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Everything posted by SunWukong

  1. Does your English version work with other games besides Pokemon, or it just meant for Pokemon? I just ordered Cyber Gadget, and it would be nice being able to apply cheats to other games without having to use a translation tool to figure out what I'm doing.
  2. They've added more pokemon to this code, it looks like they are planning to create the entire pokedex. They're also competively EV trained, have competitive natures, moves, and perfect IVs right out of their eggs, which is pretty impressive and convenient, and I'm guessing once they finish all the pokemon codes, there will be an option to load your boxes with a complete living pokedex, all battle trained and ready to go right out of their eggs. Not bad, powersaves, not bad. I guess they had to step their game up after the new exploit.
  3. The level each pokemon starts at and their starter moves are also listed on bulbapedia. Can you make a program to grab all that info from the site? If not, I could manually go through and copy them all into a list, but I wouldn't have it done right away, it would take a while to do all 721 pokemon.
  4. Ok, maybe we can do competitive egg moves with Wicked13's list, that would make it even better
  5. I see your point, there is no easy way to determine "competitive" egg moves for all pokemon. How about one of each pokemon with perfect IVs, KB/HB, starter levels, starter moves, and good natures? By good nature, I mean any nature listed for that pokemon on smogon, and no natures that have no effect. For example... Charmander, Level 1, Adamant, Scratch, Growl Charmeleon, Level 16 , Adamant, Scratch, Growl, Ember Charizard, Level 36, Adamant, Wing Attack, Flame Burst, Scary Face, Dragon Rage Legendaries would have the levels and moves they would be caught with in the wild, and come from legal origin games. For abilities, I would generate two sets, one with hidden ability, and the other with ability 1. For shiny, I would make one set completely shiny, the other non shiny. Edit: also give all pokemon pokerus
  6. I don't want them for LC, I just really want a complete living pokedex in my game, and I'd like them to all be at starter levels (for example, Charmander lvl 1, Charmeleon lvl 16, and Charizard lvl 36), and I want them to be KB/HB (you get a special certificate in the game for having a complete KB/HB pokedex), perfect IV, competitive natures, and egg moves.
  7. I could make a competetive living dex list with starter levels if you want, just let me know what format you want it in.
  8. Wicked13, if no one else makes one, I'll eventually create a competitive KB/HB living pokedex at starter levels, but not anytime soon because I've been too busy with other things.
  9. Is there a way to edit the dexnav encounters and set all to 999?
  10. Does anyone have a complete living pokedex they could share?
  11. SunWukong


    I've been wondering this as well, I'd definitely donate
  12. Just open your game save in PKhEx, download the PKM from pokedit, drag and drop the PKM file to one of the boxes in your PC in PkHex, export your save file and inject it back into your game.
  13. Just download the PKM from here and open it in PKHeX http://archive.pokedit.com/download/event-pkm/
  14. Relearn moves are the last 4 moves that the pokemon forgot, I believe. If you want to make your pokemon 100% legit you need to select these.
  15. SunWukong

    Shiny Egg?

    Yes, it's possible. There's a new powersaves code that lets you create shiny eggs with whatever stats you want, but you receive the egg as a wonder card.
  16. Thanks for all the work you put into this. How are you mass editing all of the pokemon files though? I've been looking for a tool to mass edit so I can change shiny, ivs, pokerus, ect.
  17. Sometimes it does this to me too, and I just give it a minute and it will start responding again. Just be patient and let it do whatever it's doing without clicking on anything.
  18. I know you said you don't want to allow mass editing for the OT, but what about mass deleting of all nick names, or giving all pokemon shiny/unshiny, or perfect IV?
  19. What is LC?
  20. You have the met level at 0 which is impossible. This is where you want to post threads like this in the future: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?40-Pok%E9mon-Legality EDIT: And your SID is 0, that needs to be filled out.
  21. Just don't update your firmware, and if a game requires the new firmware to run, use RegionThree to launch it
  22. SciresM said that it doesn't work with all carts yet, and if you get blank PC boxes to PM him with your ramsav.bin so he can fix it. In fact, it's the first thing he said in this thread..
  23. I'm able to transfer all of these pokemon to the bank except for black and white Kyurem. Any idea why?
  24. Do you guys hear that? I think it's the sound of Powersaves and Cyber Gadget employees crying somewhere... Thanks for all your hard work!
  25. Kalos born and Hoenn born
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