Sorry, red, but even if I didn't enter anything at all into Sav the code would still be as long as the one I gave you, just a bunch of zeros...
Tried anyway, I made two codes. One is for your party, the other for the PC. They're both for Platinum, L + R.
The party code. This one does have the stats you wanted, exactly. Party slot 1. Eh, also, don't level it up or its stats will subtract a lot.
And this is for your PC, but it does not have the stats you wanted. Again, the PC regulates stats... actually, the stats are as high as I could get them, in the order of HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spd: 250/184/196/151/217/182. The stats are sort of close to the 200's you wanted, but the attack... is not. But this code is shorter. Box 15, slot 1.
I know you hate typing these things out by hand (I had to type out 30+ of both Pokemon and .pgt codes before I got my Windows, I hated it, too), but I have no clue how to make them shorter... Show the codes to Riolu Aura Sphere Now and maybe he could work something out.