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  • How to Use the Batch Editor in PKHeX

    In this tutorial you will learn how to properly use the Batch Editor in PKHeX. The batch editor, when utilized fully and correctly, can be an extremely useful tool for fixing, and editing Pokemon.


    Please Note: The Batch Editor does NOT have an undo option and therefore all actions taken with the Batch Editor are FINAL

    unless you quit PKHeX without saving. As a result.



    Section 1: Basic Fundamentals and operation of the Batch Editor


    The Batch editor works on the simple premise that all possible characteristics pertaining to a Pokemon, boil down to a set of numbers which correspond to certain values in the Pokemon games themselves. Because of this, changing, and editing Pokemon using the Batch Editor is like a mathematical statement, with if then, and true/false statements.

    The basic operators of the Batch Editor are:

    "." = Sets the desired value Equal to the value you input

    "=" = Narrows the editing of Pokemon down to the Pokemon which have the same value as your input value

    "!" = Narrows the editing of Pokemon down to the Pokemon which do not have the same value as your input value.

    As an example of how these operators are used, Once you select a variable you would like to change (OT Name, Pokemon Species, Pokemon Level, etc...) and the correct operator, click "Add". This will add your desired variable with your desired operator in the correct format. The next step is to create the formula in which the Batch Editor will run. 

    As an example of a possible combination for use in the Batch Editor, the following formula will change the OT trainer name on Pokemon with a specific OT to a specified OT trainer name, as well as give every Pokemon with that filter, a Master Ball to hold.



    =OriginalTrainerName=PKHeX This line instructs the Batch Editor to narrow it's scope down to every Pokemon with the OT Trainer Name "PKHeX"
    .OriginalTrainerName=TEST This lines instructs the Batch Editor to set the OT Trainer Name for all of the previously filtered Pokemon to "TEST
    .HeldItem=1 This line instructs the Batch Editor to set the Held Item for all of the previously filtered Pokemon to a Master Ball - which Item Index number is 1.

    Some Special Tricks to use in the Batch Editor, Courtesy of @Kaphotics (Creator of PKHeX)

    1. The Batch Editor window references the PKM that is currently viewed in the editing tabs.
      1. If you select a property name, the Batch Editor will indicate whether or not the tabs PKM has that property.
      2. If the tabs PKM has that property, the Batch Editor will display the property's current value as well as the data type (number, text, etc).
    2. To Randomize a PID, use ".PID=$rand".
    3. To Randomize EncryptionConstant, use ".EncryptionConstant=$rand"
    4. To Randomize a value within a range, use ".Nature=$x,y" for an inclusive range of [x,y].
    5. To make a Pokémon Shiny: use ".PID=$shiny".
    6. To copy the Encryption Constant to the PID, use ".EncryptionConstant=PID"
    7. To delete a Pokémon, use ".Species=0"
    8. To set a date (Met / EggMet), use yyyyMMdd for the string.
      1. Example: ".MetDate=20160409" will set the Met Date to April 9th, 2016.
    9. Suggestions can be automatically applied for Moves, RelearnMoves, and Met_Location.
      1. Example: ".Moves=$suggest" will retrieve and apply suggested moves from the legality interpreter, same as if you clicked on the Moves groupbox in the tabs editor.
    10. Legality can be used as a filter. Use "=Legal=false" to only modify illegal Pokémon.
    11. A full up to date list is available by reading the Pokémon properties from the PKHeX source code


    Section 2: ID Numbers for Use with the Batch Editor


    This section will focus on the input values you can use in conjunction with the Batch Editor. The Batch Editor uses the in-game index values to set the desired properties to Pokemon. Because of this you will need to use said index numbers instead of relying on the standard text based input present in PKHeX. As an example, to set the species of a Pokemon using the Batch Editor, you must use the equation


    Not .Species=Mewtwo

    Below are many of the common variables you may want to use, along with the possible values to use with those variables.

    Please Note: Some variables (like location, items etc...) have different ID numbers for different generations. Please ensure that you are using the correct ID numbers that correspond to the generation of the game you are editing.



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents


    TeraTypeOriginal and TeraTypeOverride:

      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents


    MarkCircle, MarkDiamond, MarkHeart, MarkSquare, MarkStar, MarkTriangle:

      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents


    Move1, Move2, Move3, Move4:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Move1_PPUps, Move2_PPUps, Move3_PPUps, Move4_PPUps:

      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents


    RelearnMove1, RelearnMove2, RelearnMove3, RelearnMove4:

      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents


    ShinyLeaf (Gen 4 HG/SS Only)

      Reveal hidden contents


    SID16 or TrainerSID7:

      Reveal hidden contents


    TID16 or TrainerTID7:

      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents


    Stat_ATK, Stat_DEF, Stat_HP, Stat_SPA, Stat_SPD, Stat_SPE:

      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents


    You can use Batch Editor to also view the particular values you want.
      Reveal hidden contents

    Special Thanks to @theSLAYER for help with making and researching this guide with me
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    So, is there a way to change the Language of the Pokemon? I see that you can change the country and I'm sure thats the same thing I just don't get how

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    Thank you so much for the help! However now it marks my Pokemon as Ilegal because "Nickname does not match species name" So I tried this and nothing, pretty sure Im doing something wrong

    *Edit* Nevermind I got, thank you based @theSLAYER


    Edited by ItsMigu

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    How can I randomize Abilities? I have a box full of the same Pokemon and I want them to have either their first or second ability at random.

    I tried .AbilityNumber=$1,2 and .AbilityNumber=$rand

    The first one sets it all to 2 and the $rand sets them all to their HA (so 4 I guess)

    Any suggestions?

    Edited by BigMoneyD

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    Is there a way to randomize SID and TID?

    I tried:



    But it didn't work.

    Hope you can tell me how to randomize these values

    Edited by ZMQuade
    Put in steps I tried.

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    How can i change the pokeball form all poke to duskball? ive been trying for about 30 but i still cant get it i just dont get it...also...i suck at math so i dont get the formula...sorry and ty

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    Doesn't require math, just requires logic.

    If any ball were a Poke Ball (first line)
    change them to Dusk Ball (second line)


    The ID values can obtained from the first post (snippet)


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    Does anyone have the code to edit all pokemon to have your trainer id without affecting event/locked pokemon? 

    Trying to change my Trainer Name, TID, SID, Handler Name to mine. 

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      On 3/2/2020 at 7:17 PM, kambo_one said:

    Does anyone have the code to edit all pokemon to have your trainer id without affecting event/locked pokemon? 

    Trying to change my Trainer Name, TID, SID, Handler Name to mine. 


    I think I did this earlier. Try:


    .TrainerSID7=(Your SID)

    .TrainerID7=(Your TID)


    Make sure to create a backup of your file in case we mess it up.

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    Did anybody figure out how to handle the Home Tracker using batch and found a way to make them legal/tradeable/home transferable?

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    Generation 8 Location codes? cant find them anywhere online for batch editor.

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    I was wondering, let’s say I create a Pkm in the editor without using batch or I catch a legit pkm. Is there a way to see it’s equivalent batch code?

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    Hi is there a way to make everything in my boxes shiny while also keeping my TID, excluding events would also be a bonus

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    How do I save my batch once I change all my 38 boxes to my trainer info? 

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    Do any of you know the Gen 8 item code? It looks like the held item spreadsheet only goes up to Gen 7

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    I hope you are doing well. ?

    i would like to know if there is a way to randomize the SID and TID with batch editor plz 


    Thank you


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    Thanks for the great thread, been very helpful.  I do have one question:

    I would like to make all of my Pokemon Non-Shiny. Using the .PID=$rand command works, but as previously mentioned, this makes many of the Pokemon caught in earlier generations illegal.

    Is there either (a) a different way to make them all non-shiny using a batch script or (b) a batch script to fix the PID of the illegal Pokemon?



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