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Everything posted by mikelan98
DOWNLOAD NDS MAP MAKER 1.2.0 This toolchain allows us to create maps for NDS games (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HG, SS...) without knowing any aspect of 3D modeling. There's a Excel template for creating the maps by composing images (included with the tools). IMDbuilder is a tool that creates directly the .imd model from it, while OBJbuilder creates the .obj (and .mtl) model if you want it to be imported in 3DS Max or Maya (if you know to use these programs and you want, for instance, apply vertex colors or something like that). Please, try to read the document. It is in English and will help a lot to understand how to use the tool. There's a screenshot of the Excel template, along with the in-game 3D model: If used, credits are required
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I have made a list of every script command (as they are named by SDSME, so many of them have no name) that appears in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum versions. I also attach the arm9.bin offsets where each script command has its ASM code in Pokemon Platinum version, CPUE and CPUS versions (both English and Spanish), and the number of variables that can be read by the command. In SDSME, when a command has no name, the hex number must be used instead to compile the script. # (hex) English arm9 Offset Spanish arm9 Offset SDSME Command Name Nº input args 0000 0203F6C4 0203F768 Nop 0 0001 0203F6C8 0203F76C Nop1 0 0002 0203F6CC 0203F770 End 0 0003 0203F6D8 0203F77C Return2 2 0004 0203F74C 0203F7F0 0 0005 0203F764 0203F808 0 0006 0203F780 0203F824 0 0007 0203F79C 0203F840 0 0008 0203F7B4 0203F858 0 0009 0203F7D0 0203F874 0 000A 0203F7F0 0203F894 1 000B 0203F81C 0203F8C0 0 000C 0203F84C 0203F8F0 0 000D 0203F874 0203F918 0 000E 0203F89C 0203F940 0 000F 0203F8C4 0203F968 0 0010 0203F8E0 0203F984 0 0011 0203F900 0203F9A4 If 2 0012 0203F92C 0203F9D0 If2 2 0013 0203F964 0203FA08 0 0014 0203F99C 0203FA40 CallStandard 2 0015 0203FA08 0203FAAC 0 0016 0203FA1C 0203FAC0 Jump 1 0017 0203FA34 0203FAD8 0 0018 0203FA6C 0203FB10 1 0019 0203FA9C 0203FB40 2 001A 0203FAD0 0203FB74 Call 2 001B 0203FAE8 0203FB8C Return 0 001C 0203FAF4 0203FB98 CompareLastResultJump 2 001D 0203FB28 0203FBCC CompareLastResultCall 2 001E 0203FB5C 0203FC00 ClearFlag 1 001F 0203FB74 0203FC18 SetFlag 1 0020 0203FB8C 0203FC30 CheckFlag 1 0021 0203FBA8 0203FC4C 1 0022 0203FBE4 0203FC88 1 0023 0203FC0C 0203FCB0 SetValue 2 0024 0203FC30 0203FCD4 1 0025 0203FC54 0203FCF8 1 0026 0203FC7C 0203FD20 CompareVarsToByte 1 0027 0203FCAC 0203FD50 2 0028 0203FCDC 0203FD80 SetVar 2 0029 0203FD00 0203FDA4 CopyVar 2 002A 0203FD30 0203FDD4 2 002B 0203FD5C 0203FE00 2 002C 0203FFE8 0204008C Message 1 002D 02040028 020400CC Message2 1 002E 020400AC 02040150 1 002F 02040124 020401C8 Message3 1 0030 02040180 02040224 1 0031 020401F4 02040298 WaitButton 0 0032 02040284 02040328 0 0033 020402B4 02040358 0 0034 020402FC 020403A0 CloseMessageOnKeyPress 0 0035 0204032C 020403D0 FreezeMessageBox 0 0036 020404A4 02040548 CallMessageBox 0 0037 02040554 020405F8 ColorMessageBox 3 0038 02040580 02040624 TypeMessageBox 2 0039 0204059C 02040640 NoMapMessageBox 1 003A 020405DC 02040680 CallMessageBoxText 0 003B 02040714 020407B8 2 003C 020407B4 02040858 Menu 1 003D 02040354 020403F8 0 003E 020407C4 02040868 YesNoBox 0 003F 020442B0 02044354 WaitFor 1 0040 020408B0 02040954 Multi 5 0041 02040938 020409DC Multi2 5 0042 020409C0 02040A64 TextScriptMulti 2 0043 02040A2C 02040AD0 CloseMulti 0 0044 02040AE8 02040B8C Multi3 5 0045 02040B70 02040C14 3 0046 02040BF8 02040C9C TextMessageScriptMulti 0 0047 02040C58 02040CFC 0 0048 02040D08 02040DAC MultiRow 1 0049 020483F4 02048498 PlayFanfare 1 004A 02048410 020484B4 PlayFanfare2 1 004B 0204842C 020484D0 WaitFanfare 1 004C 0204846C 02048510 PlayCry 2 004D 020484A0 02048544 WaitCry 0 004E 020484C4 02048568 PlaySound 1 004F 020484D4 02048578 FadeDefaultMusic 0 0050 020482FC 020483A0 PlayMusic 1 0051 0204830C 020483B0 StopMusic 1 0052 02048320 020483C4 RestartMusic 0 0053 02048338 020483DC 1 0054 02048350 020483F4 SwitchMusic 2 0055 0204838C 02048430 1 0056 020483B0 02048454 0 0057 020483CC 02048470 1 0058 020483E0 02048484 4 0059 020484F8 0204859C 1 005A 02048530 020485D4 SwitchMusic2 1 005B 0204855C 02048600 3 005C 02048568 0204860C 0 005D 0204857C 02048620 0 005E 02040D74 02040E18 ApplyMovement 2 005F 02040EFC 02040FA0 WaitMovement 0 0060 02040FA4 02041048 LockAll 0 0061 020411C4 02041268 ReleaseAll 0 0062 020411D4 02041278 Lock 1 0063 020411F0 02041294 Release 1 0064 0204120C 020412B0 AddPeople 1 0065 02041254 020412F8 RemovePeople 1 0066 02041288 0204132C LockCam 2 0067 02041320 020413C4 0 0068 020413F0 02041494 FacePlayer 0 0069 02041420 020414C4 CheckSpritePosition 2 006A 02041464 02041508 3 006B 020414EC 02041590 CheckPersonPosition 3 006C 020415D0 02041674 ContinueFollow 2 006D 02041604 020416A8 FollowHero 2 006E 02041684 02041728 StopFollowHero 2 006F 0204C8F0 0204C994 GiveMoney 2 0070 0204C914 0204C9B8 TakeMoney 3 0071 0204C968 0204CA0C CheckMoney 2 0072 0204C9FC 0204CAA0 ShowMoney 0 0073 0204CA4C 0204CAF0 HideMoney 0 0074 0204CA64 0204CB08 UpdateMoney 1 0075 0204C6C8 0204C76C ShowCoins 0 0076 0204C718 0204C7BC HideCoins 1 0077 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02041568 CheckPosition 1 01BE 0204CD44 0204CDE8 1 01BF 0204CD74 0204CE18 1 01C0 0204DC98 0204DD3C CheckPokemonParty2 5 01C1 02044408 020444AC CopyPokemonHeight 2 01C2 02044444 020444E8 SetVariablePokemonHeight 1 01C3 02044468 0204450C ComparePokemonHeight 1 01C4 020444BC 02044560 CheckPokemonHeight 2 01C5 02044510 020445B4 0 01C6 0204EDA4 0204EE48 MoveInfo 0 01C7 0204EDEC 0204EE90 StoreMove 1 01C8 0204DACC 0204DB70 2 01C9 0204DB74 0204DC18 DeleteMove 2 01CA 0204DBB8 0204DC5C 3 01CB 02047D00 02047DA4 0 01CC 02044528 020445CC 2 01CD 02044558 020445FC 3 01CE 0204466C 02044710 1 01CF 0204E650 0204E6F4 0 01D0 0204E6AC 0204E750 1 01D1 0204E704 0204E7A8 3 01D2 02044670 02044714 2 01D3 020446B4 02044758 1 01D4 02044710 020447B4 2 01D5 02044774 02044818 1 01D6 020447A4 02044848 1 01D7 02042330 020423D4 BerryPoffin 0 01D8 02042368 0204240C 1 01D9 020423BC 02042460 BattleRoomResult 1 01DA 0204950C 020495B0 0 01DB 020494DC 02049580 2 01DC 0204951C 020495C0 0 01DD 02049538 020495DC 2 01DE 02049800 020498A4 4 01DF 02049880 02049924 0 01E0 020498A8 0204994C 3 01E1 020498D0 02049974 2 01E2 020499BC 02049A60 2 01E3 02049A68 02049B0C 2 01E4 02049AB4 02049B58 1 01E5 02044908 020449AC 1 01E6 02044928 020449CC 0 01E7 02044980 02044A24 1 01E8 020447E8 0204488C CheckSinnohPokedex 2 01E9 02044820 020448C4 CheckNationalPokedex 1 01EA 02044858 020448FC ShowSinnohSheet 1 01EB 02044888 0204492C ShowNationalSheet 1 01EC 020448B8 0204495C 3 01ED 020448C8 0204496C 3 01EE 0204DC18 0204DCBC 2 01EF 020448F0 02044994 1 01F0 0204DC60 0204DD04 0 01F1 0204E240 0204E2E4 CheckFossil 3 01F2 0204E370 0204E414 5 01F3 0204E374 0204E418 5 01F4 0204E28C 0204E330 1 01F5 0204E2E0 0204E384 1 01F6 0204D3DC 0204D480 CheckPokemonLevel 2 01F7 0204D398 0204D43C 1 01F8 02041D88 02041E2C 4 01F9 0203F734 0203F7D8 1 01FA 0203FD70 0203FE14 2 01FB 0203FDBC 0203FE60 1 01FC 0203FE20 0203FEC4 1 01FD 0203FE60 0203FF04 1 01FE 0203FEAC 0203FF50 0 01FF 0203FF34 0203FFD8 2 0200 02042A60 02042B04 1 0201 02042A8C 02042B30 3 0202 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1 0226 02044CE4 02044D88 1 0227 02044D08 02044DAC 1 0228 02044D38 02044DDC CheckPokemonTrade 2 0229 02044D68 02044E0C TradeChosenPokemon 2 022A 02044D9C 02044E40 StopTrade 0 022B 02044DB4 02044E58 1 022C 02044DC8 02044E6C 1 022D 02044DDC 02044E80 2 022E 0204DE94 0204DF38 2 022F 0204DF08 0204DFAC 1 0230 0204DFB0 0204E054 3 0231 0204E01C 0204E0C0 4 0232 02047D68 02047E0C 4 0233 02044E40 02044EE4 2 0234 02044EDC 02044F80 1 0235 02048DD8 02048E7C 0 0236 02048F74 02049018 0 0237 02049018 020490BC 4 0238 020490F0 02049194 2 0239 02044F04 02044FA8 DecideRules 1 023A 02044F24 02044FC8 3 023B 02044FA4 02045048 HealPokemonAnimation 1 023C 02044FCC 02045070 1 023D 0204500C 020450B0 ShipAnimation 0 023E 0204B85C 0204B900 2 023F 0204F02C 0204F0D0 0 0240 0204F038 0204F0DC 1 0241 0204F044 0204F0E8 0 0242 0204F048 0204F0EC 0 0243 02042810 020428B4 PhraseBox1W 0 0244 02042868 0204290C PhraseBox2W 2 0245 020428D4 02042978 2 0246 0204504C 020450F0 3 0247 0204D7AC 0204D850 1 0248 0204D7D4 0204D878 1 0249 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02042080 3 028F 02045C50 02045CF4 CheckFirstTimeChampion 2 0290 02045CB8 02045D5C 2 0291 02045CFC 02045DA0 4 0292 02045D70 02045E14 2 0293 02045E14 02045EB8 1 0294 02049B24 02049BC8 ShowBattlePointsBox 1 0295 02049B54 02049BF8 HideBattlePointsBox 0 0296 02049B6C 02049C10 3 0297 02049B8C 02049C30 1 0298 02049BBC 02049C60 0 0299 02049C00 02049CA4 1 029A 02049C44 02049CE8 2 029B 02049C94 02049D38 4 029C 02043B48 02043BEC 2 029D 020409E8 02040A8C ChoiceMulti 2 029E 02045DB0 02045E54 HiddenMachineEffect 2 029F 02045E44 02045EE8 CameraBumpEffect 0 02A0 0204887C 02048920 DoubleBattle 3 02A1 02040DD8 02040E7C ApplyMovement2 5 02A2 02045ECC 02045F70 2 02A3 02045E78 02045F1C 4 02A4 02045EA0 02045F44 2 02A5 020417C0 02041864 ChooseTradePokemon 0 02A6 0204E378 0204E41C 3 02A7 02045F04 02045FA8 2 02A8 0204C7D8 0204C87C 2 02A9 0204C854 0204C8F8 1 02AA 02045F48 02045FEC ComparePhraseBoxInput 1 02AB 0204169C 02041740 1 02AC 02046038 020460DC ActivateMysteryGift 0 02AD 0204163C 020416E0 2 02AE 020482D4 02048378 0 02AF 02046050 020460F4 1 02B0 02046080 02046124 1 02B1 0204608C 02046130 1 02B2 02046098 0204613C 2 02B3 02047DAC 02047E50 1 02B4 020410F4 02041198 0 02B5 020460A8 0204614C 1 02B6 02046108 020461AC 1 02B7 0204E094 0204E138 1 02B8 02048F98 0204903C 1 02B9 02040A78 02040B1C 0 02BA 02043854 020438F8 3 02BB 02043C8C 02043D30 0 02BC 02048AB0 02048B54 CheckWildBattle2 1 02BD 02043330 020433D4 WildBattle2 4 02BE 02046144 020461E8 0 02BF 02042D70 02042E14 BikeRide 0 02C0 02040064 02040108 1 02C1 0204616C 02046210 ShowSaveBox 0 02C2 0204619C 02046240 HideSaveBox 1 02C3 020461C8 0204626C 2 02C4 020461E0 02046284 0 02C5 0204F04C 0204F0F0 0 02C6 020427B4 02042858 SpinTradeUnion 0 02C7 020427E0 02042884 CheckVersionGame 1 02C8 02046340 020463E4 1 02C9 020440BC 02044160 1 02CA 02046294 02046338 FloralClockAnimation 1 02CB 0204DD28 0204DDCC 0 02CC 0204F13C 0204F1E0 0 02CD 020462DC 02046380 1 02CE 020462F4 02046398 2 02CF 0204F398 0204F43C 2 02D0 02041860 02041904 1 02D1 0204F360 0204F404 1 02D2 0204FAB4 0204FB58 3 02D3 0204FCAC 0204FD50 3 02D4 020418E0 02041984 2 02D5 0204FBB4 0204FC58 2 02D6 02043568 0204360C 0 02D7 02043578 0204361C 1 02D8 02046314 020463B8 1 02D9 0205003C 020500E0 1 02DA 020501D8 0205027C 3 02DB 02041984 02041A28 3 02DC 0205013C 020501E0 1 02DD 0204DE00 0204DEA4 2 02DE 021F6454 021F665C 1 02DF 0204CF68 0204D00C 1 02E0 0204CF8C 0204D030 0 02E1 0204CFC4 0204D068 1 02E2 020463B4 02046458 1 02E3 020463E4 02046488 0 02E4 02046400 020464A4 3 02E5 021F77E8 021F79F0 4 02E6 021F7C04 021F7E0C 3 02E7 02041BA8 02041C4C 1 02E8 02041C00 02041CA4 0 02E9 021F7844 021F7A4C 2 02EA 021F789C 021F7AA4 0 02EB 021F7998 021F7BA0 0 02EC 021F82B8 021F84C0 1 02ED 021F8358 021F8560 5 02EE 021F6B3C 021F6D44 5 02EF 020474B8 0204755C 3 02F0 020440CC 02044170 0 02F1 021F6E50 021F7058 0 02F2 020440DC 02044180 0 02F3 02047DE8 02047E8C 0 02F4 0204645C 02046500 0 02F5 0204777C 02047820 2 02F6 020465AC 02046650 3 02F7 02046624 020466C8 0 02F8 020485C0 02048664 0 02F9 020485D4 02048678 1 02FA 020485F4 02048698 1 02FB 02046658 020466FC 0 02FC 0204666C 02046710 0 02FD 020475B8 0204765C 0 02FE 0204E8BC 0204E960 2 02FF 021F6FC0 021F71C8 2 0300 021F71B8 021F73C0 0 0301 021F7208 021F7410 0 0302 020466A4 02046748 1 0303 021F6E9C 021F70A4 0 0304 021F6F44 021F714C 4 0305 021F7270 021F7478 1 0306 02040CB8 02040D5C 2 0307 02045BE4 02045C88 2 0308 02041364 02041408 0 0309 020413D8 0204147C 2 030A 02046868 0204690C 1 030B 02048FD0 02049074 2 030C 02048FE0 02049084 1 030D 02048FF0 02049094 1 030E 020420AC 02042150 1 030F 021F72B8 021F74C0 1 0310 020422B8 0204235C 1 0311 02046888 0204692C 2 0312 020468AC 02046950 1 0313 020468E0 02046984 3 0314 02048BA8 02048C4C 2 0315 02041C8C 02041D30 1 0316 021F7414 021F761C 2 0317 020440EC 02044190 3 0318 020433D8 0204347C 2 0319 02043384 02043428 2 031A 020451F8 0204529C 3 031B 020493C8 0204946C 2 031C 0204E12C 0204E1D0 0 031D 021F6C60 021F6E68 1 031E 021F6D80 021F6F88 1 031F 020468D0 02046974 1 0320 0204693C 020469E0 1 0321 02046958 020469FC 1 0322 0204697C 02046A20 0 0323 0204698C 02046A30 2 0324 0204F6D8 0204F77C 1 0325 0204F8A8 0204F94C 0 0326 0204F950 0204F9F4 0 0327 02040C7C 02040D20 2 0328 020469D0 02046A74 PortalEffect 1 0329 020493F4 02049498 1 032A 0204F9D4 0204FA78 0 032B 02046A4C 02046AF0 2 032C 021F7418 021F7620 4 032D 021F7538 021F7740 1 032E 021F7604 021F780C 0 032F 0204E1D0 0204E274 1 0330 021F7774 021F797C 0 0331 021F76A0 021F78A8 1 0332 021F76D0 021F78D8 0 0333 021F7788 021F7990 1 0334 020449F4 02044A98 1 0335 02044A28 02044ACC 2 0336 02042524 020425C8 1 0337 021F77A8 021F79B0 1 0338 021F7704 021F790C 1 0339 021F7754 021F795C 2 033A 02040D34 02040DD8 1 033B 02040D54 02040DF8 2 033C 02047E20 02047EC4 3 033D 02047E58 02047EFC 2 033E 02047E90 02047F34 1 033F 02047EC8 02047F6C 1 0340 02047F00 02047FA4 1 0341 02047F38 02047FDC 1 0342 02047F80 02048024 1 0343 02047FB4 02048058 1 0344 02047FEC 02048090 1 0345 02048024 020480C8 1 0346 02048060 02048104 2 0347 02048080 02048124 DisplayFloor 1
- 1
This tool is a simple Python script that must be applied to our IMD files. When converting them to NSBMD and importing to SDSME, the maps will show whiten and light (instead of dark, as usually). It is a console command tool, so must be executed from cmd. Type help in the console command for more info. DOWNLOAD LINK
A script editing Problem in HG/SS
mikelan98 replied to YukinaMinato's topic in ROM - NDS Discussion & Help
The problem is in editing the scripts file with PPRE. I suppose that PPRE modifies the order of every original script when compiling the file. And, when the level script of that map (I mean, a special script file which determines the scripts that must be executed immediately after entering the map) tries to run the script nº X, is trying to run a script that wasn't supposed to be executed from a level script. Try using SDSME for editing the script and let's see if we are lucky, but if SDSME also messes up the script slots, the only way left is to edit the files with hex (and it is very difficult to script with hex). -
I've programmed a command line tool for building custom NSBTX (texture files for tilesets), only from a folder where the PNG textures are located. Thus, we can avoid having to make a 3D model with our textures for building the tileset, and we can compose it piecemeal with the textures we are using in the new maps we are designing. DOWNLOAD LINK Requirements Matlab Runtime 2016a (only for x64 systems) g3dcvtr.exe and its xerces-c_2_5_0.dll How to use It is a command line tool, so it must be executed from the cmd. Also, the tool must be placed in the same directory where g3dcvtr.exe is (actually this is optional but recommended), and in the same directory where the texture folder is located (the ones that will compose the tileset). From the command line, once we are in the proper directory, we will write: NSBTXbuilder.exe texturefolder generatedfile.imd And the .nsbtx will be generated in the same directory where the tool is. If g3dcvtr.exe is not found, the program will generate the .imd file, and warn us that we must convert it on our own (remember to use -etex parameter in order to make a texture file instead of a 3D model). Known bugs In some textures with transparent background may appear some odd-colored squares instead of transparency. Texture formats A5I3 and A3I5 are not supported yet, so there is no support for translucent textures. Textures with more than 1024 pixels in either length or height are not supported. The tool is mainly conceived as a method for creating NSBTX files with custom number of textures and particular names. All of three bugs can be solved using MKDSCM (or any simmilar editor) and importing the proper texture.
This guide has been made for two reasons. The first reason is to explain why, when we make a NSBMD map for a HeartGold or SoulSilver ROM, some textures are moving around the map, instead of being still. The second reason is to make a list of every movement, so we can read it when making a map and asign the correct movements for each texture. When a map is imported in HGSS, a different movement is asigned for each first 8 textures listed in the NSBMD model. These textures are commonly ordered alphabetically, so if we want no dynamic textures in the map, we can name 8 unused textures as "AAAsomething" or similar, and hide these textures in off-screen polygons. But if we want to take advantage of these texture movements, here's the list of each movement for the first to the eighth texture (as they are ordered in the NSBMD texture list section). We'd also need to name the first 8 textures so they are in the first 8 slots, but some of them will not be hidden in the map, but shown and with a movement. Movement of lakes: soft left/right + perpetual down (pond_on) Soft up/down (sea_line02) Perpetual right (pond_line) ? Perpetual diagonal right-up (sea_un) Perpetual diagonal left-down (sea_on) ? Perpetual left
I have made a list of every script command (as they are named by SDSME, so many of them have no name). I also attach the arm9.bin offsets where each script command has its ASM code, and the number of variables that can be read by the command. Both IPKE and IPGE versions (English versions of HeartGold and SoulSilver) have the same offset for every command, as IKPS and IPGS (Spanish versions) have. In SDSME, when a command has no name, the hex number must be used instead to compile the script. # (hex) English arm9 Offset Spanish arm9 Offset SDSME Command Name Nº input args 0000 02040890 02040888 Nop 0 0001 02040894 0204088C Nop1 0 0002 02040898 02040890 End 0 0003 020408A4 0204089C Return2 2 0004 02040918 02040910 0 0005 02040930 02040928 0 0006 0204094C 02040944 0 0007 02040968 02040960 0 0008 02040980 02040978 0 0009 0204099C 02040994 0 000A 020409BC 020409B4 1 000B 020409E8 020409E0 0 000C 02040A18 02040A10 0 000D 02040A40 02040A38 0 000E 02040A68 02040A60 0 000F 02040A90 02040A88 0 0010 02040AAC 02040AA4 0 0011 02040ACC 02040AC4 If 2 0012 02040AF8 02040AF0 If2 2 0013 02040B30 02040B28 0 0014 02040B68 02040B60 CallStandard 2 0015 02040BFC 02040BF4 0 0016 02040C2C 02040C24 Jump 1 0017 02040C44 02040C3C 0 0018 02040C7C 02040C74 1 0019 02040CAC 02040CA4 2 001A 02040CE0 02040CD8 Call 2 001B 02040CF8 02040CF0 Return 0 001C 02040D04 02040CFC CompareLastResultJump 2 001D 02040D38 02040D30 CompareLastResultCall 2 001E 02040D6C 02040D64 SetFlag 1 001F 02040D84 02040D7C ClearFlag 1 0020 02040D9C 02040D94 CheckFlag 1 0021 02040DF4 02040DEC 1 0022 02040E1C 02040E14 1 0023 02040DB8 02040DB0 2 0024 02040E44 02040E3C 1 0025 02040E68 02040E60 1 0026 02040E8C 02040E84 1 0027 02040EB4 02040EAC Copy 2 0028 02040EE4 02040EDC 2 0029 02040F14 02040F0C SetVar 2 002A 02040F38 02040F30 CopyVar 2 002B 02040F68 02040F60 2 002C 021EF050 021EF070 1 002D 021EF31C 021EF33C Message 1 002E 021EF35C 021EF37C Message2 1 002F 021EF3E0 021EF400 1 0030 02040F94 02040F8C 1 0031 02040FF0 02040FE8 0 0032 02041064 0204105C WaitButton 0 0033 020410E0 020410D8 0 0034 02041110 02041108 0 0035 02041168 02041160 CloseMessageOnKeyPress 0 0036 020411A4 0204119C FreezeMessageBox 0 0037 02041328 02041320 CallMessageBox 3 0038 020413D4 020413CC ColorMessageBox 2 0039 02041410 02041408 TypeMessageBox 1 003A 0204142C 02041424 NoMapMessageBox 0 003B 0204146C 02041464 2 003C 020415C4 020415BC 1 003D 02041674 0204166C 0 003E 020411D8 020411D0 0 003F 02041684 0204167C 1 0040 020417EC 020417E4 Multi 5 0041 02041808 02041800 Multi2 5 0042 02041824 0204181C TextScriptMulti 2 0043 02041890 02041888 CloseMulti 0 0044 02041950 02041948 Multi3 5 0045 0204196C 02041964 3 0046 02041988 02041980 0 0047 020419E8 020419E0 0 0048 02041A98 02041A90 MultiRow 1 0049 02049228 02049220 PlayFanfare 1 004A 02049244 0204923C PlayFanfare2 1 004B 02049260 02049258 WaitFanfare 1 004C 020492A0 02049298 PlayCry 2 004D 020492E0 020492D8 WaitCry 0 004E 02049304 020492FC PlaySound 1 004F 02049320 02049318 FadeDefaultMusic 0 0050 02049134 0204912C PlayMusic 1 0051 02049144 0204913C StopMusic 1 0052 02049158 02049150 RestartMusic 0 0053 02049170 02049168 1 0054 02049188 02049180 SwitchMusic 2 0055 020491C4 020491BC 1 0056 020491E8 020491E0 0 0057 02049204 020491FC 1 0058 02049214 0204920C 4 0059 02049344 0204933C 1 005A 0204937C 02049374 SwitchMusic2 1 005B 020493B4 020493AC 3 005C 020493C0 020493B8 0 005D 020493D4 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LegendaryBattle 3 024E 0204639C 02046394 1 024F 02043870 02043868 4 0250 021EF398 021EF3B8 1 0251 020463C4 020463BC 0 0252 020463F4 020463EC 1 0253 02046420 02046418 1 0254 02046B1C 02046B14 1 0255 02046B48 02046B40 0 0256 02046B64 02046B5C 2 0257 02046BB4 02046BAC 0 0258 02046BC4 02046BBC StartFriendPark 0 0259 02046BDC 02046BD4 0 025A 02046CB4 02046CAC 1 025B 02046CF0 02046CE8 0 025C 02046D10 02046D08 1 025D 02046D5C 02046D54 1 025E 02046DA8 02046DA0 EndFriendPark 0 025F 02046DF8 02046DF0 0 0260 02046E38 02046E30 3 0261 02046E5C 02046E54 MecScript 0 0262 02046E80 02046E78 0 0263 02046E9C 02046E94 6 0264 02045310 02045308 1 0265 0204723C 02047234 1 0266 0204727C 02047274 1 0267 02047304 020472FC MakePhoto 2 0268 0204731C 02047314 1 0269 02047348 02047340 2 026A 02202308 02202328 CheckAlbumPhoto 1 026B 0204E7DC 0204E7D4 1 026C 0204E808 0204E800 1 026D 02047358 02047350 1 026E 020473D8 020473D0 2 026F 0204BC98 0204BC90 1 0270 0204BCCC 0204BCC4 1 0271 0204BD04 0204BCFC 3 0272 02048C80 02048C78 2 0273 02046438 02046430 1 0274 0204EE50 0204EE48 2 0275 020432A0 02043298 1 0276 020432CC 020432C4 3 0277 020464E0 020464D8 3 0278 0204DFE4 0204DFDC 2 0279 0204EF40 0204EF38 3 027A 0204F1AC 0204F1A4 2 027B 02042644 0204263C 2 027C 0204F174 0204F16C 1 027D 0204F8DC 0204F8D4 3 027E 0204FAD4 0204FACC 3 027F 020426C4 020426BC 3 0280 0204F9DC 0204F9D4 3 0281 02043FEC 02043FE4 3 0282 02043FFC 02043FF4 3 0283 0204FE78 0204FE70 3 0284 02050014 0205000C 3 0285 02042768 02042760 3 0286 0204FF78 0204FF70 1 0287 0204E0BC 0204E0B4 1 0288 02200AF0 02200B10 1 0289 02046554 0204654C 0 028A 02046584 0204657C 1 028B 020465A0 02046598 3 028C 02202B00 02202B20 3 028D 02202E68 02202E88 4 028E 02202B78 02202B98 3 028F 02202BD0 02202BF0 2 0290 02202C28 02202C48 2 0291 022011D4 022011F4 4 0292 020483D8 020483D0 2 0293 02201424 02201444 1 0294 02048C48 02048C40 1 0295 0204869C 02048694 0 0296 020465FC 020465F4 3 0297 02046674 0204666C 1 0298 02049418 02049410 0 0299 0204941C 02049414 1 029A 02049440 02049438 2 029B 020466A8 020466A0 4 029C 020484D8 020484D0 2 029D 0204EB38 0204EB30 2 029E 02201594 022015B4 2 029F 0220178C 022017AC 0 02A0 022017DC 022017FC 3 02A1 020466E0 020466D8 5 02A2 02201470 02201490 2 02A3 02201518 02201538 4 02A4 02201844 02201864 2 02A5 02041A48 02041A40 0 02A6 02042110 02042108 3 02A7 02042184 0204217C 2 02A8 020468F4 020468EC 2 02A9 02042CE0 02042CD8 1 02AA 02046914 0204690C 1 02AB 02049A44 02049A3C 1 02AC 02042948 02042940 0 02AD 02044BE8 02044BE0 2 02AE 02043EB8 02043EB0 0 02AF 02045818 02045810 1 02B0 0204E3CC 0204E3C4 1 02B1 02201304 02201324 1 02B2 0204CFB8 0204CFB0 2 02B3 02046970 02046968 1 02B4 0204F500 0204F4F8 0 02B5 0204F6D0 0204F6C8 1 02B6 0204F778 0204F770 1 02B7 02041A0C 02041A04 1 02B8 020469B4 020469AC 1 02B9 0204F7FC 0204F7F4 0 02BA 02046A1C 02046A14 3 02BB 0220188C 022018AC 0 02BC 0220192C 0220194C CheckWildBattle2 1 02BD 0204E470 0204E468 WildBattle2 4 02BE 0220197C 0220199C 0 02BF 02201990 022019B0 0 02C0 0204512C 02045124 1 02C1 02045160 02045158 0 02C2 02043008 02043000 1 02C3 022019B0 022019D0 2 02C4 022019F0 02201A10 0 02C5 02201A40 02201A60 0 02C6 02256B88 02256ADC 0 02C7 02047414 0204740C 1 02C8 02047424 0204741C 1 02C9 0204749C 02047494 1 02CA 02201B14 02201B34 1 02CB 0204CE60 0204CE58 0 02CC 0225894C 022588A0 0 02CD 02258978 022588CC 1 02CE 02258998 022588EC 2 02CF 022589D4 02258928 2 02D0 02258A18 0225896C 1 02D1 02258BDC 02258B30 1 02D2 020474D8 020474D0 3 02D3 02047518 02047510 3 02D4 02201B40 02201B60 2 02D5 02201C08 02201C28 2 02D6 02201C60 02201C80 0 02D7 02047570 02047568 1 02D8 0204759C 02047594 1 02D9 020475C0 020475B8 1 02DA 020475F0 020475E8 3 02DB 02047634 0204762C 3 02DC 02047644 0204763C 1 02DD 02047664 0204765C 2 02DE 0204769C 02047694 1 02DF 02201C70 02201C90 1 02E0 02201C9C 02201CBC 0 02E1 02201CB4 02201CD4 1 02E2 02201CE0 02201D00 1 02E3 02201D1C 02201D3C 0 02E4 02201D4C 02201D6C 3 02E5 02201DA4 02201DC4 4 02E6 02203094 022030B4 3 02E7 02201F10 02201F30 1 02E8 02201F30 02201F50 0 02E9 02202480 022024A0 2 02EA 020476B4 020476AC OpenLowScreen 0 02EB 0204771C 02047714 CloseLowScreen 0 02EC 02047790 02047788 OpenLowYesNoBox 1 02ED 020477F8 020477F0 Multi4 5 02EE 02047814 0204780C Multi5 5 02EF 02047830 02047828 TextScriptMulti4 3 02F0 02047888 02047880 CloseMulti4 0 02F1 02047AE8 02047AE0 0 02F2 02047B38 02047B30 0 02F3 02047B5C 02047B54 0 02F4 02047B6C 02047B64 0 02F5 02047B7C 02047B74 2 02F6 02047B8C 02047B84 3 02F7 02047BA4 02047B9C 0 02F8 02047BB4 02047BAC 0 02F9 02047BC4 02047BBC 1 02FA 02047BDC 02047BD4 1 02FB 02047BF4 02047BEC 0 02FC 02047C04 02047BFC 0 02FD 02047C14 02047C0C 0 02FE 02047C24 02047C1C 2 02FF 02047C34 02047C2C 2 0300 02047C44 02047C3C 0 0301 02047C54 02047C4C 0 0302 0220205C 0220207C 1 0303 02048218 02048210 0 0304 02048298 02048290 4 0305 02047558 02047550 1 0306 02201A18 02201A38 2 0307 02201AB8 02201AD8 2 0308 022020CC 022020EC 0 0309 022021AC 022021CC 2 030A 022021F8 02202218 1 030B 0220233C 0220235C 2 030C 02202430 02202450 1 030D 0204DDE4 0204DDDC 1 030E 0204812C 02048124 1 030F 02047C64 02047C5C 1 0310 02047C80 02047C78 1 0311 02202930 02202950 2 0312 02202980 022029A0 1 0313 022029B0 022029D0 3 0314 02202A28 02202A48 2 0315 02202A70 02202A90 1 0316 02202ABC 02202ADC 2 0317 02258C00 02258B54 3 0318 02258CDC 02258C30 2 0319 02047964 0204795C TakeMomMoney 2 031A 02047CBC 02047CB4 GiveMomMoney 3 031B 02205164 02205184 OpenMomMoneyBox 2 031C 022051B4 022051D4 CloseMomMoneyBox 0 031D 022051CC 022051EC 1 031E 02047CFC 02047CF4 1 031F 02047D24 02047D1C 1 0320 02047D58 02047D50 1 0321 02047D7C 02047D74 1 0322 02047DB0 02047DA8 0 0323 02047DC8 02047DC0 2 0324 02046FAC 02046FA4 1 0325 02047E14 02047E0C 0 0326 02047E20 02047E18 0 0327 0206DC50 0206DC48 2 0328 022053EC 0220540C 1 0329 02259A30 02259990 1 032A 02047E30 02047E28 0 032B 022024B8 022024D8 2 032C 022024FC 0220251C 4 032D 0204C83C 0204C834 1 032E 02047E40 02047E38 0 032F 02047778 02047770 1 0330 02047E54 02047E4C 0 0331 02047E64 02047E5C 1 0332 02047E7C 02047E74 0 0333 02047E8C 02047E84 1 0334 02047E9C 02047E94 1 0335 02202510 02202530 2 0336 02047EB4 02047EAC 1 0337 02047EC4 02047EBC 1 0338 02047F14 02047F0C 1 0339 022025A8 022025C8 2 033A 022025EC 0220260C 1 033B 0204E4E0 0204E4D8 2 033C 0204E528 0204E520 3 033D 02047F54 02047F4C 2 033E 02047F84 02047F7C 1 033F 02047FB4 02047FAC 1 0340 02047FD4 02047FCC 1 0341 02048004 02047FFC 1 0342 020482F4 020482EC 1 0343 0204839C 02048394 1 0344 02202834 02202854 1 0345 0204802C 02048024 1 0346 02047A7C 02047A74 CheckMomMoneyNumber 2 0347 02202908 02202928 1 0348 02043598 02043590 2 0349 02041AC4 02041ABC 1 034A 02041AE4 02041ADC 1 034B 02048CBC 02048CB4 2 034C 02048CF4 02048CEC 2 034D 02048D2C 02048D24 2 034E 02048D74 02048D6C 3 034F 02048DBC 02048DB4 1 0350 02048DF0 02048DE8 1 0351 02048E28 02048E20 2 0352 02048E60 02048E58 2 0353 02048E98 02048E90 1 0354 02048EB8 02048EB0 2
heartgold Pokemon Light Platinum DS (Beta 1)
mikelan98 replied to mikelan98's topic in ROM - NDS ROM Hacks
New video, and updated main post in hte thread! -
resource [HGSS] Adding new text for new trainers
mikelan98 replied to MeroMero's topic in ROM - NDS Guides and Other Resources
File a/1/3/1 is crucial in this case, too. It's a single binary file with the pointers, for each trainer, to the overworld's first text in a/0/5/7. By this, the little freeze in new trainers disappears when you talk to them. -
heartgold / soulsilver Pokémon SunGold & Pokémon MoonSilver
mikelan98 replied to walnut3072's topic in ROM - NDS ROM Hacks
Did you stole my Drayano's SG/SS update? I inserted the Fairy type in Sacred Gold and Storm Silver 2 years ago, and I posted it. If you used my patch as base, please give credits. https://gbatemp.net/threads/pokémon-sacred-gold-storm-silver.327567/page-91 -
research [GEN IV] BDHC files (terrain settings)
mikelan98 replied to mikelan98's topic in ROM - NDS Research and Development
Nope, those effects are in the Permission Editor in the SDSME BDHCs only affect to the height where the hero is at. -
It's been a loooong time, but finally, I've discovered how the BDHC files work. Please, if you are gonna copy this post in other site, give credits! First of all, I have to thank JayT, who discovered how is the file structured in different parts. Now, I'm gonna explain what does each part. Part P Sets the coordinates of certain points, used later to build rectangles or "plates" of different heights in the Part S. The structure of each element is the following one: 00 00 XX XX 00 00 YY YY XX XX are the coordinates in the X-axis, and YY YY the Y-axis ones. Keep in mind that the origin of coordinates is located at the midpoint of the map, not in a corner. This means that the lower right corner always use positive numbers, but the upper left corner instead must use negative numbers. Remember that FF FF = -1, FE FF = -2, FD FF = -3... The four tiles in the midpoint of the map are (FFFF, FFFF), (0000, FFFF), (FFFF, 0000) and (0000, 0000) respectively. Thus, the point of the upper left corner is: 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 F0 FF And the lower right corner: 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 Part Q It may be related to the stairs, but I need to investigate further. I've already solved this part, but I've still got to translate it to English Part R It sets the different heights where the hero can be in different rectangles or "plates". The structure of the elements of this part is: MM MM ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ refers to the complete-tiles height, ie; for example if the character is at a neutral level, then ZZ ZZ = 00 00. If we climb some stairs and now we are in a height +1, then ZZ ZZ = FF FF (at higher height, instead of growing, it decreases) . If we were at a height +5, it would be FB FF. And if for example we were at -2; 02 00. MM MM measures, instead of full tiles, 65536-ths of tile. For not to talk complicated things; MM MM = 00 80 if the character is in a lake (it would be half a tile down, ie -0.5 tall) and MM MM = 00 00 if the character is anywhere else. For example, if we have: 00 80 FF FF it would mean: FF FF = Height +1 00 80 = Height -0.5 Total height = +0.5 Part S Link points of Part P to create the "plates" or rectangles, and assigns a height of an element of Part R. AA 00 BB 00 QQ 00 RR 00 AA is the number (in hex) of the Part P element where the point of the rectangle in the upper left corner is. Remember that the first element is 00, the second is 01, the third is 02... BB is the number (in hex) of the Part P element where the point of the rectangle in the lower right corner is. RR is the number (in hex) of the Part R element which establishes the height of the plate. If in Part P, for example, we have this: 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 And in the Part R we have: 00 00 FE 00 00 00 01 00 In the S part we have to write: 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 so we create a plate covering from (-16, -16) to (16, 16) (ie, the whole map) and setting a height in the Z axis +2. If instead out: 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 It would be the same as the previous one, but with a height of -1. Part T It divides the map in horizontal strips. Everything must be divided so if we move vertically (up or down) and thus we get in/out of a lake, stairs or similar, we must also be entering a new strip. It's hard to explain; the game can not detect when you enter an area with different height when you move vertically in the same strip (horizontally no problem) so you have to create a new separate strip. As I know it's hard to understand, here's a little picture: There is an element for each strip there. The structure of each element of Part T is: 00 00 YY YY NN NN UU UU Where YY YY is the Y-axis line where the lower limit of the strip is. NN is the number of elements of the Part U that are taken, and starting counting from element number UU UU. Do not worry, I'll explain later. For example, a map where there were two strips, one in the upper half and one in the lower half, would be: 00 00 00 00 NN NN UU UU 00 00 10 00 NN NN UU UU Part U It is a list or enumeration of adjacent plates/rectangles to the strip with which it is linked in Part T. That is, if I'm in the strip 00, Part T load a number of elements of the Part U where there are numbered all the plates where the player is or can access, from this strip. The structure of the elements of Part U is: SS 00 where SS is the number (in hex) of the Part S plate. Part U have many elements of these, and they are usually "segmented" in "zones". In Part T is loaded the number of items to be taken (NN NN) and the number it starts counting (UU UU). For example, in Part U we have: 00 00 01 00 02 00 04 00 00 00 03 00 04 00 And in the T part we are: 00 00 YY YY 04 00 00 00 00 00 YY YY 03 00 04 00 Then, from the first strip, we are or we can access the plates 00, 01, 02 and 04, while from the second strip we are or we can access the plates 00, 03 and 04. Remember they are all adjacent plates, ie, plates belonging to the strip and the ones which are in the limits but do not belong to it (ie, those plates whose height the game has to load while the player is in the strip).
Current version: 0.1.4 Lastest update: 19th December, 2015 Summary Pokémon Light Platinum is a GBA hack launched in 2011 by the ROM hacker WesleyFG. Due to its success -partly because it was one of the few that managed to be completely finished- and that, in recent years, the NDS hacking has gained much more capabilities, I am now remaking this hack in this platform for people who have not played the GBA version yet, and partly to encourage people to start in this new platform; begin to investigate further and explore it. Changes Although the plot, locations, characters and other features are almost the same, there are many changes (some small, some more noticeable) with respect to the original version: There are almost 450 Pokémon more than in the original version. All those that appeared in the GBA version will appear in this version, these new Pokémon come from the seven different generations. This leads to the Pokédex will be a little more difficult to complete, having a total of 807 Pokémon to capture from all generations. Due to these new Pokémon, now trainers have different Pokémon parties from the original game, and in the majority of cases, they will be much stronger. Similarly, the wild Pokémon will differ (although to a lesser extent) the original, with more variety in the different towns and routes and other ways to find wild Pokémon (such as honey trees, Headbutt, fishing...). Slight changes in the game's plot, although they are minor and the only reason they were made is to adapt the scripts to the capabilities of the base ROM. Fairy type inserted (with all its weaknesses and strengths). All Pokémon that in the sixth generation possess this kind, they will in the hack (Gardevoir, Sylveon...). In addition, the weaknesses and strengths of other types have also been updated to the sames they have in the sixth generation. Successfully introduced a new system of berries, that was lost in both original Light Platinum and HeartGold & SoulSilver. Now berry trees will be stationary on the different routes, and they will give one berry each day (at 00:00 everyday there are new berries on the trees which didn't have). The trees of all 64 different berries are hidden throughout the Zhery and Lauren regions, so you have to look very well to get them all. Other small changes, such as increasing the chance of finding a shiny Pokémon (from 1/8192 to 1/257), or changing the stats of some Pokémon that increase them in the sixth generation. Scans They will be updated every so often. Credits and thanks :: Nex, Peyi, Kyledove, Zelda, GSC platinum, Alistair, Saurav, Shiny Lugia, Dewity, WesleyFG for all the tiles and graphics (both original game and this remake) :: WesleyFG for letting me remake his hack :: Spiky because I would never have achieved any of this without his help :: Rafa/Klein for always being there supporting me and being a good friend :: Trifindo because he was one of the few brave who dared with NDS hacking :: WaH, Hoko, NHD and PFG because due to these sites I am today the ROM hacker I am :: The music I listen to while I'm ROM hacking, because whatever happens, LODVG, Mecano, Amaral or ABBA will be with me forever Bugs, errors and possible changes The textures of the maps, and the game generally, works quite poorly in No$GBA. This emulator is not suitable to load homebrew or hack-ROMs, so if you're using an emulator to play the hack, please, use DeSmuME. Some flashcards give problems with the game, although they are only a minority. I'm still researching why it may be happening. As in the original HeartGold and SoulSilver, the game may freeze every so often or give graphical errors when entering a map. In the latter case, just open the Pokémon menu or the Pokédex and close it to fix the error. Neither the minisprite of the female character is changed, or the texts are adapted to differentiate between male or female. Please, select the male hero for the moment. If you pay attention, in some random points on the map you will be able to hear sea waves. This is something that, for now, is beyond my knowledge and I have no idea how to solve it, but I hope to be able to fix it in the future. Changelog Version 0.2.0 - TBA - Added all of 807 existing Pokémon in the ROM (first expansion of Pokedex). - Every map, script and event finished beyond the fourth Badge. - Revised wild Pokémon in previous routes. - Modified most of previous trainers. - Two-thirds of the Safari Zone are now accesible. - Fixed lot of bugs that were in the previous version. - Incompatibility with savegames from older versions. Version 0.1.5 - Private developer version, not officially published. Version 0.1.4 - 19th December 2015 - Xmax special version. - Snowy maps along the region. - New wild Pokémon adapted for the new cold weather. - First Mystery Gift developed so far. Version 0.1.3 - 22nd November 2015 - New title screen for the game. - Added the version number in the title screen. - Finished Route 406 with all of its scripts and events. - Fixed lot of bugs that were in the previous version. - Corrected some grammar mistakes in the English version. Version 0.1.2 - 5th November 2015 - English version of the game, added some little things and the Esmerald City easter egg. Version 0.1.1 - 26th August 2015 - Inserted Pantem Town and Route 406 maps. - Fixed lots of bugs that were in the previous version. - Scripts and trainers of Route 405 are finished (now you can wake Snorlax up). Version 0.1.0 - 17th July 2015 - Version for testing and recording gameplay, filtered and with some bugs and errors. Download You can download the game and check out all new updates in the official page: http://goo.gl/RLR5H9
answered [HGSS|ASM] Repointing the Pokédex table in RAM
mikelan98 replied to mikelan98's topic in ROM - NDS Discussion & Help
I finally managed to repoint the second table, now the only thing I have to do is find the instruction which reads the table and shows the Pokémon in the Dex, but I think that this will be even hardest EDIT: Nevermind, I've been very lucky and I have found in stack an offset where I've found the rest of the instructions. HGSS with 721 Pokémon soon (?) -
answered [HGSS|ASM] Repointing the Pokédex table in RAM
mikelan98 replied to mikelan98's topic in ROM - NDS Discussion & Help
After working hard and setting thousands of breakpoints, I managed to find the instructions which write the table (in random offset). They are in Overlay 18, and in RAM are located in 0x21F7EA0 (writes first table) and 0x21F8556 (writes second table). I'll see what I can do -
Hi everyone! Last week I managed to insert new Pokémon in HeartGold, but I have still to fix some things, like the Pokédex and the following overworlds. I've also managed to make the game to register the new Pokémon in the Pokédex (the game didn't allow to register Pokémon beyond the 493). There is a region in the RAM (around the address 022C0AB0) where there is a table of the registered Pokémon in the Pokédex. The first part is a list of the viewed/catched Pokémon, the second one, the proper table (4 bytes for each entry of the Pokédex). Format is PP PP TT 00, where PP PP is the index number of the Pokémon (2 bytes) and TT is the type of register of the Pokémon (00 = none, 01 = only seen, 02 = catched). But I have a problem, because if I see any Pokémon beyond Arceus, the table overruns other stuff in the RAM, making the game crash. The best solution is repointing the table (maybe to some free space from the Overlay 18 region), but there is also another problem. The table is stored in a different offset in the RAM every time I start the game. How could I find "something" to repoint the table to other region of the RAM?