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Everything posted by KirinBlaze

  1. Thank you, I'll take a look at that first link and PokeGen.
  2. I was just wondering if there was a PID Generator for Black/White or if the one for download here will work fine when SAVing stuff for B/W.
  3. Is there a move modifier code that changes a TM or something of that nature?
  4. Yeah? That's help enough for me. I'll go looking for it. Thanks a ton.
  5. Does anyone know if there is a code for Max contest stats, preferably Beauty?
  6. Is there a nature modifier code like the one used in HGSS for this one?
  7. Just another quick question. For the EV codes, is that if you simply catch a Pokemon the wild or breed one? Or is it given through the vitamin items like the code in D/P? If it's just added on when you catch/breed something does anyone know if there's a code that works like the D/P one? Making the Carbos, HP Up, etc, give the amount of EV's you set for in the code?
  8. Thanks so much, McFizzle. Is this an L+R activated or Select+Up?
  9. Sorry I'm asking but I looked through and didn't see a code for Max BP. Is it there and I'm just not seeing it? If not can someone provide me with the code? Thanks in advance.
  10. Have they released a SID Check code for HG US yet?
  11. So does anyone know why the Quick Egg Hatch code just stopped working?
  12. Yeah the same thing happened for me, last night. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the date because it stopped working at 12AM on the dot.
  13. Does anyone know if there's a Move Modifer Code out there? Like the one from D/P/Pt that changed Protect to w/e Heart Scale amount you discarded or something?
  14. A question about the Secret ID's. Mine comes up as a 4 digit number, I'm assuming that means there is a 0 in the front since money isn't displayed as 0XXXX? I ask this because I tried putting a 0 in my secret ID when using the HG/SS Pokesav and when I used the code and checked the memo It said 'Egg Apparently Hatched' instead of 'Egg Hatched' like it would if the correct SID was used.
  15. I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but I've got nowhere else to go. So I've been attempting to get these AR codes working for my HGSS games on my Acekard 2i. I've taken all the steps to ready the use of AR codes with it and no matter which file type (.xml, cheats.dat, urscheats.dat) I try and use it claims that there is so cheats for this game located in the CheatDB File. Has anyone had a similar problem and overcome it? Or perhaps someone already knows how to fix this?
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