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Well, I'm back.

I have some Pokemon from Syberia. On Smogon, he has a link to his page of redistributables titled "Free Pokemon", so I assume it's okay to distribute these. Now join his YouTube as thanks. :P

IIRC, most of these were bred before RNG abuse, so that's why they don't have flawless IVs.


Adamant, Guts, 30/31/31/13/31/31

Egg Moves: Cross Chop, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch


Adamant, Thick Fat, 31/31/31/22/27/31

Egg Moves: Cross Chop, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch


Adamant, 31/31/30/31/31/30

Egg Moves: Double-Edge


Adamant, 30/31/31/26/29/31

Egg Moves: Agility, Hydro Pump


Adamant, 31/31/28/24/29/31

Egg Moves: Pursuit, Featherdance


Adamant, Dry Skin, 31/31/31/7/29/31

Egg Moves: Bullet Punch, Cross Chop, Fake Out

Also, on a side note, I've been following the RNG research for 5th gen. I don't want to derail the topic, but why do you need the C-Gear for some Pokemon and not for others?

Swampert (Adamant, UT).pkm

Staraptor (Adamant, UT).pkm

Hariyama (Adamant, Guts, UT).pkm

Tyranitar (Adamant, EVed).pkm

Tyranitar (Careful, EVed).pkm

Empoleon (Adamant, UT).pkm

Cacturne (Adamant, UT).pkm

Toxicroak (Adamant, UT).pkm

Hariyama (Adamant, Thick Fat, UT).pkm

Swampert (Adamant, UT).pkmFetching info...

Staraptor (Adamant, UT).pkmFetching info...

Hariyama (Adamant, Guts, UT).pkmFetching info...

Tyranitar (Adamant, EVed).pkmFetching info...

Tyranitar (Careful, EVed).pkmFetching info...

Empoleon (Adamant, UT).pkmFetching info...

Cacturne (Adamant, UT).pkmFetching info...

Toxicroak (Adamant, UT).pkmFetching info...

Hariyama (Adamant, Thick Fat, UT).pkmFetching info...

Posted (edited)

because the non-cgear stuff isn't fully fleshed out yet. there's sha-1 hashing involved along with another DSID. seeds are predictable using the cgear, but not yet for non-cgear.

if you're playing a 5th gen game on a real cart and have a working AR, let me know, because i'd like to have you test something for me.

there's also a very hastily thrown together list in post 2 so people know when to stop.

e: and as i said on the list, please trade the celebi and jirachi as much as possible! i would appreciate it.

Edited by Bond697

Thank-you very much!

Good load this week.

Just one issue though, there appears to be two different, yet very similar Sneasels, and no Smeargle. Also the file in the archive which is labeled as a Smeargle, is in fact a Sneasel. Don't know what to take from this, but there seems to be a mistake, one way or another.


uh......i have a problem with my IR-GTS every time i get my DNS to work I transfer like 5 pkms and my DNS screws up and I can't get the connection to work till like 30 minutes later is thre something im doing wrong?


that sounds loike a problem on your end. if you weren't able to transfer ny then i could see it being a problem with ir-gts or maybe your setup, but i've used it pretty extensively while testing it for the guy and more recently for transferring .3gpkm files to HGSS with it and i've never run into a problem.


V.Cool! Thank-you very much Bond!

I gotta say, with the no requests until further notice policy, I am a little curious as to why I get to make a request, but, I am very, very thankful to have that honour, and am very much looking forward to the Skarmory!


I can't seem to download Smeargle, i go on there when everyone is asleep, and everything downloads in order, and then when i get too it, its like it skips him, i get Sneasel then i get Sneasel again, then it gos back to normal its really weird, i have try this 3 time already all in the offpeak times

  MoonRays said:
I can't seem to download Smeargle, i go on there when everyone is asleep, and everything downloads in order, and then when i get too it, its like it skips him, i get Sneasel then i get Sneasel again, then it gos back to normal its really weird, i have try this 3 time already all in the offpeak times

I got Smeargle just fine like...30 seconds ago.

  aaronbkm said:
V.Cool! Thank-you very much Bond!

I gotta say, with the no requests until further notice policy, I am a little curious as to why I get to make a request, but, I am very, very thankful to have that honour, and am very much looking forward to the Skarmory!

for pointing out the smeargle thing. i only download the first pkm every week to make sure it works. i never would have caught it.


also i used some of the pkm files the the event pokemon database on the front page of projectpokemon and some of them came through the GTS as egg pokemon........am i doing something wrong or should I just hatch the eggs?

  Fusion said:
also i used some of the pkm files the the event pokemon database on the front page of projectpokemon and some of them came through the GTS as egg pokemon........am i doing something wrong or should I just hatch the eggs?

What do the pkm file say? If it says "Egg", it's going to be an egg.

  Fusion said:
possibly last question if say I wanted to make a team over this application would I be able to make the PKMs over pokesav?



Awesome! Thank-you!

@moonrays: Are you downloading from the first or second server? There was an issue with there being a second Sneasel in the Smeargle's spot earlier this week, which I brought to Bond's attention, and maybe he forgot to change it on the second server? I know for a fact that it is working properly on the first server.


everything is right now on both. randomspot pointed out something i missed on the second server in my haste.

also, fusion: make sure you enter the GTS with a FULL party. otherwise, things like what you've described can happen.


Okay, awesome!

I just noticed that nobody was responding to MoonRays, so I thought I would at least make an effort to help him, by telling him what I knew. I wasn't meaning to step on your toes, or make assumptions about what was going on on your servers. Just trying to help.


Okay, cool.

Are we still to be expecting an update tomorrow, or will it be delayed a day or two because of the confusion, and the late update last week?

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