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theSLAYER last won the day on April 27

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About theSLAYER

  • Birthday 10/06/1990

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  1. Don’t edit any of the data if you want to be able to use them in conjunction with HOME
  2. Extract your save. Then modify your save on PKHeX. Then place the save back.
  3. Go to the GitHub and use the latest release of the plugin. It works on latest dev build on PKHeX
  4. That’s for 3DS. Also only applies to distributions. I’ve never tried for NDS saves, however given your save isn’t being broadcasted wirelessly, and I’m not even sure whether you can use NTR CFW when booted into NDS mode, I kinda doubt it.
  5. So summary of the conversation: 1. Definitely bootleg cart 2. Using GBAbackup tool to dump and restore unmodified saves (at that point) works fine [save not stored in ROM] 3. When viewing save in HxD, the save appears to be mutated. 4. With further testing, it appears the game expects to load a mutated save. 5. By using PKHeX on the save first (first partition of save is fine), then copying the block at offset 0x0 to 0xDFFF and paste overwriting to 0x10000, then subsequently restoring the save, the PKHeX edited save was loaded by the repro cart. I imagine the cart reads the save starting from 0x10000 but who knows. [we tried with an unedited save but rearranged to be not-mutated, didn't load] 6. I advised that one either may not be able to beat Elite 4, or could beat them but won't have the HOF records. In any case, the steps: Issue is now resolved
  6. then perhaps your save is saved differently or something.
  7. yeah that should be okay since you aren't touching the mon's directly. You could also just hyper train the mon in later games (actual mechanic in the game). The stats would function as 31 IVs but the actual stat remains, so won't cause it to become illegal.
  8. If it says that, there’s likely no Pokémon data in the file.
  9. It’s missing the “windows” looking icon at the top left on the back of the cart. Yeah it’s fake. Read:
  10. For some of the Gen 3 bootleg carts, the save data is actually stored in the ROM. So using the bootleg ROM dump with that program just may extract the save for you. Godspeed!
  11. If you've read what I've shared before, then you'll know, there's no save data in that file. And just to be sure, I checked. Nothing of use there. What you should be doing is dumping the ROM, and not the save, of the bootleg cart. (and don't share that ROM here) Only then, would you be able to extract the save.
  12. "Method 1, 2 and 4" PIDs aren't the be all end all. Encounters and all that have limited encounter slots etc, so it's always better to gen the full thing properly, as opposed to 100% relying on PID to IVs.
  13. Ask them for certificate and photos of the event.
  14. If you have CFW on the Switch and SWSH, there’s a loophole where you can move Gen 3-7 captured mons into HOME, provided those species exist in SWSH. Otherwise you’ll need someone to move them in for you.. which isn’t really a good idea for involved parties.
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