Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 26, 2010 Posted October 26, 2010 (edited) acepanda said: Riolu, You sir. Are a legend (: I have been watching this space in secret and now that you have made an AR for the Victini i thought i would make a profile and show you my gratitude for your achievement. So thanks (: One question tho, I thought it was going to be the actual event, Not just the pokemon? otherwise <3 Ace. I will have the Liberty Ticket code ready soon. Edit: A Bunch of Legendaries: Press Select Reveal hidden contents (Black) 94000130 FFFB0000 02234814 3193BC72 02234818 EF150000 0223481C AEFD8AF5 02234820 F9FF832B 02234824 FA12663E 02234828 995E6BE9 0223482C F73D403C 02234830 00F6E977 02234834 32118FFC 02234838 65D07813 0223483C 35B8D9DF 02234840 9F57E89F 02234844 0EF03046 02234848 BC9DA25A 0223484C AC0E9B1E 02234850 75718EC1 02234854 14A29204 02234858 8D1531FE 0223485C F6C63910 02234860 6C3F0B9A 02234864 C38391C0 02234868 CA0B45FC 0223486C B320F754 02234870 CB32D443 02234874 ED4A813E 02234878 28A573D6 0223487C AC3AC844 02234880 7973F8C3 02234884 C3544526 02234888 C6C4A9E6 0223488C 251D9CC7 02234890 6901B612 02234894 D4D58FE2 02234898 CA952810 0223489C C297D17E 022348A0 2CF2E197 022348A4 39D21472 022348A8 5851967A 022348AC C1DBDF23 022348B0 96185F23 022348B4 3E7EF60B 022348B8 E67CA4D8 022348BC C030A46F 022348C0 87626E5C 022348C4 9A654C7E 022348C8 4DA3F26A 022348CC 660A6581 022348D0 70E12CEB 022348D4 AA2977EA 022348D8 1D74C1E2 022348DC E99E16C1 022348E0 0CCC6452 022348E4 EE74BAF9 022348E8 BC5B9552 022348EC 90FF3A8B 022348F0 D3C95E28 022348F4 C2DA0000 022348F8 E031486A 022348FC CDAD070F 02234900 420E6446 02234904 8DE24418 02234908 B306E974 0223490C 10E20709 02234910 ECCD6A00 02234914 5F931696 02234918 C8D2C3E2 0223491C E596ACD0 02234920 E4CE1919 02234924 EA258F50 02234928 2CDE2A06 0223492C F08A491D 02234930 B5C25255 02234934 8DF0CB32 02234938 07D92D83 0223493C C1865D7C 02234940 810F5341 02234944 3A102933 02234948 191E74F3 0223494C 41CED580 02234950 CB82AAF6 02234954 25E2EA88 02234958 B8594639 0223495C 4F56BC54 02234960 5528EA3A 02234964 8BE66716 02234968 F092232D 0223496C 4127C3F8 02234970 05AF9204 02234974 867136A9 02234978 CF0A825D 0223497C 8D21EB1A 02234980 325B9775 02234984 BF6FD3A8 02234988 DBB0D466 0223498C 17F03D3E 02234990 4771C29B 02234994 AA477903 02234998 985F02C8 0223499C 67822967 022349A0 D112225F 022349A4 CF2B5730 022349A8 04CE4419 022349AC 2667A6E4 022349B0 239D2D7D 022349B4 CBD271E6 022349B8 39B6FF75 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00010001 00000001 4627A80C 042C0000 E70B67BC C2C74724 BE0B10CD 987A1C18 7987A36A 0052F977 1DE8BA36 01B6FD51 4728BFBC 3368E49D 8D6C7811 43A7A7C6 5FEC6F47 ECFEDF82 718FC760 C1676F96 8C9FA278 38165ABB E65B2883 B22F6639 8D9AB70A C63962AC B75CD184 07E321F0 BB505B9E 1225B5F0 B382EB94 CBD3E1F6 52CE3E10 691F3A4F 85B7A30B 043AAD3E FA71F95E 9EA619A1 E7F320DA C4FCF8B1 9F50AE96 8243FA59 29BDC468 A781C86B 591B0596 801393B4 5CD2FC9C 9F6B6EB2 C6B2C669 A729EFAE DA5FB4BE 466EF88E 4D9951CB 47D5B026 6638585D E6693BBB 88FBFD3B 80EE3F85 241DA37A 8846FA56 302FFD3B 00000000 00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Reveal hidden contents Entei Code: 94000130 FFFB0000 B2000024 00000000 E001D0BC 00000A94 00010001 00000001 27A055B8 8D0E0000 1DBCD2FE A0368265 D54DC60B F8E3A54A A2CB962A EF1DEB43 1F58C660 2BC47DEA 55DFD257 F072AF50 A7B9CCB3 AD1F7FF9 1325A383 A214465A 2A6B1932 1AF9794E 35040BFA D1AB693D 787A9A19 12D43DE9 EC07C198 34AB406F A81E9FF5 74BA0D10 39AB5AB6 B7A7C698 29B688D1 E907A06E A6B454C2 95A1C4EF 33E31930 68600653 4C42BDB2 7041F086 3D50E827 F64B98F1 2BA6E238 4430E72F 1932056C 99BBC6CB 48802F28 170AD461 46AD6CB4 8356AEB3 9C4A65D0 0C5A5EE1 8625E89F EAB730CB 7E400175 FF98FAA4 A4A38B46 0F90AEC4 784FA52F 8BD94AF7 FEE80F77 887A7C06 04ECA2B9 00000000 00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Reveal hidden contents Suicune Code: 94000130 FFFB0000 B2000024 00000000 E001D0BC 00000A94 00010001 00000001 05E6F8B8 FE950000 87CC0A5C 2D2ADC8C 2EAB4732 789E11D2 407B63AC 1A692A6E 86D4E6F1 F3B3D7E8 107572E2 FD5802E2 9BD06EA5 823BEF0F 658E8152 E6480CB9 82CD6DCB D7532CF8 E622A6A8 E0F33F9C D96CB02F D59638B2 52B47E4C 026F6AA2 06946F04 EBB68E06 C7B12A0C 344DCE0E 7F31C829 744E96BD 5141285A D69A6D3D 0CF7BC75 D4F16A6A 1B49F970 0FDE8F20 85293F93 DC109655 E3717D0B 8746AF5D A3927AFD 6F06E05A 008D29C3 F2E1166E 039AF8A3 89B78B0F D5F6EBCD 04E0136D 327423F2 BB0B7878 48B098F8 648BCE73 56E83A62 6BE546C2 AE305581 2B8456A0 719A7FAF 039C222B 28C943BE 00000000 00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Edited October 27, 2010 by Riolu Aura Sphere Now Added Untested Codes
Bubble Head Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 thanks for awesome code and can i request instant egg at day care code.That way we don't have to wait so long to get an egg anymore
wertrew Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 I appreciate the effort you have put into them, but the first two codes are just too long to be inputted and thus can't be used.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Sorry about the length of the first code. I will make it shorter some time this week. For the Liberty Ticket code, it can't be any shorter than what I posted. The Liberty Ticket code I posted was created with Nigoli's Liberty Ticket Present.pgf using BWPokesav v0.06c. However, you can Copy and Paste the code instead of typing it.
heimos Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 so can I use the liberty ticket code if I'm using desmume? sorry for such a stupid question but I really had to ask >.>
MercuryShadowScizor Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Say Riolu, would you happen to know of a possible fix for the shiny code? Seeing as it freezes on Victini and Reshiram.
Bubble Head Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Bubble Head said: thanks for awesome code and can i request instant egg at day care code.That way we don't have to wait so long to get an egg anymore um can i request the instant egg code ? thanks
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 I will see what I can do with the Wild Shiny Modifier. The problem might be an off set in one of the Hex Values. This shouldn't take long. This is how you can get the Liberty Ticket onto Desmume. I had to use two seperate WC, one posted here on this thread by Tbird and another one posted here in this thread inside a .sav. First, I had to compare the two inorder to see if they had any similarities and difference in which they did. To find this, I used BWPokesav v0.06c and used the Mystery Gift Option. I opened the Liberty Ticket Present.pgf which Tbird kindly linked somewhere in this thread. This one did have the Card ID, but the Name of the Item wasn't showing propertly. Now with that done, I opened the .sav containing the Liberty Ticket WC which is posted somewhere in this thread. This WC had everything correct except that there were no Card ID and the date was different from the .pgf. This may have been caused due to them obtaining this WC in different days. With all the information found, I took the Card ID from the .pgf and typed it in the .sav Card ID and saved it as a new .pgf file which I stored on my Flash Drive. After saving, I clicked ok and I exported my new .pgf into a .xml containing the AR code. After that, I saved that .sav as a .sav which is for No&gba and I saved it as a .dsv which is for Desmume. I will upload my new files when I have some free time.
kbrown Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Is there a nature mod in this thread? I can't seem to find one when CTRL+F'ing through the pages.
PSIwind Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: I will see what I can do with the Wild Shiny Modifier. The problem might be an off set in one of the Hex Values. This shouldn't take long.This is how you can get the Liberty Ticket onto Desmume. I had to use two seperate WC, one posted here on this thread by Tbird and another one posted here in this thread inside a .sav. First, I had to compare the two inorder to see if they had any similarities and difference in which they did. To find this, I used BWPokesav v0.06c and used the Mystery Gift Option. I opened the Liberty Ticket Present.pgf which Tbird kindly linked somewhere in this thread. This one did have the Card ID, but the Name of the Item wasn't showing propertly. Now with that done, I opened the .sav containing the Liberty Ticket WC which is posted somewhere in this thread. This WC had everything correct except that there were no Card ID and the date was different from the .pgf. This may have been caused due to them obtaining this WC in different days. With all the information found, I took the Card ID from the .pgf and typed it in the .sav Card ID and saved it as a new .pgf file which I stored on my Flash Drive. After saving, I clicked ok and I exported my new .pgf into a .xml containing the AR code. After that, I saved that .sav as a .sav which is for No&gba and I saved it as a .dsv which is for Desmume. I will upload my new files when I have some free time. I'm sorry, I don't really understand. Could you be a little more clearer?
WhiteZekrom Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Question for all the people who are having troubles with the shiny code. Does it freeze when you use pokemon modifier or when you challenge them? I have a shiny code that works with anything on pokemon modifier but freezes when i challenge them. Black 521A8764 21012006 E2002200 00000028 4C08B57E 88248865 08ED4065 F1A7B40F 1C06FDD7 40410401 428D0CC9 D1F5BC0F BD7E1C30 0224F79C 021A9764 FD4CF658 D0000000 00000000 White 521A8784 21012006 E2002200 00000028 4C08B57E 88248865 08ED4065 F1A7B40F 1C06FDE7 40410401 428D0CC9 D1F5BC0F BD7E1C30 0224F7BC 021A9784 FD3CF658 D0000000 00000000
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 imaliar said: Couldn't get the ability mod to listed earlier in the thread to work, but found one that does here: From that same site, I found a nature mod that works. Here's how it works, go to a pokemon's status screen and then use L or R to cycle through the natures. Use the table over at Bulbapedia to translate the nature names. Reveal hidden contents Black: 521D4260 D3F22C03 E2002080 00000060 29006DA9 2103D103 42080209 4770D100 65A92101 448E2106 0A06B5FF 21011C28 FF78F1D3 F1D31C28 1C04FF3D 22002170 FF5CF015 D1042E01 28193001 2000D108 2E02E006 2800D104 2018D101 3801E000 1C201C02 F0152170 1C28FF37 F1D32100 020020E0 BDFFFF59 121D525E 0000F62C 121D5260 0000FF0F D0000000 00000000 White: 521D4280 D3F22C03 E2002080 00000060 29006DA9 2103D103 42080209 4770D100 65A92101 448E2106 0A06B5FF 21011C28 FF88F1D3 F1D31C28 1C04FF4D 22002170 FF6AF015 D1042E01 28193001 2000D108 2E02E006 2800D104 2018D101 3801E000 1C201C02 F0152170 1C28FF45 F1D32100 020020E0 BDFFFF69 121D527E 0000F62C 121D5280 0000FEFF D0000000 00000000 Here you go! Don't worry about it PSIwind, I will upload my new files tomorrow.
MercuryShadowScizor Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 To WhiteZekrom: That's the same one I used and only to have the game freeze when encountering Reshiram and Victini. To Riolu: Ah okay, I will wait patiently then.
Rrasler Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now is there anyway you can, make the liberty ticket code useable for desmume emulator?
WhiteZekrom Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 MercuryShadowScizor said: To WhiteZekrom: That's the same one I used and only to have the game freeze when encountering Reshiram and Victini.To Riolu: Ah okay, I will wait patiently then. Sorry i didnt see that. My game froze today as well when i found victini while using the code
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 My New Files. Key Item Liberty Ticket.xml Liberty Ticket.pgf Liberty Ticket_2.sav
cali_kid_818 Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 ok i downloaded all 3, idk what to do with the sav file but i copied the code from the xml thing and i have the ticket but the ship wont leave?? so idk what im doing here
kbrown Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 I can't seem to get the clone code to work. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? It seems pretty simple haha. Reveal hidden contents ::Box Pokémon Clone (Hold Select while moving) :::Hold Select after picking up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it. Refresh screen to see results. 94000130 FCFB0304 5200768C 1E523308 1200768C 0000C303 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFB0300 5200768C 1E52C303 1200768C 00003308 D2000000 00000000
Rrasler Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now hey riolu i got all three files what am i suppose to do with them?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 Rrasler said: Riolu Aura Sphere Nowhey riolu i got all three files what am i suppose to do with them? cali_kid_818 said: ok i downloaded all 3, idk what to do with the sav file but i copied the code from the xml thing and i have the ticket but the ship wont leave?? so idk what im doing here You can use the .sav with No$gba or your Flash Cart. Open the .sav with BWPokesav v0.06c and rename it with your previous .sav. For Desmume users, you will have to find a way to convert or import the .sav.
Rrasler Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now i was able to add the item but when i talked to the boat man it won't trigger the event how do i get it to activate the event?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 Rrasler said: Riolu Aura Sphere Now i was able to add the item but when i talked to the boat man it won't trigger the event how do i get it to activate the event? I can edit your .sav file to have the Liberty Ticket WC, but you will need to upload your .sav file.
cali_kid_818 Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 ya im having the same problem, im using desmume and i have the ticket but the sailor dude wont let me on...
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 cali_kid_818 said: ya im having the same problem, im using desmume and i have the ticket but the sailor dude wont let me on... I can edit your .sav file to have the Liberty Ticket WC, but you will need to upload your .sav file.
Rrasler Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 ok my file isnt a .sav cus it a save file for desmume but here it is i was able to add event pokemon and other stuff using BWPokesav v0.06c u told me to use
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