed, especially with the economic crisis at the moment.

Anyway, back to topic :P. I'm really hoping this is a GSC remake, however we can't forget that there hasn't been a Shadow Pokemon game (Or similar) in a while...

As well as that, it could be like a PBR update where you can use Shaymin/Giratina/Rotom formes. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much for GSC, but hey I can't help it :P However the recent evidence such as new Totodile, Cyndaquil and Chikorita figures to be released in September and the "Gold and silver" balls that were shown hanging from a ceiling in a show. I'll try get that pic if I can, it's in my internet history SOMEWHERE, if anyone wants it.

  Azelf said:
Anyway, back to topic :P. I'm really hoping this is a GSC remake

You mean GS remake. There is no proof leading to a Crystal remake. When Fire Red and Leaf Green were released people thought there was going to be a remake of Pokémon Yellow, but there wasn't. Pokémon games work in a strange way. They release two games that are practically alike in every way, and than in a year or so, release a third one. For example, Red + Blue = Yellow, Gold + Silver = Crystal, Ruby + Sapphire = Emerald, Diamond + Pearl = Platinum. Since they didn't make a third game for the Red and Green remakes, it's highly likely there will not be a third game for another remake. If that was just a mistype or something, I'm sorry.


Like how they did with fire red and leaf green. They should put the Orange Islands in there. Don't forget GSC had the ability to obtain 8 more badges. It would be awesome to see a GS Remake. Johto was my fav region. And if thats the case then there will be a new series of GS Mangas comeing out.


The other 8 badges weren't visible to the player. It's as if you weren't rewarded anything. They didn't even do anything. The only fun of the badges were 16 gym leaders. That made so much people love the GSC series. If this is a remake, I'm pretty sure they'll make something so you could see the other badges as well.

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