Chase-san Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Shadow_Steve said: hey chase, sent some info on the story through gitalso would you mind if i put the idiot-proof from your sig into mine? Please refork hah. And go ahead.
ChaoticKItten Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 pkmnTobi said: I agree it should, but so far it hasn't for me at least. I have all 493 pre-5th gen pokemon in my PC and it hasn't showed them in my national dex. I even had the two B/W legendaries in my party the whole game and didn't get them in pokedex until I met the real versions. It'll work if you trade them to someone then trade them back... huge amount of effort; I know, but yeah.
Chase-san Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 I merged shadow-steves main translation fork into the main translation files.
azumasta Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Poryhack said: Hey guys I've got a little present for you: For those of you who haven't seen these already these are new English-styled logos designed by Romruto1. I just finished converting them to the native DS format (screenshots are from DesMuMe, not Photoshop) and they will be available alongside Chase's Japanese-styled logos soon. Thanks Romruto1! thats awesome, exicted to see it in the new patch
SoulShade Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Poryhack said: Hey guys I've got a little present for you: For those of you who haven't seen these already these are new English-styled logos designed by Romruto1. I just finished converting them to the native DS format (screenshots are from DesMuMe, not Photoshop) and they will be available alongside Chase's Japanese-styled logos soon. Thanks Romruto1! I'm loving the pokemon white one, White on black is amazing. And that little half pokeball saying pokemon over the O in the v3 was kind of annoying.
ChaoticKItten Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Reveal hidden contents 1 = おつかれさまです!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここでは ポケモンの\xfffeたいりょく かいふくを します\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあなたの ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか? 1= You're up late! Welcome to the Pokemon Center we can heal your tired or hurt Pokemon. Would you like to heal your pokemon? 2= おはようございます!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここでは ポケモンの\xfffeたいりょく かいふくを します\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあなたの ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか? 2= Good Morning! Welcome to the Pokemon Center we can heal your tired or hurt Pokemon. Would you like to heal your pokemon? 3= こんにちは!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここでは ポケモンの\xfffeたいりょく かいふくを します\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあなたの ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか? 3= Hello! Welcome to the Pokemon Center we can heal your tired or hurt Pokemon. Would you like to heal your pokemon? 4= いらっしゃいませ!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000……あら もしかして\xfffeおたんじょうび ですか? 4= Welcome to the Pokemon Center! When is your birthday? 5= おたんじょうび\xfffeおめでとうございます!!\xf000븁\x0000これからも ポケモンセンターを\xfffeごりように なってくださいね\xf000븁\x0000それでは あなたの ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか? 5= Happy Birthday! \xf000븁\x0000これからも ポケモンセンターを\xfffeごりように なってくださいね\xf000븁\x0000それでは あなたの ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか? 6= ……あら かんちがい でしたか\xfffeもうしわけ ございません\xf000븁\x0000あなたの ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか? 7= それでは\xfffeおあずかり いたします! 8= おまちどおさま!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeおあずかり した ポケモンは\xfffeみんな げんきに なりましよ!\xf000븁\x0000 9= またの\xfffeごりようを おまち してます! 10= おつかれさまです!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここでは ポケモンの\xfffeたいりょく かいふくを します\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあなたの ポケモンを……\xf000븁\x0000 11= そ その カードは!?\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeその いろ!!\xfffeその かがやき!!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeわたしも これまでに\xfffeシルバーカードの トレーナーさんなら\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeなんにんか みてきましたが\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeそれより すごい\xfffeトレーナーカードを おもちの かたは\xf000븀\x0000\xfffe\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000さんが はじめて です!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeさあ \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000さんの\xfffeポケモンを やすませて あげましょう! 12= \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000さん おつかれさまです!\xfffeいつもので よろしい ですね! 13= おあずかりした ポケモンに\xfffeポケルスが ついて いるようです\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeくわしいことは わかって いませんが\xfffeポケルスと いうのは\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeポケモンに くっつく\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeちいさな せいめいたい だそうです\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeこれが ついている あいだ\xfffeポケモンが よく そだつ みたいです 14= ポケモン ワイヤレス クラブ\xfffeユニオンルームに ようこそ!\xf000븁\x0000こちらでは おおくの ともだちと\xfffeやりとり できます\xf000븁\x0000へやに はいりますか? 15= ユニオンルームは あなたの\xfffeちかくで ユニオンルームに\xf000븀\x0000はいっている ひとが あらわれます\xf000븁\x0000ふたりや 4にんで たいせんしたり\xfffeポケモンを こうかん できます\xf000븁\x0000また みんなで\xfffeタマゴを こうかんしたり\xf000븀\x0000おえかきで たのしめます\xf000븁\x0000チャットを つかって へやにいる\xfffeみんなと おはなしが できますし\xf000븁\x0000おはなしした ことばを タッチすれば\xfffeともだちを さがすことも できます\xf000븁\x0000へやに はいりますか? 16= DSワイヤレスつうしんを\xfffeかいし します 17= それでは ユニオンルームで\xfffeおたのしみ ください\xf000븁\x0000 18=それでは また おこしください 19= ユニオンルームへ いく 19= Go to Union Room 20= Quit 21= せつめいを きく 22= もうしわけ ございませんが\xfffeおきゃくさまは まだ\xf000븀\x0000ユニオンルームに はいれません\xf000븁\x0000 23= てもちに つれていけない\xfffeポケモンが います\xf000븁\x0000 24= そういえば おきゃくさま\xf000븁\x0000トレーナーカードに かいてある\xfffeごじぶんの かたがきが\xf000븀\x0000ポケモントレーナーの ままですね?\xf000븁\x0000かたがきを かえておくと\xfffeユニオンルームで あいさつを\xf000븀\x0000するときに イメージが\xf000븀\x0000つたわりやすくて べんりですよ\xf000븁\x0000そうですねー\xf000븁\x0000たとえば \xf000Ď\x0001\x0000\xfffeなど いかがでしょうか?\xf000븁\x0000わたしから みた いんしょう ですが\xfffeまずは かたがきを かえてみましょう\xf000븁\x0000おきに めさない ようでしたら\xfffeトレーナーカードで かたがきを\xf000븀\x0000タッチすれば へんこうできますよ\xf000븁\x0000 25= いまは まだ つかえないみたい I'm not done, just having a break. I'll edit this post when I do more. Also; it's probably not 100% accurate... sorry.
Shadow_Steve Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Chase-san said: Please refork hah. And go ahead. umm, i cant refork, it just sends me back to my own page, but im saying i added more stuff to the intro
soneek Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 @Chase-san I've finished a couple of files for the story translation. Would you be able to pull them into the main project? They're 0097 and 0438 I've done some work on other files but they aren't complete yet.
xxdbxx15 Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 just wondering if some1 found a english story lined patched rom (not saying i have 1 just wondering) could somebody be able to extract all the story line english parts from it? and add it to the next patch(once again dont have 1 just wondering)
azumasta Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Here are first 5 lines of shops 1 (0423 in story translation) Reveal hidden contents Welcome! \ XfffeHow may I help you? Please come again! You donot have enough money! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000
Chase-san Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Shadow_Steve said: umm, i cant refork, it just sends me back to my own page, but im saying i added more stuff to the intro example: git remote add chris git:// git fetch chris git branch chris-fork chris/master git checkout chris-fork git branch -M chris-fork master
AlterBridge Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Awesome work. Been playing through patch v2 and its great. A little difficult to keep track of the story but hey.. its easier knowing small details. So what are going to be the big changes in the next patch?
Chase-san Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 soneek said: @Chase-sanI've finished a couple of files for the story translation. Would you be able to pull them into the main project? They're 0097 and 0438 I've done some work on other files but they aren't complete yet. I will look into it.
Shadow_Steve Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 umm... chase im using windows and using the explorer version
Chase-san Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Shadow_Steve said: umm... chase im using windows and using the explorer version You make me sad. That comes with git bash right? Use that real quickly.
Shockuh Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 When i tried to update my file earlier today it said "Could not find file 'C:\Progam Files\WinDS PRO\ROMs\Games I have WinDS installed but it doesn't seem to notice it.
Chase-san Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Shadow_Steve said: umm... chase im using windows and using the explorer version Oh right, uhm if that doesn't work, try deleting your fork first then reforking.
Shadow_Steve Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 well this pc cant run linux, it won't install for some odd reason
NewAgePhantom Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Plouman said: so theres only 156 pokemon in this game?but you can also trade older gens right? like blaziken for example (if i spelt that correct) same as pal park but better.
shadowhunter93 Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 OK, quick question. I got a v4 beta patch, does anyone want me to look for stuff? All I know that is a for sure change is that summaries are now for the most part in english, and some stuff in GTS was translated.
omega666 Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 azumasta said: Here are first 5 lines of shops 1 (0423 in story translation) Reveal hidden contents Welcome! \ XfffeHow may I help you? Please come again! You donot have enough money! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000 the word "donot" is spelled wrong. should be "don't" or "do not"
Plouman Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 shadowhunter93 said: OK, quick question. I got a v4 beta patch, does anyone want me to look for stuff? All I know that is a for sure change is that summaries are now for the most part in english, and some stuff in GTS was translated. Theres a v4 released?
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