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Everything posted by Vladcik

  1. I'm sorry but i can't find any english link... Everything is french. It's an awesome tool that can read your save... http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb394/Brasounette/pokemonreader2-Copie.png Here's a screenshot of that if this reminds you something... And it's a table with everything like in Pokémon box listing ! (just found the exemple) Stats / EV / IV etc you can order by name, shiny or not etc and after you can click on it to find his location ! (well at least, it works like that for pokemon reader)
  2. Yep i really thing it's about Action Replay thing... it's really a pain and corrupt easily the 3rd Gen games ! I've a new suggestion haha X_X Is it possible to add a listing thing like in Pokemon Reader ? Thanks O/
  3. I had the same problem (well cf screenshot) with one / two saves downoladed. Now i've a problem with one of my OWN save. It's a save from a randomizer, and I used A-save a lot of time not for editing but more for iv / ev checking. The Pokemon loads very well, but the money + item is really bugguy. I've no items and 240 485 063$ (well i've famed a LOT it could be real haha but the max is 999 999$ so nop) I've no idea of what could happen because everything else works fine (Pokemon, Time played, coins etc). Thanks o/
  4. Hey o/ ! i'm back o/ ! Well, i've started to store items on the PC and just a suggestion that could be cool with Shiny icon is the possibility to store ALL items at once. For exemple Ctrl + A (or Ctrl or anything like that) is working, so we could send all items at once on the PC (would be much faster) For bugs, except roms that are not recognized (i think cheated) like the one of my screenshot, everything seems to work, i'll edit if i see anything o/ Thanks and sorry for annyoing you T_T
  5. Oh it's okay, it's not a save i'll use or anything, it's just that i wanted to report any weird thing i could find :3 I'll continue later tonight, but it's okay if nothing can be done for THIS specific save Thanks o/
  6. Oops my bad forget my post ahah X_X Found another little bug : There's some problem with money. For exemple in your saves aviable to download, I think the Ruby one (not sure, can't remember) has something like 3,000,000,000$ that not really possible haha ! (Not saying it's hack or anything, i don't care), but just this can be a problem if the max money is 999,999$ You could store all this money to take advantage of this. I've found this bug in a few of the saves i've downloaded o/
  7. Yep i'm aware of this (ah the good time spent on filb.de for unlocking that <3) but I think the special ones are not on Trigger's PC
  8. I'm back with some bugs / errors. Before reporting that, i've to say that i'm downloading an insane amount of saves in order to see what I can do later with my own saves and to find any bug. The two bugs that I'm posting right now are from saves found on Project Pokémon. First, a not important one (only about GUI / visual stuff). I've downloaded THIS save : https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?48726-Pokemon-Emerald-save-file-with-all-shiny-Pokemon And there's a box wallpaper not supported by Trigger's PC : Nothing important, but well. An other one, more important. Sometimes, the save is not recognized by Trigger's PC : https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?48285-Gen-III-My-Fire-Red-Save-File-(All-386-Shiny-Battle-Ready-Smogon-movesets-Events-etc-) For exemple with this save, when I want to add it to Trigger's PC it asks me if it's a Ruby or Sapphire save : I've checked with playing, nothing changes (and ok the save is really cheated etc but i just want to check everything) Thanks o/
  9. Oh okay, I just want to help in any way haha, but i'm not that good OTL ! If this could be done, it'd be just perfect for me. And yep, but the asm editing that I did is not affected by that. A Shiny from this hack will not shown as a non-shiny (unlike the Shiny Rate editor from TSK), so i'm aware / okay with that, and just checked, it's working fine, it's perfect ! I'm gonna try with Emeraude+ just for fun o/ (i'll start to check everything tomorrow, 3AM here, so i've to make order in my folders before enjoying that) Edit : Seems to work with Emeraude+, awesome o/ ! <3
  10. Oh yeah I understand. I've started to play on Pokémon Red. But I stayed on Fire Red because of Shiny. I've 100 Shiny (1/8192) and i spent so much amount of hours on these. I love RNGing, Shiny Hunting, Glitching, everything, i've so many saves. This is amazing, really I'm so hyped this is amazing. You're a lover of the 3rd Gen it's obvious ! and this is amazing. It's really about small hacks (for exemple Shiny Rate Editing with asm like I edit, but work with any save editor etc so should work fine) the only thing i could see is about some hack with only 13 boxes. There's a French rom hack really awesome (Emeraude+, Emerald+ so) with many improvements in Emerald (a perfect Emerald, but still the same Emerald) and there's one box deleted... I don't know if this could cause issues. But this is not even important, the job already done is just crazy. Edit : OH YEAH a important thing (for me at lest) would be different icon sprites for Shiny and Normal. I think i've the shiny sprites if you need them ? o/
  11. Okay. I'll be clear with that. You are my hero. I'm an ADDICTIED Gen 3 player (Shiny Hunting / RNGing everything) they are from far my fav gens. And with that, you just put my creativity at an amazing level. Thank you SO MUCH FOR THAT. Supporting all the games that I love, wow this is amazing. I'm downloading that RIGHT now, i have to test everything and help for any bug etc. Just a little question. Is rom hacks are supported ? I'm not talking about huge rom hack etc (like randomizer / little improvements without editing everything) Thanks o/ OMG i'm so hyped. Sorry for my poor english.
  12. Hi ! So some months ago, i've discovered the way to edit the shiny rate for BW/BW2 and HGSS (works perfectly, really nice thanks !) and the Shiny Rate Changing Tool for RF/Ruby/Emerald. Now, there's one "generation" without any explanation : Diamond Pearl Platinum If i'm right, the way to edit the shiny rate is the same : By editing the arm9.bin, no problem for this. But i don't know how to find the adress (searching 08 26 is not the best way haha) If somebody could tell me where the adress is, it'd be nice (i don't care of the game itself just at least one adress for a generation) Thanks o/ Edit : found the adress for Platinum, searching for diamond and pearl o/
  13. Hi everybody ! I'll try to do simple, because if i do a loooong post it'll be boring and english is not my best (even if i try to do my best haha !) So I'm a big fan of Pokemon, and especially of editing everything in roms in order to shiny hunt. I'm not a big fan of doing Rom-hack, but i love editing encounter, always doing something new for this search (a big thanks to KazoWar who helps me A LOT on twitter haha T_T) I spend my time here looking for some tutorials about this (i've discovered how to change many things on 4G/5G games and i'm in love with this haha) I hope to help the forum, first. Thanks o/
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