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Everything posted by kkzero

  1. As both a PMD enthusiast and a former Google Translate hack maker myself, I approve of this. I wish you good luck in bringing this to completion.
  2. Not bad for such a short hack. Hoping to see more elaborate PMD hacks like this surface soon now that SkyTemple's been out. By the way, if anyone got a checksum mismatch while patching to a clean US ROM (CRC32 of 22DDE080, xdelta UI threw an error), try RHDN's patcher, it worked for me.
  3. Version 1.1


    AT7View is an archive extractor/compressor/modifier for the AT7 container format used in the three Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games released for WiiWare in Japan only. Source code and how-to guide can be found here. Support thread can be found here.
  4. Fan translators, general-purpose modders--the wait is over. Enter AT7View, a modding suite for the AT7 container format in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon WiiWare games. Download latest release here Source code and how-to guide here Decompression, recompression, file extraction/replacement, all the fun stuff's here. Maybe even more to come in the future, like a texture converter, a table editor, or a recompressor not built around my trash coding skills as of now. Just wanna give a huge thanks to Platinum Lucario and MegaMinerd for their AT7 container research. Couldn't have made this without it.
  5. Just to clarify what this means, the top nybble is representative of how many bytes will be copied over from the negative offset. If it is zero, three bytes will be copied to the current decompressed position, but if it is anything higher it will take three plus this nybble's value of the bytes. If the nybble were 2, for example, it would take five bytes. Additionally, the negative offset, being the distance the string is behind from the current decompressed position, is determined by 1000 in hex minus the 12-bit value. I was able to find this out through a little programming trial-and-error of my own.
  6. UPDATE 08/01/2019: When I first posted this back in July, I posted about how I found the text in a non-standard 8-bit format. However, after further research into the game, it turns out this is only the case for the name of the save files and nicknames of Pokemon. The rest of the text is actually Shift-JIS, a longtime standard 16-bit encoding format for Japanese text. Original post: Filename/nicknames text table: Disclaimer: Other than the general idea of what the character sets are, I know nothing about the Japanese language, so if any of those characters somehow aren't right then that's why. pmdwiiware8bit.tbl
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