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Posts posted by sora10pls

  1. 7 hours ago, Malicart said:

    If I wanted to read some base stats or movepool changes from a set of romfs files what would I need to do? Is it possible to read them by themselves or would I need to extract the cia or 3ds file to set as context. This is mainly regarding a set of ultra sun romfs files that I want to read because the hack creator didn't make a list of the stat, ability, typing and movepool changes they made and I want to see what they are. If there are any specific programs I need to potentially extract the game from my 3ds if someone could direct me towards that as well that would be appreciated.

    Dump your own game and replace the GARCs from your dump with the GARCs from the ROM hack.

  2. 1 hour ago, NamelessWhatever said:

    (hey, I'm back)

    Hm, alright. I had a code.bin file in the TitleID root and a .code.bin file in the exe folder, and since they were different filesizes I assumed they had different purposes rather than one just being the decompressed version of the other. I tried this now and it worked, so thanks! It always seems the biggest problems have the easiest solutions lol, pretty stupid that it was such a small thing after I had so much drama with this whole ExeFS thing.

    This didn't fix the saving issue, but after looking at the RomFS directories here and deleting mostly everything I didn't know about from the SD card, now I just managed to save three times with no problems. I can't be sure yet that the issue is solved, because occasionally in the past it would have these spells where everything seemed to be fine, but I think I truly believe this time.

    So with that, most of my problems here I believe are solved. If the big one (saving) is, then I'm gonna be pretty pleased, though I would still like to know how to mod textures as I really wanted to change some shinies (hopefully without crashing the game this time). It seems this was doable in some earlier version of Ohana 3DS (?), but in all the versions I downloaded the necessary features were either missing or didn't work properly (same for SPICA).

    Did you copy the entire RomFS directory from your ROM dump? You should only be moving over files that you edited with pk3DS. You can always find GARCs in Options->About GARCs. Depending on the game, it'll output every GARC that pk3DS can load/edit. Example of Omega Ruby: https://i.imgur.com/YFJ4dIR.png

    So if, for example, I only randomized Wild Encounters, Trainer Pokemon, and Static Encounters in Moon, I would move the following to my SD Card:
    The rest of the GARCs wouldn't be moved to my SD Card because they were not modified and there serves no purpose of moving them.

    As for CROs, there are only a few notable ones:
    - DllBattle.cro (Gen 6; Type Chart)
    - DllField.cro (Gen 6; Static Encounters, Gift Pokemon)
    - DllPoke3Select.cro (Gen 6; Starter Models)
    - Shop.cro (Gen 7; Poke Mart data)

    If you're only moving files that were edited, the game should experience no slowdown whatsoever. I've made several randomizers and never came across the issues you mentioned because I only moved what was edited, the rest is loaded by the game at default. Luma LayeredFS only checks for edited files on the SD Card, and if said file doesn't exist, it loads from the game on its own -- hence the extra, unedited files are unnecessary ;)

  3. 18 hours ago, Theoldbucwild said:

    hey, how come when i try to edit the trainers or static encouters i get an error and the program closes

    Use the latest build.

    18 hours ago, AceHeart said:

    I'm having trouble randomizing UM.

    sometimes, the edited (repacked) ROM crashes when I try to load it. other times it works fine, and I just don't know why. I'm only editing Wild Encounters. Did this 4 times- worked twice, failed twice. are there stuff I shouldn't touch for US/UM, like SOS or fishing encounters? one guide I watched said to keep PK3DS open when copying the ROMfs folder, is that true? any other tips that help?

    Don’t repack a CIA (or .3DS for Gateway); use Luma LayeredFS. 

  4. @NamelessWhatever If you're adding GARCs/CROs to the following path, then you're using Luma LayeredFS:

    (ExeFS edits go to the following path: SD:/luma/titles/0004000000055D00/code.bin)

    code.bin should never be re-compressed when put back on the SD Card, Luma LayeredFS only (properly) loads decompressed. I wouldn't expect the "too many files" thing to be related, since I always add ~12 or so files when doing a Gen 6 randomizer and have never experienced any slowdown or crashes.

    As for shiny rate, make sure you're using the latest build as older builds just straight up didn't work with the Shiny Rate Editor.

  5. 10 hours ago, NamelessWhatever said:

    Does anyone have any idea on what it might be? I've done edits on a lot of RomFS stuff and had messed around with CRO a bit as well, but I've already tried deleting the modded CRO files and it still didn't work (and I had also tried changing ExeFS stuff but gave up on it because I didn't know how to bring those changes into the game).

    Read my last comment here regarding ExeFS edits. As for the rest, I have 2 questions:

    1. What are you using to run the mods? Luma LayeredFS? NTR LayeredFS? A rebuilt CIA?
    2. What changes did you make? Would need to know every last one, since I've been playing a Pokemon X randomizer with no issues whatsoever.

  6. 7 hours ago, Brodie said:

    Just 1 more question. If I randomize so I can find wild megas. How do I keep them as mega pokemon because I know from past experiences they revert to base form when saving with one in your party.

    Having it in your Box doesn’t revert the Form after exiting the game.


    10 minutes ago, RSiopa said:

    I can randomize the romfs files but something like the tms I don't really know how to do. I have tryed everything that I think of but nothing worked. Can someone make me feel dumb and explain what i have to do to randomize the tms?

    Make sure your code.bin is decompressed, edit with the TM editor in the ExeFS tab. When done, rename .code.bin to code.bin and move it to the appropriate location on your SD Card (assuming Luma LayeredFS, sd:/luma/titles/<titleid>/)

  7. 18 hours ago, Brodie said:

    I just have a question. When I try to randomize my UM, I've noticed that its never picking things like Zeraora or any of the new ultra beasts even though you can manually select them. Was just wondering why this is happening?

    I can double-confirm this. After 3 attempts at randomization with SMWE/SMTE and dumping changes to a text file, species 803-807 are never included once. Alternate Formes, however (Necrozma, Lycanroc, Totem, etc.), are included fine. Unsure if other editors are affected by this, though they probably are.

  8. For clarification: Totem-Sized gifts can breed, but because there’s no Totem-Sized offspring, every Pokémon bred from a Totem-Sized gift can never evolve into a Totem-Sized Pokémon

  9. @Kingsbury8 Depends on what version of Luma3DS you're running.

    If 7.0.5 or earlier, the code.bin must be in the path /luma/code_sections/<titleid>.bin
    If 7.1 or later, the code.bin must be in the path /luma/titles/<titleid>/code.bin

    It must also match whichever version of the game you have installed. If you have no update data, it must be from a dump of the game (1.0).
    If you do have update data installed, it must match that version (ie, 1.5 for XY, 1.4 for ORAS, 1.2 for SM).

  10. On 10/21/2017 at 11:50 PM, JimmyT said:

    My trainer levels are too high when i randomize pokemon moon! hau has lvl 15 starters and O.K.O me. Pk3ds didnt make the trainers too high when i randomized omega ruby. Anways I need help figuring this one out! Also when i randomize tms and mart items it dosent randomize inside the game it just stays the same 

    Trainer PKM levels - made the decimal value too high. For reference:
    • 5% increase: set to 1.05
    • 10% increase: set to 1.10
    • 20% decrease: set to 0.80

    TMs / Mart - they’re not stored in GARCs.

    Assuming you’re still referring to Sun/Moon...
    For TMs, move your modified code.bin to the appropriate location. For Mart, move your modified Shop.cro to the appropriate location.

    These locations differ if you’re using Luma LayeredFS, SaltySD, or whatever else there is (NTR LayeredFS plugins?)

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