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Posts posted by sora10pls

  1. 9 hours ago, Codoro said:

    Glad to see this place is back up a d running. I had finally convinced myself to make a profile only to find out it was down.. anyways!


    I'm looking for the latest version of Pk3ds but I can't seem to find anything. I want to tweak a few things like move types and strength, Pokemon types, base stats, and exp growth rates to march how I had things in XY/Oras. Am I not looking hard enough, or is SuMo not pk3ds compatible yet? I thought I'd heard that Dray was working on a romhack, so I assumed it was. Any help would be great, guys. Thanks!


  2. When it comes to certain Wild Pokemon in X and Y (list below), would they fall under the category of Static Pokemon or Scripted Encounters? I haven't seen them in the Static Encounters editor, so I would only imagine they're scripted and can't be modified as of now.

    - Snorlax on Route 7

    - Venipede in bush

    - Woobat/Ferroseed/Noibat/etc. from ceiling

    - Banette/Garbodor/etc. from trash bins

  3. Title says it all. While it does have its uses, it can get rather annoying (I've realized this today) when trying to output all of my Wonder Cards as .wc6 files. Perhaps replacing the prompt with a button somewhere in the window that allows you to toggle the (Un)Used flag. Just a suggestion I thought I'd share :)


  4. I'm not entirely sure how feasible implementing this would be, but do you think that a feature for the "Level Up Moves" editor could be added that gives all Pokemon with updated level up moves in ORAS the same level up moves in XY?


    - Gyarados learns Hydro Pump at Level 41 in XY, while it learns Hydro Pump at Level 44 in ORAS (due to Crunch [ORAS exclusive] being learned at Level 41).

    - Nuzleaf learns Feint Attack at Level 31 in XY, while it learns Feint Attack at Level 24 in ORAS (due to Leaf Blade [ORAS exclusive] being learned at Level 28).

    The click of a button could simply replace the Pokemon's XY level up moves with its ORAS level up moves.

    Note: I'm aware of Kyogre and Groudon having Origin Pulse and Precipice Blades respectively, although those two Pokemon could simply be excluded from the list.

  5. To clarify, I've tried this with both my Party and Battle Box and had the same result.

    Every time I try to export a Pokemon with a nickname and then import it with Showdown's Team Builder, it isn't recognized due to the lack of brackets around the Pokemon's name. Included below is an image as to what I mean (Showdown not recognizing the imported text on the left, and what PKHeX exported on the right).

    Image: http://i.imgur.com/yQUftNt.png

    All that's needed to fix this is adding brackets around the Pokemon's name if it does have a nickname. :)


    Egg Hatcher (Talonflame) (M)

    IVs: 18 HP / 19 Atk / 26 Def / 14 SpA / 10 SpD / 26 Spe

    EVs: 9 HP / 29 Atk / 200 Def / 73 SpA / 139 SpD / 60 Spe

    Ability: Flame Body

    Level: 100

    Careful Nature

    - Fly

    - Secret Power

    - Flare Blitz

    - U-turn


    Egg Hatcher Talonflame (M)

    IVs: 18 HP / 19 Atk / 26 Def / 14 SpA / 10 SpD / 26 Spe

    EVs: 9 HP / 29 Atk / 200 Def / 73 SpA / 139 SpD / 60 Spe

    Ability: Flame Body

    Level: 100

    Careful Nature

    - Fly

    - Secret Power

    - Flare Blitz

    - U-turn

  6. Wild Randomizer does not modify Formes; they will not be perma-megas.

    Trainer Randomizer only gives megas for the special trainers if you have Ensure Story MEvo enabled. It doesn't give it to every trainer; that'd water down the 'specialness' of mega evolutions.

    Have you ever considered having at least the option included with the Wild Encounters / Trainer Editors? I'm not sure how difficult that would be to add in, but simply having the option is a lot nicer than leaving it out entirely. I'm sure a lot out there (myself included) would love its inclusion. :)

  7. Something very minor that I noticed: the 'Electrizer' is listed as 'Electirizer' in the drop-down list(s) of Items.

    Side-note: this typo is also in pk3DS if you want to update that too. :)

  8. I have two quick questions?

    1. Does anybody have any idea why starter randomization crashes the game when run through HANS? If so, do you think there will be an upcoming fix for that (particularly asking that last bit to Kaphotics)?

    2. The OP mentions a Special Mart Inventory randomizer option, yet from the latest build on the OP, I can't seem to find any randomization options for the Special Mart inventory. Any idea why that is?

    Other than that, you're doing a great job on the program. Keep up the great work! :)

  9. Control clicking Randomize IVs sets them all to 31, alt clicking Randomize IVs sets them all to zero (iirc)

    clicking a label 6x is a little more work for a user instead of setting all to 31 and choosing a hidden power type (and maybe altering a single IV afterward)

    I had no idea about the Control click setting them all to 31, thanks for the heads up on that! Although I did try out Alt clicking with it only normally randomizing the IVs. Control clicking on Randomize EVs did however set all the EVs to 0.

    I figured that the implementation wouldn't be too great, but it's still worth asking, right? Thanks!

  10. I've been making a lot of Pokemon as of late, and when editing their IV/EV spreads I became peculiar. Would you see a feature of automatically making the IV of each individual stat on a Pokemon 31 just by clicking the respective Label? If you're not sure on how I worded that (I couldn't blame you), this is what I mean. I added a picture of the Stats tab for reference.


    Click Label "IVs" -> All IVs become 31.

    Click Label "HP" -> HP IV becomes 31.

    Click Label "Atk" -> Atk IV becomes 31.

    Click Label "Def" -> Def IV becomes 31.

    Click Label "SpA" -> SpA IV becomes 31.

    Click Label "SpD" -> SpD IV becomes 31.

    Click Label "Spe" -> Spe IV becomes 31.

    Although I'm not exactly sure if implementing this would be necessary if at all used often by other people, it still seems like a nice addition that I thought I'd suggest! :)


  11. I was looking through my boxes and noticed that the Hidden Power type on my Latios (Fire) was showing up as Ground in PKHeX, when the IV spread shown in the Stats tab does in fact give the Pokemon a Hidden Power type being Fire.

    EDIT: Turns out that all types except for Dark, Dragon, Fighting, and Ice weren't displaying properly. All of the mix-ups are listed here:

    - Bug (31/30/30/31/30/31) displaying as Electric

    - Electric (31/31/31/30/31/31) displaying as Steel

    - Fire (31/30/31/30/31/30) displaying as Ground

    - Flying (30/30/30/30/30/31) displaying as Ground

    - Ghost (31/30/31/31/30/31) displaying as Psychic

    - Grass (31/30/31/30/31/31) displaying as Ghost

    - Ground (31/31/31/30/30/31) displaying as Bug

    - Poison (31/31/30/30/30/31) displaying as Rock

    - Psychic (31/30/31/31/31/30) displaying as Grass

    - Rock (31/31/30/31/30/30) displaying as Fire

    - Steel (31/31/31/31/30/31) displaying as Ice

    - Water (31/30/30/30/31/31) displaying as Bug



  12. Hey, all. I was recently trying to make a Jellicent for a UU team, and I noticed something peculiar while doing so. I tried to change the gender of my Jellicent from Male to Female, and oddly enough, the gender stuck to Male while being previewed. So, being curious as I was, I tested it out with its pre-evolved form, Frillish, and yet another Pokemon that I know has a different look when it comes to genders; Meowstic. Surely enough, the menu sprites stayed the same for Frillish, but as for Meowstic, the menu sprite at the top right did change when I made it Female, and the form ALSO changed to Female. I've provided screenshots below to show you exactly what I mean:

    Male Frillish - http://prntscr.com/69ual6

    Female Frillish - http://prntscr.com/69ub26

    Male Jellicent - http://prntscr.com/69ubcs

    Female Jellicent - http://prntscr.com/69ubly

    Male Meowstic - http://prntscr.com/69ubx6

    Female Meowstic - http://prntscr.com/69uc3k

    As you can see, next to "reroll," the gender icon DOES change. The fact of the matter is that the menu sprite at the top right doesn't, and neither does the form itself in the drop-down menu next to its level of Friendship. Another thing that I should mention, is that when I injected all six of these Pokemon into my game, their genders had all changed accordingly; the problem lies within the preview of the Pokemon in PKHeX. A quick fix, but it needed to be shared. I couldn't find a post regarding this bug, but if there already was, please let me know. Thanks!

  13. Hello. I'm not too sure if this is meant to be shown off like this, but when I was editing a Shedinja in PKHeX, I noticed that its HP wasn't set to 1, regardless of what level I put it at. The HP changed to 1 when I injected it into my game, however.

    Level 1 Shedinja - http://prntscr.com/600zfx

    Level 100 Shedinja - http://prntscr.com/600zoh

    As you can see, the HP stat is 11 at Level 1, and 143 at Level 100; when in reality, they should both be 1. Just something I found a while ago, and if this is intentional, please let me know. Thanks! :]

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